Is there any medicine that can give me happy hormones and does not need a doctor's prescription?

Things are becoming more depressing every day and I can’t afford for professionals and don’t want to jump to the last resort or drugs. Is there a medicine that can make me happy if I take it in proper doses and does not require a doctor’s prescription?


I know it sounds obvious but walking or any light cardio will do wonders for your mood. Pilates also.


It’s not universal though. I’ve been regularly doing 60-minute cardio workouts for the last 10 years or so. Not once did I experience the “runner’s high”. I’m pretty sure I’m an outlier though.


It sounds like you might just be too fit for that to work. I used to do 14 hours of (recreational) dance a week and I would only really get a runners high when I went to a weekend long dance event and was doing cardio for at least 6+ hours.

Or it’s not universal, who knows.

dingus, (edited )

Not OP, but that’s a nope from me. I’ve been trying to break into up jogging, so I’m nowhere near “too fit”. Not getting that runner’s high during or after any of these sessions. I mostly just feel like I’m dying both during and afterward. Any small positive effect I get from it is being able to check off the boxes in the app I’m using lol.


Hehe, what gives me a “high” after a workout is looking at the recording of my heart rate and seeing the peaks and valleys. I do HIIT so there’s a lot of them.


I don’t know about that kind of medicine, but resolve your repressed anger and depression will disappear.


but resolve your repressed anger

how to do that?


Check out Dr. K on youtube. HealthygamerGG is a channel ran by a psychiatrist that focusses on educating men and their mental health problems. It’s not a replacement for therapy, it may help you in the right direction.


Thanks, I will check that out.


Sorry for seeing the comments now, but it’s never too late hopefully.

Therapy helped me. Looking back first important step was noticing that I am angry. It is strange how hidden and unrecognizable anger can be.

Second part is discovering why I was angry. As soon as we discover why are we angry, we stop being angry. When ai asked my shrink how does that work, he said “I don’t know, but it works”. And it really does.

Now when someone says “I am angery and I know why I am angre” I am sure they have no idea.

And I haven’t found other way to resolve that, than psychoanalysis as therapy.


I don’t feel angry, all I could feel is hopelessness about the future. I have no plans, no job and my girlfriend is going to break up with me but I don’t know when exactly she will and I don’t even have a clue what is the reason. I don’t hate anybody, on the other side I just don’t feel loving anyone, especially me. I wish I could have wings and fly across somewhere. That should clear my mind.


That’s common, and why therapy works in a lot of cases, but not universal. Sometimes a chemical imbalance is only balanced with chemicals.

FeelThePower, avatar

this might sound like a joke but this is pretty true. my anger issues were also the peak of me being known as a basket case by everyone I knew, i was so openly depressed back then. but once everything resolved, I felt a lot better and to this day even though I can be stoic at times I’ve not quite felt depressed like I used to severely be. yes I can be sad sometimes but it’s nothing like the disdain I felt for years.



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  • 3amguy,

    If it were well, I would not have asked this question. I am trying my best to suppress my suicidal thoughts but it’s becoming harder every day.


    Sorry, haven’t read the whole post.


    I have constant anxiety and low dopamine. I take Ephedrine, and it’s worked miracles for me. It even helps me concentrate throughout the day.

    I prefer Primatine, but Bronkaid also works. Both can be bought over the counter with an ID


    This is a drug, which OP said they're avoiding. It's also potentially dangerous.


    Medicine is drugs, dummy. And ephedrine is safer than ibuprofen, so do a little research before you drop a dumb comment


    Wow, did you miss the point. Yes, I was pointing out that ephedrine--a medication--is a drug.

    And no, it is not as safe as you make it out to be. I have both "done my research" and spoken with a couple of physicians about it.


    What medications aren’t drugs? Please, give me a list.

    And your anecdotal “research” doesn’t really mean shit against the mountain of evidence towards ephedrine’s safety. It’s one of the longest studied stimulants on the planet.

    Drusas, (edited )

    Yeah, that's why I made fun of you suggesting I do my own research.

    You have completely misunderstood this entire conversation. I just said that medications are drugs. Are you high? Is that why you can't figure out basic statements?

