
America 200 years ago: Steal land from native peoples and then kill, sterilize and oppress them, putting their children in concentration camps where they’re forced to give up their religions, languages and cultures


China today: Steal land from native peoples and then kill, sterilize and oppress them, putting their children in concentration camps where they’re forced to give up their religions, languages and cultures



oh they have a very effective method, it’s called “nuhuh, china says that’s not real so it’s not real!”


Burgerland? Wow, this is just sad. That person probably doesn’t go outside often. Good thing that unlike the site that must not be named, this is FOSS so it’s a lot harder for them to ban the /c’s outside of ml and lemmygrad they disagree with unlike the tankie admins on that site.


The admins on Lemmygrad are also the admins on lemmy.ml – Oh, they’re also the Lemmy developers.

alternative_factor avatar

Gonna side with the tankies on this one, being called cracker has never offended me in any way, shape, or form. Now if OP is genuinely disregarding people's opinions for being white then yeah that's racist actually but I don't feel bad about cracker at all. I don't know any other white people who feel bad when we get called that, it's just not the same.

PugJesus avatar

Living in Appalachia - around here, 'cracker' may not be even near the equivalent of the n-word, but it's also definitely not a kind term.

alternative_factor avatar

Yeah I was gonna ammend that with "well that's probably because of the enormous amount of de jour privilege and honestly segregation that I've lived with because I've heard in some places people can actually be serious about it". Lemmygrad is for sure one of those strange places where it can be serious, wouldn't be surprised by black Isrealites being on there or something.

PugJesus avatar

It's edgy kids doing it, many of whom are white themselves. They form a worldview that's nothing but a reverse image of 19th century White Supremacy - only instead of white people being the only bringers of good, white people are the only bringers of evil. It denies the agency of communities of color and, predictably, ignores or denigrates the experiences of mixed-race folk.

alternative_factor avatar

Okay now I'm gonna try to see if there are white people on grad who believe in Yakub

PugJesus avatar

They definitely use the same terminology. Mostly because they think any form of anti-white sentiment is inherently funny and laudable, same essential reason why 4chan back in the day was so fond of the n-word, just a different target.


You can be racist without the victim be offended. Doesn’t happen often, but offense isn’t a requirement.


I’m not entirely offended by cracker either, but I also think it’s stupid to hold people accountable for atrocities done centuries ago before electricity.

But yeah, the Admin is disregarding the opinion because they are a white migrant living in China.

PugJesus avatar

I also think it’s stupid to hold people accountable for atrocities done centuries ago before electricity.

It's stupid to hold anyone accountable for the acts of their ancestors. I'm not sitting here half oppressing myself and half oppressor. But racist behavior and systems continue to this day, it's not just some relic of history.

cacheson avatar

It's stupid to hold anyone accountable for the acts of their ancestors.

In the sense of retribution, sure. However, restitution is still necessary. All slaveowner property should have been confiscated and given to the former slaves, down to the very last penny. We never did that, so the resulting racial wealth disparity has persisted to this day.

Fixing the problem has gotten more complicated due to the passage of time, but it still needs to be fixed. Ideally we'd trace where the wealth of the slaveowners went, confiscate it, and use it for restitution. People aren't entitled to keep stolen property, even if they receive it unknowingly.

Practically speaking though, restitution would likely need to be funded though taxation. As an anarchist I don't like the idea of increased taxation, but if such a thing were to gain momentum I wouldn't feel right opposing it either.

PugJesus avatar

Fixing the problem has gotten more complicated due to the passage of time, but it still needs to be fixed. Ideally we'd trace where the wealth of the slaveowners went, confiscate it, and use it for restitution. People aren't entitled to keep stolen property, even if they receive it unknowingly.

See, here's where my problem comes in - I have no issue with punishing those actually involved, but how many degrees of separation are we pursuing here? I don't find the idea of playing genealogist for the sake of determining whose wealth gets seized appealing. None of us choose to be born who we are - we only choose our actions. The time for that kind of justice is, sadly, long past, even if having every slaver hanged and every freedman granted their property would have been a dream end to the Civil War, instead of the nightmare we ended up with.

