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Are you fucking kidding me with this bullshit?! You don’t really believe this, do you?

To them, we’re all a bunch of baby-eating, baby-fucking Satan worshippers, the most evil sort of evil, and you don’t compromise with evil. Gawd is on their side, and we’re the devil incarnate to be opposed by word all the time, and by action (with guns) when they feel they can get away with it. Don’t believe me? See this article and know that these people are fucking nuts and fucking real.

The only ones that can pull them out of the BS factory are they themselves. And unless and until they choose to do so, I am sure fucking going to keep ridiculing them.

Our better play is to stop thinking that we can tolerate 4 more years of Trump just because we didn’t get EVERYTHING we wanted out of Biden. The Trumpers are firmly devoted to their God-Emperor, and those who are voting GQP who don’t like Trump are despicable and unreachable in their own rights.


Nah, it’s you missing the point.

Trump wasn’t convicted for who he was. He doesn’t get a pass because of who he is or the fact he’s running for President, either. A jury of 12 people unanimously declared that the prosecution proved their case 34 times. Any one of them could have said no to the charges. In fact, one seemed to be very interested in that course of action. But in a room with only 11 other people, he weighed the evidence, considered the charges, listened to the arguments made by both the Defence and Prosecution, and then, with all of that weighing on his mind, and with the added weight of his conscience, came to the conclusion that he couldn’t get Trump off on a SINGLE charge.

Put Trump’s supporters on a jury for a trial of a Black man doing the shit Trump did, they’d ABSOLUTELY convict that Black man of the charges they insist were cooked up for Trump on the exact same evidence, WHILE protesting that Trump was unfairly convicted by “Demoncrat plants and lawyers and Deep State Operatives”. Fortunately, our court system is designed to filter out these kinds of people, which is why I don’t buy your bullshit about ‘corrupting the legal system’. It’s not corrupted, despite all the effort Team Pepe puts into it. Now buzz off with your nonsense.


His message here is that Republicans can SAY whatever they want to to pollsters, and there’s a movement out on Team Pepe to do just that.

“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality, judiciously, as you will, we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors, and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

Never forget that.


Another voice calling you out on this bullshit.

Team Blue has kicked and will kick members out who give the party a bad name. Hell, they’ll kick 'em out before the conviction. That doesn’t happen with Republicans, with only Santos (gee, Hispanic name, I wonder why) facing the music for his bullshit in all of the GQP.

Fuck this Both Sides bullshit. It’s not true, and we shouldn’t stand for it.


Fuck off.


Fucking true enough. Fuck off with your touch grass bullshit.


You can apologize for something you can’t change. I apologize for people all the time, despite knowing I can’t change them. And that’s how this apology was. “We failed you because some of us are knuckle-dragging morons. I know this apology won’t fix anything, but know that we’re trying despite the fools trying to hold us back.”


Well, let’s think about that. In 2023, only 27% of Americans identified as Democrats. This matched the number of people who identified as Republicans, while a massive 43% picked ‘independent’ as the party of choice. However, when you ask voters what political ideology they identify with, you get a more interesting numbers. 29% of people describe themselves as Socially Liberal or Very Liberal, and only 21% describe themselves as Fiscally Liberal or Very Liberal. This means that 71% of people do not see themselves as Socially Liberal in any way (and 38% see themselves as Socially Conservative to some degree!), and a stunning 79% do not see themselves as Fiscally Liberal in any way (with 44% seeing themselves as Fiscally Conservative to some degree!). So, is there some amount of wonder that Biden might try to tact in the direction where the majority of Americans are?

44% of Americans lean in the direction of Fiscal Conservatism, and another 35% don’t see themselves as Conservative, but also don’t see themselves as Liberal. Biden’s got to reach out to this group of people, because he can’t win with 21% of the vote. So instead of bitching at him, maybe motivate more of that 79% who are Fiscally Moderate or Conservative but possibly Socially Liberal to embrace your policies, while turning out reliably for the leftest main stream party candidate between the Rs and the Ds until you can get RCV passed, then make sure to get your people to rank people from the left to the centre and not rank the right-wing candidates.


On top of this, you have the bigger picture. What will happen if Trump wins?

  • It will get harder to go to college, as Trump works to gut Pell Grants and cap Stafford Loans.
  • If you have gone to college, it will get harder as Trump will increase the monthly amount you have to pay and not reward you for going into lower-paying public service jobs.
  • Gay marriage will be put on the chopping block.
  • Laws stopping discrimination against Gays and Minorities will be repealed and/or not enforced.

This is just the most benign parts of Project 2025. It gets worse from there.

So, on top of more people dying, we’ll suffer here at home because of idiots like Maggoty here.


