
To be fair, I feel like there's a lot of videos that would traumatize you if you watched them, not just ones related to meat. Sure there's traumatizing videos you should watch, but actively seeking that stuff out seems like no way to live.


If I was actively funding the abhorrent things in those videos, you’d be well within your right to tell me to stop, or at the very least insist I watch them.


Ok, but it's about something people actively and blindly participate and fund. Not just folks watching traumatizing videos for fun.

Ataraxia, avatar

I feel like many have detached themselves way too much to what the realities of life are. We should be watching people and animals die because we are now so sheltered from things that we were born into as a species, that every animal other than us experience we have become sensitized to it. Trauma and violence are part of being a living being and I think it has distorted our perspective and appreciation for living. You won’t see many people who deal with daily violence commit suicide because they’re in survival mode which should be the norm for anything that is living. It changes your baseline for thise experiences. Lows might be very low but tolerable and highs will be extreme because something as mundane as a day without having to chase down a deer and almost get killed by a lion is going to be the most exhilarating day of your life. Veganism is the result of our easy low risk existence and it makes us less adventurous and a lot less likely to make it into space. Space vegans will never be a thing.


Everyone is like “Yeah I know it’s bad.” But they still actively refuse to acknowledge just how bad it really is.


Locking this thread as it lost any usefulness and it’s getting popular among edgelord kids


When would somebody ask that?


Who’d ask?


Weirdest thing to me about this comments section is that I realised I might like Hexbears


sadly true…


Nah i watched them. Didn’t change my mind tho


Does it not bother you that you essentially fund and participate in the mass torture, rape and killing of billions of sentient beings yearly purely for your pleasure ?


Not really no. Don’t get me wrong i’d prefer better conditions instead of those giant farms where every animal can’t even move. But i will keep consuming meat.




No one asks you. You blurt it out regardless of context because you don’t actually have a substantive identity.


Shut the fuck up loser


Go deny climate change some more gulag


No, actually you simply have to eat with carnists for them to immediately remark on the absence of cadaver parts in your plate and immediately make it a huge topic of conversation.

It’s the guilt, you see (because even fucking children know killing sentient creatures is wrong). They know they are choosing torture and murder purely for their gustatory pleasure, and the fact you’re not choosing the same thing - in close proximity to them - is forcing them to have to face to their hypocrisy. Much the same guilt you’re feeling yourself, by the way, consciously or not; the same one that pushed you to post this inane comment


Man the comment section here is so fucking wild.

More than i would have expected honestly.


A few seem to be breaking the rules for this specific community too, there was one even going into detail describing a processing facility, and when reprimanded by another user they said they didn’t care.

I was hoping to learn something interesting, but maybe another time in a less popular thread


that was me. I’ve seen the videos. don’t care that you don’t eat meat and are mad about it. I’m still eating meat.


You seem to follow this thread a lot for someone who doesn’t care.


I don’t see those comments while logged in because they’re from instances that went crazy with the defederation. Lots of redditors who will post ”I like eating meat tho” on a vegan comm from that shithole shocked-pikachu


I think we shoulf reduce meat production and make laws so millions of animals dont het abused every day and i aldo saw the videos but i just like meat so i dont think that everyone becoming a vegan would be a good solution. I of course 100% support if someone makes the decision themself. If a meat substitute is found that tastes like meat and solves meats flaws then i would happily switch.


i just like meat so i dont think that everyone becoming a vegan would be a good solution

Neat argument

“They’re absolutely right morally but I like the taste so really some systemic murder and rape of sentient beings is OK in my book”

Wonderful morality you’ve got there


I’d be happy if people would just proofread before submitting.


This is lemmy not a thesis paper lmao


Still prefer not to suffer a stroke from reading a comment.


“I just like meat” is a weird point to make I feel. From a moral standpoint, if you feel it is wrong, it shouldn’t matter wether or not you like the meat (I too remember meat fondly from when I was still eating it). I’ll twist your word into an extreme to illustrate my point, imagine reading this:

“I agree that raping children should be stopped, but I just like children, I don’t think that every one should stop, we should just reduce how much we do it”.

It probably sound like it’s completely ridiculous, but for someone that believe that it is morally wrong to kill and eat animals, this is kinda how you sound.

I’m ok with people not being morally aligned with me, but when they are not consistent in their viewpoint, I can’t help but think they are just rationalising their behavior to ease their mind.


So every omnivore and carnivore is a child molester? It doesnt work in this way. You need the nutrients from meat. Thats why its do hard to make a meat substitute.

