@jz@mamot.fr avatar



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joat, to random
@joat@mastodon.scot avatar

Anybody confused why people still listen to turntables or CD players forget that they never:

  • stop working because they can't connect to WiFi
  • stop working because they need a firmware update
  • stop working because the manufacturer dropped support
  • say "if you like Bach you might like Taylor Swift"
  • play ads
  • recommend "turntable premium"
@jz@mamot.fr avatar

@joat it's also true for playing MP3/FLAC files locally, to some extent. (sure computer may die off, but there are backups..)

Remember how it used to be a norm 15y ago? before copaganda from music industry and the governments serving them, and the mirage of "easy" streaming made things go somehow backwards?

jz, to random
@jz@mamot.fr avatar

📸 I took these photos in 2011, while Julian was in the same High Court in London where the hearing is happening today; (photos previously unreleased, now under (CC) BySa or LAL 1.3)

Today's hearing is about requesting a permission (!) to appeal (!) his extradition to the US (!) where he faces certain death in prison for his work as a journalist and publisher.

Then, he was appealing against his first extradition request (!) to Sweden...

(a thread) 1/14

An analog photo taken in 2011 of Julian Assange whispering to the hear of Kristinn Hrafnsson. The background is the gothic, cathedral-esque High Court of Justice in London. The colour are yellow/red denoting an antique lighting. The edge of the frame is burnt, indicating a recently loaded film, and blur on Assange's hand and parts of his face evokes a rather dynamic conversation. The photo is CC BySa (or LAL 1.3) J. Zimmermann

@jz@mamot.fr avatar

🇪🇨 Later on, as it became clearer and clearer that the UK won't help get that case closed, and as all was pointing to the US preparing an indctment for "conspiracy for espionnage" (under the 1917 espionnage act under which a defendant has no way of arguing his motive was political, or of general interest...), Julian took refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy. He got political asylum and EC nationality as its government confirmed the risk was real he'd be extradited to the US.


@jz@mamot.fr avatar

⚖️ Assange went to the police to answer all their questions. The case got closed, but weeks after a prosecutor from a different jurisdiction re-opened it. Assange lawyers then requested that he would promptly be interviewed by the prosecutor so he could clear his name. This was refused as the prosecutor was "sick". Weeks after lawyers ask for a permission for him to leave Sweden, as he had work to do elsewhere. Permission granted. He leaves for the UK.


@jz@mamot.fr avatar

🚔 A Swedish woman he slept with freaked out about a broken condom when learning he also slept with another person, and got convinced by that person to go to the police, to attempt to force him to take an HIV test. That person knew somebody working in the police... The police further 1/ manipulated the transcript of the interview 2/ pressed charges for sexual offense (the woman later said she was "railroaded into pressing charges") 3/ leaked parts of the transcript to the press.


@jz@mamot.fr avatar

📚 A few weeks after the massive releases of 2010 (Collateral Murder, the Afghan and Iraq War logs), while residing and working in Sweden, Julian was tipped off that the US will attempt to snatch him, to use the particularly lax extradition law in Sweden to get him to the US, and use any excuse possible (his sources evoked accusations of "child pornography" or "a bag of drugs found in a suitcase" or anything). What happened to to him got indeed very strange...


@jz@mamot.fr avatar

🚨 Weeks after, Interpol issues a "red notice" (usually used for international organized crime, terrorism, etc.), while Sweden issues an extradition warrant for Assange. Unbelievable! This is when he decided to go by himself to the police in London, so his name could be cleared in court. Of course it didn't go as planned, extradition was upheld (hence the appeal, during which the photos were taken). Preposterous "house arrest", ankle bracelet, daily report to the police, etc. ensued.


jz, to random
@jz@mamot.fr avatar

Have you heard of https://Simplex.chat? 💬

I am torn between on one hand my usual attitude of not recommending any technology for communication of sensitive data as they usually all suck, and mostly depend on golden-prison user-hostile environments like Android or iOS;

and on the other hand my enthusiasm for the underlying principles of Simplex.chat as a young piece of software with very promising and forward thinking ideas (reminding somehow of pond, for those who knew of/used it):


@jz@mamot.fr avatar

Simplex.chat is based on users not needing any sort of strong identification (phone number, email address) to be usable, unlike most other chats. Sure you technically still have a "cryptographic identity" (a public key), but the protocol is designed in such way that the server (yes there is still servers unfortunately) will know the minimum about its users. no user-identifying metadata are stored or processed. :blobCatAnon:


@jz@mamot.fr avatar

Yet, as a piece of software even if advancing fast in the last months, it is still young. The way it is being packaged and distributed solely over Microsft Pages(tm) (aka github) is a bit concerning, but these things will evolve in the future, according to its main author in the public user group channel, and discussion about these things is rather open...

