SnotFlickerman, (edited ) avatar

Oh no, did your attempt to cut labor costs and make shoppers do more of the labor that checkers used to do end up increasing shrink?

Oh no, how awful for you that you aren’t able to properly afford more *checks notes… Stock Buybacks.

This is how I imagine retailers complaining about this.


Not just that. When self-checkouts were first introduced, the argument was that even with the added shrink, the benefits outweighed the costs of employing an actual person. Now, of course, the shrink rates have no longer made this profitable and shareholders are crying.

Personally, I’m fine with self-checkout since I can bag my own groceries exactly how I want them and without having to interact with anyone. That said, I will not be stopping for anyone to check my receipt and my items. If they don’t want the possibility of shrink, then they shouldn’t have gone this route in the first place.

Badeendje, avatar

Not only that, but the reduced shrink during Covid, tucked up to “normal” levels… but this was then presented as a 100pct increase compared to last year… and thus a huuuge increase.

SnotFlickerman, (edited ) avatar

I mean to be fair, everyone pulled that shit.

The jobs numbers tanking during COVID because everyone had to be let go or furloughed apparently has nothing to do with Biden “bringing America more jobs faster than any previous President” bullshit.

Nah dude, the jobs that left just came back, you didn’t do shit to make that happen, Biden.

As a Democrat voter, makes me sick how hard they are back to pushing “The economy is doing great, you whiners need to just fucking vote for us already, all right!” while holding Trump and Fascism over our heads like a veritable Sword of Damocles. They don’t feel the need to do more because it’s easier to sit on their haunches and yell “But if you don’t vote for us, Trump will turn the US into a fascist state” as if that isn’t an implicit admission that they won’t do anything to stop Trump if he wins (even illegitimately!!!) and will let him run roughshod over US citizens as punishment for not voting Democrat sufficiently enough.


Fuck this bullshit article.

I fucking love self service. I don’t want to deal with people.

Just let me buy my stuff and get out. I don’t want or need small talk.

I want the disgusting supermarket shop to be as cold and sterile as possible.

I bring my own bag. I’d Honestly rather just scan everything as I go. And just pay as I walk out.

Current system is stupid. Walk around shop picking things up. Then take everything out and rebag


That system has been a thing for at least a decade in most supermarkets in Sweden, is it not a thing in (I assume) the US?


Assumption wrong.

Although may be correct. I don’t know USA shops.

In the UK some shops have had them for 10 + years but not all shops. Lidl for example did not.

Although my current area is NZ. Some shops again do have them but not all.

nicetriangle avatar

Yeah the little self scanner thing you can take around the store as you shop is not much of a thing in the US.


My local grocery store does it with their smartphone app. I shop this way almost every time. Bag as I go, then stop at a special self checkout at the end to pay.

snowe, avatar

Your grocery store has cell service? I lose all service the second I step inside mine


They have wifi! The cell service is crap though.

Onii-Chan avatar

That's fucking brilliant and would actually make me not hate shopping with a passion. That system just makes so much more sense.


small talk? If you start small talk in Germany, the cashier will probably be confused…


Note to self. Move to Germany.

To do list

Learn German. Get a German job

Cheap ass rent control. C’mon.

Bratwurst. Kick on


When interacting with the bus driver, make sure to say only “Hallo” when you step in. Technically, this is even optional and only 33% do that.

When leaving the bus, don’t say anything. It’d be weird.

And under no circumstances, talk to them between entering and leaving.

The only legitimate way to talk to them is when the bus stopped, you and the driver are both outside and he or she approaches you first.


Whoa there, overachiever. Saying “hello”? A curt smile, a slight nod and a passing glance. All things in moderation, after all.


We don’t smile here, unless there is a good reason.

You need to learn a lot before moving here!!!11


I don’t smile so if fit right in


Sehr gut.


Nah, when you are on a late night run on an (almost, max. 2 pax) empty bus, especially the last run, especially in shitty weather, it’s appropriate to say “Nacht” when you leave.

You form a special bond then and there. The driver is your hero who brings you home in the most shittiest shift.