Ataraxia, avatar

I mean I’ve seen the videos. It’s no worse than what I’ve seen in nature shows. Earth is a violent beautifully bloody place. There is nothing more abundant than the slow tearing of flesh for nourishment as the unfortunate prey suffer their last breath. It’s impersonal and necessary. I like animals and treat any animal I encounter with kindness and that’s not mutually exclusive to embracing the raw animalistic instinct in us that makes us formidable hunters and incredible at processing a carcass to its maximum utility. If i didnt have access to farmed meat i would not think twice about hunting that same animal. Humanity has figured out ways to use the bones, the collagen, the hide and organs of an animal and fully appreciate these gifts. While we definitely can make improvements on how to raise and harvest I am not ashamed of the fact that humanity has had the ingenuity to take control of our own nourishment and mass produce food that once used to be inaccessible to everyone but the wealthy. I have watched these videos and I’ve seen different slaughtering techniques. The sheep’s purpose is to reproduce to feed other animals. They don’t create or advance. They exist because other animals need to eat them. If we can feed ourselves without upsetting the natural balance I’m all for it. Humanity reproducing and spreading, building, changing the planet, rivers, swamps and other habitats is what is actually harmful to wildlife and yet these things continue to happen. We insist on reproducing and while I’ve seen plenty of hope with the advent of birth control and education, we still are a threat to biodiversity. Want to reduce meat consumption? Keep up the low birth rates! We can do it!


Paragraphs are amazing things


If we can feed ourselves without upsetting the natural balance I’m all for it.

We are upsetting the natural balance. I'm vegan mainly because the processes we use to create the meat are killing the planet.

Secondary to that is the fact that eating meat comes with negative effects on the body, both immediate and long term. I like the idea we could use our innovation and ingenuity to make food that is still healthy for us while minimizing or removing the negative effects.

Right now, there is evidence that vegan diets are healthier than meat eating ones in general, and are better for the planet and all those living on it were everyone able to follow a vegan diet.


I like watching the videos while I’m munching on an extra crispy 12 piece from the colonel. Is that why it’s so tasty? I knew torture was part of the secret recipe of 11 herbs and spices!!Finger licking good!


pardon me while I fry up some bacon


While I watch those videos


I’ve seen those videos. the ones where there is just as much rotting meat caked on the walls floors and staff as new hooks come around the assembly line and eventually get injected with ammonia pellets to hide the fact its rancid meat…still eating meat. and beans and vegetables because being an Omnivore has Further Reaching Advantages than self restricting your own dietary needs to just plants.


You should really read the sidebar of places outside your instance before posting, otherwise your instance might get rather unhappy with how you’re not bothering to listen to anyone’s rules when travelling around.


ever see that movie The fugitive? there is a scene in it where harrison ford has tommy lee jones at gun point and desperately states to jones that he did not kill his wife.

Jones character just shakes his head “I don’t care”


Yeah i always thought that as well. What you are describing are probably not the videos in question here. Try watching Dominion the whole way through.


watched it all the way through, still eating meat. any more media you want me to consume, like meat?


I’ve seen the video i have worked on farms it doesnt bother me terribly


I think it’s important to be aware of the process of everything we consume, that way we can influence the impact our habits have.

Lazylazycat, avatar

I find it hard to understand the disconnect you must experience.


Its human nature to dissociate. You have different moral meters for different situations. I still think its important that these animals live and die in a comfortable environment but banning meat is not a solution.


I watched some pretty terrible films. Watching those did make me cut down on meat and milk, and it made me try to source my animal products from more ethical sources. I still haven’t been able to make the full commitment to veganism or vegetarianism, though, unfortunately.

That being said, I do wish these kinda of films were shown in schools. It would make most people more conscious of the cruelty and harm caused by these industries, and maybe there would be more push to move to more ethical ways of doing things in the meat and dairy industries.

jerkface, avatar

ethical rape. ethical murder. ethical looking the other way.

I spent years chasing my tail trying to be an “ethical” consumer of intelligent creatures. Each time realizing, fuck, I’ve been lying to myself, complicit in my own brainwashing. There’s no such thing as the ethical consumption of intelligent creatures.


This is fair. You are right. I am not claiming that my way of eating is ethical as it stands at all. I am in the camp of wanting lab grown meat to be widely available and cheap. That is ethical if done right. I already eat meat substitutes, but my finances are not great and sometimes it’s hard to beat the cost effectiveness/nutritional value of regular ground beef or eggs and bacon. In those cases I at least try to buy the least tortured meat I can afford, if you get what I am saying. I do appreciate that there are empathetic people like you in the world.


This is the attitude that makes people turn away and ignore the entire issue. The fact of the matter is that people don’t care about animals and they think this viewpoint is absurd. You have to give them arguments that are self-serving, because they will never equate “ethical meat” with “ethical murder”.

jerkface, avatar

What’s rule 2? Hell, what’s RULE 1?!

