sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

#WordWeavers 2406.10 — MC POV: if you could wipe something from your memory, would you do it? CW: Intense

Hypotheticals are valid only in quantum thaumadynamics, but I'll humor you on this one. I watched someone die, struck down on the street realizing in the same moment that had I not saved the evil beside me that had thrown the grenade he would be alive. The horror of the moment, the smells of smoke and the sounds of shots, return to me as PTSD episodes. It's triggered when I find myself powerless to protect the people I'm responsible for. It happens more often than you would expect.

Would I wipe away that memory? No. Without it, might make the same mistake of justifying evil. Especially when I see it in myself.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R..S.]

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sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
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2406.08 — Where would your SC go if they had a bad day?

She's a day angel. Solitude is easy. Near sunset on the always hot world she lives on, she can always catch a thermal and spiral high into the sky. Gliding way above it all, the city she's trapped living in seems so peaceful, so devoid of people. She can make believe for a few minutes that the boss doesn't hold blackmail that would frame her for murder, and that she can soar off into the coming purpling dusk and start anew. The dry air swiftly dries all tears.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R..S.]


sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2406.06 — MC POV: When was the last time you laughed? CW: Spoilers if you follow me under another alias.

My MC's story is rarely funny, despite being regularly snide or darkly humorous, sometimes ridiculous like here. Because the "last time" she "laughed" requires too much context, this is the penultimate time she laughed in the entire novel. It's also a minor spoiler for a chapter that will soon be published. The is a slight revised [: Two SCs are sitting in a high security prison, on either side of the bars. The MC is watching them from the wrong side of them. The reader knows she has slept with both men.]

He sat opposite my shapeshifter. They looked at one another, the shapeshifter imitating his actions. When it devolved to insulting gestures and the sticking out of tongues, I cleared my throat to forestall laughing outloud.

The prince grinned as did my shapeshifter. The prince said, "It's like looking in a mirror; uncanny."

"Yeah," I said, covering my mouth. "Uncanny because not a mirror image!"

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R..S.]


sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

#PennedPossibilities 337 — What was the worst job that your MC or SC ever had? CW: 400 word tootfic.

This #excerpt tootfic is from an in-universe novel I published online in 2016 that would include both my criminal MC (aka the devil-girl) and her SC (aka Bolt) as SCs, as told by the crime boss who wants employ her as his enforcer. My MC has a knack for existing well and without regrets. The detailed jobs and conditions were undoubtedly the worst my MC experienced, and Bolt didn't like it either, which foreshadows their eventual friendship. [I made a few revisions.]

... From what [Bolt], my youngest employee, could find shadowing her in the university district, she was looking for a change of career. She had applied for admission to the [Home Planetary School for Thaumaturgy]. She'd have to wait months until enrollment started.

I saw leverage and a desirable new hire.

Why would I want a security specialist who failed her last employer? Well, in CA's case, sometimes you can't save a person from her own stupidity [so I found the failure forgivable.] I also visualized a different employment for this woman's "miraculous" talents.

I gave orders to ensure the woman's efforts in finding a job to pay room and board would be only marginally fruitful. I provided strategic services to many businesses; they usually respected my opinions on such matters. The woman seemed reluctant to venture into downtown or suburban Home City. Perhaps it was that she was shy about being noticed as the failed security specialist for the deceased Doña. Perhaps it was because visibly healing wounds, time pounding the pavement, and days exposed to the sun and the elements made her look like a vagrant. In any case, she restricted her search to the less-structured more-freewheeling Lower City where I conducted my core business. Her life would be hard.

Surprisingly, this stoic didn't break. She saved the minimal coin she made first sweeping floors, then, when pushed out, cleaning ovens at a bakery, then later hauling garbage, and after that painting walls. She literally performed a dozen menial jobs before the proctors granted her admission when the spring session opened later in the month.

And during those months, she spent nothing. Instead, she lived homeless in encampments in the warehouse district. She never visited the homeless shelters paid by the homeless tax levy where she'd have to identify herself. She ate when she got handouts, even bathed in public washrooms. She even endured a week of strong spring storms, sheltered beneath the eaves of warehouses or restaurants after they closed, sometimes soaked to the skin.

The latter drove my usually hard-flanked [day angel] to tears one evening. The only thing I could do to stop [Bolt] from flying the [daemon] to her aerie that last dark rainy night was to relent and promise to offer the former specialist a position in my organization the next day.

[Author retains copyright (c)2016 R.S.]

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2406.04 — Antagonist POV: Is it easy for you to apologize? Can you apologize to someone right now?

If I made a mistake or bumped into somebody? Of course. Many people recognize me, or take a look at me, and something between awe and stupidity sets in. I account for that. I've survived the fall of civilizations; I can be charming. What I won't apologize is for doing things I must do, whether it simply upsets you or ends up killing people you knew, and all the permutations in between. My role in this miserable life that never ends is ensuring humanity survives. Nobody apologizes to me for saddling me with that responsibility. You know what really ticks me off? Questions like this one. Sorry!

Director Rainy Days

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R..S.]


sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

324 — SC POV: If you could relive one day of your life without changing anything that happened, which day would you choose? Tootfic: Reframing the Experience

[When my SC says armor, it's really a weightless magical exoskeleton that melds with her body. It looks like blackened bones, because it is. —R.S.]

Oh, there's plenty of days I'd relive unchanged. Like the day I fledged, when I first flew on my own. Or the day learned the thrill of hauling things through the sky. Both good events in a rather dull and awful childhood that turned to cinders when my parents disapproved of the way I wanted to live my life. Said I aimed for the dirt not the sky. Maybe they weren't so dumb—I ended up badly, flying messages for a crime boss over a dozen years. But, then, there was that day last week...

