
With that price I feel like the dev has 0 faith in lemmy getting very big and feels like they need to capitalize on the currently few users to make back costs. I mean, not even an early access price considering its in beta still


With that price I feel like the dev has 0 faith in lemmy getting very big

It feels kind of the opposite to me.

Going back and checking my Google account history, I paid $1 for Sync Pro. In 2012. And was using it up until last month. In retrospect, that was far too low a price for the utility I got out of the app for literally years.

If anything, it feels like the dev has learned that lesson and has priced the lifetime option where it's actually sustainable for them if Lemmy stays around.

@Black_Gulaman@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Well why not 1usd per month subscription. If 10,20,30 thousand of us subscribed, then he’d have a stable scaling income as the app grows in usage.

Edit. Thousand


I mean, there IS a monthly subscription for $2, so I’m not sure what your point is

@Black_Gulaman@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The point is, I want a discount. Poor people also want to use Sync.

And before you ask, I’m in a third world country.


Ah. I agree that regional pricing needs to become more of a thing in general. That said, considering there’s a free option in this case it’s not too egregious. Just set up adblocking at the dns level?


There’s also a dozen very good free apps.


you can though for free.

@bluejay@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

For what it’s worth the dev said today he’s working on regional pricing. Comment here to get your country priced out sooner


But you can use sync for free. That’s why the dev has put options for you. If you cannot pay the ad removal, you can still support the developer by using the app but with ads

@Black_Gulaman@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Yes but I do not want ads, and I also want to support the dev, yet due to my financial standing am unable to.

Anyways I’ll just have to save up and get the 20% lifetime payment. That way I solve all of these with just one stroke.


I agree. The original price for a lifetime use is maybe a bit too low. The original sync pro prices, but yearly instead, might be a solution. Not monthly. That is so messed up.


That’s very cynical point of view. This is for the Ultra version, which incurs recurring cost to the developer for providing extra features which requires running some servers on their side. I myself spent that much just for running a Lemmy server for two months. They still have one time $20 option that don’t include services that require the external servers.



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  • redcalcium,

    Come on man, no need to make assumption when the ultra feature are listed there in the app setting. At a glance you can see the ones that are potential money sink are push notifications (money goes to firebase/Google), Google translate (money goes to Google), OCR (money goes to GPU vps providers). The original sync ultra even have restore deleted comments option, which mean they was practically mirror Reddit public dataset. At $17 per year or ~$100 lifetime, it’s very reasonable, which includes paying the dev as well.


    I’d like a cheaper version that doesn’t have all those extra services that I wouldn’t use anyway but still gives me the actual app features like tagging etc instead.


    Push notifications, I guess

    @ljdawson@lemmy.world avatar

    The literal opposite. I’m working on this fulltime and giving it everything I can.


    And this is why I don’t mind the cost increase from old Sync.

    I bought Sync Pro all the way back in 2014, and considering how long it’s been since then, plus the sub-2 month delivery time for Sync for Lemmy, I think you’ve more than earned an ultra sub from me!

    Thanks for the hard work.


    Hey I just want to say thanks for the app. Used sync regularly back when I used to browse Reddit and it must’ve been the most used app on my phone for years. Sync for Lemmy feels just as good I’ll probably switch to the iap for ad free but for now I took the yearly sub just to throw you some money.

    Had been waiting for this since you announced it haha.


    Exactly. Suck the early adopter users dry just in case lemmy doesn’t get huge. I mean, yes there was dev time for this app, but of importing your syncreddit press into this app is any indication, it wasn’t a rewrite but merely an adaptation of API.

    This is most definitely the dev seeing how much he can milk early on. Good for him if it works. I mean the app framework is amazing, don’t get me wrong. But not at these prices.

    @ljdawson@lemmy.world avatar

    Not milking anything. I want to work on this long term


    Okay, well, thanks but it’s too expensive for me. I want to support you but I can’t afford that. I would have paid up immediately if it was closer to the old costs, and have been really happy to do so. I’ve literally been waiting to do that.


    Wait, importing what?


    You can import your settings over from the old sync for reddit to the new sync for lemmy.


    Oh sweet, thank you!



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  • utopianrevolt,

    $20 to remove ads on an app I’ll probably use daily seems to be fair price, from my perspective. But the subscription rubs me the wrong way.

    tjhart85 avatar

    For a lifetime price of 40 or 50 I'd probably have just bought it and hoped the dev eventually adds /KBin support. For 110 it's off the table for me altogether and I'm not a fan of subscriptions.

