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Online since '82 - BBS, Source, Compuserve, BIX, WELL, Usenet, uucp

Wrote 34 books in 90s on 'Net/tech; had 3 radio shows, many news columns, mags, etc

30 yrs on global stages speaking on disruptive trends, innovation, creativity, future. Represented by Harry Walker Agency, Washington Speakers, BigSpeak etc. Clients like NASA, PGA, Pfizer tfr

Linux / PI / OS/x

Tesla guy. Love the car, not the guy

Guelph, Canada!

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Daily Inspiration: "Construct your opportunities by demolishing your fears!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

Here's a fun one I've got coming up in October! Five Chicago area construction associations representing unionized workers are bringing me in for a talk on the impact of AI in construction. I'm eager to put into perspective the reality of the future for these hard-working folks - because after all, if you listen to the hype and hysteria, all these folks will be out of work because, well, robots will do their job.

What a bunch of crocked-up foolishness!

There's no doubt that AI will have a pretty significant industry on the construction sector. Right now, we are already seeing the arrival of a lot of digitized construction tools, such as the T1 digital tape measure. Essentially, a traditional tape measure on digital steroids! This type of fascinating technology adheres to one of the most important phrases we need to think about the digitization and introduction of AI into industries - "work smarter, not harder."

All of this will involve new ways of working, interacting, and in essence, constructing. The challenge for the typical construction worker, then, regardless of their field of operation, will be to understand these new capabilities and align with the opportunities they present.

If they subscribe to the hysteria that "AI is going to take away all of our jobs," they'll be in the wrong frame of mind to pursue the opportunities this new world presents. But if they banish the buzz and don't let fear drive their actions, they'll be better positioned for tomorrow.

With that in mind, it's critical not to let fear drive your actions - banish it, destroy it, remove it from your mindset. That's part of the story I will share as I take them on this AI voyage.

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/06/daily-inspiration-ai-construction-construct-your-opportunities-by-demolishing-your-fears/

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Daily Inspiration: "Don't be yesterday's vibe" - Futurist Jim Carroll

Today's post is short and to the point, because I've got a 6 AM call with KPMG Dublin to talk about the keynote I'll do for them in just over a week.

And then I've got a 7 am tee time!


Here's the thing that I know about the work that I do - as a futurist, I see a lot of people who get left behind.

Don't let that happen.

Here's how.

Don't be stuck.

Don't stagnate.

Don't become stale.

Don't go out of date.

Don't let people view you as someone with old ideas.

Don't develop a brand that screams irrelevance.

Don't chase irrelevance.

Don't dwell on the past.

Don't be complacent.

Don't settle for mediocrity.

Don't lose your spark.

Don't cling to old habits.

Don't resist change.

Don't be yesterday's news.

Don't remain in your comfort zone.

Don't fear progress.

Don't be a has-been.

Don't stay behind.

Don't be a relic of the past.

Don't let time pass you by.

Don't be outdated.

Don't fear tomorrow.

Don't fear futurists.

Don't fear your fear.

Don't hold onto old grudges.

Don't make new grudges.

Don't discount new ideas.

Don't discount the oddballs.

Don't abandon your initiative.

Don't get left in the dust.

Don't live in your glory days.

Don't be a shadow of your former self.

Don't let opportunities slip away.

Don't be irrelevant.

Don't be yesterday's echo.

Don't be a broken record.

Just don't.

Gotta go!

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/06/daily-inspiration-dont-be-yesterdays-vibe/

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Daily Inspiration: "Bring on tomorrow!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

Like the sign says.

Bring on tomorrow - because if you don't, your tomorrow might not work out so well!

The photo is from my stage setup yesterday - an exhilarating day in Fort Worth with a keynote for key customers of the rail/intermodal company BNSF. I probably had every major US retailer in the room, as well as logistics companies like UPS, FedEx, and many others.

The topic? The acceleration of supply chain, retail, AI, logistics, warehousing, shipping and last-mile technologies, and more. I was hard at work up there!

I liked the theme - "Bring on tomorrow" - and that's the approach I took in my talk. In one section, I took them on a fast-paced tour of just a few of the fast-moving trends impacting their world today. I captured that portion of their slides into a little video here. Give it a watch to get the rest of the context below.


Consider just a few of the trends I'm covering in this keynote. These are direct from my slide deck. There's a lot of context in every point.

(read the rest of the post here)

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/06/daily-inspiration-retail-supply-chain-logistics-bring-on-tomorrow/

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“You don’t need to know how AI works. You need to know about its impact and opportunities!” – Futurist Jim Carroll

I’m down in Fort Worth, Texas this morning; after lunch, I’ll speak to several hundred retail and supply chain executives about the future impact and opportunities of AI in their industry sectors. I’m here at the invitation of BNSF, the rail and logistics company – it’s a Warren Buffet company!

