@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar



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@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

All social media, and irl too, has biases. As we do ofc - e.g. we linux Linux, especially Arch btw:-P - but it seems to me that the Fediverse is fundamentally different, b/c of the nature of consent.

On Facebook, YouTube, Twitter/X, and Reddit now that it is acting more like the former, ThE aLgOrItHm makes choices for you, whereas here if you want to create an echo chamber, you have to put in a LOT of effort to ensure that you are never exposed to anything that you would disagree with.

For one thing, you would have to subscribe to communities first, and those would have to have enough content to hold your interest, which means a continual search for more of such communities. Scrolling through the All feed would absolutely be prohibited if you wanted to make an echo chamber for yourself.

Again, literally every social media platform has biases, but here those do not rise to the level of “echo chamber”, imho? I do concede that it is not entirely unlike one of those, and yet on the spectrum, aren’t we far less than most other common platforms?

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

B-b-but climate change isn’t happening? - Republicans then

B-b-but think of the eCoNoMy!? - Republicans now

Climate change is happening and we should do something about it! - Bernie Sanders, always


Where did all these weird weather events come from? - centrists

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

But won’t somebody please think of those poor billionaires who want us to buy those things that they pay influencers to sell on Threads!? /s

Ironically one of the top things I cherish in life is not having to watch such ads, which is why I am not on Threads/Facebook/Meta/Twitter/X or even Reddit (except one sub that won’t move here) in the first place.

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Idea 💡: Biden tells people he will show up for a speech, with or without Trump present.

Say that Trump will refuse to show up, bc he’s too weak and pathetic. Use those exact words.

Trump doesn’t show = profit.

Or if Trump does show, doing his usual falling asleep during talky talk, then profit even moar!

Most likely Trump will try to do the identical thing in reverse, but everyone would see that Biden did it first.

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Yeah but you are not the average customer. It is the same logic for spam (& chain) emails: so long as it works on a sufficient (even if small) number of people, it makes it worth their while. And then like every conflict situation ever, most people just put up with it and remain neutral. Hence, they continue to do it - b/c they can (get away with it).

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Not technically no, though neither does it fully embrace the spirit of FOSS either. Anyway I was explaining the appearance of those two being at odds with one another in the meme. Anyone who does not enjoy meme content can simply block this community and move on with the serious side of life.:-)

Jan. 6 Situation Room Officer Reveals Trump Fans ‘Came That Close’ To Murdering VP In Stunning New Interview (www.mediaite.com)

Former White House Situation Room officer Mike Stiegler revealed that then-President Donald Trump never called down to check on then-Vice President Mike Pence as Trump fans hunted him at the Capitol, and that we were “that close” to losing the VP....

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

However, that fact makes this source no profits, therefore “new interview” that “reveals” a “stunning” fact about “murder” it is then.

In this “news” article.

How about you, aren’t you “stunned” to hear this? :-(

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Whelp, time to start avoiding… “food” then.

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

We are more than just Lemmy now - there’s Kbin, its fork Mbin, and others like it that are integrating Mastodon into the mix as well.

Maybe Fedizen?

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

I did a search and there are not many ways to change that, unfortunately:-(. Macs often let you do customization settings, even if you have to copy/paste a command-line to do it, but not this time. There is supposedly an app, but I wouldn’t recommend downloading strange apps from an unknown maker.

I did find out that there is an Accessibility -> Pointer Control option that will let you assign any hotkey you want rather than click, like F11 by default is left-click and F12 is right-click. I am not sure if you can do just the right but not the left. Though remember, already by default you can hold down the control key while left-clicking, and that is interpreted as a right-click action. I had used a Windows laptop in combination with a Mac OSX desktop at some point, so I hated the damn trackpad of the former, but I had already gotten used to the control-click functionality of the latter, and then when these force-trackpads came out it was a more natural move for me who was already into the zone there.

Plus as people are saying it’s noice hardware - the smooth glass feeling and all:-).

The trackpad click-with-two-fingers is not so bad - at least for me, since I rarely use it and I just add one extra finger to the click (I even use the 3-finger expose swipes sometimes, though I never even recall what the 4-finger ones do, and yet the pinch-and-zoom is nice:-)

I am sorry that it isn’t working well for you, but I hope you can find something more to your liking:-). At worst, perhaps you can put Linux onto your existing Mac hardware and therefore configure it more directly?

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

I think that message tends to not resonate well. e.g. in USA politics liberals tried that and conservatives freaked out, thinking that “those (out-of-group) people” might actually get some help, even in situations where “these (in-group) people” would have gotten more.

Hate and fear are more primal, and people are trying to get the message out to the widest possible audience.

