toxi, to generative avatar

Been debugging boids & behavior combinations all evening! Happy to say, I think all force contributions are fixed now (classic off-by-one error was leading to an initially subtle but increasingly obvious directional bias), and I can focus again on experimenting with some new amazing emergent behaviors... Aside from that, maybe this also qualifies for (Day 1: Particles)?!

Btw. This is just a variation of this example project:

...which was created as part of last year's series:

toxi, to random avatar

(Reposting, accidentally deleted...) Last day of the year, last of the year!!!

Firstly, my deep, deep gratitude and thanks to everyone who's been supporting the project and my work over the past year(s), especially fellow fedi people: @avi, @jeffpalmer, @guidoschmidt, @made, @lurvey, @daeinc, @Yura, @n_senz_, @dawid and others (pls forgive non-exhaustive list!).

Thank you, thank you! 🙏😍


toxi, avatar

A short overview of end-of-2023 state of ( only!):

96 releases done in 2023 (i.e. every 3.6 days on average)

188 projects/packages (+12 this year)
151 example projects (+32 this year)

3,865 source files
144,432 lines of code
54,155 docs/comments (37% or 2.66 lines of code-to-comment ratio)
198,587 total SLOC

Readme files (for all 188 packages):

49,580 total words
189,978 lines

A lot of activity this year was spent on adding/improving documentation & creating new examples to illustrate general usage patterns. From August till October I published 30 chapters of #HowToThing aka heavily commented code examples & mini-tutorials, incl. ~20 new example projects which are now part of the monorepo. Just like the overall project scope, these chapters covered anything from audio synthesis, data transformations, DSLs, geometry, generative art/design, GIS, image processing, Mastodon client, reactive UIs (NOT using React!), shaders, other visualizations and more... Check out the hashtag to view them (full list is also part of the readme).

#ThingUmbrella #OpenSource #Gratitude #ProjectStatistics #YearInReview #IndyDev #Fundraising


toxi, to rust avatar

One of the best SIMD intro articles I've ever come across thus far. Very nicely explains all the core concepts and operations, lots of sketches/diagrams... Noice! 👏

Btw. If you're using TypeScript/JavaScript, you can play with some of these concepts/ops directly from the REPL using This package uses WASM behind the scenes, but doesn't expose the full set of available SIMD instructions (it's a lil' bit more highlevel...)

Also see recent post and practical example about it here:

toxi, (edited ) to typescript avatar

Almost a week ago I said I'm pausing for a while, but that doesn't preclude adding new examples regardless, e.g. this new one illustrating matrix-based image color adjustments (basic color grading) using floating point pixel buffers via and color matrix building blocks (incl. concatenation to produce a single color transform matrix for an arbitrary number of adjustments) via

Due to lack of time and to keep it simple, there's no image chooser for now (though might still add one...)

Demo (example ):

Source code:

toxi, to random avatar
toxi, to opensource avatar

: After 66 days of addressing 30 wildly varied use cases and building ~20 new example projects of varying complexity to illustrate how libraries can be used & combined, I'm taking a break to concentrate on other important thi.ngs...

With this overall selection I tried shining a light on common architectural patterns, but also some underexposed, yet interesting niche topics. Since there were many different techniques involved, it's natural not everything resonated with everyone. That's fine! Though, my hope always is that readers take an interest in a wide range of topics, and so many of these new examples were purposefully multi-faceted and hopefully provided insights for at least some parts, plus (in)directly communicated a core essence of the larger project:

Only individual packages (or small clusters) are designed & optimized for a set of particular use cases. At large, though, explicitly does NOT offer any such guidance or even opinion. All I can offer are possibilities, nudges and cross-references, how these constructs & techniques can be (and have been) useful and/or the theory underpinning them. For some topics, libs provide multiple approaches to achieve certain goals. This again is by design (not lack of it!) and stems from hard-learned experience, showing that many (esp. larger) projects highly benefit from more nuanced (sometimes conflicting approaches) compared to popular defacto "catch-all" framework solutions. To avid users (incl. myself) this approach has become a somewhat unique offering and advantage, yet in itself seems to be the hardest and most confusing aspect of the entire project to communicate to newcomers.