    With that said, I've never used this app that I remember on Reddit, so, maybe it is worth it??? I'd probably happily consider a lifetime price of that much if Relay got ported (and basically consider it back pay for getting like 6 or 7 years out of it for like 4 bucks).

    It seems like either the dev is planning on the app running forever and wanting to not make the mistake of charging a couple bucks for a forever license OR they don't expect it to last and need to get as much $ as they can up front. Either way, I wish them the best of luck. Since I'm not a Lemmy user, I won't be buying, at that price.


    “Userbase / 10 THOUSAND” is more like it.

    Reddit has 1.6 billion monthly active users, and Lemmy had 62,000 in July.


    Yeah this feels like early adopter tax. Get your money off people who don’t blink at stuff like $100 for a beta app for a small reddit that’s literally just a front end.

    Then lower the price slowly. Like I feel like there are more Lemmy apps than Reddit ones. It’s pretty gauling to charge so much and essentially take everything from server owners by putting this up front for people trying it from Reddit.


    Server owners aren’t the only people who are working for free.

    There are people that have made skins for Lemmy, do they get paid? Mods as well, not to mention the Lemmy devs and admins. And all of this is nothing without people posting content, are you going to pay them too?

    If all one has to do to try and diminish someone asking for a price for their services here is to point out someone else on Lemmy that wants the money too, then everyone looks like a jerk.

    Don’t forget, the whole reason Lemmy is so successful these past few months is because the work these devs do wasn’t appreciated on Reddit, and we all came here instead. Are you saying all these redfugees should leave and take their money to X instead?


    He is doing this full time so its hes monthly income.


    Server owners aren’t doing this for free. They are doing it at cost. Some of them quite a bit. I genuinely can’t see how you can sincerely equate someone paying thousands of dollars a month to host the infrastructure of Lemmy itself as someone designing a CSS theme in their free time for something that wouldn’t exist without the mentioned instance owners. These aren’t the same. And this is the first form of mainstream monetization to hit Lemmy at any level past donations and it’s aggressive. Childish reply. Someone posting content is not spending a dime but them posting that cost the server hosters one.


    So then donate to your server. But denigrating other people on Lemmy for offering highly anticipated services is appalling. Ask for donations in a more appropriate place. My server was swimming in donations and told us to stop donating. Devs adding to the tapestry of options on Lemmy, whether foss or not, don’t deserve to be harassed because you think people’s money should go elsewhere.


    So just consider buying the ad free version for 20 bucks then?


    I feel like the dev is trying to cash out, his apps good but reddit screwed him so I do kinda understand but he’s priced me out.


    I bought the reddit lifetime this year. Lemmy is no where near as interesting or engaging as reddit so far. I guess I’ll just stick with the ad free version.

    @FreddyNO@lemmy.world avatar

    Yea no.




    I think the ultra price for reddit was like 30 dollars for lifetime. 100+ bucks just seems like way to much.


    Its $179 Australian. Absolutely not worth it to me.



    People have been spoiled by the app store. Like I agree its a lot of money, but it also takes a lot of money to live, and if someone is a solo developer for a living then they depend on software sales. Lifetime purchases are tough. Once you get that money, the potential for more money from that customer is gone. Unless you follow a traditional software licensing model where you buy a version and upgrading past a major release requires another purvhase.

    Im pretty sure he LJ has taken into account the heavily decreased sales potential of the lemmy market. Hes going to make substantially less sales, so he needs those sales to be worth it, especially if its a lifetime purchase. Its hard to strike a balance between worth it for the customer and worth it for the dev. Ideally the lifetime cost pushes would be purchasers towards an ongoing subscription while still providing value for both parties.

    I agree $179aud us too much, and I wont be paying that myself, but I feel for LJ at the same time. Its not going to be easy making the money he may need to continue developing at the same rate.


    Spoiled by the app store?

    This is the same price as a windows 11 licence.

    What is so app store about that?

    @Mcballs1234@lemmy.ml avatar

    Mas activator will help you with the price


    Because people want to pay $1 or $2 for a full version of an app, and that may not be enough to justify development.

    A windows license is still legacy software model. You dont buy a lifetime windows key, you buy a version key and have to pay again after a major update, although this looks like its currently evolving to a more free to play model. Microsoft has an exponentially wider audience who are mostly captive though, as opposed to LJ who has just had his audience dramatically reduced.

