insomniac_lemon avatar

insomniac_lemon, (edited )
insomniac_lemon avatar

I am all of the issues to some degree and AI outputs to me* just seem like dairy-free maple-coconut water cheese. So personally I'll just stick with nothing (substantial) until the format/workflow that I'm looking for (hopefully) becomes viable for me.

Luckily writing a book or painting hyper-realism are not the only type of creativity.

(also funnily enough, AI currently is just a different set of skills/knowledge especially for the better results or wrangling custom inputs/training/adjustments etc)

*= Particularly what I can run locally, w/a 1050Ti. But also just really most examples of AI (aside from maybe the stuff that is either extremely overproduced/hand-picked or potentially faked)

insomniac_lemon, (edited )
insomniac_lemon avatar

pinky ball vape
Still want to get a desktop vape down the road though

Why, don't you just have the better version already? The only thing I can think of would be wanting a smaller setup, and it seems like you could do that already (perhaps with some ingenuity even using the spare glass from someone else's desktop unit for a balloonbag/whip etc especially if the temperature is not set too high).

EDIT: Ok, I'm guessing the lack of a fan is a difference. And seeing people mention a ball vape being an issue due to potential burn risk (for social gatherings at least).

insomniac_lemon avatar

You want to get eaten as a sex thing.
I want to be euthanized by a woman in the woods, and I like the idea of her pet bear getting my brain as a treat.

We are not the same.

OC Yeah I stole the idea from a spam thumbnail, low-poly 3D vertex colors only

Made with Blender. If you want to see more (or read details I've written about before) I have other threads but note that most instances I've seen seem to only get one thread or the other (so you may need to look at my threads on Kbin). There's another image (an office plant) in the comments of one too. Nothing really...

A lowpoly scene of a purple hand appearing just beyond a pure-white-image on a computer monitor, its hollow palm offers you a plastic black pill bottle with a blank label (both ends of the label are facing the camera). The drugs are probably yummy. This design/idea was stolen from a spam thumbnail.
insomniac_lemon avatar

You can't see me, you can't see me. Neither can he. No-one can see me.

I prefer to buy video games without knowing anything about them

When I hear about a new game, I usually read the first sentence or two on Wikipedia. I rule out games described as certain genres or types, like soulslike or online-only multiplayer games. Then, I check reviews on a site like Metacritic. If the critic or user reviews (doesn’t need to be both) are good enough, I add it to a...

insomniac_lemon avatar

I am pretty much the opposite. I have been burned in the past... things like difficulty (esp. co-op games not really adapted at all for single-player), inventory/loot, hunger etc being annoying. Or sometimes games start out fine and then just eventually lose me.

In fact for some games without much replay value I'll just watch a let's play of it and get 90% (or perhaps better because it's not me dealing with nonsense) of the experience.

Then again, I also just have mostly stopped buying games. And the last thing I bought off Steam (in 2020) was one of those things I wanted for a while and it ended up being a disappointment for me.

insomniac_lemon avatar

Some of it is probably just me sucking at games or not being focused enough. Even though often times I already feel like I'm taking things slowly enough as-is (and trying to exhaust my options).

Though I also think some of it is how razor-thin margin-of-error can often feel, unforgiving (or as I've said, annoying) mechanics, the downsides of randomized/generated content, and also just a big lack of player agency or more specifically good options (like how most games just decide the single-use items you buy are gonna be expensive and selling stuff is barely worth it aside from making room in your inventory).

If a roguelike(/lite) game really kicks my ass almost every time and then I have one really good run where I win (likely due to luck), I probably am not going to want to play that game for a while (if ever) again.

insomniac_lemon avatar

Nah, I want the woman to dissect me and feed my brain to the bear. It's called sharing 🥰

mamanamatovu, to fediverse

@+256754810143 @powerful% POWERFUL DEATH SPELL CASTER INSTANT DEATH SPELLS IN, USA UK U.A.E.**^^SPELL CASTER, DEATH SPELL, SPELL CASTER REVIEW, WITCHCRAFT, PSYCHIC, MAGIC FORUM, BLACK MAGIC IN AMSTERDAM, G @@@$$$+256754810143 }"WITCHCRAFT REVENGE SPELLS / POWERFUL CLASSIFIEDS INSTANT DEATH SPELL CASTER ONLINE IN VENICE SEOUL LITHUANIA MALDIVES, @@@$$$+256754810143 }"WITCHCRAFT REVENGE SPELLS / POWERFUL CLASSIFIEDS INSTANT DEATH SPELL CASTER ONLINE IN VENICE SEOUL LITHUANIA MALDIVES, DOMINICA ,YUGOSLAVIA, VIETNAM, BUDAPEST ,BELARUS} welcome to jajakevin the most powerful witchcraft ,spiritualist revenge spells casters , jajakevin is welknown around the world becouse of her powers, im specailize in the following fields of art,,,witchcraft ,revenge spells, black magic spells casters ,psychic readings, winning courtcase, instant black magic spells casters ,
jajakevin has been know for the last 35yrs of experience ,stop worrying about your problems and evill spirits attacks ,here is your resue .....jajakevin @@@$$$+256754810143 }BUDAPEST ,BELARUS} welcome to jajakevin the most powerful witchcraft ,spiritualist revenge spells casters , jajakevin is welknown around the world becouse of her powers, im specailize in the following fields of art,,,witchcraft ,revenge spells, black magic spells casters ,psychic readings, winning courtcase, instant black magic spells casters ,
jajakevin has been know for the last 35yrs of experience ,stop worrying about your problems and evill spirits attacks ,here is your resue .....jajakevin @@@$$$+256754810143 }