So seeing this list of new projects together, to me really is a celebration (and confirmation/testament) of the overall approach (which I've been building on since ~2006): From the wide spectrum/flexibility of use cases, the expressiveness, concision, the data-first approach, the undogmatic mix of complementary paradigms, the separation of concerns, no hidden magic state, only minimal build tooling requirements (a bundler is optional, but recommended for tree shaking, no more) — these are all aspects I think are key to building better (incl. more maintainable & reason-able) software. IMO they are worth embracing & exposing more people to and this is what I've partially attempted to do with this series of posts...

ICYMI here's a summary of the 10 most recent posts (full list in the readme). Many of those examples have more comments than code...

021: Iterative animated polygon subdivision & heat map viz

022: Quasi-random voronoi lattice generator

023: Tag-based Jaccard similarity ranking using bitfields

024: 2.5D hidden line visualization of DEM files

025: Transforming & plotting 10k data points using SIMD

026: Shader meta-programming to generate 16 animated function plots

027: Flocking sim w/ neighborhood queries to visualize proximity

028: Randomized, space-filling, nested 2D grid layout generator

029: Forth-like DSL & livecoding playground for 2D geometry

030: Procedural text generation via custom DSL & parse grammar

toxi, avatar

Addendum: Since I'm often asked to provide direct comparisons and point out differences to popular mainstream frameworks, I'd like to turn this "challenge" around and ask those same people to rebuild some of these 30 examples in a framework of their choice (and so also help them form their own opinions)...

It'd be very nice to hear if at least some of the above topics were interesting & useful (I can't really tell, which is also reason for me to pause for now...). From the little feedback received (again, thank you very much to those who did!), I've got a little better understanding of some remaining stumbling blocks re: people's grasp (but also some outright prejudices) of the project(s) at large.

Some of the more dismissive comments still keep me up at night and make me wonder how anything different, novel or non-mainstream could ever gain traction at all?!

Need to keep finding more of "my" people... 😍

guidoschmidt, avatar

@toxi though I have not too much time for private coding atm, I found these series really enjoyable. Also I think it helps to explain using bits and pieces of in your own projects, though I personally was already happy with the preexisting docs, readmes and examples 😊

jmeowmeow, avatar

@toxi Bookmarking your for later! The Recurse Center has attuned me to creative, bottom+up approaches, and I have a few weeks of my RC term remaining to work in a little exploration.

toxi, to genart avatar

— Randomized, space-filling, nested 2D grid layout generator using &

Already gave a glimpse of this yesterday[1]. This example uses the new StackedLayout generator to create random multi-column base layouts and allocate cells of varying sizes (column/row spans). Depending on size, each cell also has a probability to produce nested child layouts in its place (up to 4 levels). The example also shows how the layout gen can be queried to determine & allocate any remaining empty space(s) at the bottom of each nesting level (since it's highly likely that there's such)... The result is a completely space-filling grid layout (which the new website will likely be based on too, obviously with some of the more sane/usable/responsive configurations...)

Demo (reload for random config):

Source code:

If you have any questions about this topic or the packages used here, please reply in thread or use the discussion forum (or issue tracker):

Ps. It's also — check main readme for latest updates/changelogs... 🚀


Screenshot of a generated example grid: Dozens of colorful rectangles of different sizes in a complex space filling arrangement. No margins between individual shapes. Small text labels showing the cell sizes and nesting depth.

toxi, to genart avatar

As usual, deep in the blurry spectrum between outright and intended utility (aka layout algorithm), dataviz (tree depth) and art. I love them all, and as so often, the extrema are just a tiny param change away from each other! Pushing toward art territory often a great way to uncover issues and debug an algorithm. E.g. I had originally issues with propagating size changes of nested cells back up to their parent/ancestors (solved now)...

(Ps. also a teaser for next ... probably out tomorrow)

Dozens of colorful rectangles of different sizes in a complex space filling arrangement. Thin hairline margin between individual shapes. Small text labels showing the cell sizes and nesting depth.
Dozens of colorful rectangles of different sizes in a complex space filling arrangement. Thicker margin between individual shapes. Small text labels showing the cell sizes and nesting depth.
Dozens of colorful rectangles of different sizes in a complex space filling arrangement, creating an abstract stripey, non-repeating pattern. No margins between individual shapes.

toxi, (edited ) to FunctionalProgramming avatar

— Shader meta-programming techniques (functional composition, higher-order functions, compile-time evaluation, dynamic code generation etc.) to generate animated plots/graphs of 16 functions (incl. dynamic grid layout generation) within a single WebGL fragment shader.