I've told you a few times how I ended up with the armor and a new job training as a pretorian, you know, having faced down the greatest thaumaturge who ever lived, having nearly killed her. Impressed her.

I thought.

Well, my drill instructor was training me that dawn. I wore the armor. The thaumaturge dove at me, full speed. She's a monster flier, taller, more massive, immortal. I jumped into the sky. Fled.

She followed.

Though the armor let me fly like a sparrow, change direction in a heartbeat, and take a thumping only slightly changing my course, it had been her armor once. She kept appearing before me, striking at my face or heart, sending me into spins toward the ground, stalling me out, almost panicking me into flying into trees or buildings. For all her mass and the inertia that implies, I barely avoided her, half the time with her cackling at my barrel rolls or dives that sent down feathers flying. She had muscle; I tired despite the armor until I thought my heart would burst from my chest, at which point a flyby pitched me into the ground.

I skid across the running track on my belly right up to my instructor. I don't know how I didn't break a wing or my neck. Ok, I do: The Armor.

She landed beside me with a loud thump. She wasn't even winded! She told him, "She lacks stamina. Train her harder."

She leaned down until her face was in my face. I smelled maple syrup on her breath. She said, "You need to use the magic in the armor. There's a class at first bell in the Ivory building, room B7. Shower and be there ON TIME."

I have wings.

I don't do magic.

I showered though, once my legs stopped shaking. I slunk into the class still half-frightened out of my wits. My new friend was there, the curse breaker, a former prizefighter, the one I'd fought beside against Her, that ended up with me getting the armor. It was some sort of advanced special Ed class for mages. I suddenly felt totally inadequate and I cried. Me. At the age of 27, I cried telling her my story, pointing to my purpling bruises, complaining that had She gotten in a good strike She would have caved in my rib cage.

My friend was having none of it. She said, "You're a day angel who just went ten minutes fighting Her. Somehow, you're still alive."

I hadn't thought about it that way. I later learned the word, "Reframing."

The instructor came in with a truckload of tomes and grimoires. She had prepared him for me. He gave me a magic primer. I knew it was a primer because it had PICTURES of youngsters playing. Despite the stares of the other students, I read the book.

Half hour later, I got the armor to glow dull red, like iron out of a forge. Truly. Awesome. Didn't know what it did except look intimidating, but still...


I felt my heart grow large in my chest, and it struck me. Someone (okay, the ruler of the nation) wanted me for who I was and who I could become, and because I was capable. She wanted me to aim for the sky. My new friend supported me and pushed me forward. I liked this, who I was, what I was finding I could be, could become.



I realized, for what it was worth, my parents would approve. (And flap them if they didn't!)

Best. Day. Ever.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2405.20 — How did you settle on your antagonist's appearance?

Antagonists almost always are regular people with different agendas than the MC's. Rarely, they have a skewed sense of right and wrong or how reality works, which could describe a few MCs. In any case, I very much wish to prevent latching on to a stereotype as it will paint a divergent picture of what I want to represent and, far worse, comes with a subtext that I have no control over. Like the MC POV, I keep appearances vague so the reader can use their imagination, only less so because antagonists are seen and features important to the story must be eluded to. The MC will also make uncensored comments in her internal dialogue, aka 1st person narration.

In one case, the antagonist got her own side story as the POV. Note in the following from Fledge, she has woken up with bodily changes (and amnesia). She self-labels herself as a chimera, a monster that's a combination of creatures but in her case parts of other people. She never states facial features, needs never say anything about hair color, or what we relate to as race. She does mention an in-story kind of human. However, the following feature is important to her "appearance" as it relates to the question, as well as the plot. She's squatting on a tree limb two dozen stories high...

He [her rescuer] pointed at the useless things on my back. "You remembered enough to shield your fall [...] using them. You're learning."

Below my normal right shoulder blade, a red-feathered monstrosity twitched. Adjusting my hips carefully, I glared left to see iridescent blue and purple feathers and down lit by the setting sun, better suited for a pigeon's breast. The day angel wing poked out, balancing, splaying breeze-rustled feathers to instinctively steady me. My blue "add-on" was larger than the red. Both went thwack to my back, acting as if they'd noticed I'd noticed my alien, unasked for, new limbs playing—behind my back—and hid. I had to steady myself with a hand.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

#PennedPossibilities 311 — What is a memory that makes your SC swell with pride?

That armor. The black dragon armor, light as an autumn breeze. The last who owned it, legends say, a million died to take it away from her, but failed in the end.

She gave it to me: The ruler of the world, the most powerful thaumaturge alive. I was the one who nearly killed her, when we fought for our lives incidentally breaking the Curse of Harmony upon her.

I didn't break the curse but was the one who nearly killed her. Yet...

My friend—whose life I saved by pushing her out of the way of a plasma bolt and getting my flank burnt as a result—reminded me of the legend. Made me test the magic, which let me fly like an arrow and loop and dodge more agilely than a sparrow. She added, "She told me it's the first time anyone's got that close in a century. It's a bribe, you know, A loan. She wants you to work for her. You impressed her. "


I impressed /Her./

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]

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sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
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#PennedPossibilities 310 — MC or SC POV: What was your favorite day or holiday when you were a child? Favorite Day Remembrance CW: Sad.

Why are you making me remember this now? My favorite day? When I was a child? It was /that/ day, each time Mom returned home. She would sing to me, but she belonged to the world, the theatre, to the concert hall. Plenty of her albums proclaimed that. "Midnight, the Voice and the Heart of the Nation." Those albums, they're all I really have of her. She wasn't one for family pictures. Or family. It's why I can't listen to them any more, and walk out of restaurants when any of her show tunes play.

