@tomw@mastodon.social avatar



Web developer. Sometimes designer. I like code, words and mass movements. Jag lär mig #svenska.

Interested in/may post about #html #css #wordpress #openweb #decentralisation #socialism #protest

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foo, to random
@foo@fosstodon.org avatar

I trust these brands.

@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

@foo For when you want that extra quality and reassurance. SYIDINZN: the name you can trust.

yvanspijk, to random
@yvanspijk@toot.community avatar

The word 'bairn' (child), which is used in Scots, Northern and Scottish English, is closely related to 'born' and 'to bear'.

These words all come from a root meaning "to carry".

When a baby is born it's been carried to term.
The infant is then carried around.

Zoom in for more:

@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

@yvanspijk It was interesting as a (British) English speaker to learn that child in Swedish is "barn" because you do immediately make the link to Scots "bairn". There is something a touch Scandinavian about the whole sound of Scots.

tomw, to random
@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

At this point I don't think there's any reason to learn what passkeys are. Just wait for them to slowly get removed from everything again because of low takeup.

timbray, to random
@timbray@cosocial.ca avatar

Passkeys were hot last year, don’t seem to be catching on, here’s one view of why that is. Dark and sobering but convincing: https://fy.blackhats.net.au/blog/2024-04-26-passkeys-a-shattered-dream/

@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

@timbray Classic overengineered solution. It needs to be simple enough for anyone to understand. Currently it is not simple enough for people who work as programmers to understand.

tomw, to random
@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

Marketing website: "Wow, Bonkadonk makes collecting payments so easy, even my cat can do it! Now he runs his own fancy collars business. Thanks Bonkadonk."

Emails to customers: "We have just deprecated the C-7 GX Rootytooty trust chain as part of our move to GlobalSecure root chain v4. What does this mean for me? You will need to update..."

@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

More websites should say "Wow, this made a difficult task somewhat less difficult, though also still requiring regular maintenance and basic competence."

tomw, to random
@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

You know how people do something slightly embarrassing in the coffee shop (or wherever) and then they say "now I can never go back there"?

I have worked in plenty of customer service jobs and let me reassure you that I never remembered anyone for any reason.

"My usual"? I have no idea who you are, sorry.

"I was just here an hour ago"? Nice for you, I did not retain that information.

"I've been waiting for my food for ages"? Hmm, it is possible that I was bad at this.

@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

@brianstorms Yeah, people ordering in the Starbucks style ("grande oat milk extra hot"...) is annoying, wait for the questions.

Of course it's all moving to touchscreens now, so hey.

@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

@DodoTheDev Everyone is the star of their own life...

tomw, to random
@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

Does a word processor exist (regular app or web app I suppose) that displays a section outline with 'live' word counts next to each section? Like:

Introduction (434 words)
Chapter 1 (942 words)

This seems so simple but searching turns up a) other people asking the same question and b) bodgy scripts/plugins.

@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

For now I'm using a script inside Google Docs that refreshes once per minute and... oh man. Feels like it's going to break at any moment.

@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

One of these days I'll break and make Count Wordula, the word processor for people who are really into counting words but don't really need any other function of a word processor apart from maybe bold and italics

@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

@siblingpastry Hmm, this does look like pretty much what I'm looking for! And the pricing isn't too bad. Thanks, I'll probably give it a try

tomw, to random
@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

Used to be that you'd ask "what are the kids into?" and the answer would be like, idk, pogs.

Now the answer is "liminal spaces".

@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

I will not be taking questions on this.

Really though, they love those liminal spaces.

coldclimate, to random
@coldclimate@hachyderm.io avatar

Day 2 in an open plan office and I've no idea how people get anything done.

@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

@coldclimate Find a hideout in some other, less-used part of the building, unloved meeting room, etc. (May not work in all cases.)

jaffathecake, to random
@jaffathecake@mastodon.social avatar

We use self-closing syntax in HTML where it doesn't do anything. People see it and assume it does something.

Why do we keep doing this to ourselves?


@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

@jaffathecake I'll never stop writing <br />

tomw, to random
@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

Mobile phones killed the widget sidebar

tomw, to random
@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

Just saw someone saying they use AI to write Tailwind.

At that point why not just stab yourself in the feet with a spoon instead.

mogwai_poet, to random
@mogwai_poet@mastodon.social avatar

You may have seen the Balatro Discourse, which consists of people looking at a screenshot of code that it straightforward and getting angry that it's not more complicated.

I'd just like to posit here that a straightforward solution is an excellent default and you should have a really solid argument for the advantages of a complicated solution before you choose it.

@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

@foone @mogwai_poet Video game code is very much not the place for some fancy class inheritance pattern or whatever. If/then all the way

tomw, to random
@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

Journalism training proved to be not very useful to my life... except one thing.

They trained me to write quickly and short. No redrafting. No overthinking it.

Drill fashion: These are the key facts. Bang, bang. You have ten minutes.

You can't wait for the muse to come because the news has come. Now go!

tomw, to random
@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

Pop quiz: can you spot the problem in this PHP snippet? I just got tripped up by it and it was very Not Fun. (This is rewritten to be a minimal example.)

if ( $coolness > 10 ) {
define('COOL_MODE', true);

if ( COOL_MODE == true) {
echo 'You are cool.';

@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

Clue: this worked in PHP7, if by worked you mean "failed in a somewhat worse way". It does not work in PHP8.

@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

@abucci Yeah, they're trying to fix a historical mistake but making a bit of a mess in the process...

@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

@datarama @abucci In general – and hardly anyone agrees with this – I preferred old-PHP's "render something, even possibly completely the wrong thing if you have a weird logic bug" approach to new-PHP dropping fatal errors and hard stops all over the place

@tomw@mastodon.social avatar

@Geoff @datarama @abucci I think it's more that they want to focus on an audience that's building "apps" instead of pages.

When you're just adding some widget to a page, you want it to just error out and the rest of the page to still continue. You don't want execution to 'correctly' stop on error.

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