Today's key packages:

  • DSL to write (fully type-checked) shaders directly in TypeScript and later compile them to GLSL, JS (and other target languages, i.e. there's partial support for Houdini VEX and [very] early stage WGSL...)
  • Collection of ~220 re-usable shader functions & configurable building blocks (incl. SDFs primitives/ops, raymarching, lighting, matrix ops, etc.)
  • Minimal scaffolding for experimenting with fragment shaders (supports both normal GLSL or shader-ast flavors/compilation)

If you're new to the Shader-AST approach (highly likely!), this example will again introduce a lot of new concepts, hopefully in digestible manner! Please also always consult the package readmes (and other linked examples) for more background info... There're numerous benefits to this approach (incl. targetting different target langs and compositional & optimization aspects which are impossible to achieve (at least not elegantly) via just string concatenation/interpolation of shader code, as is much more commonplace...)

This example comes fresh off the back of yesterday's new easing function additions (by @Yura), though we're only showing a subset here...

(Check the console to view the generated GLSL shader)

Source code:

If you have any questions about this topic or the packages used here, please reply in thread or use the discussion forum (or issue tracker):

toxi, (edited ) to webassembly avatar

#HowToThing #025 — Sampling, fitting, transforming & plotting 10k data points per frame using a whole bunch of underexposed packages:

As noted in the comments, the SIMD batch processing here is to illustrate the overall usage and handling. In this specific example, the main bottleneck is the actual canvas drawing step (esp. in Firefox, which in this case is ~3.75x slower than Chrome [latter easily manages 60fps]). The SIMD step could handle magnitude(s) more points per frame, also on FF...

As an aside, this is now already the 140th (!!!) fully documented small example project, bundled as part of the monorepo... Please do tell me at which point the prejudice of not having enough starting points & info about these packages will be fading into oblivion... 😅



Also big thanks to Maximillian Schulte for sending me off on this topic (as a tangent) via an issue on GitHub... I've been meaning to create more examples for these above packages for a while! Last but not least, hat tip & nerd sniping @demofox re: colored noise... 😎🤩

#ThingUmbrella #WebAssembly #SIMD #SharedMemory #DataViz #Noise #TypeScript #JavaScript #Tutorial

toxi, to UI avatar

— Building a responsive & reactive stacked column layout using,, and other libraries.

This example is using the browser DOM to visualize the resulting layout, but the actual layout algorithm (as implemented and including responsive breakpoints to control number of columns) can also be used in other contexts (e.g. canvas based)...



As always, if you have any further questions about this topic or packages used here, please reply here or use the discussion forum (or issue tracker):

Second part of the linked TypeScript source code...
Screenshot of the resulting stacked column layout. Showing a dozen items (each with random size & color) distributed over 5 columns

toxi, to random avatar

Some questions to existing users: What stops you from giving more public/private feedback, from sharing your experiences/excitements/criticisms, from sharing/writing/blogging/posting about your work/results with these libraries or from asking/answering questions from other users? Is there anything missing/wrong/offputting (infrastructure/resource/social)? What (else) should I be providing to help you and other users finding each other more (also to self-support)?

toxi, avatar

There're a combined 4000+ stars for various projects on Github. For learning the ropes, alone has 130+ example projects of varying complexity, most code is well maintained, commented (incl. smaller snippets/examples), there're many long, detailed readme documents explaining the top-level ideas & usage patterns, there're a few long blog posts & livecoding video streams where projects are built from ground up... In the past month alone, I've posted 17 mini tutorials here (more to come!). For older () projects, there're also dozens of workshop repos & blog posts...

toxi, to typescript avatar

— (Re)Creating the logo first as 2D geometry, then converting it to a SDF (Signed-distance field), then back again to geometry (via sampling the SDF at different distances and with warping) and finally serializing results to SVG...

