@MxRemy@lemmy.one avatar



I like knitting, math, and uplifting the proletariat.

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@MxRemy@lemmy.one avatar

I would really like to mess around with self-hosting someday, but I live in a residential area and those sort of shenanigans are explicitly banned by my ISP. Is there anything someone in that position can do?

@MxRemy@lemmy.one avatar

I voted for him when he ran against Fetterman for the Senate previously, but unfortunately in this race he didn’t seem to be the most progressive option. His opponent this time around (Pinsley) has attended pro-Palestinian rallies and stuff, Kenyatta seemed shakey on that. Among other things. It really sucks when the most marginalized candidate and the most progressive candidate are not the same person… Still, this is historic and important and an improvement regardless.

I’d love to hear a more thorough and accurate assessment of this race, if anyone’s got one! All I’ve got is an impression from some bare minimum googling.

@MxRemy@lemmy.one avatar

Very excited to see how many actually do!

[Northeast U.S.A.] Xylocopa virginica resting on a fence post (assets.pxlmo.com)

This time of year, there’s a zillion of these loudly and clumsily zooming around right outside my backdoor. They’re very curious about everything that moves; they’ll just like stare you down, hovering a foot in front of your face. Too cute!! They are also kinda eating the landlords mudroom… but so slowly that I’m...

@MxRemy@lemmy.one avatar

I wonder that too! What’s so interesting? Seems like most critters this size don’t ever really look at you this way

@MxRemy@lemmy.one avatar

This is a show and not a movie, but definitely The Magicians. The show is pretty incredible, and more or less abandons everything wrong with the original. The books mostly spend way too many pages following all the MC’s petty grievances, and he’s like a massive incel.

@MxRemy@lemmy.one avatar

Yessss, that’s exactly how I felt! I only even forced myself to finish it so I’d feel qualified to write a terrible review lol

@MxRemy@lemmy.one avatar

I think this problem kinda carries over from Reddit too. There was more of everybody there of course, just because it was larger, but I think the demographics broke down similarly? On the other hand, I think Tumblr leaned the opposite direction, so it would be neat to see if that followed through on Wafrn (fediverse Tumblr-esque platform).

No idea what to actually do about it though, unfortunately… 😭

@MxRemy@lemmy.one avatar

As an example of the problem, no one in my entire social circle has any hope of ever owning property, and many of us are just barely skirting homelessness. Unfortunately this is extremely common in the same world where some people own multiple homes. If you found yourself in that situation, I imagine the best course of action depends on where you live, but a good choice might be to convert your property into a non-equity low-income housing cooperative. There are lots of other options though, the main thing is just to get it into the hands of people who need it.

@MxRemy@lemmy.one avatar

Omg soooo manyyyyyy. I dunno how to count them in-app but it’s gotta be at least a hundred.

@MxRemy@lemmy.one avatar

Lots of my friends are only on discord so I have to be to reach them. I do also use Matrix though

MxRemy, (edited )
@MxRemy@lemmy.one avatar

I was in favor of this until I started reading Marta Russell. She lays out the history of using the concept of assisted dying to do things like get rid of people with disabilities, increase profits for hospitals, decrease funding for home nurses, convince people who are no longer productive that they shouldn’t live anymore, etc etc. It seems like a good idea on paper, because bodily autonomy and stuff, but capitalist ghouls coerce people into it.

@MxRemy@lemmy.one avatar

chooses 1, 3, and 9

I am the sphinx that baps in the night!

@MxRemy@lemmy.one avatar

Zeno’s Paradox, even though it’s pretty much resolved. If you fire an arrow at an apple, before it can get all the way there, it must get halfway there. But before it can get halfway there, it’s gotta get a quarter of the way there. But before it can get a fourth of the way, it’s gotta get an eighth… etc, etc. The arrow never runs out of new subdivisions it must cross. Therefore motion is actually impossible QED lol.

Obviously motion is possible, but it’s neat to see what ways people intuitively try to counter this, because it’s not super obvious. The tortoise race one is better but seemed more tedious to try and get across.

@MxRemy@lemmy.one avatar

Whoaaaa, this looks AMAZING! You made the masa?? 😍

@MxRemy@lemmy.one avatar

I don’t think I’d want to be cis. Being part of a marginalized group, with all the pain that entails, has made me a more empathetic person. I would like to pass for cis at least a little better though. Partly for survival reasons, but also there’s definitely some kinda internalized transphobia or something mixed in there that I should work on.

@MxRemy@lemmy.one avatar

Like PeachMan said, if you try to lay down the filament and then place the tile, it’ll harden too fast for that to work. You can use a 3d pen to attach two things along the seam where the two things are touching though, I’ve done that.

@MxRemy@lemmy.one avatar

I don’t think I’ve ever had a job with weekends off. Or even any other specific days consistently off from one week to the next, more generally. It does sound nice though, I think I’d like that.

Is there any medicine that can give me happy hormones and does not need a doctor's prescription?

Things are becoming more depressing every day and I can’t afford for professionals and don’t want to jump to the last resort or drugs. Is there a medicine that can make me happy if I take it in proper doses and does not require a doctor’s prescription?

@MxRemy@lemmy.one avatar

All the people saying exercise… I swear that has to vary across people. I went to the gym thrice a week for two years and hated every gd second of it.

@MxRemy@lemmy.one avatar

The Scinguistics discord, hands down best resource imo.

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