The keynote is heavily customized to trends in those sectors but is heavily modeled on my AI Megatrends keynote – i.e. not a lot around ChatGPT and other large language model technology, but more on robotics, last-mile delivery technology, warehousing, and autonomous vehicle tech, deep data analysis and more. Considering that Amazon sets the pace in this industry, and has deployed a lot of AI-based drone technology, a lot is going on!

This is all built around my AI for Leadership Teams keynote framework too.

While people want to know how to use all the emerging day-to-day AI tech – chatting with documents, new forms of search engine use, and such – they seem more eager to understand the medium and long-term trends that are at play here.

And while I’ve seen many other speakers focusing on ChatGPT and such, they seem to be spending too much time explaining how ChatGPT works, and not enough time on what are the broad disruptive impacts of all this fast-moving technology. How will it change the competitive landscape? What cost savings, efficiencies, and workflow restructuring opportunities exist for me?

They need to understand these impacts and opportunities to understand how to link AI to their existing and evolving strategies and plans – they don’t need to implement AI for AI’s sake. My keynote will give them a roadmap as to how to start thinking about that.

It should be fun!

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/06/daily-inspiration-ai-leadership-you-dont-need-to-know-how-ai-works-you-need-to-know-about-its-impact-and-opportunities/

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Daily Inspiration: "No one cares about your complaints. They only care about your ideas" - Futurist Jim Carroll

No one likes the whiner, the chronic complainer, the person who just drones on with how unhappy they are. It's tiresome, annoying, and downright disturbing.

That should be pretty obvious, but we all are guilty of it at times despite our best efforts. That's why it can sometimes be a good idea to focus on being initiative-oriented rather than complaint-focused. You can do that by reminding yourself of the differences.

Here's a good list to get you started!

  • ideas are constructive and lead to solutions. Complaints? Negative - and they show that you tend to focus on problems.

  • ideas foster innovation and progress, while complaints are there to maintain the status quo. They demonstrate to others that you aren't prepared to move forward

  • ideas inspire action and change, while complaints breed inaction and stagnation.

  • ideas open doors to new possibilities, while complaints close those doors.

  • ideas allow us to access our creativity engine, while complaints tend to shut it down

  • ideas bring together people who are willing to collaborate; complaints divide and alienate and chase people away

  • ideas are oxygen, creating the fuel of opportunities, while complaints drain energy and resources and smother potential

There's more - keep reading!


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Daily Inspiration: "Chase bold goals: It’s not too late to try to invent the perfect GPS-based golf ball!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

I'm off to watch the Canadian Open today - it's just about a 45-minute drive from my home. One of the cool things is that one of the golfers in the tournament - a young fellow named Matthew Anderson - is from my original home club of Credit Valley. My son and I played with him a few times about ten years ago, and it's been pretty magical to watch him progress; he's now leading in PGA Tour Americas, which gives him a partial exemption on next year’s Korn Ferry Tour. What does all that mean? He might actually make it to the main PGA TOUR.

I tend to spend a lot of time talking and writing about golf. No wonder - I do a lot of it, and one of the highlights of my speaking career has been the times that the PGA of America has invited me in. Pretty cool stuff - check out https://jimcarroll.golf.

Back to the topic at hand - in between events, I'm getting quite a bit of golf in. The good news is that so far this season, I've only lost a few golf balls, which is indicative of how my game is progressing. The bad news? I keep thinking any time I lose golf about the fact that no one has yet invented the perfect GPS golf ball. We can put people on the moon, but we can't solve that challenge?

Anyone who has ever lost a golf ball - or two or three - or even two or three during a round -- will probably admit that they have always wondered one thing. Why can't someone invent a golf ball that has GPS capabilities built in? Why can't someone just come up with a system that lets you instantly find your ball using your smartphone?

It's not for lack of trying.

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/05/daily-inspiration-innovation-golf-chase-bold-goals-its-not-too-late-to-try-to-invent-the-perfect-gps-based-golf-ball/

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Daily Inspiration: "Any dilemma is just an opportunity waiting to be solved!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

Organizations and the people that lead them become stuck because they aren't sure how to solve the problems that they face. In the meantime, those who realize that those problems or dilemmas are really just opportunities in disguise and charge ahead. The results are all too predictable.

Yet, in our fast world, these dilemmas are real. Every leader is faced with the challenge of fostering a culture of innovation vs. maintaining operational efficiency. Build new products or shave costs? What to do, what to do? In every situation, you've got to strike a careful balance between encouraging experimentation, risk-taking, and creative thinking (which can be disruptive and inefficient in the short term) while continuing the relentless chase for efficiency, cost savings, productivity, and cost control. This tension, to say the least, can be challenging to manage.