    If so, that's fine, you're welcome to be high, but you might want to stop commenting on the internet.


    You’re a moron with no point, holy shit lol


    St Johns Wort can help. It’s not as effective as prescription medication, but can help deal with mild ‘low mood’ type symptoms. It’s comparable to the effect of a compression bandage on a joint. It will help with the equivalent of a pulled tendon, but will do next to nothing against the equivalent of a shattered elbow.

    It is worth noting that there are 2 sorts of depression. Feeling sad, while unpleasant, is a lot easier to treat. It’s generally caused by external stimulus. While this is harder to treat with drugs, it responds a LOT better to lifestyle changes. Basically, you need to figure out 2 things. What is making you sad, and how do you remove that effect. Implementing it can be an absolute bitch, but it’s worth the effort.

    The other sort of depression is proper “clinical depression”. This is a chemical imbalance in the brain. It can be brought on by external stimulus, but it’s not dependent on them. With this, your brain starts losing the ability to care. Motivation becomes a lot harder, and so the cost to payoff with positive activities gets worse. Internally, it’s like having the chroma on a TV turned down. Everything gets muted and dull. Nothing is worth the effort required to do it. This sort of depression does need proper treatment. It’s far more insidious and will grind you down. To beat it you need to change your very brain wiring. This can be done, but generally requires significant external support. If you could beat it alone, you likely wouldn’t have become trapped within it.

    I’ve experienced both. Neither are pleasant. Just keep in mind, both distort your thinking. Often, you can’t fully trust your own thinking. Situations that seem impossible to cope with will just crumble when actually attacked. However, without enough motivation, you often won’t even try.

    An just to note, if you get to the point of intrusive, self destructive thoughts, that’s when you need to seriously reach out to external help. Even if you think you can cope with them, they can send your mind spiraling downwards.

    LainTrain, (edited )

    Medicine is drugs.

    Try 5-HTP as a supplement if you believe you have low serotonin levels for some reason. It’s a precursor to Serotonin so if there is a chemical reason your body is producing insufficient amounts then it can help, alongside L-Tyrosine which is the same thing but for dopamine. CBD supplements, if actually legitimately containing CBD can have some anxiolytic properties.

    Otherwise everything else is illegal.

    Sorry honey, but under capitalism you’re supposed to buy worthless shit to stave off the alienation and misery and uhh like drugs are bad m’kay. Go get into K-Pop or “Gadgets” instead, heard there’s some hot spicy influencer drama in these! Lotta ads to watch! And remember: Don’t think, just buy product and get excited for the next product.

    You might consider an MDMA, DMT or LSD trip to figure out why you’re unhappy.

    Do not buy drugs on the street, they are shit quality for shitty prices, you will get ripped off. Don’t buy from DNMs overseas, customs do not fuck around. In UK/West EU order to home as normal, in US order to non-home mailboxes, in East EU order to dead drops. Make sure to research how to stay safe, what markets to use, how to get Monero and how to use PGP and maybe Tails depending on OpSec risk appetite, I think Dread (ddg it with tor!) has a few guides for this.

    EDIT: Make sure to set Tor to safest to disable JavaScript, you won’t need it and it only creates threats.

    Go for lower dosages and make sure to get powder for MDMA, it should be light brown in colour. Test it! MDMA is part stim, part empathogen.

    For DMT: get a proper high end vape tank DMT vape with a 510 off a respected seller on a DNM and buy a proper mod - don’t buy the crappy eGO style tanks/“carts”. DMT is a pure psych, very shroom-esque but without the shroom common side effects like diarrhea and uncontrollable vomiting and lasts only 15 mins.

    For LSD make sure to take some time off work or do it when you won’t be disturbed in general, preferably for at least 48 hours, as a trip can last 12-16. I’d go for 100ug - tabs are often under dosed so go if brave go for 120ug, don’t buy tabs with overly elaborate art as that can be a sign that more effort went into the marketing than anything else, but make sure to get a test kit to make sure it’s not NBOME, that drug is nice as well but it’s not LSD and vendors don’t dose it properly which can kill you.

    Other than psychs: Amphetamine and/or nicotine will make you happy generally, but unless you have ADHD the effect may be too negligible to be worth it.

