
This flowchart is wrong.

If I follow this reasoning, I should be running windows. I am not running windows, Ergo, either it is incorrect or I am incorrect. And I refuse to believe I’m incorrect.


It’s pronounced gpeg


No, I’m sure it’s pronounced as jpej.


Love the “A KNOW”

@unionagainstdhmo@aussie.zone avatar

By “gamer” they probably don’t mean someone who plays games. They probably mean someone who think 69 is a funny number and saying the n word is cool

GigaFlop avatar

Technically false
Gamer here, use Linux cause proton is good and I'm fed up with windows lol


I’m close to switching to Linux with proton

@0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

Go for it 👍.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Bottles is great, and it puts links in for you into Steam, so you can launch the games directly from inside the Steam client.


Not good enough for DRM games, most mmo games or playing on private servers in minecraft or something.

@callyral@pawb.social avatar

Minecraft works perfectly fine, pretty sure it runs natively on Linux actually.


Its java based right?


Java is famously cross-platform. It even means you can run a Minecraft server on Arm64 without issue. I currently have a heavily modded Minecraft server hosted on an Ampere Alta VPS without a single hitch


Java version is the easiest to run on Linux. I have seen that people have gotten Bedrock to work but it looks a lot harder to get running and has more limitations.


If the DRM or anticheat needs low enough level access that it won’t run in wine I don’t think I really want it running on my computer either way.


minecraft (java, not sure about bedrock) on linux is flawless, private servers work exactly as they do on windows.


I think it’s almost at the point where the only games that don’t work are games with anti cheat that refuse to play nicely.


Cool Edge Lord points, bruh.


What’s are you talking about with Minecraft? I’ve always been able to joins any server cause it’s the same game.


Private servers not official Microsoft ones you login on the game. A server that isn’t connected by Microsoft organization in the Minecraft community. That’s the private server im talking about.


I have been able to join community hosted minecraft servers no problem


Yeah nah I host my own Minecraft server and you’re just wrong. I’ve used multiple server softwares as well that have nothing to do with Microsoft. Are you talking about bedrock edition maybe?


I play Minecraft without any problem on:

  1. Local LAN Game
  2. Local Private Server (Forge mostly).
  3. Online Private Server. either my own or from others.
  4. Official Internet Server

No idea what problems you seem to have but Minecraft works 100% perfect on Linux.

@gamermanh@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Think they mean Bedrock, not Java

Bedrock is the windows-forced version and has Realms, which is probably what they mean by private server

Really good example of the difference between old and new school PC gaming right there


Oh yes, I had actually forgotten that this things exists. You could be right. But quick search says there is a way to use Bedrock on linux and connect to all kind of servers / realms as well. even together with java users. but tbh, i have not looked deeper into it.


Yeah plenty of actual examples for games that don’t work / work well on Linux. Minecraft is not on that list

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

most mmo

I play WoW, SWTOR, and New World just fine.

Which MMOs were you thinking about?

@Octopus1348@lemy.lol avatar

This is probably an old meme. I use Linux as a dedicated gaming OS, macOS for everything else except when Linux is already booted or nothing is and I want to do something quickly.

@oce@jlai.lu avatar

Why not Linux for everything else? Art apps?

@Octopus1348@lemy.lol avatar

Because I just prefer macOS more. And Safari is good.


In my case, Inventor and AutoCAD. I hate AutoDesk with the fury of a thousand suns, but FreeCAD just isn’t stable enough.

Oh, and currently needing .NET automatic source generation (long story), which is very difficult to develop on anything other than Windows.


I use Windows only when a certain game has a quirk in Linux. Everything else is Linux. Video editing, photo editing, gaming, browsing, etc


It’s so old you can see the age on the image itself, lots of artifacting

camelbeard, (edited )

I kind of really dislike the notion that you only use Linux because you are too poor for Apple.

I don’t use Apple because I don’t like to be stuck in a walled garden where a company decides what’s best for me.

I know it’s just a meme, but I think too many people actually think Linux is somehow inferior to Apple (MacOS) while I think it’s the other way around.