Innovation itself presents a dilemma. Do you allocate limited resources (financial, human, and technological) for innovative new projects, products, and ideas, or do you focus on sustaining and enhancing the core business? Do you embrace disruptive new business models, or work harder to protect existing revenue streams? Do you jump on a new trend now - or later? Would you embrace open innovation and product models with such things as open-source development, or do you keep a closed shop? Chase radical, no-holds-barred innovation, or methodical, step-by-step innovation?

I've seen these challenges play out over and over again in the organizations I work with and the leadership teams that book me.

How do you deal with this? Read on!

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/05/daily-inspiration-innovation-initiative-any-dilemma-is-just-an-opportunity-waiting-to-be-solved/

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Daily Inspiration: "The only enemy of success is a mindset that accepts settling for less than you're capable of!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

I never thought I'd have the career I have, but once I realized I could have it, I went after it, hard. I wasn't prepared to accept for less. It worked - I've got a pretty wonderful career. Mindset matters.

Any' considerable goal needs a mindset of potential success, not a mindset of defeat. An attitude of potential triumph instead of one that involves the certainty of a lost effort. A goal of crossing the finish line instead of giving up halfway there. That's why we seek out motivation, chase inspiration, line ourselves up with encouragement, and juice ourselves with enthusiasm. Mindset matters.

We relish the stories of those locked in the process of developing the big idea, the people who invent what does not yet exist, and those who conceive the inconceivable. We view their efforts as the fuel for our efforts, fertilizer for our imagination, and energy for our initiative. Mindset matters.

We hunt down the ideas that are rooted in optimism, the concepts that are built on the foundation of a noble goal, and the attitude that provides for an architecture of goal achievement. We know that every great future requires a reliable infrastructure of enthusiasm, and seek to learn from studying its timbers of hope. Mindset matters.

We root out the seeds of negativity, the unsettling waves of potential defeat, and the groundswell of pessimism that clouds our thoughts. We choose to focus on the potential upside, not the buzzkill of the downside. We choose our positivity wisely. Mindset matters.

Because we know that in many cases, the only thing that can defeat us is ourselves.

Because mindset matters.

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/05/daily-inspiration-personal-goals-the-only-enemy-of-success-is-a-mindset-that-accepts-settling-for-less-than-youre-capable-of/

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Daily Inspiration: "You can't keep using old methods to deal with new realities" - Futurist Jim Carroll

Are you driving with a stick shift in the era of video game controllers? If so, ask yourself this question - how many of your actions are based on ideas and assumptions that are outdated and obsolete?

Things from our past often bear little relevance in tomorrow's world. I well remember the day I was driving my Jeep - equipped with a standard stick shift - and my 3-year-old son asked why I was driving with a video game controller. That singular moment helped to get across to me the fact that change is permanent, reality is transient, and disruption is imminent.

That moment in time and recognition of the velocity of change has been reinforced as the control system of modern vehicles has morphed, shifted, and evolved into something unrecognizable.

Consider the typical Formula 1 controller - and compare it to the stick shift of yesterday. Things change much?

Are you driving with a stick shift in the era of video game controllers?

Maybe it's a good time to re-examine your habitual ways of thinking and acting, which may be rooted in outdated ideas or assumptions. Think about some of the traps we can fall into. Assuming job security into tomorrow based on skills that are going out of date, and a requirement that we must continuously update our skills. Clinging to traditional marketing channels while consumer habits shift online and to mobile. Keeping in place a leadership structure of well-defined organizational hierarchies when faster companies embrace flat structures and fast teams. Measuring productivity solely by hours worked rather than output and results. Dragging out decisions and actions when decisiveness and speed are critical.

These are the traps of complacency.

Use the modern tools that surround you - and shift your future faster!

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/05/daily-inspiration-change-management-you-cant-keep-using-old-methods-to-deal-with-new-realities/

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Daily Inspiration: "The US consumer seems to have entered into a state of perpetual economic gloom. Some companies seem all too eager to follow them into the abyss" - Futurist Jim Carroll

Here we go again!

I seem to spend a lot of time talking companies off the ledge, and I might be doing this again next week in Fort Worth, Texas.
I will be speaking at an event with a room full of retailers - many of the largest in both locations and sales volume throughout the country. I've been asked to focus on a variety of future trends including consumer sentiment. And in that context, can't help but be cognizant of the headlines coming out after a report last week.

55% believe the economy is shrinking, and 56% think the US is experiencing a recession, though the broadest measure of the economy, gross domestic product (GDP), has been growing.
49% believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year, though the index went up about 24% in 2023 and is up more than 12% this year.
49% believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high, though the unemployment rate has been under 4%, a near 50-year low.
Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession
The Guardian, May 22, 2024

Simply put - most people think things are pretty bad, when they are in reality, really good.

