Star Wars should learn from Andor and stop making Disney Plus shows that are so obsessed with the Jedi

  • Star Wars Disney Plus shows should move away from Jedi-centric stories and explore other aspects of the Star Wars universe
  • Andor is a successful example of a Star Wars show without Jedi, focusing on the Empire’s control and morally gray characters
  • Suggestions for new Star Wars show ideas include Pod Racing, Jawa Storage Wars, and One Man and His Droid, among others

For all the shit that Lucas gets, I have to say that his vision for Star Wars has not been replicated. And when you grow up watching those films, you become hyper-sensitive to anything that doesn’t “feel” Star Wars. I honestly believe that’s why the Sequel trilogy wasn’t received well, and why the TV shows fall flat for the most part.


Rogue one felt like Star Wars to me. The other did not.


I think the Jedi/no Jedi debate isn’t useful. I believe the major difference is whether or not the writing is good or not. Andor felt like the best star wars material ever written, a whole different league. Mandalorian season 1 felt like fresh, fun star wars. Season 2 felt messier and more corporate with it’s connections to the greater universe. Season 3 felt bad. Ashoka felt bad. Boba fett felt bad.

They feel worse the worse the writing gets, Jedi or not.

I agree that seeing a wider range of stories from different time periods (other than the ones Disney has already fucked up - looking at you FO and the rehash of 4-6) would be great. But that’s not what will predict the quality - well paid writers with a vision and a team around them interested in that vision is what we need.


I just want smaller scale stories where the stakes are high not because of some galactic consequence but because we become attached to the characters and their small worlds.

Andor felt tense because the world was small so smaller scale crises seem larger. I felt more when >!Kino said he couldn’t swim!< than I did when the Death Star obliterated everyone on Scarif.

The only reason why I want less Jedi in my star wars is because I want them to feel special. Star Wars has a massive Galaxy where Jedi were a rarity even before the purge so give me more of that. Don’t blow your load every 10 seconds by shoehorning lightsabers into every story.

Give me a film noir set on Nar Shaddaa or a heist set on Alderaan. I’m tired of the overuse of Jedi like I’m tired of the overuse of Tatooine. That planet is supposed to be a backwater with nothing going on hence Obi Wan choosing to hide there but instead we visit it every other Tuesday because executives think people want sand and brown doors.

databender, avatar

I think you can do a bunch with jedi/sith, but you have to use the force for something more interesting than pushing things and jumping pretty high. The extended universe novels had all sorts of cool shit force users could do with it. They should lean in to that kind of stuff.

retrospectology, (edited ) avatar

It helps too when they’re not over used. You have to think how genuinely frightening force users must be to the average person. They don’t need to go full-on “The Boys” levels of trope subversion, but showing the force as it might appear to your normie citizen might be interesting. I would think most people feel a mixture of awe, fear and mistrust.

We got a little bit of that when CGI Luke showed up at the end of the Mandalorian season to take away Baby Handpuppet. Seeing the mandalorians, who train to fight their whole lives, struggling so hard to get through the ship and deal with the droids, and then a Jedi shows up and just kind of breezes through them. It’s that kind of perspective that makes the jedi and sith seem impressive.

It’s a similar reason people responded so well to Darth Vader’s scene at the end of Rogue One, he just seems genuinely superhuman when seen from that kind of bottom up perspective.

databender, avatar

I completely agree - force users should be few and far between, but if you’re going to put a Jedi Master or Sith Lord onscreen they should be goddamn impressive. It would be something you became creative with while mastering, but all we see them do is hop around and shove stuff.

CosmicCleric, avatar

A well-written opinion, but I can’t agree.

Jedi/Sith are central to Star Wars, everything else is just the support for that story.

Having said that, I have no problem with seeing other parts of the Galaxy and how they interact and react to the Jedi/Sith struggle, etc.