I’m not here, in the fucking VEGAN community forum, to hold the hand of fucking animal abusers. So sorry.

The animals we create are morally equivalent to our own children. They are owed the unconditional love and protection of their creators.


The videos made me want stricter regulation, it didn’t make me want to go vegan or cut down on meat.

But there are other reasons to be a little more conservative with meat in my diet.



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  • Adalast,

    I am of two minds on the topic. I am sitting here realizing that lab-grown meat and the meat-like alternatives are all, by definition, processed foods. Like, lab-grown meat is just going to end up being beef-like-Velveeta at the end of the day.

    If you look into the history of processed foods and why we moved towards them they have some pretty disastrous consequences for our modern life.


    The alternatives of Seitan and tofu are healthier, cheaper and available. Not the heavily processed kind, just the basic ones, are definitely healthier than meat. I try to replace meat regularly by those… especially Seitan can be quite good, it has a good ‘bite’ to it

    miss_brainfart, avatar


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  • NeuralNerd,
    • Cut out meat from large animals that have the most environmental impact
    • Work your way down from number 2 until all you eat is poultry

    On the other hand cutting out smaller animals first would have a bigger impact on suffering because you need more beings for the same amount of meat. So I’d just say to just reduce meat, whichever is easier first.

    miss_brainfart, avatar


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  • jerkface, (edited ) avatar

    It doesn’t. What makes it easy is making an emotional connection with animals and engaging your empathy. When you finally recognize on an emotional level what you have been working so hard maintain denial over all your life, it changes EVERYTHING. You can no more eat a hamburger than you could rip the face off a child.

    Of course, empathy HURTS. Experiencing the suffering that everyone thoughtlessly inflicts on animals is fucking AGONY. That’s the real reason people don’t fucking do it. They’re cowards.


    I mean plants do seem to also feel some sort of pain, not exactly like animals do, but at least something. Time to engage empathy for that as well? It’s impossible to not kill something for survival, that’s why humans have the ability to turn off empathy for life they have to end.

    jerkface, (edited ) avatar

    You cannot have empathy for plants. You can project feelings over plants, but you cannot have empathy for them. Do you even know what the word means? I mean, I’m sure you do deep down, but you’re not allowing yourself to connect with thoughts like that, because they hurt and you’re a coward.

    jerkface, avatar

    But yeah yeah yeah. Another plants rights activist. Funny how you guys always show up when animal rights are discussed, and NEVER ANY OTHER FUCKING TIME.

    If you believe that plants suffer, then you should eat plants, because it takes TEN TIMES MORE FUCKING PLANTS to raise livestock. So go vegan, you fucking plants right activist.


    I went vegetarian about 9 years ago and went vegan about 1.5 years ago. Honestly I think anyone can go vegetarian overnight. It wasn’t that hard 9 years ago and it’s even easier now with all the fancy mock meats and stuff and greater ability to get plant-based options at restaurants etc. YouTube has endless videos on plant-based cooking and there are tons of vegan/plant-based cookbooks for that too.

    To people who are flirting with veganism for ethical reasons, hear me out: would you treat dogfighting, cockfighting, or committing crimes against other people in the same “baby steps” manner that some people endorse with converting to a plant-based diet? Either you think dogfighting (watching animals be harmed for your own pleasure) is bad, or you don’t. Either you think killing animals and subjecting them to suffering needlessly for your own taste pleasure is bad, or you don’t. If you do think it’s bad, put your money where your mouth is and quit.


    I tried for a while to make those small changes, but I always found it too hard to do, until I finally just decided to cut out all animal products one night, and I never really went back.

    I think the difference was how I framed it, mentally. I always saw it as an act of willpower to not eat animal products, like I have to overcome my cravings in the same way I would if I was cutting calories. But quitting animal products altogether allowed me to frame it differently for myself – instead of telling myself “I shouldn’t eat this”, I can just say “I don’t eat this.” Like, it’s not on the table as something I have to consider. I don’t even have to recognize animal products as food.

    Maybe if you cut things out one at a time you could do a similar thing. Though one problem is that it’s a series of changes and commitments you have to make, instead of just one thing. I feel like that could be harder, depending on who you are.


    The biggest hurdle from me going vegan was I thought it would be difficult, so I did something similar. Turns out, however, that it’s SUPER EASY to cut out all meat and dairy. Seriously it blew my mind. Just look up a couple recipes, make sure you read ingredient lists on products, and you’re done. That’s all it takes.

    The key is to just commit. Jump off the high board and take the plunge. Sure the water may shock you at first but you’ll quickly adapt. Quicker than you’d expect.

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