He is the least awful Senator WV will vote for. I guarantee you the next guy who sits in that seat will be an utter, abject shithead with Confederate and/or Nazi flags on his walls and a bible dogeared to all the parts that hates gays and advocates death to non-believers, with the pages that say love thy neighbours untouched and unstained because the shithead never opened his bible up to those pages because those are all liberal crap.


Waste of a perfectly good explanation, but I’m with you here.


Now I can say that anyone who is voting for Trump is voting for an outright convicted felon and they can shut that shit down about being the party of law and order once and for all!!!


“Neolib.” drink!

(Not really. If I started playing a drinking game on YOUR bullshit, I’d die of alcohol poisoning.)


I’d point out here that before 1980, and especially before 1970, Democrats were a completely different breed. Don’t forget that the Democrats had the Dixiecrats as a major constituent. These people are now the core voters of the GOP, and have held the Solid South since 1865. So you could say racist shitheads have ran the congress since 1932.

'Confused' Judge Cannon needed concept explained 'slowly' to her in court by lawyers: NYT (www.rawstory.com)

As part of an analysis of how U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida Judge Aileen Cannon, reports from her courtroom show a judge who is both “prickly” and" insecure" and often has trouble understanding what lawyers from both sides try to explain to her....


I’m not sure why you got downvoted for this, so I upvoted it.

The Democrats are having a hell of a time making things work out for them. Every election they have, they are at BEST tied and frequently have times where they are under water on polling. The average person has no idea what the Dems have done for him, and only sees ‘muh gas cost more, muh groceries cost more, and it’s all Biden’s fault.’

Biden’s numbers go up when he Dark Brandons, but they don’t stay that way because the Right’s bullshit is non-stop and never-ending. You get force-fed it by supposedly ‘left’-leaning organisations like CNN and MSNBC. The only voices those media outlets let speak are the ones hand-wringing about the latest thing Dems got wrong, and of course constant non-stop coverage of the worst aspects of the protests on the Left. And then Biden goes back to being quiet. We voters on the left are basically treated like mushrooms, ‘fed shit and kept in the dark.’ Moderates start buying the rhetoric that inflation is Biden’s fault and Biden’s responsibility to fix, despite the fact that profits are at an all-time high.

I’d be careful about calling Trump an idiot. You don’t get where he has gotten while being an idiot. Let’s not attribute to incompetence what SHOULD be attributed to malice. Trump failed to get where he wanted to be because he underestimated the bureaucracy. He’s not planning on doing that this time, nor are his backers, and the Project to Dismantle American Democracy (euphemistically called Project 2025) details EXACTLY how he intends to do it.

Trump’s shitting the bed is intentional, because he knows that he could broadcast a live TV video feed during prime time of him in bed, with a live boy, a dead girl, a half-eaten puppy, and a half-eaten kitten, and then take a massive shit right in the middle of that bed, and 30% of Americans would vote for him with no reservations, and another 15-20% would vote for him ‘because he’s our guy who shits the bed and not the other guy or gal.’ As he famously said, he could shoot somebody on 5th Avenue and those 30% would STILL vote for him. America has a taste for authoritarianism (as it always has, REALLY, some people need to study history), and Trump has leveraged that for political gain.

We need to stop underestimating Trump’s ability and intelligence, and by ‘we’, I mean the Democratic Party leadership, starting all the way at the top with President Biden. It’s time for Dark Brandon to come out and not go back home until after Election Day, and for heavens sake, keep trotting him out the next four years.

PS: Let’s either swap Harris out, or make her start being the face of this Admin. Biden can’t run in 2028, and if Trump Sr. isn’t there to capitalise on this, Trump Jr. or some other authoritarian jerk will be, as will Project 20259.


Some people just exist to shit on other people for no particular reason except to shit on people…


Man, it is so hard to summarize a 900 page document in a few paragraphs. The way the article from the Guardian article puts it, it sounds like just usual Conservative priorities. We need it to be much more in-depth…


Sad thing I was about to downvote you until I read the very last sentence. Man, it is Poe all around out there. There ARE people stupid enough to say this shit.


Here’s some pragmatism for you.

  • Leaving Israel to hang out to dry will open up America to accusations that it gives in too easily to ‘antisemitic’ rhetoric and doesn’t really care for Jews. Don’t think that can happen? It already has.
  • Putin and Netanyahu, despite not being as close today, have historically been close, and Israel is a pretty friendly nation to Russia, with the third most common language spoken in Israel being Russian, and the third ranked non-Soviet state in terms of Russian speakers being Israel.
  • Jews represent roughly 5.8 million Americans, compared to roughly 3.5 million. And Jews, as a whole, lean heavily towards Democrats, with roughly half of those polled in 2018 identifying with Team Blue. And while almost 60%, we’re still talking 2.9 million Jews versus 2.1 million Muslims. Doing what you say you want him to do will lose him many of those 2.9 million votes, and if he listens to the most vocal of the people saying they won’t vote for him, he has to wonder how much of the 2.1 million other votes he’ll get back.
  • And of course, the rest of the Middle East is just WAITING for us to stop protecting Israel. They’ve wanted Israel gone since 1949, and we are the only reason that hasn’t happened. I’m sure that’s entered Biden’s pragmatic evaluation, too!

