@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar



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@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

But without even just the cool space station to just stare at longingly…

@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

You know that’s not what people are talking about when they say “both sides.”

We can be critical of ghouls like Manchin, and shitty neoliberals who think “gelato freezers” and kneeling when George Floyd was murdered was sufficient response - you know… those who make the Democratic party worse for all of us in a way not all that dissimilar in SOME INSTANCES to the Repubs without everyone assuming we are Trump ball-garglers or Republicans, right?

…Or will we always get the “bOtH sIdEs” mocking which does little except serve to alienate fellow Dems, while providing the worst in the party cover for objectively shitty actions?

@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

Cool I guess we should be totally happy with the choices and never criticize any similarities because then we’re saying both sides are the same.

JDPoZ, (edited )
@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

So as long as they’re 1% better, we can’t criticize and point out similarities?

Because that’s all we’re talking about here.

So when someone points out how both Joe Manchin and Mitt Romney suck because they tend to support mostly the exact same policies - just because Manchin is 1% better - we’re always going to get someone shitting on the person commenting on the similarity with a “bOtH sIdEs” - which does nothing to win anyone over but just provides cover for asshats like Manchin?

Yes, Manchin is better (in the same way someone pouring cat shit on you is “better” than pouring it into your eyes) but he doesn’t deserve anything but criticism for the bullshit he enables. Just irks me when shitty politicians get undue praise and then someone makes sure to drop in a little pre-empt at valid criticism with “BoTh SiDeS.”

Every attempt we can, yes - we should VOTE for the lesser evil, but also feel free to openly point out how terrible the fuckwads like Manchin are without hearing people say that that posting any complaint against a shitty Dem who’s basically an 80s era Reaganite is essentially the same as licking Trump’s taint.

@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

So when someone points out that their kid can’t get their physical therapy covered by shitty private health insurance because - in ADDITION to all the absolute piece of shit Republicans who we all agree suck ass worse than any Democrat currently in office - a Democrat named Joe Lieberman helped keep the public option from being available to us - you would hit the downvote button and then say “just shut up because otherwise it helps a Republican win?”

I don’t ever say to vote third-party. I don’t ever even say to stay home. RFK is an anti-vaxxer piece of shit. Green Party is designed to peel away D votes and split tickets. VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO…

But I just don’t understand this sort of self-righteous need to do the mocking “bOtH sIDeS” shit in your comments that - again - just makes it appear like you think voters with valid comparisons to make should shut up moreso than you think Manchin and Lieberman should GDIAF (alongside Ted Cruz and other obviously WORSE pieces of shit we all know the Rs are filled to the brim with among their ranks).

It’s just like being the jerk at a party that can’t help but always say “I told you so!”

Yeah, we know they’re not the same exactly.

Stop acting like they’re saying “they’re exactly the same” when fellow Democratic voting peers just point out a handful similarities that are fucking valid and worth criticizing and not being fucking downvoted into oblivion for.

Jesus Christ, man. Gonna give myself a fucking aneurysm trying to just say how this shit puts people off…

@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

Agreed with you on Sanders - he is an incredibly rare occurrence in politics. He is someone who was :

  1. Not ever rich so he understands from a very real perspective the economic stratification that many of those in higher government offices ignore or are oblivious to.
  2. Didn’t seek politics as a means to enrich himself (unlike Sinema for example)
  3. Right in almost every instance of history when he’s gone against the grain - whether in the with Civil Rights, or the 90s with Iraq and NAFTA, or the 2000s with Occupy Wall Street, bailouts, etc.

The closest other analogs I can think of are a few members of the “squad…” but even a good number of them come from some sort of modest means… although - again - that garbage pile Sinema shows us that’s no guarantee when it comes to class solidarity… :(

Beto on the other hand - who I actually met in person once and shook hands with - although he is a thousand times better than Cruz or Abbott - is basically backed by his very well-to-do in-laws and more of the “New Democrats” coalition - aka Obama / Buttigieg / thinly-veiled neoliberal “look how cool I am but don’t check my voting record too closely” group of pretend-progressives backed by a lot of capital trying to appeal to the folks who like the politics of Sanders, AOC, Warren, etc.

