@leraje@lemmy.world avatar



This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

.world hasn’t defederated from either of these two instances. They’ve blocked .world users from accessing those 3 communities from .world. You, as a .world user can still access any community across those 2 instances, aside from the 3 mentioned. Any users on those instances can still access .world communities.

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve seen the controversy where lemmy.world defederated from 2 piracy instances.

No they didn’t. They blocked 3 communities from 2 different instances. All other communities on those instances are available to .world users and .world is still available to all users on those two instances.

Blocking individual communities is not the same thing as defederating from those instances.

RANT regarding my memes about Islam

I don’t care how many downvotes this post gets because every time I post something about Islam, I get people commenting and reporting the same dumb shit. For example, on my previous post were the meme said that “Islam is not the religion of peace”. We had a user report that meme for being hate speech. Really, have you guys...

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

Neither of those two memes you just linked to are about religion or criticising the Islamic religion, they’re both unoriginal, tired takes on trying to equate muslims with terrorism.

Do you post memes about violent attacks by christians? Or Judaists? Or Hindus? Or Bhuddists? Or is it just the Muslims you save that for?

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

Might be worth remembering here that Lemmy instances, including .world are hosted by regular people. Not massive multinational companies worth billions who can engage the best legal talent around.

If Hollywood comes after a Lemmy instance, Holywood have a huge legal team and endless money. The Lemmy instance has some guy. They could quite literally destroy a persons life. With that in mind, I don’t blame any instance owners for erring on the side of taking a stance that won’t put them in the legal firing line.

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

Nothing. It’s just 3 communities on dbzero that are blocked and as far as I know, they’re only blocked on .world. There’s no defederation so you as a user signed up to dbzero can still participate in any .world community and any .world user can still interact with communities on dbzero apart from the three named.

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

That’s a bit naive, knowing what we know about the sharks that run the large media corporations. For your average instance owner, it’s not a question of being found not liable, it’s the fact that you as an ordinary guy with an ordinary life and an ordinary income suddenly have to defend yourself legally with all the exposure and expense that entails, from day one.

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t know about you but engaging a lawyer and going to court to defend myself would be a massive financial drain. And to risk that on simply the hope that a court might find in my favour is far too big of a risk. Then add on all the unwanted public exposure, the internet notoriety etc. Fuck that.

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not saying they are or aren’t. I’m simply saying that we all know the big media companies go after people at the drop of a hat. They recently tried to get reddit to expose the identities of people discussing piracy over there. To their credit reddit told them no and defended themselves legally. And that’s the issue. The media companies can accuse anyone of anything if it even slightly smells like piracy and the target has to legally defend themselves. This is fine if you’re a multibillion valued company. Not so fine if you’re just some guy who just wanted to run a Lemmy instance out of his own pocket.

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

Not sa far as I know.

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

Are all their apps/backend open source? They have a github repo but it’s not very clear what’s open source or if its partial open source or what. I think it’s just their mail app and windows desktop app.

If that is this case, they’re asking their users to have a lot of trust in them.

Open source devs: please, please add screenshots...

I beg you, if you are a developer of an open source app or program - add screenshots of your app to the README file. When looking for the perfect app, I had to install dozens of them just to see what the user interface looked like and whether it suits me. This will allow users to decide if the app they choose will suit them…...

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

Also, installation instructions that don’t assume you’re already an expert.

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

Fantastic work. Now uninstalled the other clients I was trialling :)

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

Better that than making no difference at a club going nowhere.

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

They’re only saying the quiet part out loud. Most christians don’t believe in or act in accordance with what jesus was purported to have said and haven’t done for a very long time.

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe because the xtian memes make jokes about how stupid it is, not jokes about them beheading people?

Not sure who needs to hear this, but if you want to eliminate the influence of religion, you need to give people an alternative to their local church.

We can attack religion all day long and not get anywhere with the general public. Here’s why: Your local church is entrenched in everyone’s community. And it can be a church or mosque or temple. It doesn’t matter. It is the center of the community in a whole hell of a lot of places....

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

In the UK, Christianity is no longer the majority, falling below 50% of the country for the first time. Only 5% of those attend church.

In the US since 2007 Christians have dropped from 78% to 63% whilst atheism has gone from 16% to 29% of the population (pewresearch.org/…/how-u-s-religious-composition-h…)

xtians are in terminal decline already.

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

Crematoriums in the uk are non denominational. If youre religious, then a priest officiates. If not, a humanist or whatever.

I think you might be seeing American xtianity as representative of the whole. But even in America, a time will come in the next 60 years or so when xtians aren’t anything but a minority. Services will change, things will move on. Its inevitable.

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

Sure, there’s always periodic swings, but overall the graph is heading steadily downward for xtians. Over 90% of US citizens identified as christians in the early 90’s. It’s now 63% and at the same time, atheists have risen from practically zero to nearly 30%.

Globally, the same pattern is seen and whilst they’ll always be periodic swings up and down, overall the global trend is still going down and there’s no real reason to suppose that will reverse.

Islam on the other hand, is growing. It’ll probably outstrip xtianity worldwide sometime in the next 25-30 years and atheism will probably decline overall as Islam increases.

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

That’s a genuine blow. He’s been integral to the team for awhile now. Irreplaceable? No, but certainly important.

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah but choosing to stay at Barca and choosing to stay at Spurs are very different things.

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah BILD reported this back in June.

linuxFan, to random

@testuser test posting from Mastodon.

@leraje@lemmy.world avatar
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