    If your source of unhappiness is anxiety then you can take an anxiolytic like a benzodiazepine. Do not do that.

    There’s also Alcohol and Opioids but these barely do anything honestly when it comes to actual happiness. I would not do THC in an unhappy state, it’s like 75% anxiety and hunger.

    Or you can try therapy, but that shit never worked for me, turns out the world is just shit and my life was shit as a result, taking drugs helped/helps me cope with that and I try to improve my material circumstances as much as possible, I’ve never really had mental health issues though I just had shit mental health due to my material conditions so YMMV and GL, the first step to fixing an issue is identifying there is an issue. Try to identify what the issue is next.


    Lot of jargon in this that most of us don’t understand. Dnm? Ddg? Can you explain it more clearly for us general admission ticket holders?

    Also, thoughts on shrooms?

    LainTrain, (edited )

    DNM - Dark Net Market. A marketplace that is accessible exclusively via onion routing with an .onion domain, via the Tor browser.

    Silk Road, Dream, Empire, Wall Street, Nightmare and ASAP were some of the major ones in the past.

    DDG - DuckDuckGo. A search engine that is alternative to Google. It can be useful for searching for information regarding this stuff via tor (and is the one in use by default via it’s .onion domain in the tor browser).

    Shrooms are cool and lots of people love them, but I don’t because it never sits well with my body, it always gives me stomach problems ranging from light nausea and stomachache to very gross stuff like vomiting, not something i want to experience in an already vulnerable psychological state.


    You might consider an MDMA, DMT or LSD trip to figure out why you’re unhappy.

    No, I don’t want to get into drugs. I know things are hard for me but it will only make things work. Some comments here told me the same, recommending mushrooms, and other recreational drugs but I know it will only make things worse.

    One day other people having the same problems as me will find this thread and I don’t want them to take the wrong way.

    Try 5-HTP as a supplement if you believe you have low serotonin levels for some reason.

    I will find out what this is. Thanks for your comment.


    That’s fair, you do you.


    Yes and no (and a disclaimer: I’m only a nurse). There are several herbs that work similarly to Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). The issue being that they therefore have the same risks as SSRIs: the two big ones being serotonin syndrome (all your vital signs shoot up until it kills you) and less dangerously but not really less unpleasantly, mania and/or psychosis if that’s something your genetics have predisposed you do. These are both a lot less likely with herbs than medications because they’re much weaker, but it’s still possible, and especially if you take them WITH an SSRI. There are also some recreational drugs (shrooms, lsd, MDMA) that can cause serotonin syndrome when you take too much or take them with other serotonin boosting medications. I don’t recommend you play with this kind of thing without medical supervision. I actually had one of our severe bipolar cases come back to us high as tits because they swapped their mood stabilizer for a serotonergic herb, it was a mess.

    Anyway the big three are St John’s Wort, Ashwaganda, and Moringa. L-tryptophan is also known to boost serotonin, but that’s just because it’s one of the building blocks your body needs to make it. Melatonin can also help your serotonin because it and serotonin turn into each other as part of the cycle of your circadian rhythm but be careful not to take too much of it because you’ll start having extremely bizarre nightmares.

    But like I said, you’re better off talking to a doctor about this before you find out you’ve been bipolar II this entire time when the herbs you bought on Amazon turn it into bipolar I and you spend a month in a psych ward thinking your you’re the second coming of Christ and putting chess pieces in your ass to fight the demons.


    Pawn to A5.


    You sank my battleship!


    Anyway the big three are St John’s Wort, Ashwaganda, and Moringa.

    Do they require a doctor’s prescription? Do they have addictive effects?

    ickplant, avatar

    None require a prescription, and as far as I know none of these are addictive.

    guillem, avatar

    St John’s Wort can interact with several medications.…/st-johns-wort-important-interactions…


    This is anecdotal, but I got horrible nightmares while trying Ashwaganda.


    Vitamin D

    A lot of people, especially those who don’t go outside, have a vitamin D deficiency. This is especially prevalent this time of year as winter is just ending.

    A lot of depression symptoms can be tied to Vitamin D deficiency. Go out and get a supplement and take it for a week, see how you feel.


