Who went "full fedi" yet?

Bit of a simple question: Some people on lemmy are still posting stuff from youtube, xitter and the like.

Have you gone full fediverse yet or how far are you?

  1. traded reddit for lemmy/kbin
  2. xitter for mastodon
  3. discord for matrix
  4. youtube for peertube

Obviously I also mean other alternatives. Which ones do you use and why?

Disclaimer: this question is me asking genuinely but also trying to make it fun by arbitrary ranking/escalating it. Not trying to say one is better than the others.

mrbubblesort avatar

I realize I'm a bit strange when it comes to social media, but have never signed up for twitter, discord, youtube, facebook, instagram, or anything else like that. I had a reddit account, but bailed as soon as I heard about kbin. So yeah, I gues that makes me a full fedi.


I suppose it does. Congrats to not giving in to megacorp stuff. :)

mrbubblesort avatar

to be fair, kinda helps that I was an adult and not in the US before most of those services even became a thing ;)


Yes, that probably changes a lot.


Same, I’ve watched everything from MySpace to Twitter come and go without ever participating. I would browse reddit and did comment on the small subs for my hobbies in the early days.

I feel like the internet is collapsing, in 2-5 years things are going to be so different. I’m here to shit post and cry until it ends. It’s was fun while it lasted.

@hellweaver666@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I dumped Twitter in the first wave after Elon took over and found a new home on Mastodon. Deleted my Reddit accounts during the API crisis (I still visit but no longer contribute) and spend some time on Lemmy (haven’t yet found the community to be as engaging). Sadly there isn’t a viable alternative for YouTube yet.


And, honestly, I feel like there will never be an alternative to YouTube.

Hosting video costs a lot of money, it’s not something anyone can do

@rickdg@lemmy.world avatar

Even if you magically host video, the real challenge is discoverability.

It’s a bit like how easy it is to replace google maps, but the secret sauce is google places.


I can see how you would think that but peertube is very good bar the discoverability atm. Hosting your own content is easy and cheap. Just the search engine needs to be better. And you need to be able to search all federated servers.

My example is minecraft. I make videos but if I search minecraft on peertube some random stuff gets pushed for a reason I cant understand.

@rickdg@lemmy.world avatar

And the almost hidden gotcha of sharing your IP.

@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

You don’t use a VPN?


You can use a VPS or cloudflare in that case


You‘re talking about the peer2peer video sharing. Thats an entire different can of worms in my book. Not sure about that either. But youtube and the whole megacorp situation is an abomination that needs to go, no matter the past advances they made. One reason they act anti competitively is because being innovative is hard and risky and they‘d rather get rich securely.

@hellweaver666@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Yeah the scale of infrastructure needed for video hosting at a scale needed for creators to move over is nutso. The creators won’t move without the audience, the audience won’t move without the creators. Only way it could work is if another “megacorp” decided to take on YouTube and incentivised creators to move.

Pretty much only Apple and Microsoft have the funds to pull that off.


Still, there is place for competition, people just need to stop expecting these services to be completely free of charge. When Google 'fees' (data collection and ads) will stop being hidden or easily avoidable other companies will be able to provide similar services for a fair price.

@MostlyBlindGamer@rblind.com avatar

Yup, I’m paying for Nebula which is creator-owned. It doesn’t do everything YouTube does, but it’s a cool direction for the medium to go into - at least to try.

@hellweaver666@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Also stopped using Insta after the fuckers randomly blocked me and demanded access to my ID to release. I’m not giving them my passport just so I can doomscroll.

ZILtoid1991 avatar
  1. I already had issues with Reddit long before the API drama, due to spam, etc. However when the API drama dropped, I almost 100% switched to kbin, save for the rare occasion I found some useful info on Reddit, with the occasional tumbling into some other interesting threads.
  2. I post more often to Mastodon, slowly leaving Twitter too, I just need to convince my fellow authors to do so, to give me even less reason to use it. I however decided to limit posting updates of my game engine to Twitter, and instead use the main account now dedicated for it ( @PixelPerfectEngine )
  3. I haven't heard of Matrix, I'll look up it. I don't have any major gripes with Discord so far.
  4. Peertube is fine and dandy, however it's even less adapted than other Fediverse platforms, all while YouTube would be mostly fine IF IT DIDN'T ACTIVELY TRIED TO SABOTAGE MY FIREFOX! I EVEN PAY FOR PREMIUM AND MEMBERSHIPS!