I won't bother going into the reason for this mindset - it's all quite obvious - but the fact is, based on such thinking, many US companies are already thinking once again of pulling in the reins on spending, innovation, and growth - which is exactly the wrong thing to do. After all, banks are warning them!

You will know, of course, that we've been here many times before.
Indeed, the headlines at the start of 2023 were that a recession was inevitable, and by the end of the year, switched to noting that it was the year that the forecasted recession never arrived.

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/05/daily-inspiration-economic-outlook-the-us-consumer-seems-to-have-entered-into-a-state-of-perpetual-economic-gloom-some-companies-seem-all-too-eager-to-follow-them-into-the-abyss/

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Daily Inspiration: "When your missteps are under a microscope, your mistakes are massively magnified!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

It's the video, stupid.

The LMPD has no case.

It knows this but is trying to save face by talking Scotty Scheffler down to a misdemeanor. His lawyer knows they have no case, but the police force doesn't seem to recognize that it's not 1995 anymore and that things have changed, because, well, video.

If you haven't seen the two videos about the events involving the #1 golfer in the world, you soon will. It's all over social media and the video - as well as the detailed history of reckless action by the the arresting officer - are being dissected and analyzed as if they were a modern-day Zapruder film.

Because they are.

Back in 2003, I gave an opening keynote to the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police. The audience of 500, all in uniform, was demographically predictable. Among many trends that I covered, one was the looming era of the proliferation of video recording devices. I suggested that they might want to be intimately familiar and involved with the implications of the trend. After all, I said, all their future public interactions might be caught on film. This fact might work for them, but it would also work against them - and they should be cognizant of this reality in light of the valuable work their institutions perform.

The folks in the room didn't take kindly to my message.

When you view the videos, you'll understand why the court of public opinion is incredulous that in the face of this video, they might still be prepared to proceed.

People wonder why, in this modern age, people distrust institutions.

It's not the 20th century anymore - the eyes of the world are always on everyone.

Some folks don't yet understand that.

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/05/daily-inspiration-when-your-missteps-are-under-a-microscope-your-malicious-mistakes-are-massively-magnified/

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Daily Inspiration: "There will always be someone with a better idea!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

Never rest on your laurels. Never become complacent. Never presume that your idea is the best idea, the only idea, the greatest idea.
Because there is always another better one!

Indeed, there is always someone with a better idea, and if you don't accept that, you can slide into the dreaded sin of complacency, the error of ego, and the mistake of misbelief. Always keep in mind that at its core, innovation and creativity - the core of idea generation - are boundless, as the human mind is capable of generating an infinite number of ideas. There's always the potential for a better one!

Not only that, but different perspectives and life experiences shape how people view problems and solutions - and hence the ideas they might have. With over 7 billion people on the planet, it's statistically likely that someone will have a unique or superior idea. The numbers simply work against you. Not only that, but our connected world has led to massive growth in the opportunities for idea generation. I have long called the Internet and social networking the 'big global idea machine.' It has become a big library of ideas, serious and offbeat, that is always available for exploration and discovery. Call it 'idea mining.'

Science itself is an increasingly advanced idea generation machine - as science accelerates, so too does scientific discovery, and the opportunity for the discovery of new ideas. Add the fact that AI is constantly advancing and that some are learning to master its new knowledge-generation capabilities, and the fact is that it too will lead to a flood of new ideas.

The fact is, the world can never be too short of great ideas, so you should never become complacent in thinking that your great idea is the last great idea, the only great idea, or the best great idea!

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/05/daily-inspiration-innovation-creativity-there-will-always-be-someone-with-a-better-idea/

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Daily Inspiration: "A Gentle Reminder: One person's concept of success is another person's idea of failure" - Futurist Jim Carroll

A few days ago, I finished the book "After Steve: How Apple Became a Trillion-Dollar Company and Lost Its Soul."

It was a good read, and so after I was done, I went to Amazon to find another book about Apple or Steve Jobs. The algorithm threw me a book titled "Tim Cook: The Genius Who Took Apple to the Next Level."
So let me get this straight: according to one book, Apple in the post-Steve Jobs era has been a failure, 'losing its soul,' while at the same time, Tim Cook is a business genius.

Got it.

This got me thinking though - how can a company or an individual at the same time be a failure and success?

In essence, one person's success is another person's failure.

In the case of Apple, both can be true. The book I read emphasized that while Tim Cook is a genius at maximizing the operations of Apple, becoming an efficient streamlined superpower, the company saw few great product innovations under his reign. Notably, only AirPods and the Apple Watch emerged as entirely new product lines, and so from that viewpoint, it was a product innovation failure. At the same time, he masterminded issues related to supply chain, production, manufacturing, and more, leading it to become an efficiency powerhouse. Failure and success wrapped up in one!