But to focus on that exclusively, no.


for that story

that story got told, over 40 years ago, by the first three star wars films

trying to continue to tell the same story over and over—trying to continue feeding the same meat into the same grinder—is what gave us episodes 7-9, and to a lesser extent 1-3

but there's still plenty of life in the world building and universe those films created

But to focus on that exclusively, no.

have you watched andor?


Hey, 8 tried to tell a different story. It’s a story about how the legend of “Luke Skywalker” is overblown and doesn’t do justice to the man himself or to anyone around him. It’s a story about how war has a big negative effect on the rest of the world, even places far away from the war. It’s a story about how sometimes the world doesn’t work the way myths do, with awesome magic powers and heroic sacrifices. It’s a story about how everyone is important, and the “great man” idea of history is false. Those are stories that Star Wars hasn’t told before.

8 redeemed the mistakes of 5 and fixed Star Wars.


if it was a standalone movie, sure

but it wasn't a standalone movie

it was a sequel to a movie and basically just served to undo everything 7 did

why make a trilogy if you're just going to have the first two films cancel out? just make 1 film


Name one thing 8 undid from 7.


snoke as the overarching villain

wow that was difficult


So, you also maintain that 6 undid 5 by killing off the Emperor, right?


setting up a character to serve as a villain for three films then killing them off partway through the second is very clearly different than setting up a character to server as a villain for three films then killing them off at the end of the third film

by the logic you seem to be using, 9 also didn't undo anything 8 did, which is patently absurd


Snoke wasn’t set up to serve as villain for three films. He was set up to serve for two films, same as the emperor. You’re just salty that your fantheory didn’t come true.


by the logic you seem to be using, 9 also didn't undo anything 8 did, which is patently absurd


Well it didn’t “undo” anything in 8, it just undercut and betrayed its core themes. That doesn’t erase 8, it just spits in 8’s face.

It’s impossible for 8 to have undercut 7’s core themes, because 7 doesn’t have any.


if for some reason you believe it's impossible for a film to retcon things, why not just save us both some time by opening with that, rather than having this pointless little back and forth?

it's a really weird time to argue for death of the author when we're talking more or less specifically about directorial intent and we have the interviews from people involved

it's also kind of weird to argue for death of the author while also insisting the emperor was only established in 5, when he's mentioned multiple times in 4

It’s impossible for 8 to have undercut 7’s core themes, because 7 doesn’t have any.

i'm not sure i'm the salty one here


8 didn’t do any retcons. A retcon would be “actually Snoke isn’t the main villain, he’s just a clone created by Palpatine.” 8 was perfectly happy to play nice with all the facts established in 7, and then have Ben kill Snoke as the first dramatic climax of the movie. 8 gets to have two dramatic climaxes because Rian Johnson is a brilliant filmmaker.

slurpyslop, (edited )

A retcon would be “actually Snoke isn’t the main villain, he’s just a clone created by Palpatine.”

by the logic you're using, that still wouldn't be a retcon, because it would've been the intention the entire time

i'm also stunned you think anything about "he turns the lightsaber to face his TRUE ENEMY" was well handled


I don't disagree that there should be more non-jedi focused stories... but I do have a problem with this:

that story got told, over 40 years ago, by the first three star wars films

A story was told. That doesn't mean every story that could involve jedi has been told. Just the same one rehashed multiple times. Different stories, focusing on different aspects of that same mythos without retreading the same ground (again), can still be told. It just requires more risk, which is why it hasn't been tried as much.

It doesn't help that, because of forty years of history, people are attached to these characters and stories. They want to explore more of that. I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing... unfortunately there is a lack of focused direction that has made it difficult to continue it with any kind of stable quality.


It just requires more risk, which is why it hasn't been tried as much.

"tell more stories about the jedi without retreading the same ground" is the same request as "tell more stories about the star wars universe without retreading the same ground" just with less risk, and in turn with less potential for truly interesting and unique ideas

CosmicCleric, avatar

What you’re asking for is not Star Wars, but Traveller.

