@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar



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@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don’t really pay attention to down nor upvotes. Don’t even really understand what it does, I currently see it as: x amount of people agree or disagree with OP.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You made your account a day ago and starts making comments like this. An ignorant comment that refuses to acknowledge 75 years of horrible history.

Can’t help but think you are either a troll or a random Israeli supporter. Well, I suppose, I’ll just block you immediately.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Not emotional, just exhausted of trolls and Israel supporters that cannot back anything of their claims up.

Suppose, I’ll block you too. You got nothing good to write, comment or an argument.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Anything you want from Reddit - use an RSS-feed. Reddit itself is not worth to use at all.

All you currently see is:

  • Drama (writing awful stuff to each other).
  • Ragebait.
  • Terrible memes
  • Bots karma farming
  • Bots trying to steer political things.
  • People cheering on deaths of innocent civilians.
ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Source of the last point?

Find a Reddit thread that’s about the current war between Israeli government and Hamas. I’m not going to search for these threads, got enough of Redditors behavior. Just google something along the lines of ‘‘Israel-Hamas war’’ and you’ll find upon the threads, just take a solid minute or two and you’ll notice the comments.

Here’s a thread from a month ago that addresses it as well: Can we all just agree that killing civilians is bad and cheering it is repulsive?

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

If you really don’t have much time to game, I’d still say try to wait. It’ll be more fleshed out later on and perhaps out of EA(?).

Netanyahu hoped Hamas would reject Israel's offer. When it didn't, he turned to sabotage (www.haaretz.com)

Israel’s criminal defendant prime minister, more focused on saving his incompetent far-right government than saving the hostages who have spent seven months trapped in Gaza, is doing everything he can to torpedo Israel’s last and best chance at bringing the hostages home...

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Netanyahu never intended to stop the genocide/ war on Gaza, he made that clear:

  1. Netanyahu tells Blinken he will not end war on Hamas in Gaza as part of hostage deal.
  2. Netanyahu vows to invade Rafah ‘with or without a deal’ as cease-fire talks with Hamas continue.

Why would Hamas even accept the ‘‘deal’’ if Israel anyway will invade Rafah that has all the innocent Palestinian civillians?

They also shut down AlJezeera news and Israel claims they are the ‘‘only democracy in the Middle East’’: Israel orders Al Jazeera to shut down as Netanyahu rejects peace talks.

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Last part as in ‘‘Israel claims they are the ‘‘only democracy in the Middle East’’?

I refer to this not only because they shutdown Al Jazeera but also their entire regime. They call themselves an democratic country in the Middle East but we all know:

  • They have an Apartheid regime (Two different laws. One for Israeli and one for Palestinian).
  • They sent Palestinian people unfair to prison.
  • Palestinian people have unfair judgement.
  • They shutdown Al Jazeera (I’m not even sure if they gave an actual reason but if they did; can we trust it? They have been known for lying to the world).
  • Netanyahu has been Prime Minister for so long while majority do not even want him as a Prime Minister.
  • People who humiliate Palestinian often do not get punished by law.

How can you call such an state ‘‘democratic’’?

EDIT 1: If you want, I can get news-sources for each claim.

EDIT 2: Checking upon your comment history, you’ve been spamming that particular sentence. So I’m curious why you are defending an state that is on paper “democratic” but in reality is not.

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

In Israel proper the laws are equal, plenty of Arabs live in Israel with the same rights as anyone else. In territories they occupy the laws are unfair, but I don’t know of any democracy that gives people in occupied territories equal rights

Do you have any proof of your particular claim? Like give a link with an example of it. Sorry to say but I’m immensely skeptical. I could claim lots of things and it could not be true.

  1. Israeli forces’ systemic denial of fair trial rights to Palestinian child prisoners amounts to arbitrary detention June 1 2023

They shutdown a foreign media outlet specifically for the duration of a war. Undemocratic, but not beyond the scope of democracy.

You said it, yourself. Undemocratic. Plus the two separate laws does not really define ‘‘democratic’’, does it? A Apartheid regime cannot be democratic. Not only that if they are so democratic, why shut it down? Freedom of speech is a part of being democratic which means allowing real news and evidence to be spread into to the world, to let others know what is going on.

  1. Democracy or Apartheid: You Can’t Have Both
  2. Freedom of expression is one of the essential foundations of a democratic society
  3. Israel prevents hundreds of worshippers from entering Al-Aqsa on first night of Ramadan

This is discrimination not by law but by the people that enforce it, unfortunately democracy can’t effectively fix the biases of its citizens.

Two different laws makes it by itself already discriminating against the Palestinian people. Makes it more worse when people do not even ‘obey the law’.

The reason they are a democracy is because they have elections that determine the ruling party in the legislature. In 2022 a right wing party got the most votes and successfully created a coalition government. If the government does unpopular things then they will lose votes in the next election and be removed, ideally this limits unpopular government policy.