Maybe one needs to write their own client? 🖥️


@jz@mamot.fr avatar

So, for vulnerable and/or exposed people who want to seriously organize Simplex.chat may be (or become) one of the best options: dispoable identities on fresh devices, connected to un-identifiable contacts.

If your device gets compromised or seized, it doesn't give away the identities of other incognito members of your groups... 🤫 Also works well for/with people with no phone whatsoever.🛖


@jz@mamot.fr avatar

@Rainer_Rehak @fabian

Well one can adhere to principles, for political+philosophical/ethical reasons, and only hope that the technological aspects will be audited, ironed out, triple-checked, reimplemented in stricter/safest/minimalist ways, etc...

...rather than trusting some third-party technological opinions on something that leaves blatant holes on the political side ("we kill people based on metadata" 2014) while trying to mono-culturishly look cool....

@jz@mamot.fr avatar

Use case: you meet that person in a bar, they're nice and chatty and want to stay in touch. You are mildly interested so give them a QR code to flash linking to an "incognito" identity.

You chat with them afterwards, and after some times can decide to say "OKThanksBye.", and disconnect from them without them ever having to know your name, phone number, email etc. and thus unable to stalk you or anything... 🥂


@jz@mamot.fr avatar

On simplex, identity is just something you chose and store on your client, that can easily change depending on context. You decide you are "Alice" and your contacts will see that, unless if when opening a contact with a given person or group you use an "icognito" identity, in which case they will see you as "FlamboyantTruth" or some other generated name.

With incognito groups, one can share publicly links to a group and people join them (via a QR Code) with their identity protected! 🥸


eff, to random
@eff@mastodon.social avatar

Google has ramped up its paternalistic behavior this year, controlling what extensions are allowed to do and whether someone uses an ad-blocker on YouTube, all while collecting even more user data for advertising. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/12/year-review-googles-corporate-paternalism-browser

@jz@mamot.fr avatar

@eff I wonder: if EFF had never gotten any money from Google, would they call them something more incisive than "paternalistic" (which sounds a bit bad, yet reassuring, clearly not of ultimate danger..)?

maybe more like: "violently predatory" or "beyond monopolistic", or "enemy of freedom" or "ultimate threat for privacy and freedom online"?

bah! "paternalistic" is probably enough to describe one's sugar daddy...


jz, to random
@jz@mamot.fr avatar

For Julian #Assange: an appeal launched by @Mediapart


Mediapart has launched an appeal for Julian Assange, in the form of an address to the President of the United States of America, Joe #Biden. It has already been joined by three other European media: Der Spiegel (Germany), Il Fatto Quotidiano (Italy) and InfoLibre (Spain).

Dear Mr. President of the United States of America, .../...



@jz@mamot.fr avatar

We are journalists, diverse in our sensibilities and opinions, but all committed to the same professional ideal: to serve the truth of the facts. This is why, Mr. President, we urge you to put an end to the extradition proceedings against the founder of WikiLeaks. In order to re-establish the truth of which we are the guarantors: before history, #Assange has served journalism.

First signatories: Mediapart, Der Spiegel, Il Fatto Quotidiano, InfoLibre




@jz@mamot.fr avatar

We can attest this especially because we have published this information, we have actively collaborated with #WikiLeaks and, in some cases, we have published investigations signed by Julian Assange. While the whole world has been able to judge the democratic usefulness of his revelations, the proceedings brought against him by the United States of America can only strengthen the authoritarian powers in their repression of independent journalism and the free press.


@jz@mamot.fr avatar

We are journalists, and as such we have come to ask you to desist from committing an injustice against one of our own, Julian #Assange.

After thirteen years of persecution, this Australian citizen is currently imprisoned in the United Kingdom under threat of extradition to the United States, at the behest of a conditioned justice which treats him as if he were a spy or a traitor.



@jz@mamot.fr avatar

Beyond the iniquitous fate of the WikiLeaks founder, this procedure turns journalism into a crime and endangers all those who make it their profession, all over the world.

