Why is it right to hate Nazis but not Muslims despite the fact that both preach hate and want land ruled according to them?

I was watching this video www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIO-vPMhKA8then i had a thought that :

There is nothing wrong or racist about hating muslims or followers of any religion/ideology that teaches hate of others. majority(about 60%-70% i’d say) of Muslims are just a security concern but not all of them.

Nazis = humans that follow Nazism

Muslims = Humans that follow Islam/Mohammedanism

(fun fact Hitler adored Islam and praised Mohammad for beheading male Jews and taking their wives and children as sex slaves, look up banu quraiyza massacre from unbiased sources)

why can’t we hate both of them at the same time?

I am not saying that we should , i just can not understand why we should not hate muslims according to their own books, quran also says that allah gives higher priority to muslim fighters than muslims that don’t fight. So in order to be a true muslim we should fight and kill or enslave or convert non-muslims. and if muslims don’t do that , i.e muslims are tollerent they will later use taqiyaa (shia deception) or tawaif (Sunni deception) techniques to gain ranks and then they will initiate suppressing minorities where ever they can

**(eg recently if we want sunni example. in Michigan where they started banning LGBT flag display and increased hostility towards gays.

shia example iran where khomeini said that although he was shia muslim but he advocated for a secular democratic republic but then when he got into power he slaughtered every political opponent.

or another classic example of mohammad reciting quran verse 2:256 “for you is my religion and me my religion” and then when he got enough power he started reciting chapter 9 of quran and started killing , converting or sex enslaving pagans, jewish tribes, non-muslims. HE DIDN’T EVEN SPARE CHILDRENAnd remember islam says that in order to be a true muslim you have to follow the pillars of islam one of those is prophet’s sunnah (the things their prophet did)).**

So why the bias?

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t hate muslims, I don’t hate christians or members of any other religion. Hating people en masse is the province of extremists.

That said, there’s nothing wrong with holding religious people to account if their idea of practicing their religion is to take away other people’s right to their own ideas or somehow ends up in the victimisation of the populace.

In fact, if theists could just learn to practice their religion in their own homes and places of worship they’re not a problem at all.

Conversely, a Nazi doesn’t have the shades of grey that a religion does. Not all muslims want to fly planes into buildings and not all catholics want to abuse kids. However, by definition, all Nazi’s want to kill Jews, all Nazi’s want their idea of the Aryan race to rule the planet and all Nazi’s are scum.


Conversely, a Nazi doesn’t have the shades of grey that a religion does. Not all muslims want to fly planes into buildings and not all catholics want to abuse kids. However, by definition, all Nazi’s want to kill Jews, all Nazi’s want their idea of the Aryan race to rule the planet and all Nazi’s are scum.

that goes for muslims as well. infact quran commands muslims in the final hour (which can mean anything from political instability to armageddon according to mullahs) they have to kill jews. i am sorry but you guys are being fed politically and historically incorrect version of islam. The muslims that are active in politics right now are because of their taqiyyah and tawaif (tricks used to decieve disbelievers in order to expand islam) and when they are in majority the county will be called Darul Islam.

Then it’s game over for democracy and tolerence.

@GuyDudeman@lemmy.world avatar

Dude you’re really trying to start something here, aren’t you? Just stop it.

Every religion has some good tenets and some bad. Every religion has some good adherents and some bad.

But there are no good Nazis.

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not an expert on the quran by any means but, by comparison, the old testament tells believers to stone sinners to death. Not all christians follow that belief and I struggle to believe every muslim believes it’s right to kill jews.

Conversely, I’ve yet to meet or hear of a Nazi who takes a moderate line on the existence of Jews.


the old testament tells believers to stone sinners to death. Not all christians follow that belief and I struggle to believe every muslim believes it’s right to kill jews.

that is because christianity is reformed and can be reformed more. but islam? nope

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

Here’s the Muslim Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan giving the Chanuka message for Jewish Londoners in 2022.