The fact is, this conundrum of different viewpoints is important to your personal development. That's why you should never obsess over how others might think you are doing - what matters is how YOU think you are doing. What doesn't matter is the judgment of others - what matters is your judgment of yourself.

The definitions of success and failure are often very different, and so this should guide you in the value you place on those assessments by anyone other than yourself!

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/05/daily-inspiration-measuring-success-a-gentle-reminder-one-persons-concept-of-success-is-another-persons-idea-of-failure/

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Daily Inspiration: "Hesitation is the currency of cowards!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

Here are 20 reasons why "hesitation is the currency of cowards":

  • Hesitation allows fear to take hold and prevents courage from taking hold

  • It reflects a lack of confidence and self-belief.

  • Hesitating means missing the opportunities that require seizing the moment.

  • Hesitation leads to paralysis and inaction, preventing progress.

  • Hesitation is a form of procrastination, delaying what needs to be done.

  • It shows an unwillingness to take calculated risks.

  • Cowards hesitate because they lack the courage to face challenges head-on.

  • Hesitation is cumulative, allowing doubts and insecurities to fester and grow

  • Hesitation is a reflection of the lack of clarity, resulting in a fear of the unknown.

  • Cowards hesitate because they are more concerned with potential negative outcomes than potential rewards.

  • Hesitation allows for a lack of commitment and conviction, resulting in half-efforts and half-measures

  • It can be a sign of indecisiveness and an inability to make tough choices.

  • Cowards hesitate because they prioritize comfort over growth.

  • Hesitation is destructive, leadingto missed deadlines, broken promises, and lost credibility.

  • It's indicative of a lack of preparation or insufficient knowledge.

  • Cowards hesitate because they are overly focused on potential obstacles rather than solutions.

  • Hesitation can be habit forming; it becomes an ingrained character flaw that holds people back.

  • Cowards hesitate because they lack the resilience to bounce back from setbacks.

  • Hesitation stems from a fear of taking responsibility and being held accountable.

  • Cowards hesitate because they lack the passion and drive to pursue their goals with urgency.

Don't hesitate.

Don't be a coward.

Do things NOW.

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/05/daily-inspiration-leadership-indecision-hesitation-is-the-currency-of-cowards/

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Daily Inspiration - "Waste time well" - Futurist Jim Carroll

Wasted time is productive time.

And yet, it is criticized. It is the common view that those who waste time are lazy, distracted, and not at all helpful.

And apparently, there is a lot of this unproductive time - according to one survey, 69% of employees admitted to wasting time at work daily. Another study found that people spend at least 2 1/2 hours a week at work doing things unrelated to actual work, such as spending time on social media. (I would have thought the number was higher.)

One reason is that people are distracted.

According to a study by Economist Impact, these distractions at work cost the U.S. economy around $468 billion annually - that's the time lost to all of these unproductive meetings, emails, and workplace chat messages, which collectively account for significant hours of lost productivity per knowledge worker each year​.

And when people are distracted, they lose their focus - and lose their ability to pursue 'creative time.'

According to the survey, 60% of Argentine workers claim to have "struggled" to have enough time and energy to finish their work and are 2.9 times more likely to say that they "struggle" with innovation and strategic thinking (compared to 3.5 times of those surveyed globally). Similarly, almost 3 out of 4 Argentine leaders (71%) said they were concerned about the lack of innovation (versus 60% globally).

Innovation in distress: How to prevent burnout from killing ideas
15 July 2023, CE NoticiasFinancieras

And yet, is all that time wasted? If someone is busy surfing the Web or discovering some great new ideas on social media, is it wasted time? Probably not - because innovation is hard, and innovation requires a lot of serendipitous creativity - it's always been the case that you need a lot of off-the-wall ideas to get a few good ones.

This means you should spend more time wasting time, not less.

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/05/daily-inspiration-creativity-innovation-waste-time-well/

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Daily Inspiration: "If you can't dream big, why bother dreaming at all?" - Futurist Jim Carroll

Out on the fringe of exploration are a lot of 'crazy' ideas - that is until they aren't so crazy anymore!

I was thinking of that when my daily research service delivered me this particular clip:

Plans to harvest solar power in space using satellites to produce a potentially endless supply of clean energy have taken a big leap forward with Irish scientists making a key breakthrough on how to deploy the technology.
Irish scientists move closer to creating solar farms in space
Queen’s University team successfully deploys new technology on satellites
The Irish Times,
Thursday, 16 May 2024

Every day I receive quite a few messages like this - I've got a sophisticated research system that constantly scours global news sources, press releases, scientific journals, and other sources for nuggets of information related to trends in dozens of industries. I scan through this, often seeking the small bits of information that might light up my inquisitive mind. And this one certainly caught my attention!