No, at this point, the only just means of restitution is necessarily a broad and societal correction rather than attempts at seizing individual property - that is to say, the government should use the resources at its disposal to attempt to correct existing racial wealth disparities rather than try to identify the descendants of the guilty who originally caused it and take it out of their metaphorical hides.

cacheson avatar

It seems like we're largely in agreement here in practical terms. However on principle, confiscating stolen wealth that someone has been given isn't a punishment, since they were never entitled to it in the first place.

PugJesus avatar

But how far away do we judge it to be given? That blood money wasn't just sitting around - it was used to undertake countless projects. Is the architect who was paid for his work now in debt? Is the otherwise-uninvolved merchant of post-war goods subject to seizure (ignoring the enormous problem of Jim Crow and complicity there, for the sake of the argument in the abstract)? His kids? His kids' kids? His employees? All of them were paid with money stolen from the sweat, toil, tears, and blood of slaves. Generational wealth and the generation of wealth is not a simple matter like "This is your great-great grandfather's watch, here you go", and I don't think it can be, even just in principle, resolved by the same methods that immediate theft can. There are too many degrees of separation involved even just in inheritance from 5+ generations ago.

For a more modern example, if man robs a bank, uses the money to put his kids through college, and only after they graduate, he's caught and is killed in a shootout with the police, is it moral to suddenly saddle the kids with the debt of their college years? What about the earnings they made afterwards? Are they illegitimate too? They were only made possible by the expenditure of the illegitimately acquired wealth.

None of this is meant to assert that we disagree strongly, I just love discussing hypotheticals, abstracts, and principles.

cacheson avatar

Lines do get blurry, and that causes real problems with trying to ensure a just outcome. No real way around that. However, sometimes things are more clear cut. If the plantation (or at least the land it was on) is still in the family, maybe it shouldn't be anymore?

However, there's an argument to be made that such a confiscation would be too sudden and severe of a shift in the social contract. I still think it should be considered, though. Of course, I also think we shouldn't allow absentee land ownership in the first place.

PugJesus avatar

I mean, man, I'm probably clear, since even my white ancestors were post-Civil War immigrants, but that doesn't, and shouldn't, matter. It's a duty to support equitable redistribution of wealth to eliminate racial disparities as a human being and as a countryman, not as someone with white or white slaver ancestors. This started with bigotry - it must end with unity. All of us have a duty to each other, to raise up those who are kept in unequal condition, to stand with those who are isolated, to refuse cooperation to the ideologically prejudiced.

cacheson avatar

All of us have a duty to each other

I tend to take a more individualist view of things. I agree that we have some level of duty to each other, but I don't believe that duty should be enforceable with anything stronger than social pressure. As such, I feel that taxation for collective benefit is fundamentally unjust.

However, unlike right-libertarians, I'm not okay with class stratification. We need to be actively dismantling the power structures that maintain the disparities in our society. I believe that in doing so, we'll find that taxation isn't actually necessary, and that we can have a society which is both voluntary and reasonably equal.


oh absolutely. I think every nation should officially recognise the atrocities of the first settlers.

Kichae, (edited )

I also think it’s stupid to hold people accountable for atrocities done centuries ago before electricity.

At the same time, many families got rich off of slave labour, and have passed that ill gained wealth down from generation to generation.

Just because you gave the car you stole away as a gift doesn't mean it ain't fucking stolen. It should be repossessed.

@jeremy_sylvis@midwest.social avatar

Just because you gave the car you stole away as a gift doesn’t mean it ain’t fucking stolen. It should be repossessed.

Following along with the analogy, the original owner of the car is dead and so are all of their direct descendents - reuniting the person who was wronged with their beloved car is impossible. Should we… what, estate sale the car? Pull some sins of the father nonsense and fine the current owner for actions taken generations ago?


I used to watch the YouTuber in n question and they did used to be a really good view into China. However, I stopped watching after he moved to the US and started making classic “China bad” scare content. The only part of the OP that is questionable is the excessive use of cracker, which is a bit distasteful but nothing more.

I would also like to point out that “atrocities done centuries ago” does not apply to White South Africans. Apartheid was what, 40 years ago? Well within living memory.