I do sing her songs in the shower, unthinkingly. My roommate doesn't know who I really am, but she's told me my voice is just like hers. Stupid memory. Stupid reflexes.

I remember being /so happy/ when she'd return home. She'd sing to me, but wasn't at all "hands on." She'd sing and she'd listen to me telling all the things that happened that day with friends and nannies—always with a smile, but I was always on the floor or in my bed or in someone else's lap. Her manager—with whom I share my hair color and skin color so he likely fathered me—would hold me while she sang sometimes. He'd read to me. He'd call me his little tomato, since that was the hair color we shared.

I remember the pair once laughing after I'd been put to bed, not sleeping. I'd peeked through a barely opened door to see. /Him/ she held.

I loved them both.

You've made me remember. Are you happy now? How many times could it have been that I remember her returning? A few dozen? They died before I was five, and now I remember /that,/ too.

[That's the Aurora Midnight, the devil girl from the Reluctance stories. Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]

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sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
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2405.10 — Antagonist POV: What do you like the most about yourself?

[A short tootfic. Likely canon. Her Highness speaking. From /Inklings:/]

My jaw almost dropped at the shear gall of the question, but the Midlands plenipotentiary was, if anything, expert at being jovial. His smile was disarming. He was a diplomat. I didn't gape, but put the tea cup down carefully.

"You're referring to the dragon incident, aren't you?"

He nodded. He plunked a couple lumps of brown sugar in his tea, stirring. It accounted for his corpulence, something rare amongst his gaunt brethren who spent much of their day running on forest paths. He'd made it from the Midlands in just weeks, on horseback I guessed. Poor horse. "It's on everyone's tongue. You'd mobilized the militia. Detailed reports hit the Forest Ridge High Tower as if carried by a thunderstorm."

He was making sure I knew "people" kept him well informed, and that my military wasn't what interested him. Much, anyway. I sighed, crossing my legs as I sat back.

I'd mobilized the best and most radiant of my magic users. None could best me, but we expected to face a wyvern the size of my in-town mansion. It had burnt up part of the Fell Woods. A good thing, thinking about that unassailable haven for monsters and wild beasts. Then it attacked a farm.

"The attack on the farm was an accident," I said off-handedly, steepling my fingers.

He paused. Blue eyes speared me. I'd never announced the details of what happened because if I made them official rather than rumor, the public might panic. Nobody died.

The Midlands ought know, I decided then and there. It'd be to my advantage. I'd let him decide the implications. "The grain silo had a moisture problem. It had started to ferment. Who would have thought a dragon might like beer?"

He chuckled, then, "You're serious? You know this? /How?"/ He put down his tea cup with a loud clink, spilling some of the reddish liquor.

I'd rode in with an elite company of my army, through a wood arch that proclaimed "Cornfeld," into a farm yard. I'd been ready to use my radiance to repel fire; dragons of all shapes breathed fire. My troops had the best spears, but it had been centuries since anyone had needed weapons against dragon scale. Would newiron even work? Drowning the beast by swirling airborne the farm's pond was almost our best offense, if the magical beast decided to fight. I knew they disliked fighting. I hoped that I had that much correct. If I had to resort to radiant kinesis to heave rock from a stone fence, it might decide to retaliate against my Townships—if I failed.

What I found was a half-naked girl, barely a woman though very tall, mollifying a distraught farmer and mediating with a red dragon who looked to be hanging on her every word. I could tell this, even though the dragon had the form of a giant bat.

Apparently, with her mediation, both parties were apologizing to each other!

Worse, though covered with mud and ash, visibly scarred, the young woman was devastatingly beautiful. The type of beautiful that made a seasoned and well worn woman like me think of a different kind of bedmate. I wasn't a man...

Wintereyes was her name. She had befriended a dragon.

Innocent and kind.

And immeasurably dangerous.

The ingénue now attended my magic university, despite being uncomfortable around people and wearing clothing. Learning to be human. One of mine.

I said, "What I like about myself is that I know when to fight and when to make friends."

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R..S.]


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

#PennedPossibilities 307 — Does your MC have next-door neighbors? Who are they?

The main antagonist. This is the person she once considered as the person who ruined her life. She once worked for someone whose stated goal was assassinating her, and didn't care if they succeeded. For the last few months, the MC lived in a roommate situation that made them neighbors. Her roommate was being trained by the main antagonist, but also had a bad relationship with her. Their proximity was always a background tension in the story. In the current story, the MC is now working for the main antagonist and understands the MA's "evil" reasons better, but still dislikes her. The MC could ask for her own suite, free of charge, in the same building but is planning on taking her new salary to live elsewhere.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]

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sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
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2405.02 — What are your MC’s living conditions like? Are they better or worse than average?

Wow, this question! A bit of background: I wrote the original novella, then wrote a prequel novel based on the history in the first story, then retconned the novella, worsened the situation and followed it with new events to make it a novel, /then/ wrote the sequel. It's her life story, now.

In this last story, the answer to this question is the running joke. The new work takes place over three days. She starts having been living with a fellow student, an ever-seeking-male-companionship elite who months ago offered her a free roommate situation—so long as the MC slept with her in the same bed (and her new roommate only sleeps well being held). The next day it's the couch after the MC is reunited with a former coworker (bodyguard) whom she introduces to her elite roommate. They hit it off. Noisily. All night long! The next night, not wanting a repeat performance, she connives to spend a (satisfying) night with her new boyfriend in "palatial" digs in the Residency where the main antagonist lives, but is currently out on a military adventure. Having reconciled with a childhood friend, the subsequent night she ends up on his bed, in a Residency guest suite, sleeping with him and a pile of thaumaturgy books they nerded out over. She regrets not having had more fun with him, but he's too sweet and obviously not ready for that. The next day, she's fighting for her life in a hospital.