    Also vitamin K. Had low vit D blood work and doc upped vit D intake until we started to see side effects, still low on blood work. Added vit K, halved vit D intake and blood work is good now.


    Seconded. A lot of people don’t realize just how piss poor their nutrition is, and how its impacting their mood.


    If your emotional distress is related to inflammation then even ibuprofen can give you some relief.

    As for solutions outside of pills, exercise has always been the most effective thing for me in improving my happiness.


    Perika St. John’s Wort (or any kind of standardized StJW formula) isolates the antidepressant part of the herb and makes sure you get the same dose in every pill. It’s nonprescription as an herbal supplement, but it’s one of the few herbal supplements with scientific backing.

    SharkEatingBreakfast, avatar

    Do note that St. John’s Wort can mess with other medications you may take and can make them downright ineffective. A big one that comes to mind is birth control, but there are many others.

    Always check with a medical professional and/or look up more information about supplement interactions before adding them into your regimen!


    Medicine would be drugs. Unless you mean in the broad sense of the term.

    For me I require a reason behind my happiness, maybe it’s my autism I’m not sure, however without a foundation leading to smiles the smiles are lackluster. Just forcing myself to go outside, sit in a nice park, etc. helps place me into opportunities where I can notice things that make me happy bit by bit.
    These little things add up. Being at a small time gig, of a band I haven’t heard of, being around people who like the same things helps a lot.

    I’ve wanted to see my favourite musicians, and I managed to through perseverance (Corey Taylor is an amazing human being, his outlook definitely rubbed off on me). I wanted to go to Europe, and everyone I knew kept saying “one day”, so I decided that “one day” for me was going to be the next. Packed some things and went that weekend to Amsterdam, by myself, and met 3-4 people and we all hung out together for four days and we had such a connection we enjoyed ourselves so much.

    If you have an inkling of places or things that would make you happy, perhaps try forcing the first step into it. It’s easier said than done, though good luck man.


    All the people saying exercise… I swear that has to vary across people. I went to the gym thrice a week for two years and hated every gd second of it.


    Why not walk outside instead of going to a sweaty gym and being bored and miserable?


    going to a sweaty gym and being bored and miserable?

    Going to the gym isn’t exactly like this. It helped me a lot with my mental health but I am in a position now where I can’t resume it, so that’s why I am considering the medicines temporarily.


    Please reread this chain, I’m replying to someone who literally said they hated every second of it, if you hate the gym you don’t have to go and there are plenty of other things to do.


    I was going to the gym before getting laid off. Gym helped me with my mental health.

    I swear that has to vary across people.

    I am sorry it didn’t work out for you.


    Then you really are the target audience for all these “go active” advice, which is actually great! The thing is, exercises are great for most relatively healthy people (the ones who do not require professional mental help), as they strengthen your body in the same way as savings strengthen your financials. You just can do a little more of anything with it. So - you are not a lost cause, congrats! ) That said, you do not need a gym to stay fit. Not sure where you live, but there are normally public spaces with fitness equipment available in many urban areas. Or you can google some fitness sets that only need a flat surface for you to do. Something like this would be a good start. And remember, that too shall pass.

    CanadaPlus, (edited )

    It really does seem to very considerably. I know a guy that’s addicted to running and will just do it all weekend, because he starts and doesn’t want to stop. I’ve never gotten a buzz from physical activity of any kind.


    I've heard of the "runners' high", but even as someone who used to be very athletic, all I ever got was the "runners' 'please fucking kill me right now so I never have to do that again'".


    Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Sometimes it’s fixed through diet/exercise. Sometimes it’s fixed through therapy. Sometimes it’s fixed through medication. OP is seeking a solution that doesn’t involve prescription meds, so everybody is suggesting other possible solutions. While exercise may not have worked for you or me, there are plenty of people who have successful results with it.

    In short, yes, it definitely varies across people.


    Gym going made me uncontrollably hyper. Beat Saber has worked wonders.


    Beat Saber 100%. Playing a game ans exercising at the same time, genius.


