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Bird flu has now jumped to cows - and their milk. Could humans be next? (

A strain of bird flu known as H5N1 or highly pathogenic avian influenza has made a worrying leap to cattle herds across the US over the past month. This development has sparked “enormous concern” among health experts, including the World Health Organization’s (WHO) chief scientist, who warned of the virus’ “extremely...



That would collapse society. Power, transportation, communications, agriculture all rendered non function for years in a best case scenario. Where do you see that this has a 50% morbidity rate in human-like animals?


Well I hope the vaccine we have ready to go works, because a disease with the communicability of the flu with a mortality rate of 52% is absolutely the end of human civilization in any recognizable sense.


It’s a matter of being different societies, occurring over different lengths of time, and being global instead of regional.


The US military is a larger force for peace than all others throughout history combined.


They’re generally consistent within a single manufacturer’s product lines; however, you absolutely cannot compare them between manufacturers because the definitions are completely different.


We really liked them and had prepaid annual for a few years in a row, but last winter I had to use their customer service for the first time and it was one of the worst CS experiences I’ve ever had. It was bad enough to leave their service completely when our year was up.


Mirrorverse Barclay looks the same but is as conniving as Littlefinger from ASOIAF.


He can appeal this to the Circuit and then that to SCOTUS. So, closer to exhausting all appeals, but not there yet.


Yup, that’s the most likely thing to happen. This court did it.


They won’t, that’s just the hierarchy of the appellate process.


Anyone can appeal for cert. Famously, a lot of convicts do from prison. It’s very rare to have it granted, though.


This is specifically an appeal to the federal district. Read the linked article.


So, I’m right? Thanks for this exchange; it’s been worthless.


That’s a total non sequitur, here. Circuit then SCOTUS is the appellate path, as I said. No one has even discussed the merit or likelihood of success of any such appeals.


Even in those types of issues SCOTUS is the court of last resort.

Team Trump Is Ready to Lose the Supreme Court Immunity Case. They're Celebrating (

Donald Trump‘s inner circle doesn’t expect the Supreme Court to go along with his extreme arguments about executive power in the immunity case before the justices. But what the high court does now is almost beside the point: Trump already won....


You can always bail. I did. That JD is wildly useful in other industries. Over a third of the people I’m still in contact with from my graduating class aren’t actively practicing anymore.


You don’t want to start this conversation, it’s a race to absolutism and purity tests at odds with one another. You say Firefox and someone comes in a calls you an idiot because you’re not using a fully FOSS browser or one that is inadequately hardened or one that supports the installation of content-management modules.


There is and isn’t one. For the add-on itself, you just need forks and more forks. For the lists it pulls from, those are already decentralized, but you’re constantly going to deal with the issue of only the best are used and only the used are maintained and only the maintained are the best.


Arch is like making your own cookies, starting from growing the wheat.

This is really more like LFS. Arch would be having all the ingredients and doing the baking.


There’s overlap there, but I’m talking about the Orange Beach yoga group, the 95% democratic-voting population group of anti-vaxers.


Any Linux phone is DOA for the foreseeable future because of the cellular radios.


They absolutely did not make it work. Go read any of the reviews and the complete unreliability of the cellular functions of both devices are chief among the criticisms.

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