Which could be great, honestly, but it wouldn’t be Star Wars.

I bet it would save Disney a lot in licensing fees to Lucas though, not having to use his characters and pay for them.


Rogue One at times feels more like Star Wars than the original trilogy, and doesn't have a single Jedi in it.

Your measurement for what counts as "Star Wars" seems pretty arbitrary. 4 would be essentially the same movie even without the presence of any Jedi.

CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

Rogue One at times feels more like Star Wars than the original trilogy, and doesn’t have a single Jedi in it.

I guess I’ve just seen more movies than you, because it didn’t feel like a Star Wars story, it seemed like a spy movie trying to escape with plans to a weapon. 🤷‍♂️

Your measurement for what counts as “Star Wars” seems pretty arbitrary.

I’m pretty sure that the most iconic type of thing in the storytelling for Star Wars, the most recognize and beloved, would be Force wielders.

That the Force, and how it manifests itself in the storytelling, is what makes Star Wars, Star Wars.

And that most would agree with my opinion on the matter. It’s been in the news and stories and magazines etc etc etc long enough prove that point.

slurpyslop, (edited )

I guess I’ve just seen more movies than you

I guess you just don't really understand Star Wars as well as you think you do 🤷‍♂️

it's an aesthetic and a setting

if you define it as a narrative you can't step outside the first three films

CosmicCleric, avatar

I guess you just don’t really understand Star Wars as well as you think you do 🤷‍♂️

You really don’t have to keep attacking me you know? We could just discuss the points instead.

it’s an aesthetic and a setting

So is Traveller TTRPG, or Babylon Five, Warhammer 40K, etc., etc.

But none of them are Star Wars.

if you define it as a narrative you can’t step outside the first three films

I’m not, you keep assuming I am, but I’m not.

I’m talking the unique points of the world building/lore. You can have different narratives in story telling for the same world (or in this case, galaxies).


You really don’t have to keep attacking me you know?

buddy i literally just took what you said and changed a few words around. if it feels like attacking you then maybe do some self reflection?

where have i attacked you?

So is Traveller TTRPG, or Babylon Five, Warhammer 40K, etc., etc.

put literally anything from 40k next to literally anything from star wars and it becomes painfully obvious that they're two distinct properties

you're aware 40k essentially also has the force too, right? i'm not sure what point you're trying to make here

I’m talking the unique points of the world building/lore.

what unique points?

jedi are reskinned samurai, and the force is just a reskinned magic system combined with reskinned buddhism

CosmicCleric, avatar

but there’s still plenty of life in the world building and universe those films created

The flip side of that though is just you end up with detective shows and spy shows and soap operas, in space, with a splash of sci-fi paint thrown over them. Been there, done that.

Jedi and Sith are a unique storytelling point, and there hasn’t been enough about their conflict with each other, and by that I mean whole organization versus whole organization wise, and them manipulating the larger politics of the various systems and so forth to their cause, etc. Not just the singular Darth Vader versus Luke Skywalker fight kind of conflict.

The Sith as a large organization hasn’t been seen in movies or tv, only in games.


The flip side of that though is just you end up with detective shows and spy shows and soap operas, in space, with a splash of sci-fi paint thrown over them.

jedi are literally samurai with a splash of sci-fi paint

Jedi and Sith are a unique storytelling point, and there hasn’t been enough about their conflict with each other, and by that I mean whole organization versus whole organization wise, and them manipulating the larger politics of the various systems and so forth to their cause, etc.

you're describing the overarching plot of the prequels

The Sith as a large organization hasn’t been seen in movies or tv, only in games.

the rule of two kind of makes that impossible

CosmicCleric, avatar

the rule of two kind of makes that impossible

I was thinking pre-rule of two, like in the MMO.


if where you draw the line on what counts as integral to a narrative is that arbitrary, why not just toss jedi too?

CosmicCleric, avatar

if where you draw the line on what counts as integral to a narrative is that arbitrary, why not just toss jedi too?