@unionagainstdhmo@aussie.zone avatar

When MacOS users can snap windows to the edge of their screens and quit apps by hitting the red button we can have a chat about what the better desktop experience is


snap windows to the edge of their screens

While it’s not a feature out of the box, there is software to add this functionality to macOS. But… same on Linux. You need to install that software if you want the feature. (Gnome/i3/other choice with this functionality.) So 🤷‍♂️


The most popular software to do that is proprietary and you have to buy it. For Apple you are only a demi-sentient wallet and they are constantly trying to dry you up. I hate that with a passion.


Okay. Is that software owned by Apple, you mean? Or only available through their store?

What about the next, or second next popular software to do that? All proprietary and cost money?

Just curious.


You’re confusing iOS, where you are in a walled garden, with macOS, where you can just do whatever the hell you want (There’s a recovery partition you can boot to where you can disable just about every bit of security that’s not hardware much like booting to grub in Linux)


You’re right, although I wouldn’t be surprised that at some point MacOS will have a mandatory app store to protect you.

@0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

I kind of really dislike the notion that you only use Linux because you are too poor for Apple.

It’s supposed to be funny 🤷 😂, like a very simplified version of how things actually are.

okamiueru, (edited )

Also. MacOS is absolute garbage. I’ve used it for 4 months now, and it pisses me off how inconsistent it is, and poorly designed and written. Two days wasted because of an almost bricked laptop because the monitor was set to 60Hz while installing an update. Just think about that.

I also had the misfortune of booting into windows after changing a motherboard. It was an absolute shit show there too, with broken drivers. Two hours of debugging. Had to use a long ethenet cable to even start fixing it, a flashback to a Linux experience I had in 2007.

Same system in Linux? Not a single second spent. WiFi drivers, microcode. Everything worked fine. Only thing necessary was fixing the grub/mbr partition that Windows decided to write over, on a separate drive. But that’s also Microsoft being shit.

People just don’t know how much more usable Linux is these days. Especially for power users. You can do so many things, so easily, that either works out of the box, or you can do with simple scripting. The only issue is software availability, but that too is mostly a thing of the past, and not really a fault of the OS.


Yes, I agree. Just holy cactus, MacOS is just so bad these days. The inconsistency us driving me nuts. Why do the windows you open with the “help” menus inside of apps have small buttons? Why do some apps (e.g. Music) have a Search entry on the left side, and why do so have it on the left? Why do we still have tons of icons for system apps (Photo Booth, I’m looking at you) who have been programmed in a time where there have been dinosaurs around and seem to have never changed? … And so on. Like honestly, MacOS is so much better that Windows (which admittedly isn’t hard), but when I open up my good ol’ Fedora I dont have the feeling that I see a new shiny operating system, and when I click on a wrong button I am in the 1990-s again. Or 2050-s. Or God knows where. Linux has its unique set of challenges, but I fully agree that the notion that “MacOS is better than the rest” just isn’t true anymore. Maybe it was, when Linux distributions were worse and there was more money put into bugfixing OS releases. But not anymore.


Proton is so fucking good these days


Are you rich?

Are you bad with money?


Just because you’re bad with money does not mean you can afford an Apple product.


Just because you cant afford an apple product doesn’t mean you won’t buy one (on credit)


… Damn, good point…


Pay only 29.95/month! (for 100 months)

@M137@lemmy.world avatar

Worth every penny IMO, MacOS is super nice and so is the hardware.

(I don’t have a mac, wish I did though).

Cue the apple hater replies, this will be fun.


(I don’t have a mac, wish I did though).

Worth every penny IMO, MacOS is super nice and so is the hardware.

Putting all my legitimate Apple/MacOS concerns/arguments aside, how can you declare a product as “Worth every penny” when you yourself have not used it for an extensive period of time? Attempted to integrate it into your workflow?