insomniac_lemon avatar

The only way you could get customers is if you could use magic to collect the money and details of the spell, especially for cases in which the customer is also the target. There's no way I'm gonna believe you have 35 years of experience and still gotta use mail or the internet to do your business. Either that or you're just weak-as-hell, possibly doing something that is obviously not-a-spell.

insomniac_lemon avatar

Even then I see a lot of problems, and at least 3 of them are cost. I could maybe see a step down (more of a slowfall type thing negating body weight and using jumping) but even then I don't see that working well where all the land is owned (also: wires, momentum), and electric paragliding might be the more realistic today option (that probably isn't all that practical either).

Sticking to the ground just makes more sense, heck for the brief moment when I had my legs not-fully-out-of-shape from riding my geared 250w ebike regularly (and after recovering from a 22 mile trip) I was wondering if a motor is even (fully) needed (assuming I could get a tri-fold knockoff or used minivelo for cheap for less weight... and possibly slightly smaller though my ebike is already 20" wheels thus a similar size category). And note I do have health issues (I still might want an ebike on a hot and sunny day, assuming a lighter bike is not a massive difference)

insomniac_lemon avatar

Probably because it is, and then add in federation issues (at least that's been my experience with Kbin). That and if I post about something niche people may have no reason to actually respond.

insomniac_lemon, (edited )
insomniac_lemon avatar

Long enough to accept it. Lots of reasons that ultimately add up to being an inadequate person, but also no transportation/income in a semi-rural area (also health/personality issues) so I'm a shut-in and thus don't ever meet people. That said, even in school/college it's not like I ever really made strong connections with people, romantic or otherwise. Non-religious in USA (esp. given rural) certainly doesn't (and more so didn't) help with a dating pool either.

And even if none of those were issues, I'm just not that interesting. I suspect the people who might like to be around me are probably also in their house more-often-than-not, and not within any distance/likelihood of meeting.

The Canadian State Is Euthanizing Its Poor and Disabled (

In 2022, Global News said the quiet part out loud: poverty is driving disabled Canadians to consider MAiD. Those “some” who are driven to assisted death because of poverty or an inability to access adequate care deserve to live with dignity and with the resources they need to live as they wish. They should never, ever feel...

insomniac_lemon avatar

IMO I don't ever see them allowing you to stop being a consumer especially not in such a way that makes them look bad. Best can be done is a cop shooting you when you have a mental health crisis. I also could see it being a genuine population crisis if it weren't even more strict/bureaucracy-hell than MAiD.

Then of course, there will always be more people pushing back against programs like this than there ever will be for actually improving living conditions. People just don't want to see or hear any reference to death, continued suffering is a lot more indirect and nebulous and thus ignorable.

sos, to programming avatar

Every single time I check out one of those upcoming shiny new programming languages that claim to be simple:

insomniac_lemon, (edited )
insomniac_lemon avatar


As a not-really-programmer, Nim is the best that I've seen with easy syntax that still offers performance and flexibility (so I can agree on the other languages not being simple in this same way). Simple in the higher-level stuff it gives you, allowing multiple/easier ways do things. I know this is a different type of simple than you probably mean, which is the language itself being smaller (less concepts to know and less to go wrong, but more manual work). But with Nim you don't need to know everything to work at a script-like level (and nimscript is even a subset of the language) and memory management can be tweaked or disabled if you know what you're doing.

Though Nim is somewhat niche (lacking community), I can see why some things like whitespace and other choices may be polarizing (though I like them), and I don't disagree with the point that @eniko made (that also caused a big contributor to quit, the creator of Nim's package manager, so that made the bus factor worse).

Sidenote, I didn't fully implement it but here is some of my Nim code for loading a polygon from a text file (format example) (readability note: instead of something like float32(i) I could've done i.float32). Though this is via for Raylib bindings, I know that using libraries like this probably makes language differences a bit more trivial, and maybe there are people who can write more-readable C this way.

insomniac_lemon, (edited )
insomniac_lemon avatar

Huh, I'm using technology as an escape from woodworking. Lack of space/tools and a few times when I tried to do something the wood was too seasoned (last thing I tried was whittling hoping to do it in my room anytime and not have dust as an issue, cheap folding knife probably didn't help)

Well not fully true on the escape part, I just drop things really easy when I run into issues like that. Well that and I haven't done anything noteworthy with technology or woodworking.

insomniac_lemon, (edited )
insomniac_lemon avatar

If you're a woman of the woods who will feed my brain to a bear, that'd put me at 80% on-board. As always, travel would be the issue.