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

iirc they don’t allow downvotes, plus dunking on someone is the entire point, and also the icons rendering there is different (significantly smaller) than the giant versions that they render as elsewhere. And yes, the made-up language aspect as well.

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

This article just screams clickbait, from how they play fast & loose with their numbers, yet never seem to define their terms, etc.

Approximately 60% of the consumers PYMNTS Intelligence recently surveyed for a new report said pay later plans help them facilitate better budgeting.

It’s a survey result. From PYMNTS Intelligence. Not “general Western-world customers” as the title would lead us to believe.

Take with a massive grain of salt. I understand less after reading it than I did before clicking:-(.

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

100,000% this - money or even utility seems to not be everything, compared to feeling self-importance

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

This surely will end well.

This surely won’t like, embolden anyone, to do anything, or anything crazy like that.

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar


  1. be (usually born) rich
  2. have an agenda
  3. use your wealth to accomplish it
  4. lie, cheat, steal, do whatever you have to in order to “win”

Did I leave anything out? :-P

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Tbf, doesn’t that make it something like “above average” for a modern large news organization?

Also, if you are testing a bot or something then THAT IS AWESOME!!! But label it properly please!?:-)

If not, is there anything more to be said about the failed fact checks - like just could not be verified, vs. were verified to be actually fully wrong, mostly appearing in opinion pieces or can’t really tell, things like that? Just saying “MIXED” and “MEDIUM CREDIBILITY” leaves me hungry for more… and I don’t really know how to interpret all this.

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

(1) Thank you but that still wouldn’t explain why the person I replied to decided to put all that here, in such an unasked-for manner (and with people downvoting so much to boot, not sure why). Perhaps this is part of some campaign to help avoid clickbait? If so that’s awesome, though I’m not sure how necessary since it’s an extremely well-known news source. I don’t see any pinned posts on this community that explains either. I upvoted and tried to provide constructive feedback. Sorry that I am OOTL.

(2) A quick glance at that site does not fill me with confidence - in fact it does fill me with the precise opposite of that.

First, there are TONS of ads, including an ENORMOUS full-screen (MODAL!!!) one that shows up even on Firefox with uBlock Origin. I am not saying that they do not deserve or even need funding to keep going but… it certainly looks like they want their money. And also they want other people’s money. And also they want more money, and also moar mooonay. And if I continue to scroll, they probably will want even moar money? At which point, who am I to trust? The Guardian that I have read for years, or if I swat away enough of the ads, which again PERSIST EVEN THROUGH AN AD BLOCKER (sorry, that upsets me), or this comment, that again shows up un-announced, un-explained, and has what I considered to be questionable content? (tbf, it’s not that I’m adversarial against it, but it is unknown to me, as explained)

Also that full-screen modal box jumps and skips and hops around in a cutesy manner. Literally 100% of that site (at first glance anyway) looks completely antithetical to every journalistic ethical standard that I have ever heard of - just like every other modern “news” site today, unfortunately:-(.

Let’s see… as I scroll down I am CONSTANTLY reminded of how I can “Gift”, or “Donate” to the site… okay, good to know… finally it starts to tell me what I have known for decades already - that The Guardian is Left-Center, m’okay…

To top it all off, at the very bottom you can rate The Guardian yourself. OMG, are you freaking kidding me - this result is based off of a POLL!?!?! Of people that get tricked into visiting this ad-filled, clickbait website!?!?

To their credit, they do list out every single article that fails the fact-check. That… tbh is quite nice, credit where it is due for sure! Or at least it looks that way, but like everything in relation to this site, one mere second of digging is enough to dispell that notion. e.g. “Private renting is making millions of people ill. – False”. My initial thought: obviously private renting can make people ill, but I dunno about millions… fortunately you can click to read more, which says:

Our verdict: A survey found almost a quarter of private renters agree that housing worries have made them ill in the past year. This doesn’t mean the sickness was specifically caused by renting privately as opposed to any other type of housing situation.

This ignores many, Many, MANY things, e.g. the very title of that article was “Private renting making millions sick in England, poll shows” - the “poll shows” was right there, in the very title itself!? Also, the article gave numerous examples of precisely how people were getting scammed by their landlords:

“The worst bit was when I was trying to get them to fix my kitchen,” she said. “Cupboard doors would come off in my hands when I was trying to open them. I’d ask [the landlord] to have a look at it and they’d just say ‘It’s fine, it’s still functional’. How can you expect people to live like that?”