    At the end of the day development takes time. Time is money. If LJ cant make a sustainable wage from sync they will have to work elsewhere and sync and its users are the ones who suffer.


    For an app that you can’t even make a post from yet. I don’t care who you are, $180 for an app still missing basic functionality is always going to be a hard sell.


    I think Sync might end up hosting a Lemmy instance for ultra users. It could help user experience quite a bit


    That wouls be a fine value add, especially if it integrated features into the server code that were open sourced and down streamed. That would add some real weight to that purchase price.


    What would happen if you stop your subscription then? Lose your account?


    There is no subscription though? It’s even written in the picture


    Read again


    I ues connect it looks almost the same and feels better and it is free


    Sync is also free


    Just run your phone through a free private DNS server and never see an ad again. I use dns.adguard.com.

    None of my free apps show any ads on my phone.


    I just can’t get myself to trust an ex Russian, offshore company with my dns traffic


    Nextdns.io works well, and lets you customize tons of features. Alternatively, you can run a pihole on pretty much any spare computer to work as an home adblocker. You can also route up to an adblocking dns with it to double up.

    You want to get extra wild, setup a wireguard vpn server at home after that, and have your phone auto connect to it when you leave your home wifi.

    No more ads ever.


    I mean sure, but that doesn’t support the hard work the developer or into this… So…


    Just donate whatever amount you want directly to them then.


    Those donation buttons, rarely ever get used. Because everyone would rather just think that everyone else donated so it’s fine if they don’t. And sure, some do donate (I’ve donated before) but that’s the actions of the very few.


    I do this. But I would still like to pay the dev. Just not those prices,


    There’s also the ad removal option for 20$ one time. If you don’t need the other features of ultra.


    I do that too on my Samsung phone. Do you know a way to do it on iPhone?

    @RetroEvolute@lemmy.world avatar

    Check out their instructions. You’ve got a couple options:



    I’m definitely interested in the yearly option.


    It’s a bit steep for my finances.

    TheMightyCanuck, (edited )
    @TheMightyCanuck@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Yeah I’ll just take the non intrusive ads on my feed.


    Fuck that. I’ll take no ads and no gouging. Choice is the whole reason you are here and not in reddit still.

    @TheMightyCanuck@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Sounds like you’re doing exactly what you’d like to do… which is what everyone else is also doing


    I pass


    then just pay the onetime $20 to remove ads instead


    There are ads? 🤔 Laughs in Adguard

    @TooMuchVanced@lemmy.world avatar

    Imagine using Adguard laughs in Control D with RAM Servers


    PiHole ftw


    how do


    Install a PiHole ob a Raspberry Pi and Connect it to your Internet. There are many Guides in YouTube. Heres one of Them youtu.be/cE21YjuaB6o


    Can I do this with an old netbook? Would have to figure out how to keep it running while shut/with the screen off.

    @Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml avatar

    I know I’m cheap and I know this app is great and is a lot of work but fuck, this is expensive. Subscriptions are the worst model capitalism can offer. And the one time payment price is ridiculous, I can’t afford that.


    Realistically it’s the only way he can sustain the development costs with such a small userbase. I’ve subscribed monthly to show my support. It’s not really that much money considering how much I use sync.


    I did yearly and I’ll probably get lifetime once we’re out of beta. 18 bucks a year is the price for 1 month of Netflix, which ain’t that bad at all.


    These models are designed in such a way that those who can afford to support do, and those who can’t afford to still have access through the free version.

    They certainly don’t expect everyone to purchase ultra, let alone lifetime.


    I recently cancelled my Netflix and Spotify accounts because of horrible support and constant rate hikes. It’s the perfect time to splurge and support a dev that deserves the money.


    the free one works well. and I got an adblocker I think


    that is one time payment for sync ultra.

    there is also a one time payment to just remove ads, at 20$.


    I feel as though this information is left intentionally absent in this post.

    App development ain’t cheap and lifetime subscriptions are an incredible deal if you like the features and intend to keep using the app for the next decade plus. But you’ve got to look at it that way or else it’s not worth it.


    if you like the features and intend to keep using the app for the next decade plus and it remains available for that long



    Great point. I am not familiar with sync or the dev so I couldn’t speak to their reliability, although the outpouring of support suggests they’ll be active.


    And most of the ultra features are things that require hosting or external paid apis.

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