Though if I was awake for the eating part, I'd definitely make the joke "Is this a Tally Hall reference?" even though I made it now.

insomniac_lemon, (edited )
insomniac_lemon avatar

Or we’d have it when they had all the branches

You mean the supermajority that was 72 working days?

I mean sure the party isn't so progressive. But "why didn't they fix X?" is a bit stale. Either way, FPtP sucks.

EDIT: just a trifecta is marred by senators like Manchin and Sinema, and things like filibusters may still be an issue (also something like universal healthcare would likely not be as simple as passing 1 bill with a simple majority)

insomniac_lemon, (edited )
insomniac_lemon avatar

Bernie is great... but that's not how FPtP voting works, and I don't think Bernie would even consider running unless Biden dropped out and endorsed him.

Bernie didn't even run in the primary, probably because it doesn't make sense to run against an incumbent.

insomniac_lemon avatar

There are 186 days until the election. There is no possibility that a better candidate enters now and defeats both Biden and Trump, if the 3rd candidate could even win a single state. And a headline of another thread: Exclusive: Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump I think Bernie knows this and would not even run that campaign. There are too many layers of absurdity to this.

insomniac_lemon, (edited )
insomniac_lemon avatar

The publisher of this is somewhat scummy* so I wouldn't doubt whatever this is being completely planned/manufactured to get in the headlines. Or at least the idea being originally pushed by the publisher to "boost engagement" on Imgur/Reddit.

*= Publisher having a decent amount of games, using multiple accounts for unpaid self-promotion on Imgur (to the point I assume they either made devs do this or pretended to be them) on top of crowdfunding+early-access. Also one of the published games was de-listed on Steam temporarily due to a license dispute with the creator (who now has the rights).

(WEEKLY) "The Cruelty Is The Point." (

Reminder: This post is from the Community Actual Discussion. You’re encouraged to use voting for elevating constructive, or lowering unproductive, posts and comments here. When disagreeing, replies detailing your views are appreciated. For other rules, please see this pinned thread. Thanks!...

insomniac_lemon avatar

Most of the time with issues “the point” is cost-saving, stubbornness, cause & effect disagreements, or difference of opinion on how to carry things out

Part of the reason for the phrase I'd say is that said policies aren't even effective at what they aim to do. It often costs more and makes their perceived problem worse (or at very least, hurts their own side in some other way), and it's even worse for the original problem. When this continuously occurs it doesn't seem like a good-faith action.

Cruelty is the only thing that they can consistently get right. Could it be that they're just that incompetent? Maybe, but it sure seems like they're happy with the result.

insomniac_lemon, (edited )
insomniac_lemon avatar

I just checked, apparently we have a ~16 gallon can (15 7/8ths*) and use 33gal bags. It doesn't seem that much bigger (bc volume) but an overfilled bag will still have room in it when removed (it's useful for last-minute additions on garbage day).

I don't know if you need to go this far, but maybe it is why they still fit the can properly with the not-expected-fit orientation like I described to prevent overfilling. 30gal might work, I guess it seems there isn't much choice here though (otherwise I'd say try 5-10gal/~20% higher rather than double).

*= Rubbermaid 3541, "Slim Jim" not cheap for plastic but we've had it for years so I'm not sure if it was that expensive when it was purchased

insomniac_lemon avatar

You can teach a man to fish.
Bears already know how to fish. So aren't they just innocent men? alt.

And I don't think anyone could teach a fish to bear what's going on in the world.

insomniac_lemon avatar

I posted some stuff and ran into this plus my threads not getting federated to certain places. And 3 weeks later they are still the newest posts on those communities (Kbin's ps1graphics and blender communities, note that Kbin communities seem to not use the community link format).

I had some technical questions and a roadblock too, but they are niche so I just... didn't deal with it. Maybe there's an instance out there that'd fit (for me, someone who dabbles in art and programming while not really being those things), but also I doubt it particularly because I'm only interested in a semi-niche programming language. Audience vs niche seems like an unwinnable balance.

I've thought about posting to a more popular community for the next thing I make as it would probably get more of a response, but probably not answers so that wouldn't matter since the stuff I made so far was just random objects. Well, I guess getting answers for Blender questions is more likely.

insomniac_lemon avatar

I haven't, the other community I was thinking of is !artshare which has 3.94K subs.

My style is low-poly with vertex colors (no textures). My Blender questions weren't really that important, the roadblock I am having is trying to use said models in a specific framework (or maybe the very specific bindings I'm using) just not loading vertex colors (I am not sure if there is 'help' here, aside from just fix it).

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