Although Beto’s better than some of the others in my opinion, his voting record shows he’d be another Obama policy-wise so no public healthcare probably, no ending massive private-kick-back driven “Military Industrial Complex” contracts, probably not great on foreign policy, and I wouldn’t expect him to crack down on billionaire tax evasionists.

@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

My heart : “YES!!!”

My brain - which has seen what people like, for example, the Wal-Mart heiress who literally ran someone over that then died never spent a moment in jail… : “No.”

@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

Trump deserves to never have been able to hold office in the first place, let alone be allowed to run again, but unfortunately, due to it being Literal Authoritarian playbook 101 shit, we kinda have to have it as a law.

Of course, that’s presuming someone like Trump wouldn’t do that shit to his opponent even if someone told him he legally couldn’t.

@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

We were lucky that the power only flickered for our home, but all over the town around us there’s been power outages that are just now starting to get resolved.

I went to the grocery store earlier today and everything was gone because the store was without power for basically 48 hours which ruined all of the perishable food. Every Starbucks within a 5 mile radius is closed because they also have been without power and had all their food Parrish. One of the local Tex-Mex restaurants was closed due to their power being out and so was our local pharmacy, whose refrigeration units had meds that were ruined as well.

It’s really wild how impactful this storm was considering that it wasn’t something like a hurricane or the 0F degree week-long snowpacolypse of Feb 2021.

Our neighbors had a maple tree with a branch as big as a tree trunk drop inches away from our front windows, and there were streets closed due to power lines being downed by tree branches that tore them apart.

@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

I’m so tired of the “Bible Belt.” Really the US in general, but especially that area in general.

JDPoZ, (edited )
@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

Pretending that Biden / Democrats don’t have any power to even attempt to address this in even the most mild way is plain stupid.

And please don’t reply with a “you think Biden has the power unilaterally force them to lower their prices?!”

No, I don’t.

But what I DO think is that power of the bully pulpit of the highest office in the land allows the president to openly target and vilify (righteously I might add) companies and even individual CEOs that are doing things like this and turn the public ire against them in a focused manner.

Additionally, Democrats can do things in a Machiavellian manner that would make life a fucking nightmare for some of these people. Just get the IRS to go after some of these CEOs. Investigate them for this price gouging that we know that they’re doing. Suspend their business licenses.

Have the FDA tell them they’re not authorized to sell milk anymore or some shit I don’t fucking care.

Don’t tell me the Supreme Court’s gonna overturn it because I don’t care. In the meantime that they hadn’t overturned it we get wins and even if the Supreme Court does overturn it it’s more ammunition to point and say “look at what they’re taking away from us! We’re trying to fix things, and these Republicans in office keep undoing what would help make your lives better!”

Instead, they do nothing and say “well we couldn’t do that even if we wanted to because the Republicans would stop us” and then when you get angry and complain they say “oh well what do you want Trump to be in office instead?!”

This fucking handwaving shit has got to stop or Trump is going to fucking win again. Jesus Christ. Fucking forgive medical debt. Fucking forgive student loans. Just do some sweeping shit. I don’t care if everyone’s going to complain about the legality of it. Push the limits of your power. Trump did it and got away with it and it was evil shit like the Muslim travel ban.


@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

for those not from the US, I highly recommend watching the YouTube channel “Not Just Bikes” to get a better understanding of how absolutely dogshit the US is for anyone without a car.

Not only is public transit non-existent… you are nearly constantly under threat of being hit by a car as a pedestrian - as things like sidewalks, street crossing safe areas, etc. are all spotty at best… not to mention how trucks and SUVs now are bigger than ever so chances are higher than they’ve ever been before that you won’t be seen before being run over.

@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

Am I the only one who thinks any Republican insisting they’re “<insert bullshit here> instead of <worse shit the Rs keep doing>” is just lying?

Like Romney and Liz Cheney and the rest of the “rEaSoNaBlE” Republicans - none of what they say matters because in the end (unlike say pieces of shit also like Joe Manchin or Sinema who actually help the Rs out all the time too) the Romneys and Cheneys still tow the party line when voting on those same issues they supposedly have opposite spoken views on happens to come up in a committee or bill.

How about instead of getting excited about someone who may take moderate voters away from democrats in the general, we instead shit on all the Rs as they deserve it and should be ashamed of running as - regardless of how supposedly “reasonable” their latest spoken views supposedly are?