Her living conditions are way above average, arguably superior.

Previous Living Conditions

  • Born in a nice house in an obscure village
  • Raised in a newly built mansion for a newly titled elite (her)
  • Homeless for months, having run away, living in encampments and wandering the east coast
  • Big city hostel for over a year
  • Gangland trainer's nice apartment with separate beds
  • Boarding house with aspects of a brothel, where she must defend herself
  • Leased a one room dance studio where she sleeps on a mat between a wall of open windows and a wall of mirrors, having no need of further furniture
  • A series of high line hotel and mansion rooms owned the Doña she works for
  • Homeless
  • A tenement room she makes her own, detailed in this short Mastodon post titled, Where Most Comfortable: https://eldritch.cafe/@sfwrtr/109826357405137553
  • Roommate situation at the top of this post

As for the homelessness, she was moving around without money while hiding her identity, and rarely stayed long. The worst was trying to sleep under eaves in the city during storms; she didn't always have a tent. Regardless, it qualifies as below average living conditions for a total of about a year. It did focus her like of asceticism.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R..S.]


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2405.01 — Introduce your setting as if it’s a character in your story.

[/Well, I decided to jump ahead in the WiP and write what might be the start of the next chapter. The title may be named: You Have Mail. Pardon the Dickensian texture; this is a first draft. —RS/]

I never expected a human habitation to feel as protective as my dorm room did. Sure, my lodgepole tent protected me through the blizzardy winters in the Fell Wood, as it did the wolf pack that had adopted me. I provided the tent, though. I repaired it, stored it, and raised it year after year. I maintained the cooking fire for all the wolves and cubs. It was I who was being protective, not it—or so it felt.

My dorm room wanted me to know that for the next few years, at least, it existed solely to protect /me,/ to comfort /me./ Increasingly, it did so as I added memories. Mother Wolf and I used one of the two small beds, the left one, piled with fuzzy brown blankets as needed or clothed with luxurious white cotton sheets that felt cool against cheek or jowl. Since I was tasked with the cleaning instead of the dorm servants, my room smelled of us, faintly of yeast, sweat, and a wolf that occasionally hunted rabbits but favored the cafeteria's pasture-beast stew.

The little red iron stove kept us warm through winter; the room's wood panel walls kept us shaded from the hot summer sun. It lovingly provided a rare enclosure—almost like walking within the orange and white rock walls of the slot canyons of the south woods—creating a remarkable silence in a land of noisy humans and huffing machines. This and its soft radiant cloud-light ceiling made me feel... what? Swaddled? Like being /home,/ as my parents would have used the word back on the farm when I was a child. My spirit books, fashion magazines, and papers cluttered the worn ink-stained blond pine desk. I ran my bare feet over the oval tapestry rug letting the patterns of wands and dryad trees caress my toes. My skin stuck to the cushy tan leather chair as I stood, but I knew that was it hugging me.

Situated to the rear of the building on the first floor, the casement window at the end of the rectangular space opened to the clay roof of a shed. Crisp autumn breezes fluttered the gauzy drapes as I looked out at the barrier forest beyond the stables, lit by the setting sun. The window conveniently allowed Mother Wolf to jump up, as she did right now, and clatter into the room as she pleased. She greeted me with an ever-wet red tongue on my face and backside. (A white wolf opening the front door of the women's dorm, with a key in her mouth, and walking in always frightened at least one student or professor. People called me their Wild Woman, but still never got used to the implications of the name.)

Best of all, as the special guest of Her Highness, nobody dared inspect my room. Everyone knocked, no exceptions. Wolf inside, right? Framed pictures of my boyfriend hung suspended by single powder blue silk ribbons, and they were /very/ inappropriate. Looking at him warmed me deeply, reminding me of being /us,/ together—so I didn't care that my foolish "civilized" human brethren might think. People existed to enjoy themselves, regardless of what nosy people might say. This room supported me as I lived here, trapped in the Townships because circumstance required me to learn to be "more human" as Her Highness was fond of saying. My little supportive enclave encouraged me to be me, and allowed me to dress or not dress as I pleased behind its closed oaken door.

When the House Mother knocked, I simply threw on a dressing gown. I turned the pictures around before answering—to be respectful. It tickled me that she never asked why I always smiled when I opened the door.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R..S.]


sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

#PennedPossibilities 282 — Are there any insignificant memories that stick with your SC to this day?

Well into my teens, I had made friends because by then the last and least of the chieftain's sons was not and was know never to rely on his status for anything. People thought me safe, and I earned my place amongst the fishers and the traders. It's the girl whose name translates to "the winged silver fish flying" who became my best pal, as the Endless Islanders use the term. We sailed together, fished, ate together when we were in the same village, occasionally explored the two volcanoes that make the eyes of Crab Island. Boy or girl, didn't make a difference to us. Strong, she was always trying to prove herself my equal in strength and courage. In the end, she proved more courageous.

That particular day... She put her hands on me, wanted what could be shared by becoming closer as boy and girl. Very close. I remember her yellow-brown eyes. Her smile, her kiss.

But also who I was. The throwaway son of the chieftain, but his nonetheless. Yes, Islanders can't marry unless she's pregnant and we knew how to prevent that. We agreed, not ready. But it's not 100%, never could be.

If we had had a child... If it were known we loved one another... With what would happen after my father was murdered, it would not have been simple worry for her safety during succession as Mother had taught me, but that she'd be a hostage—or killed.

That day, I said "No." We'd never discover if it were love. We both cried.

