FreddyNO, avatar

What?? Ads is the first thing I see… My dude have you seen your competition? Thunder’s latest update is amazing zero ads. Why would I change?

Its_Always_420 avatar

I installed it, used it for 5 mins and uninstalled it to go back to Thunder.

Aasikki, (edited )

I’ve always loved sync, but just checked thunder. Almost immediately uninstalled as on default settings the ui is way too cramped and lacks contrast with all posts blending to each other. Very hard to read for me. I guess you could make it better by fiddling with the settings, but I just went back to go sync where it’s already very good on default settings and I was able to make it perfect for me just by changing a couple of settings.

Edit: downvote as much as you want lol, it’s just my opinion. Good to know that Lemmy is just like reddit with opinions ;)


Already very good on default? The text size on default is tiny so straight away I was in the settings looking to enlarge font size for posts and comments


You do you! To me, yes this is the perfect font size.


The competition is nowhere near as good tho

FreddyNO, avatar

I disagree, I prefer the ux of thunder. Sync is good, I found the spacing between posts to be very awkward on the smaller list like options though.


It's full of personalized profiling too. Hard pass from me.


Ads or subscription.

Yeah, I’ll stick with Thunder. Having used Lemmy and Mastodon, I realised how much I hate ads.


I have it with an adblocker. It’s neat, but nothing really special. Still has some quirks. Things load very slowly. Almost too much customizations. Lol I have been enjoying Voyager a lot. I also have 5 other apps I’m testing and it is now down between thunder and voyager.


Things loading slowly are due to the instance themselves. The app itself is lightning fast.


Not sure why it only happens on this app, though. I have other apps that load instantly


Voyager is, by far, the best Lemmy experience and it’s 100% free with no ads.


I second this 100% the app also displays nicely on a tablet compared to others. I’m shocked to see this dev ask 100$ plus for a lifetime for an app as good as it is. I understand he needs to make money but I think he took it two digits two far. I’m glad it’s a single developper getting that money though instead of a corperation.


It’s the only Lemmy app that has an actual working and usable tablet mode. Thunder’s tablet mode is… weird. Everybody else doesn’t have a tablet mode. Unfortunately, leading with a subscription model is terrible. Even if they’re already planning a one time payment option (which they should launched with), it’s already left a sour taste. I left big software that was essential for work because of the subscription model (Adobe, Autodesk) and found alternatives. Sync isn’t even essential and there are multiple alternatives. Maybe not that pretty, but they’re decent enough. I hope Boost does better.


Sync launched in beta. While it’s unfortunate that a great majority off people seeing the posts aren’t aware of that, and think it’s a full launch.

The dev opened it up as beta, so more then 100 people could help test it out.

A pero versión is coming before the full release.


There’s absolutely no reason for beta software to not be able to launch with a one time payment option. A lot of companies do this. Just look at all the early access games from steam. This is not a valid excuse in my opinion.


He has only worked on it for 6 weeks since the heat of the reddit drama, probably just figured that’s a thing he can wait a little longer for but some people were very antsy to get back on sync


He added the one time remove ads feature just now proving that he could have added this at the start just as easily. Your argument again is not a valid excuse.

ljdawson, avatar

I added the extra one time payment options within a few hours of the beta going live due to feedback on here.


Yup that is a real rough pill to swallow when the default is free AND no ads. If I’m going to drop money on lemmy I’d rather just donate to whoever is hosting my instance.


I hear what you (and everyone else) is saying, but the developer needs to make money somehow or they’ll have to go get a regular job, and then who will develop?

I think what I’m saying is, how else is the Dev meant to feed his face?

I miss the days when I could just drop a couple of dollars on the paid version, stops the ads and works forever, subscriptions turn me off.


He can release it as a one time payment without free version.


Look at how people are reacting to paying for a subscription. If he had no free version people would NOT try it.


And, I’m not the dev of it. He needs to convince the people. Here, he has multiple possibilities that he can explore before finding how to attract users.


I tried multiple Reddit apps before I settled on Sync. I went through a phase of trying a different one every week. They were all free versions with a paid version. I paid for the ones I liked.

That’s all I wanna do, buy it once, no subscription.


It wasn’t the case of Sync at the beginning. It was just a paid version. The free ad based version came later.


That may be so, but my point was that I would not have tried it had there been no free version.


One time purchase coming soon, its still in beta after all


Maybe, the dev should have wait until he can release it as a one time payment without free version. You want Sync, you pay. Nobody will be against it.


Lol! The choice is ads or a SUBSCRIPTION!?

My friend, we know other 3rd party Reddit app developers are working as fast as they can to make lemmy apps. One of them is bound to have a one-time pro version upgrade. I’ll hold out for that.