@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

I agree we need both, but it just feels a little lower priority… like if someone was giving a speech in a room filled with a bunch of starving children and said speaker was preaching about how we needed to “protect animal rights.”

Like they’re not wrong, I guess, but it would seem kind of strange to focus on the welfare of cattle when there was obviously a much more dire situation of “kids starving in the room they’re in” that maybe should be the initial target of focus before someone talks about the ethics of free range vs organic food production.

@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

Umm, how about we focus on actually getting a strong game industry for people working directly in it first… 😄 I mean… have people seen the layoffs just in the past two years within the game industry?

@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

I’m guessing they went back to the drawing board several times - probably because they felt their sequel wasn’t really as evolved or as fun as what they had hoped it would be, so they shifted I’m guessing from their overhead view to the behind the player 3rd person style game we know now at some point after churning at it for a couple years at least…

Like you know that Doom 2016 was the 3rd complete from scratch redo from what they originally started working on after Doom 3, right?

This sort of thing sometimes happens in creative projects; like when you hear a movie took like 7 years to make, it’s not necessarily that they literally shot scenes every week for the same film that whole time. It’s that the project was shelved, or they changed directors, or the studio lost interest for a while or they got a new script or something.

JDPoZ, (edited )
@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

Here’s a video showing everything iD worked on related to what was referred to as “DOOM 4” from like 2007 to 2013 before scrapping a huge part of it and coming out with the critically acclaimed 2016 version (which was only shown starting around 2015 at QuakeCon and E3).

Note that not EVERYTHING was scrapped, as you can see things like the super-shotgun model are close to the final release - as well as what you can tell were early slower iterations of the execution-style animations the game became famous for doing, but a lot of what is shown in that trailer was never to be seen again outside of these old videos people have attempted to archive.

@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

Hey neolibs, now are we allowed to say how things like this help give credence to the often-cited but obviously not completely accurate “both parties are sometimes the same” statement?

Or am I going to get a billion downvotes, and someone replying to me with an amazing list of accomplishments that breaks down for me how Biden reduced the prices of not only ketchup BUT ALSO mustard packets (although technically it’s starting in the calendar year of 2025 assuming Congress passes his new bill via a one time partial mail in rebate for those who qualify via income cap rated at 4.312x the current rate of poverty based off your income tax return average from 2020-2023)?

@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

They also have some of the longest tenured pros of game design and programming in the industry in its entirety… something sadly far more rare outside of Nintendo… but especially Japan.

Shigeru Miyamoto, for example, has been designing at Nintendo for literally 4+ decades at this point.

Turns out you can master a craft after doing it for a majority of your adult life.

But - in the US at least - the executives at publicly traded game companies would rather shut down literal smash hit dev studios like the guys who made Hi Fi Rush than cultivate a few master class devs of their own over a few decades…

@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

Never me anymore because I main the anti-tank and usually something not super necessary backpack-wise and the anti-tank cooldown is 1 minute… so I litter those things all over the map like I’m leaving emergency heavy-enemy crushing weapons for my Helldiving homies.

Perfect Dark Reboot Is Allegedly In Bad Shape (www.gamespot.com)

I don’t think big companies know how to make a good FPS campaign anymore, let alone hone in on classic deathmatch multiplayer. The last FPS I bought was Half-Life: Alyx four years ago, and the first one to come along and interest me since then was Phantom Fury, but I’m letting that one iron out bugs for a few weeks before I...

@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

“Newer” does not necessarily equal “better.”

The real problem is how basically game dev is an untenable long-term career from a AAA standpoint… or at least it is outside of Japan.

Almost every major dev is not being run by anyone with more than 10-ish years of dev experience.

Why? Because studios shut down and fire everyone, or they get bought… and fire everyone… or the grizzled vets get burnt out, or find out that work-life balance shifts when they get old enough to want to start a family, or discover (like I did) that general software pays better, has less turnover, and doesn’t shut down as often.

Look at all the major players in the FPS game for example from the past 15 years… The guys who made Perfect Dark, the original GoldenEye, Killer Instinct, Banjo Kazooie, and Conker’s Bad Fur Day? Mostly not in the industry anymore or struggling while working on small indie projects. Some of the companies still exist, but the guys who’d be in their 60s with 30 years of game dev and design mastery under their belts? Gone.