Peruvian_Skies avatar

In Nazi-occupied territories, you had to at least convince people that you were a Nazi if you wanted to avoid persecution. It's the same in Muslim-ruled regions. And most followers of extreme ideologies are indoctrinated into them, robbed of their critical thinking. So I think it's silly to hate "all Nazis/Muslims" or even "all self-proclaimed Nazis/Muslims". Hatred is an extreme, powerful emotion. I hate the ideologies, not the people who are forced to go along with them.

But I agree with the OP that it's hypocritical to feel differently about two groups that have the exact same flaws just because one of them claims that their warped views come from a god and the other doesn't.

@Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml avatar

It’s always right to hate far right. Policital and religious.

Radical Muslims are as despicable as nazis.

Don’t compare Muslims in general to nazis, even though Muslims in your direct surroundings (your family apparently) talk like nazis.


i am not generalizing. i am saying majority (around 60%) are like this.

@Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml avatar

around 60%

I’d be curious to know how you got that figure. Is it a guesstimated 60% of your friends and family or do you have a paper to support this ?

I live in a department of France where an estimated 32% of the population is Muslim, and around 100% of Muslims I know don’t want to behead anybody.


Fascism exploits religion, Abrahamic religions are inherently fascist. Christianity for the Nazis & Spanish, Muslim for the Jihadists, it's still fascism.


thank you! 🙂


I don’t know enough about Islam, but my limited understanding is that it’s just another religion that will always have extremists in it like any other belief system.

I’ve heard plenty about it being uniquely violent or hateful, and maybe there is something unique in it’s traditional readings, but it’s far from being alone in holding hateful or divisive ideology cosplaying love.

I think what makes Islam seem more radical is partly it’s popularity. Even if it has the same percentage of extremists as every other religion, there are simply more people who grow up with Islam. The other element is the bigger one, and that’s the success of Islam in directly influencing government.

The biggest threat of any religion is when it overtakes popular consensus in government. If January 6th had ended in Trump taking the White House back, American Christian radicals wouldn’t be so different from radicals in the middle-east.

It’d be easy to argue Christian radicals already have a comparable influence and control in America.

I know these beliefs are still meaningfully different in some important ways, but my point is that the biggest problem is the tendency for religion to invade governments in general. Religion is often a convenient vehicle to hitch fascism to.

Peruvian_Skies avatar

In Nazi-occupied territories, you had to at least convince people that you were a Nazi if you wanted to avoid persecution. It's the same in Muslim-ruled regions. And most followers of extreme ideologies are indoctrinated into them, robbed of their critical thinking. So I think it's silly to hate "all Nazis/Muslims" or even "all self-proclaimed Nazis/Muslims". Hatred is an extreme, powerful emotion. I hate the ideologies, not the people who are forced to go along with them.

But I agree with the OP that it's hypocritical to feel differently about two groups that have the exact same flaws just because one of them claims that their warped views come from a god and the other doesn't.

cedarmesa, (edited )
@cedarmesa@lemmy.world avatar



i am exmuslim.

cedarmesa, (edited )
@cedarmesa@lemmy.world avatar



thank you for asking

@ilickfrogs@lemmy.world avatar

Because that would be the same as saying all Germans are/were Nazis. We need to separate the extremists from ordinary people. One could argue that extremist Muslims are also just Nazis. Hateful intolerant people - willing to pursue their cause through violent means. Not all Muslims are Nazis.


Do you chose to be a German? No.

Do you chose to be Muslim? Yes.

@DocMcStuffin@lemmy.world avatar

Do you chose to be Muslim? Yes.

Respectfully, this statement is false. The only muslims that chose to be muslims were the ones that converted as adults. The rest were children that were indoctrinated into the religion before they had the ability to think for themselves. Once religious belief gets its hooks into you like that, it’s tough to get out.


facts more over nazis are gone/ destroyed and divided or atleast destroyed to the point of functionality. meanwhile there are many muslim theocracies.


this isn’t about ethnicity this is about ideology they follow. nazism is tied to ethnicity and islam is tied to a facist ideology.