It sounds like if this woman (“Claire, 41, a renter in Poole, Dorset”) felt that she had lack of agency in being able to fix the problems that plagued her. She wanted it to be fixed - as opposed to someone who has intentionally chosen to live in squalor and filth - and she even tried to get it to be so, but b/c she did not own the property the usual means to do that were denied to her. And then that anxiety over her lack of agency made her feel physically ill - in addition to cleanliness etc. “It is the rule rather than the exception [for tenants she represents] to be experiencing illness: most commonly anxiety, depression, and respiratory conditions.”

The tagline immediately under the title even says: “Survey reveals sky-high prices and poor living conditions causing stress and anxiety”.

Only someone who has never rented nor even so much as ever talked to someone who rented in their entire life could think that this story is FALSE!? Sorry but I think I am too emotional over this to discuss this rationally today.

TLDR: who will police the police? This clickbaity website tries to suggest that The Guardian offers clickbaits sometimes, while itself offering clickbaits far more often. I originally upvoted the top-level comment we are replying to, but I have since changed it to a downvote, based on my admittedly brief assessment of that site. If someone wants to explain why it is trust-worthy then I will listen, but from everything that I am seeing with my very own eyes, I am filled with the opposite of confidence in it, and would prefer to have seen a more reputable source. For all I know, the person who offered it owns that site, and is making money off of people clicking it to read the advertisements? Though I would guess more likely they offered it in friendliness, by stripping away the advertisements in order to bring solely the relevant info here to the Fediverse - and yet by not offering any kind of explanation of it whatsoever, my original point stands: we do not know how to interpret this info, and everything that I see as I continue to dig takes more and more trust away from it.

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

I hope it goes on. And being open source, it definitely will! (e.g. Mbin)

Ernest likewise will be remembered, fondly or otherwise, for his contributions in starting it.

That said, I’m close to personally blocking it due to all the spam hitting other servers from it, and the FBI may come knocking soon as well if people decide to hit it with illegal stuff like CP.

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Relevant comment from a few days ago: lemmy.max-p.me/comment/2612621

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Also, ALL of them have hidden depths. Is Ban really just a “human” for instance - with all that he can do!? (okay, so technically yes:-P but I mean, there is more to the story than just that, obvi!:-D) I love how the show did its slow reveals, not even including some of the Sins early on, in order to allow the show to build up more first.

Seven Deadly Sins is >1000x better than the earlier Fate Stay Nights. It has an… “odd” style, like extremely hyper-sexualized, but even that plays a role in conveying the dream/fantasy-like nature of that world, making it literally cartoonish. Somewhere over time, they really learned how to tell a story well.

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Things are so much more COMPLEX than they used to be - on purpose ofc, b/c people made money from exploiting that increase in complexity.

e.g. American schools used to be tops in the world for things like STEM + others. Now… not so much.

Healthcare too. Now… not so much.

Life expectancy / standard of living, it’s all relevant.

And we don’t even know: is this a temporary downswing, which will eventually right itself? It doesn’t look like it, when up against the forces of globalization, automation, and fascism - it looks rather like now is as good as it is ever going to get, and things like Social Security, Medicare/-aid will just not be available for the people who are currently paying into it. But, back then they did not know how quickly things would get better either, and yet they did so…

On the other hand, decades went by where the gap b/t a living wage vs. what people were paid got ever wider. DECADES of that practice put us into this situation, and it won’t take mere days, weeks, months, or even years to get out of it. Robert Reich’s Inequality for All (completely free to watch on YouTube etc.) explains the 3 reasons people did not notice it happening back then: as costs went up, (a) additional people went to work (it used to be just one person, then it became two), (b) people worked for longer hours (not just 30-40 hrs/week, but 60+ these days), and © people borrowed against the past successes, with e.g. mortgages to put their kids through college and prop up the standard of living that they were accustomed to.

So, yeah, poverty itself was probably far worse back then, whereas hopelessness seems worse today, and it seems not entirely due to media clickbait exploitation of people’s fears. But also, things have shifted such that poverty WILL BE worse in the future: e.g. if young people today cannot afford college, and the minimum wage is not a livable one, then not only will they never own a home, but there is a real, actual potential that they will find themselves homeless. As is happening right now all across the country in fact… Maybe that will be turned around, but like… how?

Indeed, the age-old dance, but always, always with a new form (except there is nothing truly new under the sun).

@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

An “Appeal to extremes” argument specifies that extremes are all that exist - no middle ground allowed. Similarly, the “No true Scotsman” one says that likewise, nobody truly disagrees, at least nobody who matters. Next, why would we consider it okay to use slurs, even/especially against bots - it’s not like saying anything like that will change their minds, but literal children are watching the exchange, and it could change theirs?

Anyway: they will do their thing, but what you are responsible for is doing yours, so your response to them is 100% on you. Do with that what you will.

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