Not sure if I said it in this thread or somewhere else but Israel is on paper ‘’democratic’’ but in reality they are not. In January there was a poll done whether the Israeli want their Prime Minister to stay or be gone and the majority of the Israeli do not want their current prime minister and he keeps being in power.

  1. Only 15% of Israelis want Netanyahu to keep job after Gaza war, poll finds
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Didn’t expect to see spoilers here, I should’ve. I suppose.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

In January there was a poll done in Israel: Only 15% of Israelis want Netanyahu to keep job after Gaza war, poll finds.

I don’t know how the poling is now though. However with how the world currently sees Israel, I doubt it would be in a favor for the prime minister (as in not in favor for him).

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Claims without actual trustable sources are just rumors and gossips.

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

So first; your comment sounds passive aggressive. You can argue/ discuss without it. If not, I’ll just block you.

I appreciate the sources, never knew it was thanks to his father - that Biden is a pro-Israel/ Zionist. However this does not particularly show that defending Israel is a “promise to his father”

Like the other comment state:

Biden’s primary stated reason for defending Israel is a promise to his dying father

In none of your articles does this come up. Only that his father is the reason of him being pro-Israel.

I know very well Biden is a pro-Zionist/ pro-Israel. You can check my comment history.

EDIT: so your sources and your comment doesn’t “answer” my question at all. It just shows he became a pro Israel because of his father. Not about him promising his father, he will defend Israel.

We all know already that he’s a pro-Israel because there’s a video of Biden saying “if there was no Israel, we will invent one”. Joe Biden says if Israel didn’t exist, the US would have to invent one to protect US interests

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

How trustable is this source? Just curious because never knew about the site.

EDIT: you can downvote, that’s okay. But I would appreciate an actual answer as well.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Thanks did not know that exist.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Currently watching

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  • Jellyfish can’t swim in the night

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ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Any source to this?

Don’t get me wrong but I could make a picture of something and claim something.

EDIT: Though like another Lemmy user mentioned. You claim it is a Starbucks window but the image clearly shows Wells Fargo center.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Thanks, though know any way to access the page? I unfortunately get this:

Access Denied

Been trying to find something on my RSS-news feed about it but haven’t found it yet.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’m sorry but what’s the difference? The only difference I see is the blood in the last picture.

If the censorship is about sex appeal; why do you care so much? It’s an action/ fighting game after all.

Want sex appeal, getting horny and have a hot steamy time? You know your actual site destinations.

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I have the app and the developer is a Palestinian himself. I genuinely hope it survives, the app helps a lot to boycot products that deal with Israel.

It’s unfortunate to see that so many products have deals with Israel. Some products are sadly impossible to avoid.

Here’s a screenshot about the app from within the app itself

Thi No Thanks Origin Story

The app on the AppStore (IOS): No Thanks App

EDIT: apologies, should’ve read your post in its entirety. You already mentioned the developer was a Palestinian.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The text is from the TimesOfIsrael website, so blame them for being wrong.

Screenshot of TimesOfIsrael

What matters is that the app exists and helps to boycot and from what I understood is that Israel wants to see it banned.

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I think you haven’t watched the news about the boycotts on for example; Starbucks and Mcdonalds. Also about Samsung leaving Israel.

  1. Samsung Next Withdraws From Israel
  2. McDonald’s to buy back Israeli restaurants after boycotts
  3. Starbucks loses $12B market cap amid sales concerns, boycotts over Israel

You have to start somewhere and slowly build up the boycott.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I think it is because of Brave, there was some controversy about it.

@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Just because someone has a MacBook, it doesn’t mean they cannot use uBlock.

Just download Firefox and install uBlock, problem solved.

ModernRisk, (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Apologies forgot to comment, saw the message but was at university and forgot about it after that.

Im not pretending he has no power im making he case that he doesnt have enough power to push this through.

He does have the influence and the power but he just does not want it. Perhaps he does not have enough power to ‘’push it through’’ but he can start it and some will follow.

i think thats an unfair assessment. There are a lot of places where people are getting murdered on a daily basis and I dont think its right to sell Biden as a heartless monster because hes not fixing them. Like I know its very apples to oranges to make this comparison, but what are you personally doing to help the people of Gaza? What about Ukraine? What are you doing to help the famine in Yemen? What about the civil war in Myanmar? Are you a bad person who doesnt care about those peoples lives because there is more you could be doing to help them? (again I know there is a world of difference between what you can do and what the POTUS can do)

It is not about ‘’fixing’’ them. It is literally about him signing money and weapon aid to a state that purposefully commit genocide, made and rule through Apartheid regime and is proud to have avoided an Palestinian state (Prime Minister of Israel said this himself). He’s 100% behind Israel despite everything that’s been going on.

You are making this personal and that’s okay (while I prefer to keep it neutral and not personal though). However what am I doing for the Palestinian cause? Boycott products that I can boycott and slowly replace them with products that do not have deals with Israel. I do not understand why you are bringing other countries into a full discussion that’s merely about Israel-Palestine conflict.