I don't really use any other save for following a bunch of Misskey accounts with my Mastodon. However, I was thinking on creating a federated game launcher/gaming-focused social network similar to Steam. Some parts of it would use ActivityPub (especially public stuff like achievements), others XMPP or something similar. Issues are the question of a copy protection system, and an anti-cheat system. Banning pirated copies of the game from official networks is probably easy even with open source tools, and likely not so controversial. Anything more than that would require more complicated setups, such as a lot of proprietary stuff, not to mention are very controversial, especially with gamers. Anti-cheat systems are also a though issue, likely being the responsibility of the developer, and also there' a lot of controversy with them with kernel-level anti-cheat systems.


Sounds awesome! I would instantly sign up for a federated steam! let me know if you go forward. Would even donate.

On the other hand: youtube is evil. Maybe help framasoft with peertube if you’re a dev anyway? Their idea is great. the discoverability is trash though.

If you check matrix, feel free to add me @haui:matrix.giftedmc.com


I still use Reddit, mostly for the memes, but generally, rarely, like once every few days, while I visit Lemmy daily (a few times a day). The 2nd and 3rd I don’t use at all, the fourth, no. Mainly because I have to go out of my way just to share a video, and that kinda annoys me.


Thanks for replying. :)

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

What’s the issue with sharing from PT?

(Not arguing with you, this is a genuine question, trying to understand how people are mostly using it)


Well, I have the YT app and ReVanced on this phone, don’t know if there is a pipe version of the app. If there is, I’d gladly use it instead of ReVanced.

@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar
  1. Lemmy 95%. I use Reddit for tech troubleshooting help sometimes but that’s basically it, and I removed my account.
  2. Never used Twitter. I have a Mastodon account but rarely use it. It’s just not a content format that I’m very interested in.
  3. Sadly I use Discord still. Matrix is fine, but nearly all my friends use Discord for gaming and related stuff, so I can’t get rid of it without losing basically all my gaming friends and servers.
  4. Still use YT all the time, but only through apps like NewPipe, FreeTube, and GrayJay. I haven’t signed into YT for well over a year now.

Slowly but surely I’m getting rid of the corpo’s grip on my life.


Congrats! I appreciate every soul we can rip from the corpo claws. 3. There are matrix bridges that can puppet your account. Pretty cool. Though I need to figure out how to use them. Found out this week. 4. Check out peertube. Especially sepiasearch.org. It’s not perfect and you need to accept that they dont have an algorithm so you need to sort by newest or be very specific in your search terms. Trying to get them to add sort by likes, watch numbers or comment numbers. Lets see how that goes.

@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

I’ve heard of bridges but never tried them, I’ll look into them more.

Peertube is pretty cool, just doesn’t have all the creators I watch currently. I do still watch some content on there though.


Awesome idea! They‘re great.

Peertube is great but it needs time.


Youtube: I don't spend a lot of time watching videos, but when I do it's still usually on Youtube, as I can't find what I like anywhere else. I don't expect to be able to completely ditch this one unless the cost of hosting videos goes down a lot.

Facebook: It's been a few months since I used this one. The only thing I use it for is to send someone a message if I don't have any contact information aside from their name, which is something the fediverse can't currently replicate. It's slowly becoming less relevant as fewer and fewer people in my cohort are active on Facebook.

Twitter: I used this one for less than a year in 2021, and deleted my account in 2022.

Instagram: I made an account on this one a few years ago but never made posts with it, and evetually deleted my account. I don't use , because I can post pictures from so I don't see a reason to make another account.

Reddit: I deleted my account recently. I haven't made a or account though obviously I can still interact with them from .

Discord: This is the proprietary social network I use the most. There are a lot of communities that don't seem to have alternatives elsewhere. I am hopeful for the future of , but it still feels like a beta, and I can't recommend it to people without technical skills.
Tiktok: I haven't used this in a few years, but I haven't deleted my account either.
Pinterest: I haven't used this in a few years, but I haven't deleted my account either. I'm also not sure what the fediverse alternative is.

Zoom: I have to use this for work. I'm hopeful matrix video calls will eventually be a viable replacement.

Fandom: I have stopped making constructive edits, but I kept my account in case I can use it to vandalize wikis or help them leave Fandom. There is no fediverse alternative I'm aware of: just a bunch of self-hosted wikis that can't interact with each other.


i haven’t used Reddit since the big migration, and quit Xitter way before then. i still use YouTube a lot, but use NewPipe instead of any app or webpage. can’t stand Discord either way, but use it for a couple MMO guilds i’m in. it sucks that the shitposting scene on Masto isn’t as big as Xitter, or maybe i’m not looking in the right places. (i know jorts.horse has some good posts on their local, but i don’t wanna move from my instance.)