    Have you ever tried pistol whip? That game feels so good to play for similar reasons


    I just hate how difficult it is lol

    Synth Riders is fun but I still have no clue how to play it


    It probably does vary to a degree, but it also needs to be the right kind of exercise for you. I always hated the gym and thought I just hated exercise, but then I discovered folk dancing. I went from never having enjoyed any sort of athletics to dancing 14 hours a week because I fell in love with it.

    I didn’t notice immediate effects, but a month or two after I started, I realized that I was cooking more and staying on top of cleaning and errands much more consistently. Then the pandemic hit and I stopped dancing. I started gradually having less motivation to clean or cook. I haven’t started back up sadly, but I got an active job about a year and a half ago, and it was just like before: not until I was getting regular exercise was I really able to stay on top of things and feel like an adult.


    Exercise can be whatever you want it to be.

    aceshigh, avatar

    Ditto. Exercising never feels good. I don’t like being sweaty and I don’t like moving around unless I’m going somewhere for a purpose. The only way I’m able to “enjoy” it is if I smoke weed before or numb out on a tv show/movie so that I can pretend I’m not exercising. And then after working out I’m exhausted and need a nap. The entire process sucks. I’ve never been into sports either. Or riding the bike or swimming. Yoga is tolerable, but it’s better when I’m high.

    muttley, avatar

    Read up on St John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)


    I was looking for this recommendation and would have made it myself if I didn’t find yours. My therapist specifically recommended it as a natural antidepressant. Honestly, it hasn’t worked well for me as my body seems to rebel against any antidepressant attempt; however I’m shocked to see this so heavily downvoted.


    Interesting that you were downvoted for this. Another commenter above mentioned it and didn’t seem to get downvoted. I’m pretty ignorant of this substance. Would anyone care to elaborate in as scientific of a way possible on what this is and has the potential to do?

    livus avatar

    Worth mentioning it stops some medications from working so OP should check that out.


    Aldo that it has sun sensitivity as a side effect

    Bizarroland avatar

    Tesofensine is an antidepressant with weight loss effects that can be purchased online without a prescription for research purposes.

    It's fairly expensive, usually running about $250 for a one month supply, but if you need a temporary break from your depression then it might work for you.

    However, because it is a research chemical, all of the side effects of the chemical are not known and you would be taking a risk in using it even for a short period of time.

    Chances are it is likely safe but there is still a risk and you have to weigh that against your mental health and your finances and the costs and difficulty associated with getting put on a traditional antidepressant prescribed to you by a competent doctor.


    Exercise boosts endorphins.

    Physical contact boosts oxytocin.

    Sex does both.

    Chocolate helps produce serotonin.

    Capsaicin-heavy foods will make your body produce adrenaline and endorphins.

    Caffeine is a drug but can give you a long hit of dopamine — but overdosing will make anxiety worse, and can fuck with your sleep cycle. It’s also rapidly addictive and the withdrawal symptoms include malaise and depressive feelings.

    A stable sleep cycle is A#1 for happiness, though. It won’t make you happy on its own but screwing it up will make you unhappy on its own, so it’s the foundation to build everything else on.


    Sex does both.

    I wish I had someone for that.

    It won’t make you happy on its own but screwing it up will make you unhappy on its own, so it’s the foundation to build everything else on.

    My sleep cycle is currently from 4 am to 11 am. Think I should sleep earlier? I do coding at night and surf social media during the day.


    Try to reduce social media. I did and feel much better without the constant input from others.


    Nah as long as it’s always 4am to 11am you’ll be fine. Consistency is the main thing.


    What the above commenter said is generally good advice, but I would add on limiting your social media intake. Finding an online community to interact with (with voice or video chat kinds of things involved) is a better use of online time. For the coding, you could try moving that to the morning, and socialize in the afternoon/evening, and that will help you get on a more normalized schedule. If your leisure time is spent mostly with other people, it’s a lot easier to sign off and go to bed when everyone else does as well.

    Edit: Also throw in a multivitamin and 2000-5000IU of Vitamin D3 because nutritional deficiencies can cause psych problems as well as exacerbate or prolong said psych problems.

    Witchfire, avatar

    Exercise boosts endorphins.

    Physical contact boosts oxytocin.

    Sex does both.

    My body does not do any of these

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