Mac was fantastic in the '80s

Mac was great in the "90s

Mac was good in the '00s

Linux Mint was fantastic in the '10s


Ok but it’s the 20s and I want to run apps that are only on new chip MacOS computers and i don’t have one what do I do, saaave me linukz


ARM compatibility is still shit. All actually useful desktop apps are still primarily x86-64, the compatibility layer Rosetta is hit or miss, everything is proprietary and expensive, and Apple decided the Pro model should only have 8GB for a shit ton of money. Apple is overpriced trash in the '20s.


I think this is the first time I’ve seen someone refer to the 2020s as the 20s. I’ve kind of been waiting for it.

Ziglin, (edited )

I’m a Linux gamer, can you adjust it too do you play certain games that don’t run on Linux? !linux_gaming Edit: fixed the link

@0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

The meme is not mine, I stole it 🤷 😁.


Fair enough


!linux_gaming is what you probably meant to type


yes but it seemed to work for me anyways.


Because you are tagging a community on your own instance. It doesnt work for people on other instances


ah ok, I’ll fix it then.


Reject modernity, return to typewriters

@0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

Trouble is, they can’t do lots of other things that computers can 🤷.


Talked about linux in discord the other day and all the linux people were fucking annoying as shit about it

@0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

They’re probably kids and feel like 1337 for using Linux. It’s just an OS, like any other.


Do you fear God?

Yes -> TempleOS


Do you make a furry comic from the 90’s?

Yes -> Amiga


In puberty? Hannah Montana Linux.

Kim Jong Un is god? Red Star OS. There’s a Linux distro for everyone.


catgirl? UWUNTU


Are you sus?

Yes --> AmogOS

@SVcross@lemmy.world avatar

I thought you were kidding. Can’t believe it is a real thing.

God, I love the internet.


Someone have the list of all those brands?


From top to bottom and left to right

  • Chrome OS
  • Windows
  • Mac OS
  • Ubuntu
  • Pop!_OS
  • Linux Mint
  • Debian
  • ?
  • Kali Linux (?)
  • ?
  • Arch Linux
  • ?
  • ?

Anyone want to help out fill in the blanks?


I know that after arch is Gentoo, the last one is FreeBSD

Fungah, (edited )

The one beside Debian is almalinux I think.

The one beside Kali is parrot


i play games sometimes and gimme mint


I’m actually curious what BSD provides in comparison to Linux. What does it add, do better, or worse?

The only thing I know is that they introduced some stuff way before linux did, but that’s simply due to the age. BSD jails for example have been around for a long time. Buy beyond that, it was never apparent to me why linux took off and BSD didn’t.



I would say the biggest advantage is that OpenBSD is a very security-focused distribution, in a way that I don’t think any Linux-based distro has adopted.

The other advantage is ZFS. 10-20 years ago, there was no equivalent, and btrfs was in its infancy. These days, btrfs has proven that it is pretty stable and resilient. There might still be some advantages of ZFS over btrfs, but I haven’t used either one at all, so I can’t really be sure.

Outside of that, the BSDs are basically just different distros. Back in the 90s, when there was a lot more diversity in Unix, a lot of people just started out with *BSD because there was no clear choice at the time. People just like to use what they are more comfortable with - but most new users pick Linux over BSD these days, and a lot of people who started out on BSD have assimilated onto Linux.

Still, diversity is a good, nice thing, especially with the advent of systemd. So I’m glad we still have the BSDs around, even if I disagree with their stance toward the GPL.


Also zfs on Linux has been a thing for a while now

@0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

Still, now I’d use BTRFS over ZFS any time.

@0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

There might still be some advantages of ZFS over btrfs, but I haven’t used either one at all, so I can’t really be sure.

Curently, there are none. In fact, BTRFS has outperformed ZFS in every aspect in the past few years, including filesystem growth (when changing drives, put in bigger ones, something you could never do with ZFS).

Outside of that, the BSDs are basically just different distros. Back in the 90s, when there was a lot more diversity in Unix, a lot of people just started out with *BSD because there was no clear choice at the time. People just like to use what they are more comfortable with - but most new users pick Linux over BSD these days, and a lot of people who started out on BSD have assimilated onto Linux.