It is very recent, yeah.

FfaerieOxide avatar

What racism are you talking about?


Disregarding what someone says because of their ethnicity and minority status.

FfaerieOxide avatar

Who is it you say is experiencing racism here?


Minority migrants in China

FfaerieOxide avatar

The only people I see talked about in the screencaped content are white people.

Try as I may I can't find any of the racism you're talking about.

Is there are a second person hiding behind one of the white guys who is being subjected to racism that I'm not seeing?


Why don’t you think that’s racism?

FfaerieOxide avatar

Because the supposed victims are white.
White people cannot experience racism.

Racism requires systemic power and white people are not systemically oppressed.

Why are you comparing an Afrikaaner being told to "shut the fuck up" to the historic and contemporary horrors unleashed by global white supremacy?

sour avatar

troll ._.


Anyone can be a victim of racism.

What you’re thinking of is systematic racism. But in this case, it still doesn’t apply because the system of China is homogeneously han, not caucasian.

FfaerieOxide avatar

Anti-Blackness, the founding and perpetuating force of white supremacy has global force. There is nowhere on this planet white people are oppressed for being white and as the creators and beneficiaries of racism they cannot be victims of it.

For you to cheapen and dilute the concept of racist oppression by using the term to describe what's going on in the picture—a guy from a settler colony being told his podcast sucks—you have to realize how bad a look that is.


Anti-Blackness? oh man, wait until i tell you about Chinese Racism towards Black people, lol

Global-Force? Oh don’t tell me you’re a QAnon globalist type.


You clearly haven’t travelled much if you think racism is, ironically, black and white. I mean, you have many people in this thread telling you that you’re wrong and countless downvotes, don’t you think that you might be wrong?

FfaerieOxide avatar

Chinese people engaging in anti-Blackness had nothing to do with the correct assertion I made that anti-white racism is not a thing.


Anti-Blackness? Don’t you mean racism? haha


Shut the fuck up. You're being an idiot. Anyone can experience racism. Arguing over the semantics of systemic racism or personal racism shows how big of a fucking asshole you really are. You're probably the type that likes to go "Umm actually" And then have the dumbest fucking take on whatever hot political issue you've decided is worth your time this week.

FfaerieOxide avatar

White people can't experience racism for being white.


Racism doesn’t require it to be systematic. The moment you dismiss someone based on their race and/or ethnicity it becomes racism. By definition.

Anyone can be racist. Anyone can experience racism. Just because it affects some more than others, doesn’t make it less racist.

The ethnicity of Europeans isn’t as easy as just. White, black and brown. You have white people being racist against other white people. Because they belong to a different white ethnicity than someone else. Racism isn’t limited.

Racism isn’t a fucking competition. Racism is racism.

PugJesus avatar

Calling people "cracker" seems to be an obvious one.

FfaerieOxide avatar

That's a derogatory term for white people, yes, who cannot experience racism as white people are not systemically oppressed.

PugJesus avatar


@jeremy_sylvis@midwest.social avatar

What would you call discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity, in a word?

FfaerieOxide avatar

White people can't experience racism. White people are the beneficiaries of racism.
Telling a beneficiary of global white supremacy his podcast sucks is not racism.

Not taking a stance on if his podcast sucks as I have never heard of him. Discaring for the dude's takes and insulting him for it still isn't racism. He is white.

@jeremy_sylvis@midwest.social avatar

I’m not sure which comment you’re responding to as it does not appear to be an answer to the question posed, which was: What would you call discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity, in a word?


They aren't going to answer cause they are a piece of shit who is a racist.

@jeremy_sylvis@midwest.social avatar

I suspect the answer is a bit more simple - they’ve a comment history of concern trolling rife with, shall we say alternate facts - I suspect they’re just trying to bait out uncivil replies for a report and ban.

I suppose it’s possible they’re actually so deep into that koolaid as to be approaching flat earth levels of theories but I try to not assume people are that far gone.


Long as they follow the rules they won’t be banned.

@jeremy_sylvis@midwest.social avatar

Of course. That’s why it works.