LMAO … Subscriptions. Why on earth do you think we left Reddit?!


Voyager is the way to go. It doesn’t even feel like it’s “just” a WebApp.


Voyager is amazing. I’m now battling between it and thunder. I’ve been using Voyager a lot more than thunder.


I haven’t checked out Thunder yet! I’m amazed at how fast apps for Lemmy started showing up after the whole Reddit API fiasco!


Thunder is a very good app. I’ve been testing it on both Android and iOS. It’s been solid. Still missing a thing or two and has some issues, but it is really nice. I do like voyager a lot, too


I respect your opinion. For me it was super clunky. I tried every app for lemmy. The best one is sync for now. If there is a proper competition it will be boost for lemmy.


I’m back after testing Sync for a few minutes and… You’re absolutely right and I think Sync is winning me over!

altima_neo, avatar

I mean it’s nice, but it’s also super clunky


None of the other lemmy apps I’ve used have quite felt right, though I think voyager was the best of the ones I tried in terms of ease of use. I really liked sync for reddit, so I’m hoping I’ll like the lemmy version too. I generally try to avoid subscriptions, but if I like the app and they offer a one time payment to be ad free at some point then I’m fine with that. Tbh so far I haven’t actually seen any ads though so if they’re not obtrusive then they won’t bother me. Devs gotta put food on the table somehow.


I just started testing it out and I gotta say, Sync for Lemmy is absolutely beautiful!

I’d buy it in a heartbeat if it offered a one time option!

ljdawson, avatar

It’s available as a one time purchase now

maxwisecracks, avatar

I left reddit because of asshole decisions. I think 18 Euro per year is pretty fair for an app you probably use every day. I prefer one time payment over subscription, too. But the price for sync is nothing to rant about imo.


I’m not addicted to any social media enough to pay for a subscription. And I’m sick of subscriptions in general. I’m fine with liftoff.


Chill, mate, it’s open-beta. Sync Ultra was a thing on Sync for Reddit as well, which comes with features that need constant cash such as server maintenance etc. IAP for ad removal will come soon.


I disagree. I think there’s a lot of people living in a fantasy. Things cost money. You can’t rely on good will to pay for developers, engineers, and hardware.

Maybe ads aren’t the way to go but you’re not being realistic if you want this place to grow without some kind of funding.


Beta update released within the last hour adds the option for lifetime ad removal.

keeeener, (edited )

there will be a separate in app purchase structure

the ultra subscription was a separate sub model from sync for reddit that was on the side to help support the 1 developer who works on the app if you want to. the model was already there and nothing has changed from reddit, so it was probably easy to leave the code in with the same features and keep it in.

you also need to realize this is a beta as well so it’s not “officially” released yet. if sync for reddit is anything to go by, once LJ is content on the app it will be released in full, with additional pro / dev variants to come. but since those are considered separate apps, those won’t come until later since they need to be reviewed and put on the app store… which makes sense there’s only 1 variant at this time

edit: pro model won’t happen due to Google play store policies on duplicate apps. one time in app purchase is coming

Toribor, avatar

Sounds like pro will not be a separate app and will only be unlocked with an in-app purchase due to Google Play policies around ‘duplicate’ apps.


even better then!


I left Reddit because Spez is an asshole and he killed third-party API access (which, btw, impacted more than just clients - many useful bots/scripts died too as a result of this change).

For many of us, Sync was Reddit, and killing Sync basically killed Reddit for us, but now that Sync is back (for Lemmy), many of us are more than happy to pay a subscription to support the dev, instead of supporting Reddit. ljdawson is an awesome developer who actually listens to his users and updates his apps regularly. If you don’t want to support him and/or use a different app, that’s your call of course, but for fans of Sync, it’s like coming back home after a long time and getting that feeling of “there’s no place like home”.


who actually listens to his users

Support of non-Google-Play version is where? I personally asked about it multiple times and I’ve seen many other people ask as well.


It’s certainly a nice app, but I’ve also grown attached to Connect over these last few weeks. I even donated to the dev, which is something my stingy ass never does.

While I loved Sync, I’m not paying $20/yr for any social media. If I recall, Sync Pro for Reddit was something like $5-6 lifetime. I’d pay that again without blinking an eye.


Yeah, this subscription for everything is getting out of hand now a days. Thankfully, we have a bunch of other solid Lemmy apps. All free and open source. You can donate to the devs here and there when you can, but I ain’t paying monthly for a social media app while a ton free others exist.