Like you, yourself said. I do not have the capacity and power to help as much as the President(s) are able to. I cannot sign a bill to gives billions to the people in need. He can but he gives it to the occupier, the murder, the state that commits genocide. The state that does the exact same thing as Nazi-Germany did (ethnic cleansing, committing genocide, war crimes and mass graves).

Source of my claim about the Prime Minister’s word about an Palestinian state:

  1. Israel’s PM Netanyahu ‘proud’ of preventing establishment of a Palestinian state
  2. Benjamin Netanyahu Brags He’s ‘Proud’ To Have Prevented A Palestinian State

The fact he’s pretending that the Palestinian state is an immense threat to humanity while his own state is the core threat to the Palestinian people and everyone who supports the Palestinian state. Israel is a fascist state, rules through Apartheid and hate. His entire state was created from everything he claims that the Palestinian state ‘‘would become’’.

I think this perfectly ties into what I was saying in my comment. Even if he is morally against this genocide (which I believe he is) the US cannot afford to lose Israel as an ally, as they need an Israel to protect US corporate and geopolitical interests in the region.

I do not understand your comment on my previous sentence there. Biden said himself ‘’if Israel didn’t exist, the US would have to invent one to protect US interests’’. He’s willing to create an own state that commits genocide, apartheid and humiliate the Palestinian people for his own interest. And you are trying to make me believe that he cares about the Palestinian lives?

I think this thinking is a too black and white just because they are not his top priority does not mean he doesn’t care about them. I know that might sound kind of harsh but thats just how it works. Pretty much everyone, not just Biden, not just politicians but everyone operates with a concept of “acceptable losses”. Like me or you certainly own some products, wether theyre electronics or cheap clothes or what have you, that were made with slave labour or from generally mistreated workers, but we accept that because your first priority is to yourself. If your choices are buy sweatshop clothes or go without clothes, you will take the clothes and dismiss the sweatshop labour as an acceptable or unavoidable loss. So its the same for Biden, but the stakes are astronomically higher.

No, this is not ‘’too black and white’’. Certainly they are not his top-priority, that should be his own country from which I think it is not either. He’s signing off so much money aid to state that commits genocide – while he could use that same money to help his own country.

So in what you are currently saying about ‘’acceptable losses’’, it’s okay to let more than 34 000 Palestinian people being brutally murdered? Now change the countries, lets say it’s an Western country or even the US itself. Suddenly it is not acceptable anymore in Biden’s eyes.

Remember we are talking about peoples lives, humans. Not just numbers, 34 000 human beings.

Biden’s first priority as president is to the US. So he can only go so far with his action when it comes to Israel, and despite what you and many people are saying he is doing something he has been putting pressure on Netanyahu, but ultimately Israel knows how valuable they are to the US and so knows how far they can push it given Biden’s weak position. He has pushed aid funding for Gaza, started airdrops into the strip and building the harbour to get larger amounts of aid in, as well as negotiating for a cease fire and hostage releases.

Is it? I mean the majority of the US does not approve of this war, I gave a source for this particular claim in one of my other comments. Yet he still choses Israel above his own peoples opinions. The people of the US makes the country US right?

‘’Putting pressure’’ is such a big word. What Biden has done to Israel is like what an adult person does to a child that took a candy ‘’don’t do that honey!’’. Biden is actively aiding the genocide, apartheid regime and humiliation of the Palestinian people and he knows it.

EDIT 1: Forgot to comment on this (the one below)

He has pushed aid funding for Gaza, started airdrops into the strip and building the harbour to get larger amounts of aid in, as well as negotiating for a cease fire and hostage releases.

He ‘‘pushes’’ aid funding for Gaza in small amounts while giving Israel billions of aid in money and weapons. That’s like a game. ‘‘Here Palestinian people a bit of food and drinks. Oh Israel, here’s the money and weapons. Enjoy the murdering of these innocent civillians’’. How much money and weapon aid went to Israel and how much went to the Palestinian people that are actually truly in need of the aid?

‘‘negotiating for a cease fire and hostage releases.’’ This statement is a bit of a stretch, don’t you think? US has been the core reason why the ceasefire did not go through multiple times. It’s always odd how, it’s always about the hostages but never about the innocent Palestinian people in the prisons of Israel and the thousands of deaths of the innocent Palestinian people.

If the hostages are released then what? Israel and their Prime Minister will continue sent innocent Palestinians to prison, humiliate the Palestinian people. Continue doing illegal settlements and steal more land. They will continue to murder innocent Palestinian people. The president(s) should take a stand against Israel, not just the US but majority of the Presidents.

If Israel did not stole the land, did not rule through hatred and Apartheid. Did not humiliate the Palestinian people continuously. Hamas would not even have existed.


Oh and this Texas city refuses to give people hurricane aid unless they pledge not to boycott Israel

It is an old article (2017) but still proves my point on how US chooses its own country as ‘first priority’.

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