Literally the opposite of Scotland. Must say thanks or cheers when leaving bus. Weird not to


This is like applauding the pilot after they do the absolute minimum of their job (landing the plane)…


Just common decently. Thanking a cashier. For doing their job. A sales person. A doctor/ nurse.

A cleaner. Just polite


You can do scan and go at Walmart now, if you were previously only using that at Sam’s Club. It’s fantastic.


Check out USA. Not behind on tech. Congratulations


Last I checked you had to be a Walmart+ member to do that. It used to be available to everyone, but then they put it behind paying them a monthly fee to be able to do it.

PixTupy, (edited )

I always use the store app to scan as I shop and just pay at the machines at the exit here in Portugal. Hate shopping any other way.


There are stores trialling exactly your preferred method. One of my local supermarket chains has portable barcode scanners on a wall. You pick one up, scan your groceries as you collect them, then take the scanner to a self checkout that links to the scanner. At that point you pay for your items and leave.


Yup had these a few years ago in UK. Just not all shops do it.


Best Buy started doing this with their app. I’ve used it multiple times already. It’s so convenient. Scan the barcode with your camera in the app, it adds to the cart, pay when you’re done.

Anecdotal experience: Unfortunately, products that are locked up create a problem. I went in for two items. One of which was a single RAM stick for laptops. The employee refused to give me it even though I was literally going to pay for it on the spot as I had already collected the other item I wanted. He insisted it goes to the register per policy. I quickly got the barcode as he held it, then paid. “There. Paid for. See” as I showed him the screen. Dude was so annoyed as he handed me the RAM.


They aren’t just trialing it. I’ve been shopping this way for 15 years. Once the system was down so I went to another location. I won’t shop without a handheld scanner ever again.


Scan and Go is becoming very wide spread in Denmark. It’s lovely! Cuts down the time for a quick shopping trip on the way home from work to less than half


Had it in the UK. Just not all shops. Needs to be more widespread

rabiddolphin, avatar

Jeez you sure love working for free


I stopped using them. It’s always something, requiring me to wait for and deal with people.

The rack with the mobile scanners is full, and scanner not in the rack is not paying, so flag someone to deal with it.

The thing double scanned an item, and it takes someone from the shop to remove the scan, so wait and then explain.

I had a coupon, but the system can’t deal with those. Again wait and explain.

And because now apparently I’m a trouble maker I get flagged for a random check by the system regularly. Again wait and deal with that.

On average, it turned out to be less waiting and dealing with people by getting in line at the regular cashier.


Is self scan that rare around you? One of our (Latvia) two big brand supermarkets have scanners you carry around, then deposit at the slef checkout lines. The other one, however, I just scan everything with my phone, then at checkout scan a QR code with my phone and pay.


Yeah unfortunately don’t have those at our nearest places. But I know the UK had lots of them


What you’re requesting is exactly how Amazon fresh works. the cart itself has barcode scanners on it


Boo Amazon. But great idea


Sure, it works great if you’re a single person who doesn’t have all that much to buy, but here’s the thing; if you’re shopping for a family or a multi person household or whatever, and you have to buy a lot of things at once, your self checkouts just plain suck ass because pretty much no matter what you do, you’ll get dinged with an error message every ten or 12 items and have to wait for the overworked and underpaid attendant to come free you up so you can keep going until the next inevitable fuckup.

Self checkout is fine if you have something like 15 or less items, but anything more than that and it’s more trouble than it’s worth.


I love self-checkouts.

But what I love even more is having one single line for all lanes. It’s ridiculous that customers have to guess which lane will move the fastest.

Making a single line is the best thing self-checkouts have introduced around here.

Also, if they won’t bag my stuff for me, then I might as well be at the self-checkout. And since they don’t offer plastic bags at most places around here, most don’t bag your stuff for you.

If there are multiple lines and they won’t bag my stuff, I’ll go somewhere else that has self-checkout.

sighofannoyance, avatar

I love self-checkout, because I hate waiting in line.

NickwithaC, avatar

You would hate the self checkouts around here then.