And it is this precise type of thing that would cause small minds to think "That's the dumbest thing I ever heard."

But consider this - Robert Goddard, one of the two acknowledged pioneers of modern rocketry (the other was Russian) - was ridiculed for his ideas and research into launching devices into space. Steve Jobs and Apple were ridiculed when the first iPhone was brought to market. Reed Hastings, the founder of NetFlix faced skepticism with investors. And Fred Smith, the founder of FedEx, was told that his plans for a next-day courier delivery service were a ridiculous idea.

All of them dreamed big and chased their big dreams. As is this young Irish upstart.

One person's crazy idea is another person's dream.

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/05/daily-inspiration-energy-space-if-you-cant-dream-big-why-bother-dreaming-at-all/

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Daily Inspiration: "Shift your mindset from 'surviving' to 'thriving'" - Futurist Jim Carroll

Have you ever noticed many people thrive on the word survive?

They've just got to survive the day. Survive the change they are immersed in. Survive the project. Survive the recent events. Survive the golf round.

Why survive when you could thrive?

Years ago, I compiled a list of what I saw within those of my clients who were truly forward-oriented, forward-thinking, and forward-focused.

One of the key attributes? They had successfully shifted from a mindset of 'surviving' to one of 'thriving.'The thing about a world in which 'the future belongs to those who are fast' is that leadership strategies that worked yesterday are exposed as being irrelevant tomorrow even while they are being actively considered today. That's why you must double down on being a forward-oriented organization.

What do these organizations do? What else was on the list beyond 'shifting from surviving to thriving?' Several things - they:

  • anticipate change, rather than being surprised by the change

  • are proactive, not reactive, in their actions

  • have a willingness to embrace change, not recoil from change

  • relishes and encourages fresh thinking

  • has an innovation pipeline that can turn those ideas into actionable strategies faster

  • partners with the experts, to expand its expertise

  • hires staff for their ability to look forward, not back

  • has a strategy that is focused more on where they should be going rather than where they've been in the past

  • is prepared to make bold moves rather than take timid steps

  • has an effective trends radar that identifies what comes next

  • has an active strategy to align those trends to 'what should we do about it!'

What they decide to do is align to the future, rather than their past - and actively act upon that.

They thrive, they don't just survive.

Think about that!

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/05/daily-inspiration-forward-thinking-organizations-shift-your-mindset-from-surviving-to-thriving/

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Daily Inspiration: "One day soon, you'll need an AI to know how to use Al!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

It's been just over a year and a half since OpenAI announced ChatGPT, and since then, the AI floodgates have been opened. That company, along with Google and Microsoft, is locked in an artificial intelligence arms race, regularly offering up new features, new ways of integrating into existing product lines, and new fronts in the AI software wars. At the same time, Apple is expected next month to announce significant new AI capabilities within its line of iPhones, iPads, and computer devices, shaking up the market even more.

While all of this unfolds, tens of thousands of software companies have flooded the market with all kinds of new AI tools, so much so that there are thousands of different AI applications available on the market. The phrase used to be 'there's an app for that.' Now we can add to the mix that 'there's an AI for that!' Meanwhile, long-established software companies are busy integrating AI into their specific product lines. Using some sort of construction project management software? You'll find that it now likely includes some AI workflow management tools. Specific medical office software? Guess what - the developer has either introduced AI into the mix or is about to. Use a certain type of tool or equipment. Chances are some unique AI features are sneaking in.

The rush to AI is unlike anything seen in the computer industry before - and for many people, it can be all-so-overwhelming. Simply knowing what is out there, what it can do, and what it can be used for remains a massive challenge - and will become an even greater challenge in the years to come. Ask yourself this - how much of this stuff are you using on a day-to-day basis?

People can't keep up!

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/05/daily-inspiration-knowledge-and-ai-one-day-soon-youll-need-an-ai-to-know-how-to-use-al/

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Daily Inspiration: "When the future becomes a culture war, watch the trends. Not the noise" - Futurist Jim Carroll

It's a weird time to be a futurist - have you noticed that the future has become a culture war?

While you deal with the realities of science, technologies, trends, and tomorrow, large groups of people seek to inflame and chase their agenda by pursuing falsehoods. It seems that all of a sudden, electric cars have become doomed to fail; protein-based alternative foods have become some sort of evil thing with an anti-meat agenda; wind and solar energy have transitioned into an awful sort of tool designed to harm the carbon industry; and the concept of protecting the environment and our future has now become a culture war test of loyalty to the ancient ideas of yesterday.