How’s that for pragmatism for ya?


Biden tried to do more than he accomplished, but got shot down by right-wing courts and the two ‘moderates’ in Manchin and Sinema. You think Sanders could have done better, given what Biden faced?


The KKK did NOT endorse Hillary in 2016, nor Biden in 2020. Guess who they endorsed, Mr. Perry? Pro-Tip: He’s running on your side this year and is currently grousing in a courtroom as they determine if he broke the law or not…


You are the very definition of a single issue voter, and your single issue is far closer in nature to your complaints here about the issue you are poo-pooing here.

Israel is an 18 hour flight that costs almost $2000 for most Americans. The quickest flight is 12 hours and $1k. For most Americans, especially given how insular most Americans are, Israel might as well be on another planet. They might feel sorry for the Palestinians killed by Israelis, but then again, they may also feel sorry for the Israelis abducted and killed by Hamas. For most people, there are no heroes in the Israel-Hamas war, only villains, and for those who REALLY care about this, there’s a significant number of people who view HAMAS and Palestine as the bad guy, and leaving Israel to hang will piss them off, and take their votes and, for the rich ones, their money away to other political parties. That’s a far bigger deal to the Democrats than college kids who can’t be trusted to get out and vote on election day.

You’re being told to vote blue no matter who because the reality of the political system is that at the end of the day, one of two people will be in the White House come Election Day. The Republican or the Democrat. So you have to look at what the Republican and the Democrat are offering you, and pick the BEST of the two options from that list*.

Team Red is promising you that if you vote for them, they’ll take the country back to the 1950s. Where Blacks were put in their place as subhumans, and women in their place as baby-factories. Where White Men ran the show and everyone else sat down and shut the fuck up. Where the Left was in league with the Commies and where gays were drugged and killed, not allowed to get married. Donald Trump, who WILL be their standard bearer for three elections in a row, is openly admiring the likes of Orban, Netanyahu (no chance he’s helping the Palestinians!), Kim, and above all, Putin (defeating an authoritarian Russia is important to a lot of Lefties, too, considering they are going in the direction of Czarist Russia pre-Communism). A vote for Team Red may be the last free vote you ever make!

Team Blue, for all its faults, is a party that stands for libertarian ideals, the freedom to choose to live your life the way you wish within reason, and influence the government with votes. Were Team Red not so horrible for ALL Americans and indeed the entire world, Team Blue would simply say ‘vote for us next time and we’ll clean up the mess you made when you voted for the other guys this time.’ If you actually care about gays, transgenders, minorities, women, the environment, consumers, workers, and so on, you have to realise that Team Red is against all those people and Team Blue is for all those people. Even with as wishy washy as Biden is being over Palestinians, you have to realise that Biden is at least telling Netanyahu “Our support isn’t unlimited. You need to dial this shit down or my hand may be forced by my constituents.” Pro-tip: Trump will say “Go ahead. Kill every last one of those filthy muslims. My constituents like that shit and I’m busy jailing everyone who doesn’t.”

In the end, you’re being told Vote Blue no Matter Who because a vote for Team Red, or indeed any other party including a non-vote may be the last fucking vote you’re ever allowed to take.

(*): Unless you live in Alaska or Maine or one of the towns that allows RCV. Here, feel free to vote Green as long as Blue is your second choice.

PS: I studied the fall of the Iranian Resistance and the rise of the Ayatollah in an undergrad Political Science class back in undergrad. Important lesson: Khomeini rose to Supreme Leader by dividing the Left and making them fight amongst themselves after they worked together to overthrow the Shah. So did Hitler, honestly. It’s a time-tested tradition to throw in division on the Left because it works so fucking well. WE need to be the Left that doesn’t break to this, because Trump is counting on us breaking so he can do here what Hitler did to Germany and Khomeini did to Iran. You pushing so hard for that serves Trump’s purposes. Any wonder why you’re getting so many downvotes?


It works so well. See: Iran, Russia, China, and Nazi Germany for just a FEW examples of the Left fucking itself over and being played by Authoritarians.


Not so much rabidly pro-Israel as ‘there are no heroes here, just villains’. At least on the Left.

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