Policy seems to be that if there isn’t a queue then they should shut off half of them to save power. So now there is a queue for the self checkouts.


Also they just don’t staff the regular check out lines, so your choice is to leave and go to another store.


Self-checkout does not make up for stupid people.

My personal favorites are the ones that scan everything, then start bagging everything, then start looking for their card in their handbag, shoulder bag, backpack, pockets etc.

riskable, avatar

My biggest complaint about self checkout at Walmart (specifically) is that I still have to wait in line! There’s 20-ish self checkout machines of which 15-20 will be working and like fucking forty regular checkout lanes with two cashiers working. So of course there’s going to be a long ass line for the self checkout!

It’s lane upon lane of wasted space. If you’re only ever going to have 3-4 people working then you should only have 3-4 non-self checkout lanes!


Over here stores are increasing their prices because people steal at the self-checkout. So they reduce costs by not having cashiers but then increase prices due to theft. Quite some logic.

You’d assume it’s an easy balance to make: if (saving on cashiers - loss due to theft) > 0 implement self-checkout else don’t implement.


Quite some logic.

Yeah, it’s win/win to the company. They save money on workers and charge more for the goods. They’re double dipping. It’s great… For them. But that’s the way the capitalist machine works and is going to continue working until we fix the whole damn thing. As unfortunate as it is, this is basically expected behavior in our current society.

AlwaysNowNeverNotMe avatar

Insurance is more likely to pay for shrink than paychecks.


Recurring shrink isn't going to be claimable. These customers are walking out with an extra case of Snapple not a TV.

dual_sport_dork, (edited ) avatar

Yes, but: They can shift the cost of theft onto consumers this way, without having to make their line item budget for payroll any bigger. The retailers don’t give a fuck as long as they’re not the ones paying.

Deceptichum avatar

Over here they increase their costs because we have no choice but to pay it.

and frankly the amount they lose is nothing to the amount they steal.


Making customers bag their groceries for free is not a “cost saving measure” its a “cost shifting measure”


I just watched a comedy special where the comedian calls them the “the shoplifter lanes”.


I think self checkout works for one or two items. But not much more than that. I don’t want to have two or three things to checkout and be stuck behind someone with a cart full.

But If I have much more than that, an “old fashioned” checkout is a lot better.


I hate self checkout because they make the system frustrating as if they don’t trust you. Which they don’t. So they make it weigh items and it yells if you’re too slow putting the item in the bagging area.

If you don’t trust me to do it. Pay someone else to do it.

avater, avatar

Problem is they save on the humans so you have to do their work too but you don’t see any price reduction or benefit for doing so, and that is on top of all the usability issues…


It gets better, they’ve converted the Walmart tech help for the self checkout into sales people for their master card now.


some terminals have 2 or even 3 cameras pointed at you, displaying on the screen so you know for sure they don’t trust you. they’re probably scanning your face nowadays too so they track individual purchase history

rabiddolphin, avatar

I want my goods squeezed out of a cold unfeeling robot’s bowels right into my home just as long as I don’t have to see another filthy human because I use linux and think I’m a fucking cyborg




I almost exclusivity self-checkout for groceries, and it had drastically sped up my checkout time as most people in my area opt to use traditional checkout and the stores are still keeping lots of lanes open (just closing the express lanes). The last 3 times I’ve used a non-self checkout, each time I was double charged for items or didn’t have reduced prices applied and didn’t notice because I was bagging.


Same but mostly because I like to scan each item and see it associated with the price on the screen before adding another item


That too, and I can really efficiently manage the items going into bags given I backpack my groceries and want pretty specific configurations…


Oh my god, YES. With the cashier I feel rushed and packing is a mess…

rabiddolphin, avatar

Don’t forget to sweep the floors and bring in the carts


I use self checkout on the machines that don’t weigh what you buy. Those work so well. The kind that have to weigh what you buy are slow and they always have an issue when I put items in bulk on them. Like two cans of beer if I don’t set both of them down at once it just breaks down and tells me I have the wrong weight in any configuration.