While all of this unfolds in the US during a heated election season, China and other advanced economies are solidifying their stranglehold on the technologies and industries of tomorrow.

In that context, history has taught us that when a culture war ends, the winner is usually not the one taking the side that is anti-science and anti-future.

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/05/daily-inspiration-leadership-trends-when-the-future-becomes-a-culture-war-watch-the-trends-not-the-noise/

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Daily Inspiration: "Disruptors value defiance over blind obedience!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

Be like Chuck House.

In a world in which you are surrounded by yes-men, be the person who is willing to say no since sometimes following the lead is exactly the wrong thing to do.

Years ago, the book The Intrapreneurs, by Clifford Pinchoot III, defined The Intrapreneur’s Ten Commandments. Numbers 8, 9, and 10 are notable.

  1. Come to work each day willing to be fired.
  2. Be true to your goals, but be realistic about how to achieve them.
  3. Honour and educate your sponsors.

What is an intrapreneur? A book review when the book was first released puts it in context:

''These courageous souls form underground teams and networks that routinely bootleg company resources or 'steal' company time to work on their missions,'' Mr. Pinchot writes. ''They make new things happen while those trying to innovate by the official route are still waiting for permission to begin.''

What's New On the Corporate Bookshelf: Entrepreneurs in a Corporate Setting
14 April 1985, The New York Times

In that context, Chuck House was true to those terms - and was featured in the book immediately after the Commandments.
He was a frustrated oscilloscope designer upset because people weren't listening to his ideas. In a formal review by both Bilkl Hewlett and David Packard, Chuck House's dream was shot down. David Packard's verdict was blunt. "When I come back next year, I don't want to see that project in the lab."

Instead of killing the project as ordered, House and his immediate boss decided to get it out of the lab - not by junking the prototype but by completing it within the year.
A Dangerous Guide to the Corridors of Power
Los Angeles Times, March 15, 1985

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/05/daily-inspiration-leadership-innovation-disruptors-value-defiance-over-blind-obedience/

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@jimcarroll@futurist.info avatar

Daily Inspiration: "Approach every day like it's a par 3 (full of opportunity but with a bit of risk along the way!)" - Futurist Jim Carroll

Golf season is back.

In that context, my ball mark is a happy face. That tells you everything you need to know about me.

Most people choose to mark their ball with a series of lines, several dots, or some other sort of elaborate and customized marking. But since this is a blog about innovation, creativity, and optimism, years ago I chose this symbol as a means of always reminding myself that it is just a game, I shouldn't take myself too seriously, and that above all, I should just enjoy my time out there.

After all, golf is an incredibly hard game to master.

So why is par 3 the focus of today's inspiration? I was thinking about this yesterday as I approached our hole at my home club, Cutten Fields - that's the one in the photo. The shot involves a bit of safety to the right if the pin is tucked back left. There's a water hazard - aka a pond - if you want to go for it.

Most par 3's involve a little bit of risk and reward like this. Every time I approach a par 3, I can't help but think of the fact that this is a perfect metaphor for what we face in our life every day., Executed well or with a bit of luck, and the potential of a life-numbing hole in one presents itself. With a bit of finesse, skill, and determination, you can pull off a birdie. Do things well, and you've got a par. Have a bad day? Bogey or higher.

And if it's a really bad day., you end up in the water.

In that context, a par 3 hole in golf is a metaphor for the volatility of life.

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/05/daily-inspiration-optimism-opportunity-approach-every-day-like-its-a-par-3-full-of-opportunity-but-with-a-bit-of-risk-along-the-way/

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Daily Inspiration: "Successful companies get rid of all the bull excrement" - Futurist Jim Carroll

Let's be real about it. Successful companies get rid of all the bull shit.

Successful companies have learned a lot about the future - and the fact that it isn't as complicated to get there as they once thought it would be. In doing so, the old barriers that were in the way have been obliterated!

Decision-making paralysis? GONE

Committees and group thinking? GONE

Slow teams and organizational paralysis? GONE

Clunky, bureaucratic structures that get in the way of change? GONE

Studying issues to death? GONE

Management by focus group? GONE

Interminable meetings that droned on without an agenda? GONE

Wasting time on consensus? GONE

Reports and deep analysis? GONE

Overthinking? GONE

Micromanagement? GONE

A legacy mindset? GONE

Risk aversion? GONE

Siloed expertise? GONE

Bureaucratic red tape? GONE

Resistance to change? GONE

If you look at them, the fundamental fact is this - all the bullshit that holds them back is gone.

They move, act, decide, invest, rethink, and redo at speed.

So should you.

Get rid of the bullshit.

Pardon my language.