If you use private dns if on android then no ads in sync. I just saw this post and noticed there were no ads in my sync app. Then I remembered that I am using private dns for blocking ads. I might switch it on for supporting the dev. Because non intrusive ads are fine for a great lemmy experience. Now I am having the same experience of sync when I use reddit.


It’s fine that you’re supporting the dev, but I didn’t feel comfortable seeing the trackers are google and Amazon. I mean, I know they’re everywhere in our lives, but I can’t just add more spying to my life.


I don’t see ad because I have it blocked system wide on the phone, but I’ve moved towards not keeping apps that show ads installed anymore. Have moved onto either foss or paid versions.

And subscription only model to remove ads is definitely not something I want to support, and the first of its kind I’ve encountered on Android outside of Apple.


The issue people have with Sync is the model going against the philosophy of Lemmy and the fediverse.

People aren’t mad at paying for the app if it was a one time payment.

ljdawson, avatar

Yup and I added the option


I was on Reddit for 13 years, and bought the pro version every app ever made for the platform (sync, RiF, bacon reader, boost, Apollo, Joey, etc, etc.). Sync was … fine. But in no way was it a stand out. RiF had them all beat by a mile for nearly a decade, then Joey elbowed them out in the last few years.

Anyway, I’d have been happy to buy sync Pro for lemmy, but a subscription is bonkers when there are free alternatives.

Mr_Buscemi, avatar

If the RIF app comes to Lemmy I will die happy.

My phone screen has burn in of the RIF refresh button lol


Dev has to somehow pay their bills. And for continuous support they need some kind of reward for their time and effort. Eventually other apps will be moved to subscription or they will just stop updating. These apps will still run because of ad support or subscription. Ads are actually non intrusive.


When I accidentally tapped on the first ad and it automatically opened a shopping app I had on to a product I have no care for. Personally for me, the ads ARE intrusive. I instantly uninstalled after that.

cakeistheanswer, avatar

If you think ads are non intrusive we have different definitions.

If any selection of the free content network I’m a part of isn’t showing me the content I want it’s an intrusion.

There are umpteen services that run on donations, telling yourself ads are necessary is the same deal with the devil as the public Internet.


Dude. There are different types of ads. Small ad banners which don’t affect normal posts is not an issue for me. I am getting a good experience so this is the way I am going to pay for it.

There are umpteen services that run on donations

A lot of them when the user base has grown, wasn’t sustainable and also got closed down and moved to subscription.

If any selection of the free content network I’m a part of isn’t showing me the content I want it’s an intrusion.

You can pay for subscription or use another app. It’s fine. Other devolopers who don’t charge a single bit now will change it in the future. Who is mad to support an app without getting any kind of benefit. There are some open-source developers who do that. Still.

cakeistheanswer, avatar

I’m here on the fediverse because ads are poison.

Knowing my neighbors are swigging more of that shit doesn’t make me feel any better.

ILikeMultis, avatar

Joey ❤️

db0, avatar

Order of priority of paying for stuff

  1. Donate to the lemmy instance you’re using if possible. They are bearing the brunt of the costs for you to have access to the threadiverse
  2. Donate to the lemmy developers.
  3. Donate or buy the frontend of your choice.

Sync is back in action!


Man it’s good to have sync back. Now lets make Lemmy greater!


I missed the material you design of sync! Glad to have it back

GrouchyLady, avatar

Very appreciative of the work that went in to getting this out so quickly. I have happily subscribed.

nexguy, avatar

Can sync show imgur images instead of the link icon?


Just tested this - looks like it only works if you’ve got the direct link, if it’s an album link (ie URL containing /a/), then it’ll only show up as a link.

nexguy, avatar

My posts show the link icon but I believe the links are direct. They show correctly on voyager but not jebora or sync. Is this not the direct link to the jpg?

Edit: Correction. The card view shows the image correctly but the thumbnail view does not (small cards I believe)


Fyi - if you’ve used Sync for Reddit, you can import your settings into the app. You’ll need to export it from the original app first, though.


Be careful with this, it seems some settings are not compatible. Doing this bricked my Sync and I had to reinstall.


Someone reply to my comment so I can see what sync does!


Hello World!


I gotchu.

kamenlady, avatar

Here’s another reply for you to enjoy a new sync notification


Now I am excited to hear what sync does ;)


Also requesting a reply out of curiosity


The text in comments is far too small pls fix.

Edit: found the settings. Have fixed it now!


You can change it yourself.

plumbercraic, avatar

I can’t believe I need the large font size 🧑‍🦯


And I’m back in the game


Finally I can feed myself information at an alarming rate once more


It’s good to be back ya’ll


Yyyeeaa! God this UI is a breath of fresh air compared to the Hell that was the regular reddit app for the last month or so

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