That "No" comes back to me every time I meet women, especially exiled in the Endless Island where I feel guilty that I'm safe.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]

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#Writever 2404.01 — Time
[/Apologizing ahead of time. —R.S./]

"Are you sure using /Unlock/ on his door— what?" Céline said, getting her first look inside the centuries old Montpellier townhouse. Dust coated everything in the foyer, and the apples in the crystal bowl on the Art Deco console looked like shrunken heads. An orange was covered in blue-green and the dried soup might have been a banana. Little flies and a cloud of spore swarmed up in the gust of air when Béatrice shut the door.

Celine covered her mouth with a kerchief as they walked around the rat droppings on the red Persian rug toward the stair. She added, "So, Risgold died?"

"Not exactly..." Béatrice's voice trailed off.

"Well, I'll miss the old fart; was missing him is why I mentioned it at the Sorcerer's Club. Always good for chuckle, his misinterpreting things in spells." They descended the stairs.

"Yeah. Always discovering the unexpected by accident—"

"Needing us to point it out. Why are we going to the servants quarters?"

"He lived alone, so he cooked."

"Ah. Of course—"

Béatrice sped ahead. She held out an arm to stop her from entering the kitchen. The stately woman shook her head.

Céline groaned. "He is dead, isn't he?" She sniffed. "Something smells off."

"It's the icebox; he left it open. Please be careful. Open the door but don't enter. There's an active spell."

Céline nodded. With eccentric Risgold, it was /always/ a spell. These days, male sorcerers wore a business suit when working with customers, or jeans and a white t-shirt when they worked because they were comfortable and easier to clean. Risgold? Robes. Shades of the 17th century. His white hair wasn't a powdered wig, but at his age looked like one. He even used a finger flame to light women's cigarettes, the few that still smoked, anyway. Then there was his candles. He used them around his house instead of electricity.

The sconce beside the door held a melted down, drippy sample.

The door was a swinging door, the better for the servants to push open with a foot with filled trays for the upstairs. Béatrice had Céline pull it open, possibly because it kept Céline from reflexively stepping in...

Risgold looked up in the light of the ten candle chandelier, blue eyes sparkling in the dancing flames. "Ah!" he said, tugging on his long wizardly beard. "I'm glad you showed up. This is a half-recipe, but should prove plenty for all of us. It's really simple—" He squinted at the /Provence Cuisine/ cookbook he had propped up before him.

Céline's smile grew as she cried, "Risgold, it's so good to—"

Béatrice restrained her by grabbing her shoulder tightly. She pointed to this side and that. The icebox door stood open behind the old man, rotted meat on one shelf, a burst carton of milk having toppled itself to the floor. Inside of a sphere centered on Risgold, everything remained fresh. The chicken on the marble top. The sliced vegetables. The stock pot on the gas fire, bubbling and steaming. The man: very much alive.

Risgold looked up, his finger on the recipe book. "Just a minute. I'm trying to figure out what this means." He tapped the page with a finger, then grabbed his ebony wand. "Don't know how to measure 3 grams of time, but I can certainly add 3 minutes—" he finished, swishing it.

The flash was blinding. The next instant, the stock pot splashed as Risgold dropped cut potatoes into it, then returned to scrutinizing his recipe. In the space of three minutes, Risgold noticed his visitors, greeted them... grabbed his wand and swished it.

Béatrice facepalmed. "Thyme is a spice."

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]

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Including #TimeTravelAuthors 240403 because of the twist.

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sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

#PennedPossibilities 275 — If your MC could convey one last message to someone they have lost or left behind, what would it be? The Letter

Midnight sat at the table at the back of the jazz club, listening to the clarinet solo on the stage. You couldn't smoke inside, but the space still smelled faintly of smoke and... gardenia perfume today, for some reason. Cait handed her an Aperol Spritz in a martini glass and said, "Twenty minutes until your set."

The dark-skinned woman nodded, but as she put down the stemware with the icy orange liquid, she found a letter on the table. It was sealed with red wax. She put the drink aside and flipped the parchment-like envelope. The only writing was a faint image of a full moon almost completely obscured by a black cloud. The edges of the envelope were burnt. Recently. It was the smoke she smelled.

She blinked at it and stiffened.

The symbol /meant/ something. She just didn't remember why. Like how she woke on a sidewalk a decade and a half ago, with a broken skull and no memories, but knew things. This letter was for her.

She broke the seal and took out a thick card. The calligraphic letters weren't English. Crescents and blots that swamed in her vision until they aligned into words. She put down the card, gulped the champagne cocktail, then with a few breaths looked at it again. Her thoughts of the songs she would sing tonight vanished. Why was this here? Now that she'd found a life singing, and had met a man she could spend time with? She had no need of old memories that had refused to come, no matter what the therapy.

She pushed the card across the table to the candle flickering in the red jar. It read:

/I was told to write it, to get it out of me, so I humored the silly little dragon. I don't remember your face anymore, and I avoid your records because it's too painful to have lost you. Nothing went right after your disappearance. I later ran away from home, which made it worse. Nevertheless, at this point in my life, I can say I've done well. I've saved lives, I won a championship as a prizefighter, I've protected a city, and am making an alliance that may prevent a war. Through marriage. I don't believe I'm going through with— You might be a grandmother soon, were you here. I don't know where you are but, if this letter somehow gets to you, I hope it can bring you peace. I want you to know that the daughter you left behind has done well for herself. Maybe you can be proud of that. With love, Aurora./

The woman knocked over her her empty glass. The ice scattered on the tile floor. She knew that name. "Aurora." She remembered...

Cait, standing by the bar, looked as Midnight shot to her feet and said, "I'm going out for a cigarette."