The main reason is more drivers and software. Sure, it might be fun compiling from source when you’re young, but at the end of the day, when you wanna get work done, you really can’t tell your customer (or boss) “look, I really can’t deal with this right now, I’m building FF from source”. Also, one of the main reasons why Gentoo and LFS have a fairly small user base.

Still, diversity is a good, nice thing, especially with the advent of systemd. So I’m glad we still have the BSDs around, even if I disagree with their stance toward the GPL.

There are distros that don’t use systemd, Void being the most prominent of them all (mainly because of the number of packages it has in it’s repo).


ZFS is stable as fuck there. Perfect for running a file server.

@0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

BTRFS is there as well in the past few years or so.


Yea I don’t use Linux much but both my router and nas are running BSD. Also I found out the PS5 runs BSD. Guessing the benefits are a stable OS as my router/nas often have uptime in the months with my NAS once running over a year without being restarted.

@0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

No, it’s because BSD has a permissive license, unlike Linux. You have to release source if you change the source, which is not what BSD is about. BSD says “here’s the source, do whatever you want with it”.

0x4E4F, (edited )
@0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

You get to write your own drivers from scratch, so you know for sure no one is spying on you 👍.

Linux took off because, one, it wasn’t backed up by an institution or a company, just one guy doing weird stuff with his computer, and two, because of the license. People don’t like investing time in something that others might use for free in their commercial products. And not only that, but they’re not bound by law to release the source for that. And this is the reasson why every printer out there runs a BSD variant, not Linux.


Bsd is a complete package and tested as such. All the software and everything. It’s like windows, when it’s released you install it and you get wordpad, edge, calculator etc. Bsd is the same that way. Linux is just a kernel, with the distributions bolting on the gnu software. I know it sounds kinda the same but it’s not.

Also the license. With Linux I think you need to cite it’s use and you can’t charge for something build with it (of course there’s exceptions, like packages you create do not need to be for example), but bsd license is the most permissive. You can charge a customer for it and dress it up however you want.

No systemd.

There’s some other stuff too


You don’t need to cite, you need to provide source code. The point of GPL is to allow the user to inspect and modify the software. You can even sell it as long as you provide the modified source code under the same license.


Thanks, that’s the best explanation I’ve gotten so far 👍



I had a friend about 25 years ago who was very much into Quake Arena. His gaming setup ran on BSD. Now that I’ve been gaming on Linux for several years, I’ve really come to appreciate how much work it must have been to get that setup running smoothly in the late 90s. He died a couple of years ago. I sometimes wish I could call him up and get some advice.

@0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

Wow… just wow… QIII on BSD 25 years ago… yeah, that must have been hell to set up…


I knew nothing about linux 2 years ago and started with installing Debian on my surface go 2. This explains why I couldn’t get the web cam to work to this day.

@0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

Try frimware binary blob packages, those usually have whatever to make the thingie work with the Linux kernel.


I’m not sure what do you mean by firmware blob but Ive done the following:

  1. Added non-free to the sources file.
  2. Installed Surface-linux lib.

There is a guide in surface-linux library which requires compiling something with CMAKE. I’m not comfortable at the moment to do it since I don’t have the time to fix it if something went wrong.

I couldn’t find a good touch gui for debian so ill give ubuntu a shot.

@0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

In the non-free repo, there should be something like firmware-broadcom, firmware-amd, firmware-intel, etc. Those are binary blobs, closed source firmware (supplied by the manufacturer) that is loaded in the device in order to make it work with the linux kernel. See the make and model od the device via lspci or lsusb (depends on how the device is connected to the PC) and see the make and model. If it’s, let’s say, Broadcom, install the Broadcom firmware package and restart the rig.

Regarding cmake, you could use BTRFS to revert everything back to the way it was, just make a restore point before doing make install.


I am once again asking:

Do you fear God? —(yes)—> TempleOS


All roads lead to Hannah Montana Linux.

@0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

I’m waiting for a Mariah Carey Christmass Edition Linux.



I may have spent too many years in the service industry


Sad bsd noises.

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