Being a nazi by definition means you believe fcked up stuff about people and society. Identifying as a muslim doesn't. Some muslims are bigots and believe horrible stuff, we should decry those things but there are also muslims who don't do that and it would be pretty unfair to bash them for things they don't believe, no?


muslims do that too! these verses are from quran and as we know, in order to be a muslims you have to believe in quran.

The Quran teaches Muslims that Kafirs:

Are donkeys 62.5, 74.50

Are dogs 7.176

Are cattle 7.179, 25.44, 47.12

Are losers 2.121, 3.85, 5.5, 8.37, 10.95, 27.5, 29.52, 39.63, 39.65

Are wicked 8.37

Are insolent 6.146, 7.166, 40.75, 67.21

Are hard-hearted 39.22, 57.16

Are deaf 2.171, 5.71, 6.39, 17.97, 30.52

Are blind 2.171, 5.71, 17.97, 30.53, 41.44

Are dumb 2.171, 6.39, 17.97

Are ignorant 6.111, 39.64

Are miserly 4.37

Are begrudging 3.120

Are transgressors 5.64, 5.78, 6.110, 7.186, 10.11, 10.74, 37.30, 50.25

Are corrupting 5.64, 10.40

Are filthy 9.28

Are superficial 19.73-74

Are traitors 5.13, 22.38

Are liars (Over 10 verses)

Are perverse 5.75, 9.30, 10.34, 35.3, 40.63

Are envious 2.90, 2.109, 2.213, 3.19

Are evildoers (Over 10 verses)

Are degraded 5.41

Are feeble 22.73

Are deluded 3.24, 6.130, 7.51, 35.40, 45.35, 67.20

Are arrogant (Over 10 verses)

Are defiant (Over 10 verses)

Are conceited 38.2

Are ungrateful 22.38, 35.36, 39.3

Are the vilest of animals in Allah’s sight 8.55

Are the worst of all creatures 98.6

Are Allah’s enemy 2.98, 8.60, 41.28, 60.1

Are Muslims’ enemy 4.101, 8.60, 60.1-2

Have impure hearts 05.41

Have schadenfreude 3.120

Allah hates them 35.39, 40.10

Allah does not love them 3.32, 22.38, 30.45

Allah destroys them 3.141, 17.58, 21.6, 28.43

Allah disgraces them 9.2, 16.27

Allah defiles them 6.125, 10.100

Allah tortures them 4.56, 18.29, 22.19-22, 40.71-73

Allah forsakes them 7.51, 20.126, 32.14, 45.34

Allah curses them (Over 10 verses)

Allah humiliates them (Over 10 verses)

Allah casts terror into them 3.151

Allah turns them into apes 2.65, 5.60, 7.166

Allah turns them into pigs 05.60

Allah turns them into worshippers of evil 05.60

Allah turns them into scum 23.41

Allah sends devils on them 19.83

Allah ignores their good deeds 18.105



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  • Daqu,

    But picking and choosing happens in every religion. The catholics had a big falling out over sour dough. Why should muslims not be allowed to have varying interpretations of their religion?

    Ghost33313 avatar

    Just hate intolerance. That said, I've met Muslims who were some of the nicest people I've ever met, yes even to Jews. Hating all Muslims because a portion are a hate group is like saying hate all Christians because the Westborough Baptist Church exists. Ratios might be different but please don't generalize.


    Many terrorists are Muslims, but not all Muslims are terrorists.

    Nazis are terrorists. All of them. They may not be the ones committing violence directly, but anyone willing to call themselves “Nazi” are still supporting terrorists with their votes, their social media posts, or their wallets.

    Religious people can still be good people despite their superstitions. Nazis cannot, because Nazism itself is about hate, fear and violence.

    @jabberati@social.anoxinon.de avatar


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  • CookieJarObserver,

    Guy is literally exMuslim…

    @jabberati@social.anoxinon.de avatar


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  • CookieJarObserver,

    iv sadly meet more that did. :( there are definitely many nice ones but in my experience the not nice outnumber the nice at least 2 to 1.


    To be fair I hate all western religions. In fact, the only religion I can semi-tolerate is Zen Buddhism because it’s non-dogmatic.