"But you don't smoke—"

"I'm going to start!" she cried, rushing out, forgetting her purse but remembering... Other things.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]

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sfwrtr, (edited ) to mastodon
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

#WordWeavers 2404.01 — MC POV: Write a Mastodon introduction post.

#Introduction I'm really new to the #Mastodon thing, but Her Highness told me I had to do this and taught me how. Everyone at school calls me their "Wild Woman," thus my @WildWomanOfFellWoods handle. I'm becoming used to that because it's true. I've lived amongst #wolves since I was 7 with the Blue Feathers pack, so I'll be posting lots of #wolf spark renders, like the one of Mother Wolf below. (Read the ALT text.) She's the third white wolf in that role because people live longer. I #hunt with #knives, but am learning #archery because I'm not yet a provider for the pack. I can't run as fast as they can, so I use my #knife once they've brought down the prey. My #gift is befriending #beasts. I can speak with them and they become smarter. I'm not sure if the effect is just on those beasts I've met, or if it spreads. If you've noticed wolves being smarter or more friendly to people, please private message me! If you want to. Not trying to impose. This goes with red #dragons. I befriended the one all over the news who burnt up the farm—and, no, she wasn't going to burn up the capital! She sneezed. Next to a grain silo. 😅 Nevertheless, if another shows up and turns out friendly, let me know! Sorry. I don't have any #dragon pictures. You can ask me about dragons, though. I also do #modeling, so you've probably seen me in a magazine. Yeah. I'm that #model. I won't post pictures, though, because I'd have to CW. But you can ask about that. I'm #shy so I don't do meet ups.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R..S.]

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sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

270 — Would your MC or SC consider themselves spiritual?

In the wands universe, it seems (so far) that the magic revolves around the concept of spirits and something quantifiable as "spirit." I don't fully understand it, yet, but semantically it is unlikely that working with radiant spirit is the same thing as being spiritual. If I know me, I'll certainly twist the word to encompass it anyway, to make the readers think about the topic. I'm writing /Inklings/ with Wintereyes as a prequel to another story I wrote for her where she encounters a god, but I found that story incomplete. Still... capital S Spiritual? I don't think so.

The devil-girl in the reluctance universe is a natural-born Buddhist in how she approaches life. She isn't spiritual, however. She just... /is/.

None of the current WiPs include the concept.

That said, I have written such characters in other novels. The /Walking Trees/ MC was that, on steroids. Many of the SCs in the balance universe were spiritual. Just nothing currently.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 RS.]


sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

249 — MC POV: What is something you were insecure about when you were a child? Violation Physics, Six Blind People, and the Elephant

I've never told anybody this. I'm not even certain I can explain what it feels like to a throwback like you, but I'll try...

Imagine for a moment that you are paralyzed. You cannot move, but you've lived all these years somehow able to feed yourself and able to interact with the world with ease. You have friends, lovers. Somehow, it all works. It's normal. That's biology. That's physics. That's... reality. People have families, children, live their lives, die—/and they never move a muscle/.

Imagine the world being that way.

Yet, before I can remember, I'd learned to walk. It was immensely fun. I could lay back down, never move a muscle, and live a life just like you, /but why?/

Walking, when nobody else does... Wow! What an experience. Seeing colors after being blind.

Though nobody taught me how to walk, as far as I could remember, I had a friend, a boy, who could also walk. I stumbled a lot, but he'd explain to me the problems with my gait, how I placed my feet wrong, didn't flex my knee right... things like that, which allowed me to run like the wind. He could only walk, but it allowed us to play like nobody else could. I thought we were soulmates.

I was aware that a few other people could walk. They didn't help us. Adults weren't teaching us. I had a library full of things about /moving/. It was up to us to learn the big words, and together, with his help, we did.

At age 8, he left me. I felt betrayed. Worse, I could walk and run, but I knew I could sprint, jump, leap, pedal, swim, and so much more. Unfortunately, I needed help to understand that little bit I didn't get.


Nobody would teach me. Adults would tutor me in /anything,/ and it seemed they tutored me in /everything./ Every waking hour. Of every single day. Except...


I was alone, with my books. I'd read about swimming, how to float, how to stroke with my arms and paddle with my legs. Yet, each time I'd enter a pool, I'd sink.

Drowning doesn't feel good.

Would I kill myself? Would I forget what I knew? Would I stop walking? Nobody else ever moved around me.

Without companionship, I ended up walking less, never running anymore. My muscles became noticeably weaker. I felt myself becoming paralyzed.

I needed to find someone who would teach me to walk before it was too late! I began to fear I'd forget the joy of movement under the deluge of /important/ lessons, the craziness of dealing with my body growing up, and the responsibilities of becoming an adult.

/That's why I ran away from home./

Walking. Mostly, it was about walking.

The ability to walk is what you'd call magic. Folding gravity, turning it dipolar, may look like magic, I suppose. What it feels like is too hard to explain...

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 RS.]


sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2403.01 — Introduce yourself as if you were a character in your story. What would your role be?

Can my story be autobiographical?

My first recollection was looking up at a dashboard in a car. It was green, made of metal. My dad was driving, but I don't think there were seatbelts.

I don't remember much from those days because I acquired language late, and then it was French because Mom sent me to a Montessori. I don't remember French, so I don't remember much. Autism was a secret that ran in the family, though I wasn't as bad as Uncle who stayed home all day building houses with cardboard and tape.

My specialness would account for other factors when I grew up, and, oddly, lead me to becoming an author. I think I had little native understanding of people's behavior, less of their expressions. It led me to intensely studying them, learning to predict what they'd do as if my life depended on it.

