coloco, to fediverse Spanish avatar
noellemitchell, to mastodon avatar

Wow wait a minute 👀 the co-founder of Twitter Biz Stone is one of the board of directors for the new Mastodon nonprofit in the U.S. That's interesting.

hankg, to mastodon

So as of today Mastodon now has a US 501(c)3 non-profit entity to go along with their German corporate entity that appears to be losing its non-profit status for reasons the don't know yet.…

vantablack, to mastodon avatar

holy shit

mastodon formed a US nonprofit and one of the founders of twitter is on the board of directors lmao

#mastodon #fediverse

LALegault, to twitter avatar

At least this will stop the “I can’t believe you’re still on posts.”

All dies in silicon valley with a tech bro convincing everyone they are going to change the world and then:

janettespeyer, to fediverse avatar

Happy Saturday! Here’s my latest article on how to find and interact with your Flipboard federated account on Mastodon with a tutiorial video. I also help you get started on the Fediverse with Flipboard social.

janette_speyer, to fediverse

Happy Saturday! Here’s my latest article on how to find and interact with your Flipboard federated account on Mastodon with a tutiorial video. I also help you get started on the Fediverse with Flipboard social. #fediverse #flipboard #mastodon #community

beardedtechguy, to fediverse avatar

Good Saturday morning clan.

Let’s get together for our daily discussion and see what we all have going on today.

I’ll be packing and getting ready for the trip. Have to get all my tech things together. I also need to get a school assignment done for today.

aral, to mastodon avatar

Co-founder of Twitter joins new Mastodon board of directors. Right, so federating with Threads wasn’t a mistake. This is just the direction Mastodon is going. Oh, well. Another Mozilla emerges.



This is good news.

It would have been nice if the blog shared the Mastodon accounts of all the Board of Directors.

hankg, to fediverse

Sorry, I had to procrastinate more by making a detailed sampling of the Facebook timeline shiteousness. I understated it. Scrolling through 102 postsafter a refresh the breakdown was: 3 from my follows, 79 "suggestions",19 ads, 1 reels item (this time just once but often that comes up multiple times). Worse, posts from my follows only occured in the first 10. The suggestions started off not bad but then got horrible. Ads were universally garbage. Thank god for the fediverse!

cliffwade, to fediverse avatar

Good morning and happy Saturday everyone here in the today.

It's the weekend, so let's talk about what our plans are for the next couple of days.

For me, it's just a weekend to rest and relax and enjoy the days. I'll be playing some Horizon Forbidden West as well as No Rest For The Wicked.

Other than that, not much else planned.

jwildeboer, to Bulgaria avatar

The has a succesful presence in the with their own instance The EU commission is on it and has 100.000 followers.

Unfortunately the EDPS (European Data Protection Supervisor) has decided to shut down the service soon:

"EU Voice and EU Video will be officially closed on 18 May 2024."


tanepiper, to meta avatar

Some folks on here really went to bat for to join the including the creator of (who also ranted unhinged while twirling his moustache that all Twitter users are evil - when Musk had just bought the place)

I wonder if they'll regret it soon enough? This was entirely predictable...

fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 3 new servers and 6 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

22,786 servers checked. 14,009,354 Total Users with 1,582,695 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found: a server from France a server from Private a server from Private

Help others find a home, send them to

stu, to fediverse avatar

Good morning 🌅 and

Hope you all have a wonderful !!!

I'm going to the rents this morning to do some outside work 😎

publicvoit, to news avatar

Looks like I'm going to conduct three sessions on the today:

Avoid the (?) as a discussion

How to use (from )

Stop using Twitter, Insta, ... (and start embracing the )

fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 1 new servers and 4 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

22,789 servers checked. 14,009,354 Total Users with 1,582,695 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found: a server from Private

Help others find a home, send them to

dansup, to fediverse avatar
si_irini, to mastodon German avatar

Könnte ich
so könnte ich
zu Schönheit werden lassen
dem die Schönheit nicht gelassen

blühen lassen
dem die Blüten nicht gelassen

atmen lassen, Leben
dem Luft zum atmen und Leben nicht gelassen

Freiheit schenken
für alle die für die Freiheit kämpfen


darnell, to fediverse avatar

I am half way through watching the interview of @pfefferle by @deadsuperhero & it is really good!

📹 S1 Episode 8: WordPress-ActivityPub with Matthias Pfefferle

I thought it was interesting that when @photomatt was focued on bringing to , Pfefferle advocated introducing to the en mass.

si_irini, to mastodon German avatar

Um mich schauend

Nicht verstehend
ungläubig staunend

Wohin nun
Hilf mir doch
so hilf mir doch
mein Weg vor mir
sehend des Abgrunds


The_KamikaZEN, to fediverse avatar

Hello ! For this I give you the closest thing to an action shot we’ll ever get from Parsley the . 😹😹😹

A grey and white cat being brushed inside a box

tk, to fediverse avatar

I'm sad because I'll more than likely never see any friends again. :blobfoxgooglycry:

adamsdesk, (edited ) to random avatar

For this Follow Friday Rediscover the Power of Community! Show your support with contributions, boosts and follows.

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    A read-it-later app.

herbsman, to threads Polish avatar

Dzień dobry!

Niewiele jest bardziej satysfakcjonujących komend od "git push".

Zapowiadana ostatnio aktualizacja Herbsmana pojawiła się w Internecie. Zawiera wszystko opisywane w poście pod tytułem "Raport z pracy I", czyli zmiany w menu, wyszukiwarkę oraz nowy dział i nowy artykuł zawierający opisy doświadczeń z Sinicuichi.

Do czasu, aż ogarnę się z instagramem i fb, usunąłem linki do nich ze strony głównej bloga. Ani trochę nie odnajduję się na tych platformach, ale dzisiaj to wciąż najlepszy sposób na dotarcie do szerszej grupy odbiorców.

Zarejestrowałem się też na . Podobno ma być kiedyś zintegrowane z protokołem Activity Pub, ale mam przeczucie, że wiele instancji Mastodona odetnie się od serwerów Mety.

Byłoby miło, gdyby istniała możliwość automatycznego publikowania treści z na Threads, abym nie musiał się tam logować i rejestrować. Widzę, że Buffer oferuje obsługę Mastodona, więc może jest na to szansa. Przetestuję i dam znać.

Miłego popołudnia!



herbsman, avatar

@svmetasearch Ciekawi mnie czy istnieje gdzieś strategia "wyciągania" ludzi z korporacyjnych social media. Poradnik odpowiadający na pytania w stylu - jak rozmawiać ze znajomymi o , przede wszystkim z tymi, którzy nie są biegli w obsłudze komputera. O korzyściach płynących z dołączenia do tej sieci, które nie skupiałyby się na prywatności czy wolności słowa, bo niestety te argumenty nie przemawiają do "zwykłych ludzi".

Ciekawi mnie też, co zyskują twórcy treści spędzając czas na publikowaniu na np. . Oczywiście istnieje mniejsza szansa (niemal zerowa) na utratę kanału, ale co poza tym? Stosunek ryzyka do zysku wciąż przemawia na korzyść Mety czy TikToka.

Jest tutaj tak wielu uzdolnionych osób, więc pewnie ktoś już na takie pytania odpowiedział. Muszę poszukać, jakiś pomysł gdzie zacząć?

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