Just because you declare it as arbitrary doesn’t mean it’s actually arbitrary.

If you ask most people on the street what is the most iconic thing about Star Wars, they would either tell you Force wielders, or Jedi/Sith.


Just because you declare it as arbitrary doesn’t mean it’s actually arbitrary.

either you're defining star wars by the films, or you're picking and choosing what really "counts"

you're doing the latter

CosmicCleric, avatar

Just because you declare it as arbitrary doesn’t mean it’s actually arbitrary.

either you’re defining star wars by the films, or you’re picking and choosing what really “counts”

you’re doing the latter

No, I’ve watched pretty much everything at this point, and have read the EU books to boot (really enjoy some of them).

And I remember the decades of TV news/videos and publication stories/articles about what makes Star Wars, Star Wars.

I’d feel confident if you put it up to a vote, that the Force and/or Jedi/Sith is the primary response to the question “What is Star Wars to you?”. Everything else is just copying other stuff and slapping a sci-fi paint on it. Traveller TTRPG like.


the eu is filled with stories that aren't about jedi or the force

so yeah, you're picking and choosing what counts based on your personal vibes

CosmicCleric, avatar

so yeah, you’re picking and choosing what counts based on your personal vibes

Disagree, and moving on. Have a good one.


Why not just watch one of the many other options without Jedi?

The rule of two is hardly integral, anyways. There were 3 for most of the prequel trilogy time frame and Vader took on several apprentices between ep 3 and 4. It was 2 as far as I know during the OT but then the sequels brought it back to 3.

And Sideous adopted the rule of one (where he can train whoever he wants but not with the intent of replacing him because he planned on living forever using force ghost and clones so he’d always have a body) from the end of ep 1 onwards.

I just speak for myself, but star wars without force users just isn’t that interesting to me.


then why not watch one of the many other options with jedi?


Andor was written as a heist thriller that happens to occur in the Star Wars universe, that’s why it’s good. Same as Rogue One.


Andor had one heist arc, amid a broader story about radicalization and the creep of authoritarian power. It’s a damned ambitious show. I’m so glad it exists.


Disney needs to re-learn the concept of the Disney Vault, and use it.

I don’t want any more star wars this decade, thanks. Games, books, sure. But TV and film absolutely not.

Take a break, let the audience build nostalgia and long for it, and sweet Jesus have a fucking plan next time.

Nope, they’re doing a trilogy of Rey movies.


Nope, they’re doing a trilogy of Rey movies.

They’re doing fucking what?


I only see one Rey movie in here, but Mandalorian and Grogu is going to be horrible, calling it now.

samus12345, avatar

The Mandalorian and Grogu

Can’t quite believe that’s a real movie name and not a joke.

lorty, avatar

I mean Mandalorian already jumped the shark with season 3 anyway.




They should leave the Skywalker saga. There’s thousands of years & a whole galaxy to fill with stories, and they keep dancing in the same 100 years & the same planets.


Man if I see Saw Garrera appear in some obscure corner of the galaxy with a band of proto-rebels again I’m going to be mad, Cad Bane too, fun for a bit but how do we keep running into the same characters in a whole galaxy? I’m sure there were more but I always noticed how they kept appearing.


Well that’s because they keep killing off all the compelling characters they could follow.

I’m not still bitter about Rogue One at all…


Or…and hear me out…come out with a newer, shittier trilogy every 20 years


Only if we ruin the characters from the previous trilogy with every new one we make.


There’s the High Republic initiative. The Acolyte is part of that.

I haven’t paid much attention to the High Republic stories, but the response seems to be mixed at best.


So glad I bailed on Star Wars when they announced 11 new projects all at once.


There is nothing wrong with Jedi-centric stories … if the stories would be any good.

qevlarr, avatar

Let me go against the grain here: I see a lot of people saying “we need a show like this, we need more of that”, but we don’t really need more Star Wars. We need good Star Wars, not more Star Wars.