It did. If I didn't get it right, bad things happened. Don't remember specifically what, but I'm sure of this. Not understanding the language, nor the people, made it hard to remember more than images.

My next recollections come from when I was 7 or 8. It was night and I was home alone, no lights on. Batman was on primetime (/POW! Zowie! Holy Guacamole!/). By the flickering light of the the TV, Chef Boyardee raviolis heated in the pot and smelled really good...

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 RS.]


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2402.21 — Is there a genre or type of story you’ll never write?

I interpret this as meaning "won't write" because it's something I have an emotional reason versus simply to "difficult to write" and "not worth the trouble." Sexually explicit or gratuitously violent are off the menu. I do write stories with a lot of tease and stage setting for the reader's imagination. I don't shy away from violence, sometimes graphic, if and only if it advances the plot or defines character. Anything else I'd consider given sufficient motivation.


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2402.20 — How does your antagonist sleep?

Oh, very easily.

She's been killed and revived at least one time, as best she can remember. What she can remember that she's killed uncounted people, or caused them to die. It was for the sake of humanity, though. She's left encoded diaries in places because over centuries, she understands no one can help but forget most everything. Her experience lets her build back to gaining control because she has patience. She can wait for her competition to die while reinventing herself. In addition to being immortal, she can do one other trick no one else can do [spoilers], one she's taught no one else. In an untenable situation, people soon realize they shouldn't pressure her—it would be suicide.

Rainy Days currently runs everything, of course.

She sleeps very easily.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 RS.]


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

227 — Is your SC receptive to warnings and advice given by others?

The SC I'm thinking of has made a lot of mistakes, ignoring warnings and advice given by others. Mind you, no one was ever on her side in her desires, even her parents. She paid for rash actions by becoming trapped in the mob, blackmailed. She wasted much of her twenties being a runner and a liaison with growers, working not to get into situations that might make her responsible for someone dying and having it pinned on her. Now that, thanks to the MC, things have changed, she's still willing to act on her gut, but she'll take advice, too. That's got her doing recon for a disastrously under-crewed museum-piece frigate. At least our flying friend is wearing good armor.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 RS.]


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2402.11 — Share a scene that gave you lots of joy to write.

I take great joy in writing tracts that make people question what they they think they understand of their world, even if it makes them squirm. I just wrote this. It's a first draft, but it qualifies for this prompt. Wintereyes has lived the last ten of her 17 years living amongst and hunting with wolves, but is now attending school, forced to learn how to be human. She's visiting a solicitous boy's house...

I slipped off the shoes, and instead of putting on slippers, pulled off my long socks. I preferred barefoot, anyway. The less clothes I could get away with the better. I wriggled my toes, then looked left and up.

He stared down at me. I grabbed for the nearest sock.

"No, no," he said, down on his knees, grabbing my wrist even as I grabbed the sock. "Nothing's wrong."

We let go simultaneously, but his warmth and the pressure lingered. "I should have asked—"

"What? You weren't comfortable, and—" He laughed briefly. "The silly things I did when I first arrived on the Endless Island... Embarrassing— You did nothing wrong." He looked at me now. I blinked and looked away. "You're different—'

I sucked in a breath and reached for the socks and scooted the shoe back with a foot.

"—I like that. And you surprise me, how honest you are. I like that, too. And..."

Liked me? My eyes met his now, trying to figure out what he meant.

He finished, "It's not ink. It's a magic scar, I get that. You seem to want to hide it, them. Every woman I've met never forgets her blemishes, yet—" He pointed at my right ankle. "—I don't think you care if they're hidden at all."

"Should I?" I asked. The scar was the size of a circle of my thumb and forefingers. It looked like a half-eaten sunflower with bright yellow petals, a ripe bruised apricot with a dripping bite out of it, and a cracked open acorn with a brown cap and bits of tan meat left in the bronze cup. "Of course, " I admitted, "I know I should."

"You're honest about how you feel."

I blinked at him, not understanding. He looked at little confused, but I interpreted it as him being accepting. I crossed my right leg over my knee and took his left hand. I reached it to my scar.

He stopped breathing, but then touched. "It feels like an acorn!"

Yes. I knew most humans didn't let others touch them. Wolves I lived amongst did. Most social beasts did. Controlling the interaction, always.

Humans? Strange beasts indeed!

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 RS.]


sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2402.3 — Mammal

Her Certain Future

Technology and science wasn't magic, and Sharp Eye knew this more than ever. Five generations ago, Fleetmaster Running Talon had turned a portable cannon on his first Tyrannosaur, and ended their species rein of terror. Since that day, science and progress had ruled their world. Telescopes and the study of astronomy were unknown to her grandkin. The laws of orbital dynamics took a decade to render correctly, and her own grandmother had invented the slide math-relator that made verifying it all possible.

She lived in a world that promised her hatchlings steamships that could cross the Great Ocean between ports reliably, in days, because it need no sails. It offered /their/ hatchlings the possibility of powered flight using a lightweight heat engine. Literature discussed the not too fictional possibility of one day visiting the moon.

She ought have been happy with life and her grand future.

This wasn't the case. She turned the great telescopes with there photo capture plates toward the sky every night.

She'd found a streak.

Not a new planet. Something far smaller. Something far closer.

The rodent was very brazen outside the window. She'd been throwing the mammal bits of meat for the last month as she'd directed the telescopes, so of course he was. It chittered. With googly eyes, needle teeth, and the rotted smell of offal, the creature wiggled its pink nose and whiskers at her. It could see through a window! So smart. Its furry kind survived the freezing nights on the mountain, where despite her downy feathers, and a heavy parka, she could barely breathe the frigid night air. It burned her lungs.

