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Plus-sized Miss Alabama hits back at 'evil' trolls who called her 'unhealthy' - amongst other things

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Lawyers for a death row inmate in the US state of say his could happen any day, even though they believe he was wrongfully convicted. Rocky Myers, who has an intellectual disability, is a black man who was convicted by an overwhelmingly white jury of the murder of a white woman. FRANCE24's Monte Francis speaks to Kacey Keeton, the lawyer representing Rocky Meyers, and Miriam Bankson part of the legal investigative team on the case.

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How an Town Staved Off Resegregation

In 1971, every Black student walked out of this school in protest. A large majority stayed out for nearly the entire school year.

What happened next separates Thomasville from many other Black Belt areas.

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Alabama executes Jamie Ray Mills despite prosecutorial misconduct and nonunanimous jury vote for death sentence

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Alabama teacher calls on workers to oppose Gaza genocide: "People don't realize the power we have"

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Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville Repeats Racist 'Great Replacement Theory,' And Blames It On Obama

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NYT: A week after losing a hard-fought election at two Mercedes-Benz factories in , the United Automobile Workers asked federal officials on Friday to order a new vote, saying the German carmaker violated labor laws to suppress support for the union.

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How Residents in a Rural #Alabama County Are Confronting the Lasting Harm of #Segregation Academies

In Wilcox County, Alabama, many people say they want to bridge racial divides created by their segregated #schools. But they must face a long and painful history.

#News #Education #Students #Teachers #Government #Race #Kids #Families

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Tuberville Opens His Mouth, Starts Talking Like A Racist Potato

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How Residents in a Rural Alabama County Are Confronting the Lasting Harm of Segregation Academies

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Xanax, also known by its generic name alprazolam, is a medication in the benzodiazepine family of drugs. It is commonly used to treat anxiety disorders, panic disorder, and symptoms associated with depression. In this article, we will discuss the uses, side effects, and precautions of Xanax.

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#Segregation Academies Still Operate Across the South.

One Town Grapples With Its Divided #Schools.

70 years after Brown v. Board, Black and white residents, in this #Alabama town say they would like to see their #children schooled together.

But after so long apart, they arenโ€™t sure how to make it happen.

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