Cliff Blezinski isn’t working on games anymore. John Carmack isn’t at id. Half of Bungie’s OG staff has moved on to other stuff or switched to 343 or some other smaller studio.

I said “outside of Japan” earlier btw because meanwhile Shigeru Miyamoto is still at Nintendo. Dude’s an absolute elder god of game design, and all he’s been doing is working on them for more than 4 decades at this point.

Kojima’s been making games since the 80s, so has most of the folks at Capcom, and the From Software guys have been doing the same thing for 15+ years at this point.

And then there’s the rare tiny studio or re-org of a once awesome team like Respawn after all the Activision / Call of Duty stuff or indie effort like the guy behind Stardew Valley… but other than those handful of exceptions, there’s no one but 20-something recent grads that pad out the teams at these giant game companies like Ubisoft, Activision, EA, etc. Even Blizzard is a pale shadow of what it once was. And Valve doesn’t really make games anymore b/c they don’t have to…

They aren’t making great games - but NOT because they’re “stupid…” they’re making bad games… because they just started… and all the old farts who they should be apprenticing under like you do with ANY other respected artisan type career are gone.

And every year some $10 million / year bonus paid suit shuts down an Ensemble Studios, or a Telltale Games, or fires half of the team at Square Enix b/c the new Tomb Raider 6-year project didn’t make a bajillion dollars after some exec decided that should be their target since “Clash Royale” only took 1 year to pump out and just basically prints piles of money.

@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

My exact same thoughts. Still like him more than Don Mattrick.

JDPoZ, (edited )
@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

Want to hear something depressing?

I used to work in games.

I was really fortunate, as I got to work with an incredibly talented pool of guys and gals who’d worked on games for decades. They were once basically a third of the legendary game studio “Ensemble Studios” - aka the guys who made Age of Empires.

When they were shutdown, all of them split in to basically 3 different new companies from the ashes :

  • Robot Entertainment
  • Bonfire
  • New Toy

From those 3 companies we got things like “Orcs Must Die” as well as “Words With Friends.”

Bonfire and New Toy eventually got bought by Zynga - and eventually were merged into a single studio in the Dallas area.

I was there for a couple of years. Was my first real game job after a couple of smaller gigs, including some contract work and a few months beforehand at a very small studio. Yes, it was Zynga, but I worked with guys who’d been making games like Age of Mythology since the 90s and they were MASTERS and were actually making stuff that was pretty fun to play - considering it was “Facebook” game work.

Then, a new CEO was hired at Zynga… A guy who’d been at Microsoft during their “Project NATAL” days where the Xbox One had been all about TV and SPORTS… rather than video games…

This CEO was Don Mattrick.

I remember when we’d be having lunch in the cafeteria, they’d often do things like play E3 stage presentations on the big projector… and a lot of the older guys would just boo and get up and walk out when Don Mattrick was on stage during his Microsoft Xbox tenure.

I never had put it together why they hated him so much until I realized who had shut down Ensemble. It was Don Mattrick.

And in 2012 when Mattrick became CEO of Zynga, one of the first things he did was start shutting down satellite studios.

One of those studios was the one I was at.

Now, I was of course upset, but I landed on my feet and am okay… but do you know what that means for those guys in their mid to late 50s that I worked with originally from Ensemble?

It means they had the studio they worked for… shut down TWICE… by the same guy at 2 different companies in a row.

So FUCK Don Mattrick.

@JDPoZ@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah I’m going to disagree. The community manager got fired for standing up on behalf of the players.

I don’t know what else people expect Arrowhead to do realistically to “make this right,” but that community manager guy had always dreamed of working for Arrowhead and lost his dream job by NOT acting like a corporate shill when it came to choosing the players or his bosses.

SONY was in the wrong here. Please let’s stop being so harsh to the guys killing their careers by saying to the people like the community manager who lost his job (by doing the right thing no less) that they “should’ve done more.”

Direct your ire to whatever Sony executive was pushing for this. Please just let Arrowhead devs continue to polish this game that most of us are really enjoying otherwise.

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