    @Bleach7297@lemmy.ca avatar

    I haven’t met a lot of moderate, reasonable Nazis.


    moderate nazis are basically evangalical christians they are equal to muslims with taqiyaa and tawaif (concealment of real intentions at time they are less in power)

    @Bleach7297@lemmy.ca avatar

    Most people these days hate Nazis for what they did. Hating someone for what you think they might do is your thing.

    Another reason people hate Nazis and not Muslims: Nazis were a centrally organized body with a ‘high command’. If someone identified as a Nazi you knew what they stood for – they were facists, after all.

    Meanwhile there are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world and no central authority that represents them all. It’s pretty hard to hate such a large, heterogeneous group.


    yes infact they have a central command it is called fatwa.

    @Bleach7297@lemmy.ca avatar

    Holy crap that isn’t even close to what a fatwa is lol


    Cause nowadays leftists think any minority is always worth protecting.

    They are mentally ill.

    I’ve seen enough idiots support “Palestine” and LGBT+ in the same sentence i would like to blame that on usa, but this phenomena happens everywhere…

    @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah… I wouldn’t trust what Ahmed Huber had to say about anything.

    Hitler had Muslim legions and seemed to have no problem with Islam, but I don’t believe that’s a real quote. There are plenty of pro-Christian quotes you can mine from Mein Kampf and suggesting that Hitler was somehow tied to Islam erases the very definite Christian culpability for the Holocaust.

    @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

    First of all, that’s paywalled. Secondly, opinion articles in the Wall Street Journal might as well be Fox News pieces. Do better.


    does not change the fact that hitler was very pro-islam and islam is very pro-facism and pro-totalitarianism. you can just do a quick google search to find out about it.

    @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

    Hitler was also pro-Christian. He used Martin Luther’s On the Jews and their Lies and other antisemitic Christian texts to argue in favor of genocide. Mein Kampf is full of Christian references. So are his speeches.

    Please read the following if you don’t believe me. It even quotes from Mein Kampf: inference-review.com/letter/hitlers-christianity

    Criticize Islam on its own faults. Adding Hitler to the mix is just muddying the waters.


    leftists care about human life Durr hurr so stupid

    Weird flex from a conservative whose magic sky man says you’re supposed to care about human life, but ok. Not like faith is logical anyway.

    It’s also not contradictory to think Palestinians shouldn’t be second class citizens in their own country, while also not giving a fuck about people’s gender and thinking they deserve the right to live their lives however they want.

    Conservative media just bombards you 24/7 with trannies don’t they? It’s like every time a con posts it’s something about trannies, no matter how unrelated. What a strange thing for definitely straight real alpha conservative big boys to obsess over all the time. Less than 1% of the population yet you choose to bring them up everywhere you go…



    Are you mentally ill?

    1. “Palestine” doesn’t exist there is only Israel when i look at a map.
    2. Im a social Democrat, but i hate the new left because they make everyone else that is “left” look bad and be associated with them.
    3. Im Anti Theist, i hate religion in general and think its idiotic.

    while also not giving a fuck about people’s gender and thinking they deserve the right to live their lives however they want

    Said the person defending a country where you get stoned to death for being gay…

    Conservative media just bombards you 24/7 with trannies don’t they? It’s like every time a con posts it’s something about trannies, no matter how unrelated. What a strange thing for definitely straight real alpha conservative big boys to obsess over all the time. Less than 1% of the population yet you choose to bring them up everywhere you go…

    Im not conservative, im not consuming “conservative media”, im not from muricaland, i have no fucking idea what the actual fuck the rest of this verbal Diarrhoea is supposed to mean.

    JBloodthorn avatar

    And if you look at a Russian map, Ukraine doesn't exist. And likewise Taiwan on some Chinese maps. Almost as though whoever made the map can put the lines wherever they want or something.


    Russian maps show Ukraine, just smaller and those aren’t Recognized maps.

    The most important countrys don’t recognize a “Palestine” as a country.

    And Taiwan is way more complicated than “Palestine”


    I am an exmuslim and i am just trying to understand. i myself come from a muslim family and even have family members that talk of killing jews and non-muslims (especially hindus)

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