@kryllic@programming.dev avatar

Wew lad, I hope this is just a poor attempt at trolling


Yeah idk who decided to start spreading the idea that the only racism is systemic racism but they have a lot to answer for.


Ah yes the old “racism can only be systemic” fallacy. That’s systemic racism, this is an example of interpersonal racism which doesn’t have to be systemic to be racism. I know you probably don’t care about how it can affect white people, but ignoring the existence of interpersonal racism or acting like it can only go one way hurts marginalized groups too, so don’t be doing that k.

FfaerieOxide avatar

Racism is a system.


Life is a journey, time is a river, the door is a jar. Words can have more than one meaning.

FfaerieOxide avatar

But "racism" can't mean, "a thing experienced by white people as a result of being white".


man americans are hopeless lmao


I really want to ask you a couple of things:

  1. What is your definition of racism?
  2. You seem to exclude prejudice from it; why?
  3. What informed your definition? (if you have some reading materials to recommend, do send them my way!)

Yes it can, because that’s a form of interpersonal racism, which is prejudice towards someone because of their perceived race/skin colour. It’s not systemic racism when it happens to white people, sure, but it’s still racism. Systemic racism isn’t the only kind of racism.

FfaerieOxide avatar

Anti-white racism is not a thing.


Yes it is. It doesn’t matter how many times you try to claim otherwise, it’s an objective fact that anti-white racism is a thing. White people can absolutely experience inter-personal racism. Pretending they can’t isn’t helping anyone, least of all minority groups. It’s just denying reality for the sake of either an agenda, or your own personal feelings on the matter. How white people experience racism is different from how minorities experience racism, I won’t deny that, but claiming that they don’t experience it at all is just flat out lying. You don’t need to stoop to that level.

FfaerieOxide avatar

White people wanna be oppressed so bad.


I didn’t say anything about oppression hon, we’re talking about racism.

FfaerieOxide avatar

Which white people can never experience for being white. Glad we're on the same page.


No, you’re in your own little world and not paying attention, just like people who say the earth is flat and global warming doesn’t exist. Saying it doesn’t make it true dear.


You’re a tool

PugJesus avatar

For people who hate the West so much, they sure are overdosed on Western pop culture.

goat, (edited )

Oh, they all love capitalism. So obsessed with brands, products and consumerism.

PugJesus avatar

Red capitalism. What a concept. Guess it's the equivalent of El Che t-shirts.


You know what’s hilarious? According to the book “The Cultural Revolution: A People’s History 1962-1976”, During the height of the Chinese cultural revolution, it became the fashion to wear pins that featured Mao in profile. In fact, if you didn’t have one of these, you were seen as a pretender; someone who didn’t take the revolution seriously. The problem is, these pins were made of aluminum. Due to the popularity of these pins, China was temporarily denuded of available aluminum. Workers were stripping aluminum shielding off of their machines to make these pins, and there was a thriving black market where people could buy them. So basically, to show off how good they were at communism, they went to the most capitalist of places (the black market) to buy these things. Mao even, at one point, decried the industry, lamenting the lack of available aluminum to make airframes for fighter jets.

But that’s the thing - as important as the struggle was to the people in the revolution, it paled in comparison to the need to prove to everybody else that you supported the struggle. If you didn’t have one of those pins, you might as well just sign up to be part of the next struggle session.

@nanoUFO@sh.itjust.works avatar

They better love capitalism, China is capitalist


China calls itself Communist. That’s literally all it takes to convince them.

@jeremy_sylvis@midwest.social avatar

Yeah… I never understood the “words are louder than actions” susceptibility there, but I can’t complain overly much as my country’s own partisan politics is rife with it.

DragonTypeWyvern, (edited )

Marxist theory explicitly states that capitalist systems might be a necessary step towards socialism. This is largely the premise Dengism was based on, using profit motives and foreign investment to build infrastructure until,

In Theory ™

Society is ready to both meet the physical needs of everyone and dissolve all heirarchy, aka the guvment.

I’m not sure how much comfort that is to the workers in factories with suicide netting.


They complain about people accepting the western media narrative while uncritically swallowing whatever Xinhua wants them to believe.

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