This example gives a glimpse of the and packages to create & manipulate 2D geometries. Under the hood, this (once again) uses and for SVG conversion...

As an aside, the colors come from one of the ~220 color palette presets of (see readme for previews of all palettes)


Source code:

Screenshot of the resulting SVG output of the deformed logo, consisting of colored shapes where the SDF has been sampled at 6 different distances

toxi, to typescript avatar

Earlier today I released a new version of aka building blocks and operators for coroutine-based multitasking and alternative to async-await. It's one of the more recent packages, but also one which is quickly cementing itself as one of the most powerful & flexible tools of the whole collection, similar to how & have done in other contexts...

Recent versions have included new helpers to improve interop between fibers and async functions and to simplify time-sliced processing of child tasks and/or iterables (incl. via transducers).

The attached code snippet shows an example excerpt of how this is used in the recent (and even more recently updated) Mastodon UI demo. See linked toot for demo link & fully commented source code...

toxi, to DSP avatar

— A special one: Creating a polyphonic & multitimbral synth with stochastic sequencer to generate offline audio (not WebAudio!), rendered via fibers (co-routines) and exporting the result as WAV file. Each synth voice uses a randomized config & FX pipeline for each note played (osc → adsr → SVF → filter delay line). Generated audio is attached.

Key packages used:

This project is also available as new example in the monorepo (originally based on a workshop exercise @ University of Applied Sciences, Augsburg, Nov 2022)



(Code screenshots in reply this time... ✌️)

1 minutes of the generated audio with a still image ( logo) as video...

toxi, (edited ) to typescript avatar

— Building a simple browser REPL UI for yesterday's Lispy S-expression mini language[1], using and other usual suspects like &

The language impl itself now also has local let-bindings, some more error checking, introspection and more examples of built-in functions...


Source code:

(The attached source code image only shows the UI/REPL parts, the language implementation can be found in the above link...)

[1] See yesterday's toot about building/using a mini DSL:

toxi, to random avatar

PSA: The main readme now contains a section with links to all mini-tutorials here on Mastodon (13 parts at time of writing):

(Note: Some of the code examples have received minor updates since initial publishing...)

toxi, (edited ) to typescript avatar

— Building a toy Lisp language and interpreter using the S-expression parser from and polymorphic multiple dispatch functions via A small language like this can be useful for DSL purposes, user programming or for just learning about interpreters. The entire setup is highly customizable (incl. support for different kinds of S-expressions, see package readme).

Even this tiny example includes the following features: variadic math ops, ability to define new symbols/variables & functions, lexical scoping, numeric & string values...

Some example invocations are included at the end...

Source code:

(Update: Minor code simplifications, updated images)

toxi, (edited ) to typescript avatar

— Using and to generate pure CSS image transition/reveal effects.

Already had a few other glimpses of in this series, but here it's used to elegantly express & compose nested CSS rules (in addition to HTML), both either in the browser and/or serverside/offline. is used to generate the cell transition order. Please check the package readme for many more options...

This new example () is also available as part of the monorepo now...

(Check the console for generated outputs)

Source code:

toxi, to generative avatar
toxi, to ZigLang avatar

— Creating a basic web app with declarative UI/DOM creation via Zig/WebAssembly and the super extensible and its add-on module, both hybrid TypeScript/Zig libraries. See alt text of images for details.


Source code:

Also see the related project template (and its readme and comments) this example is based on:

Also, several more advanced (and interesting) hybrid Zig/TypeScript examples and extensive docs can be found in the readme...

toxi, (edited ) to typescript avatar

Announcing , small code snippets illustrating useful patterns and use cases for various libraries/projects in the ecosystem/anti-framework...

Build a FPS counter with moving average w/

Source code in alt text

(Ps. Have been trying to start similar stuff in the past on the birdsite, but let's see if I can control my attention and be more consistent this time... If you have any topic requests, please reply below [or via DM])

toxi, avatar

@rgb Thanks, Ralf! You're only about 8 months late since the beginning of this series... 😅 You can find the whole list of 30 posts here:

...and a little epilogue here:

#HowToThing #ThingUmbrella #TypeScript #JavaScript #Tutorial

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