Most people want the occasional movie and show about the central Star Wars story, not a multitude of spin-offs about not-Star Wars which happen to be set in the Star Wars universe. They should develop more original stories and settings. “Go out and make your own Star Wars” in the words of George Lucas.

The only problem is the central movies have turned out to be absolute dogshit under Disney.


Yeah, hard agree. “Andor was great because it wasn’t about Jedi” is the wrong lesson to take.

Andor was great because it was made by people who were deeply passionate about what they were doing. They took the set dressing and the context that Star Wars offered and they used it to tell an incredibly powerful story of resistance against fascist oppression, everything that means and entails and what it costs. They created something powerful and vital that deserves and needs to exist.

We need more media that was created out of passion. We need artists to be set free to make art, not shackled to producing whatever a studio thinks is popular. That doesn’t mean it all has to be high minded, subtle or complex; John Wick was a work of artistic passion and it shows. The art is “Look how cool it is when Keanu Reeves shoots people”, but that can be art too. Subtle, complex morality plays or guns and explosions, or Jedi having lightsaber duels. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that people creating it really, really give a shit about what they’re making, and are allowed to make it the way they want to.


I think everything you said here is great, but I’ve been in the “stop making Jedi shit” camp since Rogue One, maybe before.


And funnily enough, AI powered tools will help with this. It’ll allow more singular or low number group creatives to take on works that would have required full studio teams (and the money to back said teams) in the past


What Disney should do is focus away from the ~100 years that take place during the Skywalker saga. Theyre coming out with an old republic show, finally, after owning the property for over 10 years now. Its a big ass galaxy, fill it with something.


But of course, obligatory Tatooine plot


Of course. Everything important that ever happened has to involve a far-off backwater that nobody’s even heard of.

(I actually like Tatooine’s inclusion in KOTOR purely because it makes the planet an even more transparent Dune ripoff)


Old republic isnt less sith and jedi, its many many more.

AlexisFR, avatar

Nah, it’s the High Republic era, aka Disney fanfic because they can’t figure what to do next with their nostalogy sequel era.


I’ve been saying this forever, the games and expanded universe figured this out decades ago. It let’s you do whatever you want because you don’t have to deal with accidentally retconning something or making sure it fits the existing timeline.

RealFknNito, avatar

I want something that explores and expands in the sentinels, probably the coolest form of Jedi to me.


Workplace comedy about Jedi temple guards.


I hear your great idea and offer this in tribute:


How about a Mockumentary on the existential crisis of being a sentient droid?


I actually don’t want any more Star Wars content. I’m seriously bored now. Perhaps if any of it was good it would be different but so much of it is so bad.


Same. I recently found out there are Star Wars shows I wasn’t even aware of and I have no desire to even find out what they’re about.


I watched “the bad batch” cartoons because I liked clone wars some millennia ago. It was ok, ::: spoiler and luckily the protagonist is not secretly a jedi :::

BolexForSoup avatar

I don’t have an issue with Jedi. I am tired of the Skywalker family.


Yeah, I’m sick of everything being connected to what came before. It feels pretty eugenicsy when everyone who is powerful and of note seems to be descended from someone who was powerful. Something something midichlorians.

magnetosphere, avatar

It’s important to remember that the vast majority of the galactic population has never seen a Jedi in real life, and doesn’t even know anyone who has. The Jedi are nearly mythical figures, surrounded by rumor, speculation, and misinformation.


The space marine effect


Well, by now they’ve probably seen all the films.

If it happened a long time ago in a galaxy far far away and has made it to our backwater planet, then it must be pretty widely popular.


George Lucas created the Star Wars movies after R2D2 and C-3PO crash landed in an escape pod in his backyard, and they told him the story of the Empire, the rebels, and the Jedi. Earth is the only planet that has Star Wars because it’s where R2 and Threepio ended up.


The dumbass writing would make more sense if it were a documentary.

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