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/05/daily-inspiration-innovation-leadership-successful-companies-got-rid-of-all-the-bull-excrement/


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Daily Inspiration: "Don't judge your success by what you did before. Judge it by what you will do next!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

If your life is to be a play, always be prepared for a second act! Or perhaps, get into a mindset where you will always have even more complex performances with many different scenes and many different roles!

Have you seen the Schwarzenegger documentary on Netflix? It's an interesting journey - he became one of the biggest action movie stars after a first career as a bodybuilding icon. And then, for a third act, he transitioned into politics and served two terms as the Governor of California.

Or how about Julia Child? She had a career as a spy for the Office of Strategic Services during WWII. It wasn't until she was in her late 30s that she discovered her passion for French cuisine, and kicked off her second career as a TV chef, cookbook author, and culinary trailblazer.

These stories should inspire you to always consider reinvention and rethinking your future opportunities - if you are down in the dumps about your existing reality, always know that there is another reality that you could choose to invent and pursue!

At a personal level, it's never a good idea to rest on your laurels and rely on past success when the world around you is changing at such a furious pace. I will often point out that a young person today might find themselves in 5 to 7 different careers throughout their lifetime - and perhaps, 20 to 30 different jobs! How can you possibly endear yourself to your current reality when there are so many new potential realities that you might choose to chase?

Companies can chase a second act as well.

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/05/daily-inspiration-reinvention-and-moving-forward-dont-judge-your-success-by-what-you-did-before-judge-it-by-what-you-will-do-next/

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@jimcarroll@futurist.info avatar

Daily Inspiration: "It's when you are at the bottom that you have the greatest chance to get to the top." - Futurist Jim Carroll

Rock bottom is real for many people and for many companies. A fortunate few can summon the courage and the strength to find their way out - using the desperation seen in their bottom to finally reach for the top. One of the most fascinating things that can happen when someone voyages from the worst of times to the potential for the best of times is that their mind sees a creativity explosion; the endorphins of joy in reinvention provide for a new form of creativity superpowers; their every moment is defined by thinking about what could be rather than obsessing about what was.

I thought of this fact when someone pointed out that it was just about 25 years ago yesterday that Steve Jobs unveiled the iMac. That was the computer that would go on to rescue Apple and turn it into an innovation pathway that would see it become the world's most valuable company.

And look what happened - a turnaround for the ages!

For Steve Jobs, it was a return from the rock bottom that was his firing years before from Apple.

Rock bottom? Don't ever let anyone tell you that when you're at your lowest point you can't get to your highest point. Never let anyone suggest that if things get really bad it will probably only get worse, not better. Refuse to listen to those who tell you that you should accept your fate and move on with things. Never accept the way things are - think about the way they could be.

Never stop chasing success and opportunity. Let your lows define your highs; let your bottom motivate you to aim for the top; never let your bad days define your potential for great ones; never allow negativity to redefine your optimism. The future is all about chasing the better days, not reliving the worst days.

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/05/daily-inspiration-innovation-recovery-its-when-you-are-at-the-bottom-that-you-have-the-greatest-chance-to-get-to-the-top/

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@jimcarroll@futurist.info avatar

Daily Inspiration: "Criticism is just wisdom as yet unwrapped!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

Criticism. When it's sincere, it can matter.

Criticism is ... a gift. It's a gift of knowledge that, used the right way, allows you to gain insight and perspective on how to improve.

Criticism is ... a reward. It's one of the hardest things to take, but with the right mindset, one of the most valuable bits of insight you can be rewarded with - because it means that you are trying to do something new, put yourself out there, and explore your potential, rather than sitting back in complacency.

Criticism is... a mirror. It allows you to see things about yourself, your work, or your insight that you might not otherwise see. It's a unique filter that allows you to get past your thoughts on what you are doing, to the viewpoint of others. When it's valid, it's powerfully constructive.

Criticism is... inevitable. It's unavoidable. It's all a part of your process. No matter how good you might be, how much effort you put in, and how hard you work, you'll face criticism.

Criticism is... opinion. It's simply the viewpoint or judgment of someone else - and in many cases, it's not an objective truth or fact.

Criticism is... an opportunity for growth. It will help you identify weaknesses and areas that need further work.

Criticism is... often, just noise. Filter it out, and don't worry about it.

Criticism is ... just motivation in disguise!

I used to obsess over criticism ... of my stage presentations, my writing, or my thinking.

Then, I realized that some of it didn't matter (because it was just noise). Of the criticism that did matter, I worked hard to learn how to try and do something constructive with it. I've tried to turn it into an opportunity, not a barrier.

I still obsess over it, ponder it, think about it ... but always try to remind myself that it's an opportunity, not a threat.

Because criticism is .... a gift!

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/05/daily-inspiration-criticism-is-just-wisdom-as-yet-unwrapped/

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