We are journalists, in other words we serve a universally proclaimed fundamental right: the right to know everything that is in the public interest, a right which, in the USA, is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution. Journalists, says the European Court of Human Rights, are the "watchdogs" of democracy.


@jz@mamot.fr avatar

.../...They can disturb, displease and upset, but they are necessary to ensure that the public knows everything that is being done in its name, so that it can make its choices freely, without being blinded by propaganda and lies.

Julian Assange has done nothing other than reveal information of public interest, and in this sense he has acted as a journalist.


GreenFire, to random
@GreenFire@mstdn.social avatar

Just like Project Veritas should be punished for the damage they did helping to publish stolen data, Julian Assange deserves to be in jail.

If you're allied with #Assange than you're on the same side as Trump, Putin, Tucker Carlson and their ilk and that's the wrong side to be on imho.

@jz@mamot.fr avatar

@GreenFire Just a quick question: Is what you are describing a world where one is "either with you or with the terrorists"?

Can one be against Trump and Hillary Clinton (her biggest manipulation of US elections ever documented, her suicidal foreign policy)?

Can one be against Putin and the wars of the US in Afghanistan, Iraq, killing 1M people, and its proxy wars?

Can one be against Carlson but acknowledge that when he aligns w/ int. journalist unions, Amnesty, RSF, he is sometimes right?

jz, to Signal
@jz@mamot.fr avatar

Problems we are having with #Signal:

  • It is and will remain centralized (clear strategy of not federating servers)
  • It requires strong identifiers/selectors (phone#) to use
  • Author disallows distribution by anyone but Google, although free/libre
  • It keeps pushing away verification of fingerprint in interface
  • It relies on Google+Amazon infrastructure
  • Its funding is shady (OTF = Radio Free Asia = USG)

= clearly unethical choices, unjustifiable by accessibility or technological reasons.

@jz@mamot.fr avatar

@juul It's only because of character-limitation (and because the initial toot was from 2018), but yes, it has been added in the subsequent thread...

their "non-googlified" version on their website, last time i checked (a while ago) wouldnt download without..... activating some javascript from google.com (!!! authentic, i double-checked because i was so flabbergasted!)

Kilbaba, to retrogaming

The Madman's Chiptune Library is a constantly updated collection of the best chiptune and videogame music from old systems.

Check us out and give us a thumbs up!!


@jz@mamot.fr avatar

@Kilbaba Looks amazing, even through invidious proxy on the evil platform!! So amazing that there should be a more reliable/durable(un-censorable?) way to access the archive! How about neat .flac files on archive.org, and/or bittorrent, or the such? <3

@jz@mamot.fr avatar

@Kilbaba invidious is "just" a proxy to youtube, for those who do not want to give away their cultural, musical, political, etc. habits and behaviours to that big US company swallowing souls... It doesnt solve a lot. the real problem is the importance that youtube takes in everyone's lifes...

what is otherwise your favourite source for HQ versions of these chiptunes? there used to be some obscure ffshrine websites, etc... but havent looked in a while... and those private bittorrent trackers...

jz, to random
@jz@mamot.fr avatar

⛓️ During 7+ years confined in this minuscule apartment, without a balcony, without seeing a tree or getting outside once, his lawyers asked repeatedly to the Swedish prosecutor to either 1/ come to the embassy to conduct interrogation 2/ use a video link as frequently done by Sweden at that time. No answer. This period in the embassy was considered by UN Rapporteur on arbitrary detention as.. detention. And felt like prison. J's health without access to doctors/hospitals degraded.


@jz@mamot.fr avatar

👩‍⚖️ For 10y Sweden kept the "investigation" ongoing (think of "the victims"!) without agreeing to interview him. When case was finally closed, his name was durably muddied. The truth is: there was NO Swedish case... or rather the Swedish case has been the case of Sweden's police and judicial authority manipulating the truth to help the US harass a journalist, while instrumentalising these women for 10y. (background of 2nd woman A. Ardin is interesting but not the topic here.)


@jz@mamot.fr avatar

🦅 After 7+ years in the Ecuadorian embassy, a regime change there, the mega-release of Vault7 that proved how incompetent, unaccountable and crazy the CIA was with its capacity to enter about any device without leaving traces, and a few days after Ecuador got a 4B$ loan from the IMF, the UK police got invited into the embassy to drag him out and arrest him (2019). Accused of "skipping bail" (usually a 20ish weeks of prison) he spent 4+years in the worst max-security prison in UK.


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