@Probably@genart.social avatar



He/him. Aussie educator. Somewhat infrequent genart enthusiast, microcontroller noodler, python charmer.

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Probably, to lasercutting
@Probably@genart.social avatar

Second run with the laser engraver.
Didn't really anticipate the fine layer of ash that builds up on the paper 😅 #p5js #lasercutting #creativeCoding #GenerativeArt

Probably, to random
@Probably@genart.social avatar

Got myself a laser engraver a while back and finally got around to setting it up and dialling in some settings for card stock, wood, and acrylic.
Did a test run with an old piece I did for the Cricut.

loosenut, to random
@loosenut@genart.social avatar

We're close to AI just being able to crap out entire custom movies for our liking.

@Probably@genart.social avatar

@loosenut I feel the jury might still be out on "liking" 😅 maybe just on demand though

dec_hl, to random
@dec_hl@mastodon.social avatar

Aren't we supposed to live in the future? So why can't I buy cheap rolls of wallpaper sized in hardware stores???
Or ones?


@Probably@genart.social avatar

@dec_hl As much as I love that idea, I wonder whether it would result in everyone’s house looking like a mid-2000s MySpace profile, when everyone was being amazed by bad CSS.

scdollins, to genart
@scdollins@genart.social avatar

"Particle man, particle man
Doing the things a particle can"

Play with this image live (and check out its source code) at https://infinitefunspace.com/p5/ball/ Drag with the mouse or your finger to spin it around.

It uses buffer-less rendering of 100,000 screen-aligned triangles textured with spheres. Each one is sized, colored, and animated entirely within the vertex shader.

- Particles
- Shaders

@Probably@genart.social avatar

@scdollins My mind went straight to TMBG with this prompt 😂
Didn't pan out but glad I wasn't alone thinking of the lyrics.

richardboeser, to random
@richardboeser@genart.social avatar

Maybe next year I'll draw more by hand.

Video of me drawing dots to fill shapes. Black ink on paper.

@Probably@genart.social avatar

@richardboeser [mentally adds the whir of the servo as a soundtrack]
Really need to zoom out to reveal the 3D printed hand :)

Probably, to random
@Probably@genart.social avatar

I've been playing with some ideas for prompts to try and get ahead of when I go back to work.
I accidentally cranked the iterations for my Droste Effect sketch, and, well, I think I like them more than my intentional outputs.

Mountainous collection of circle shapes layered over each other formed from yellow on the left and red on the right.

Probably, to random
@Probably@genart.social avatar

Yay, real prompts are out!

kristinHenry, to genart
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

Since the Genuary 'prompt list' is so disappointing, I'm going to use my SciArt Prompt Generator for my creative coding inspiration.

I think I'll use it to randomly pick a prompt for each time I want a challenge.

Would you like to join me? Or just suggest prompts to add? Or both?

Let's crowdsource this.

Reply with your prompt idea, and if you'd like to be credited for it on the project page: https://artatomic.itch.io/prompts

@Probably@genart.social avatar

@AaronReuland @kristinHenry Today I was trying to explain to someone at work about Genuary and how "generative" and "prompt" didn't mean what they thought it meant 🫠

dec_hl, (edited ) to random
@dec_hl@mastodon.social avatar

If you have long hair and you use over the ear headphones, do you put the ear cups over the hair or do you keep your hair outside?

@Probably@genart.social avatar

@dec_hl Feeling solidarity with the folks with hair by putting the headphones on over the beanie.

this_xor_that, to genart

Day 4 is another variation of moiré. But most of the time was spent in the weeds with rust procedural macros.
Being able to explore the parameter space of generative art is one of the best parts, and I have this library I’ve been building that I use to control parameters with things like a midi controller (I use the same thing for live visuals). But I needed to basically copy all of my structs and sprinkle boilerplate code everywhere.
I spent some time yesterday night learning about rust procedural macros and getting something working. I celebrated by making a nicely centered moiré pattern.
It should save me a lot of code when I want to change a static thing to a live-configurable thing and I am very excited.

@Probably@genart.social avatar

@this_xor_that That’s very cool! So basically you have a generic parameter tweaking device now with templating set up? I love it.

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