Totally agree. I forgot about those, as I’ve only encountered the weighing ones once in the past very long time and it was a mess, I can totally get hate if weighing ones are the only experience with them.


Maybe this is just a British thing? They’re very popular here in NZ


Though the BBC is obviously identified most with UK, it in fact has many international publications. This article focuses on the US, with only a reference to “Booths in the UK”, a very small supermarket group I have never heard of before.

Self checkout in the UK is commonplace and largely popular, though some of the general customer criticisms in the article are familiar to me as a regular user of them.


I mean Booths aren’t that small, they’re just exclusively north-western & fill the same niche as Waitrose, who have virtually no stores in the north west as a result

That means their customer base is pretty much a perfect intersection of people who won’t want to use a self-checkout - older people & people who are friendlier to strangers


28 stores is small by UK supermarket standards. Sainsbury’s alone have over 1400. I can’t reasonably consider Booths reflective of trends across the country, perhaps for the reasons you suggest.

OP’s question as to whether the UK is rejecting self checkout on any level isn’t really addressed by the example in this article.


Booths is basically unheard of anywhere else in the UK. The only reason I’ve heard of them is because the bald guy on TikTok that reviews the worst towns in the UK did a video on them.


Same here in Switzerland, very well made and pretty efficient. But I really hate the fact that I’m basically working for the store.


They’re very popular here too, but a lot of older people really struggle with them, so they’re widely hated by boomers that want things to be like the 80’s again.

The technology is a bit shit, and more often than not there’s a lot of waiting around for someone to unblock you. Where it was probably a “failure” to many is in the initial promise of being able to get rid of employees and replace them with self-scan.


… but a lot of older people really struggle with them, so they’re widely hated by boomers that want things to be like the 80’s again.

In my experience it’s not that older people are struggling with it. It’s that Walmart has 300 self checkout kiosks but only two are open and the line for a regular register is almost out of the premises.

And the CVS self checkout always ends up confusing itself and constantly yelling at you to place the item in the bagging area.


I enjoy Sam’s Club’s “Scan and Go” feature in their app. I scan my items and pay in the app. I never have to interact with a soul, and that’s peachy keen in my book.


So much this. I started using it during Covid, and it’s been so great that I prefer Sams over any other shopping experience.


In a new stadium in my city you swipe your credit card, pick up food or drink in a little monitored area and walk out with your items. It is an interesting idea but it is also creepy. That’s probably what stores will be like eventually – at least the ones with the resources to implement something that expensive and complex.

As far as self checkout, I don’t mind it for small orders or when it is more convenient for me at the grocery store. Unexpected item in bagging is a bad consumer experience, and buying produce/alcohol is also a pain. If I feel like I am going to run into trouble I head for the traditional lines.

I really despise the ones at big box hardware stores that show a video of you checking out. I’m not stealing, don’t judge me or make me judge myself with that unflattering angle.


I go to the cashier’s and try to never self checkout. It has always seemed like a way to reduce the number of employees. The price of goods sure hasn’t gone down as a result. People need jobs. These stores are rich enough. I realize that’s a little naive but that’s where I am with it.


The human checkout gives a better service but the shop does not charge me differently for different checkouts. For shoppers, the equation is simple.


I’d always rather shop at a store with real life helpful employees who are happy to work there because they are treated well and properly compensated. I hope companies continue to see the value in that approach.


People need good jobs. I doubt there are tons of people whose dream job is to be a cashier.


you swipe your credit card, pick up food or drink in a little monitored area and walk out with your items.

The only time I used one of those was at a conference center and I was trying to get a cheap lunch. The item I wanted was out of stock in the computer system so it wouldn’t let me purchase it and the item I grabbed was charged as something else entirely (netting me a $3 discount at least)

Vending machines have been around for years and their faultiness has long been a trope in media. I’m not holding my breath for employee-less checkout


Failure?? It’s in every store in the world


I’ve never seen the level of problem described in the article. Self checkouts work fine around here (Massachusetts) and people seem to prefer them to the cashier checkouts.

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