Understandable. But tbf I didnt get xitter so I dont expect to fully get masto. I‘m still happy its there and am impressed that the fediverse is working the way it does.


Shit, man, if I went full fedi, I’d have even less to contribute than I already do. We’ve gotta have some external sources of news and knowledge.

I have traded reddit for lemmy and just closed my Meta and Xitter accounts and I’m already feeling a disconnect from society. I’ve been subscribing to new youtube channels and setting up RSS feeds to make up for the lack of connection to current events.


Damn. Relatable though.

Remember that you can bridge matrix with discord, whatsapp, telegram, signal and others to unify your communication on IM/Chat

Otherwise, you could try mastodon. Its cool if you liked old twitter. I do kinda but lemmy is more my cup of tea. Also, feel free to contribute. We need people who bring relevant news to non corpo land.


Yes, thank you. I saw you mention bridging matrix to other services in another comment. I’m definitely intrigued and will investigate that. As for Mastodon, I’ve been wanting to find the time to spin up my own server for that one. I’ll definitely be getting deeper into the fediverse, but I also need outside sources of news, preferably not curated by antagonistic algorithms like Facebook.


News is kind of important, depending on your neurologic configuration. I must limit my news input as to not panic (world stands in flames and such). There are a ton of news sources on mastodon if you are willing to check for them.

On another note: i like to look at allsides.com (i think?) if I want to see balanced news. Otherwise I mostly get updates from lemmy memes. :D

@eugenia@lemmy.ml avatar

I have. I still use the other ones occasionally for specific topics that don’t get much attention in the fediverse yet (e.g. ufos – I know, I know…), but overall, my main platforms are the fediverse, not the corporate ones.


Congrats! I‘m trying my best to stay off of corpo media but a lot of kinks still need ironing out. Trying to help get peertube to a point where it competes better (since I feel like its very close).


Yes for Lemmy and Mastodon. YouTube has too much good content to skip, I feel like sites that can only rely on advertising to be profitable such as video hosting and search are going to be the hardest things to make fair.


I agree. Youtube is very good content wise and peertube still needs work but I dont think ads are the solution. Imo, some kind of small donation would work. Needs more thought though.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

A small donation like YouTube premium? I honestly can’t blame YouTube too much for their monetization strategies. Hosting video is terribly expensive, so some form of compensation will always be required, whether it’s via ads or subscription.


While I agree that some compensation is a good idea, youtubes strategies are nothing but monopolist trash.

Take a large youtuber with 2000 videos. Each one being 20 minutes. That is 1 GB max per video. So 2 tb. With a decent connection we‘re talking 50 bucks for the server per month.

I don’t think you understand how much crap these companies are feeding you.


Didn’t use twitter or discord much at all. Switched to lemmy from reddit entirely no pain. Still use Youtube.

However my access and consumption to anything on twitter, a discord channel, or Youtube is probably through Lemmy to begin with.


I‘m really happy that there are bots now that post youtube alternative links like piped. I would love to have something similar happen with peertube at some point. „This channel is on peertube, go a nd watch it there“.


Yes, yes, don’t use, always have avoided anyway. I also touch grass more often, which is nice


I’ve gone full Lemmy and Mastodon. I’m not going to pretend like Peertube is ever going to be a serious contender. None of my friends are on matrix sadly, so will probably be stuck on sms/discord for a long time.


Two things: peertube is not doing illegal stuff which is how youtube got successful so obviously, people are gonna want to do the right thing if anyone is to have a chance against corpo media. Second, there are matrix bridges for (nearly?) all other platforms (discord, whatsapp, telegram, signal, fbmessenger, etc).


Could you recommend any good tutorials for setting up a bridge?


Trying to make one. Will update

  1. I’ll follow a search result to reddit, but I don’t actively browse it.
  2. Never used either. I created a Mastodon account somewhere once upon a time but never used it.
  3. My friends use Discord, and aren’t interested in moving. So I use it.
  4. I don’t post or comment on YouTube, but I do follow a handful of people. Not signed in, just using rss feeds.

Sounds very healthy.

One thing about matrix: it has bridges to most all of the common services (discord, whatsapp, etc) so you can manage all from one account (which is nice) and have a strong argument for your friends. Good hunting! :)


i probably can’t go full fedi unless if YouTube stops being a monopoly then i maybe can


Only way against monopolies has always been legislature and thats notoriously slow.

What everyone can do is try something new (like peertube) every now and then. It definitely still needs work though.

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