She'd found a giant rock in space. A week later she confirmed it was two. The latest plate insisted she'd found a co-orbiting swarm, the biggest the size of a city or larger, the rest not that much smaller. Its mass made her think it was mostly iron-nickel. The length of the streaks on the plates grew smaller as the planet's gravity well influenced the orbit, sending it down on their heads.

Physics was physics. The ellipse calculations were irrefutable.

Between the constantly erupting volcano lands on the opposite side of the continent—which made sunset burn orange and purple, and sometimes caused snow to fall at the equator—and the dirt and dust that would be kicked out of the atmosphere by the meteor impact to rain down molten rock across the land, would it be that prolific mammal's descendants who'd inherit her decimated world?

Sharp Eye took a deep breath, inhaling the steam of her tea. The big question was: Did she announce her findings? While she had time?

Did it matter?

Who was she to break the world's ignorant bliss by announcing the inevitable? Fame didn't matter any more. How could it?

She sipped her tea and watched the soon to be victorious vermin nose through gravel, looking for roaches. She set the cup down, thinking how pleasant living only in the present was. She knew the future.

Then she thought, surely roaches would survive. Right?

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 RS.]


sfwrtr, (edited )
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2402.10 — Purring

Robson and Omar from the security detail stood to either side of Fenrisúlfr, side arms leveled despite the mortal wolf demigod being bound in glowing energy loops. Lightning flickered around him from the magic damper. The demigod could work miracles. One had deceived a nascent multi-planet government into allying with Rouge Star Traders LLC. This afternoon, his miracles lost me three crew.

A planetary defense force (PDF) corvette and a Rouge Superfrigate raced us to light speed. The lights on the bridge flickered. I grabbed the armrests of my chair before the gravity compensators failed momentarily toward port, jerking us that way. Robson grabbed a stanchion. Omar chose to fall with his charge, twisting to strike the demigod with elbows and knee, instead of the wall. Fenrisúlfr groaned.

The Rouge threw relativistic iron pellets at us, einsteined into the ten ton range, impossible to see, except as a gamma ray blip a few seconds out. Rouge trading money hired the best galactic thaumaturgists who produced gravity loops superior to most modern militaries.

"You see that?" I yelled, pointing at the tactical tank. Green lines marked our evasions; burnt-out orange firework trails, their targeting solutions.

Glowing amber eyes bore into me. The wolf winced. I'd have to write up the rib fracture. Geneva Convention allegation, training failures, etc. I added, "Tell me where you hid the Lug you stole and the PDF will stop the Rouge from killing us. You're mortal. I know it. You want to die?"

A growly voice said, "Your reputation proceeds you."

"You think /The Sakura/ is /lucky?/ We always escape? I lost two men and a woman today!"

"I see futures. Yours, Rin, are good."

"You let yourself get captured?"

We dodged three more relativistic misses before he shrugged, smiled, and nodded. I ground my teeth.

I touched the intercom. "Engineering? Mr. Thomas. Where's that boost you promised?"

"Um, Captain Sasaki, ma'am. About that?"

"What now?" I glared at the wolf warped by spirits and gods. It bared a fang in a grin.

"Remember that power failure?"

"The upper cargo holds?"

"Lost atmosphere in—"

"—the fuel compartments?"

"Aye, ma'am. The drive isn't happy."

I rubbed my temples. The relativistic drive used a miracle to violate physics. Ours contained an avatar of Nergal, the "Burner," the Babylonian god of the sun and wanton destruction. A dual drive and weapons system. The denatured lion god required live sacrifices: Tank-grown hyenas.

Hyenas. Resembled a wolf, right?

"Ms. Watanabe, you have the helm."

Engineering looked like a gate to hell. Thaumaturgy erected gravity folds and time discontinuities to protect the environmental pod of the ship from the thauma-mechanical superstructure. The metal walls aft glowed dull red. A doorway opened into a lava-filled volcanic "host" chamber. Refrigeration like a winter gale barely kept the crew from sweating. I smelled brimstone.

After another dodge, I asked Fenrisúlfr, "How do you like engineering?" The wolf gripped the safety railing with white knuckles.

"Medievally modern? Not a thaumaturge. My magic is intrinsic. Your point, Rin?"

"We're on a first name basis, now?"

"The lady's showing me around her house, isn't she?"

"Mr. Thomas. How closely related to a hyena does the sacrifice need be?"

"Dog-like. Hyenas proved easy to clone anencephalus."

"Will a wolf do?"

Fenrisúlfr stood stark straight. "Are you mad!" he snarled. "That's murder."

"Let's see..." I counted fingers. "Let the Rouge kill us? Maybe get a death sentence? We all die? I sacrifice you, my crew survives, and we fix the shit you caused planetside? Quick! It's your ship? Your choice? No answer? Pity."

My poker hand, in a nutshell.

I walked closer to the open door, security dragging Fenrisúlfr behind. It looked like a hatch on a submarine or to the firebox of a locomotive. The heat tightened my skin. "Where's the Lug?"

The ship dodged hard three times before he yelled the location. I transmitted the message immediately. We were ten light minutes from a response.

"Doesn't that feel better? You told my future accurately."

"I had confidence." I waited near the heat, just in case.

The next instant, /Bang!/ The impact sheared off parts starboard. Gravity compensation went off seconds, long enough to float free of the decks. The ship couldn't dodge, lest we be smashed to a protein film.

Lights and gravity returned. Nobody had been thrown aside.

I'd barely sighed when titanic flaming lion's paw emerged from the glowing hell. Claws snagged a startled Fenrisúlfr, snatching him into the fire.

The engine began purring.

Turns out Fenrisúlfr had predicted my future correctly, not his own.

[3½hrs Author retains copyright (c)2024 RS.]


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