@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar



Geek, Dyke, Brewer, Rider of Bikes, Archer, Quixotic, Generally Curious, Mostly Harmless, she/her

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quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

In what is becoming a bit of a household tradition. I have literally the BBQ on the balcony. Time for some lunch.

quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

This is the sort of day where the obvious next move is another nap...

quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

Finally found the energy to start cooking breakfast. A simple bacon baguette to start the day.

quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

"as you've seen more of my country than me. Have you been to <place>"
"Yes" checks ride logs "5 times"
"What's it like?"
"No idea, I never stopped, I'm not mad"

quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

Made it home in one piece. Worst part was the metro the last leg of the journey. Loud drunk people. One person had two empty cans in one hand and was working on the 3rd beer. It wasn't even 11am...

clacksee, to random
@clacksee@wandering.shop avatar

Saturday morning selfie showing off my new shirt, courtesy of #MercuryStardust.

You severely underestimate how much I run on SPITE.

@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

@clacksee oh my. I may need this t-shirt.

quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

And it's raining in Amsterdam

quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

"we'll run longer trains for the bigger crowds"
"Excellent, and adjust the timetables to give the crowds enough time to get on at the station?"
"I'm sorry I don't understand"

quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

"Due to increased demand, station Rai is closed today"


quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

NS have a special timetable just for today. Running longer trains, and in some cases more trains. Alas it looks like they haven't taken into account dwell times at the stations, and so a lot of trains are running with a few mins of delay...

quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

Reminder, the courts have ruled that we can call Tory Scum Tory Scum. That is not offensive, it's accurate. And legal.


quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

Thank you for everyone for yesterday's linguistic replies... Alas my referencing the fact it seems to always be a headwind cycling here was lost on most people :(

As usual with my language jokes, and seeing if any landed. No pun in ten did...

quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

Am very glad that NS are running a 10 car (4+6) VIRM on this service.

quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

Made it to the station, only getting lost once. Not too busy in Venendaal at this time of the morning. Now on a train home. Managed to get both a seat, and space for my bike.

Just hoping it doesn't get too busy between here and mh destination.

quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

Forecast is for widespread outbreaks of orange... With rain in the west...

quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

Today's idle thought. Does Dutch even have a word for tailwind?

quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

Brompton in touring mode. Heading to the start of Race Around The Netherlands to check bikes and interview riders for Dotwatcher.cc

@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

@mjr yes. My big bike fits in there just fine. Tandems don't fit tho.

quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

Ooh. A new type of moron train passenger. Stands in the middle of the open doorway looking out, but doesn't get off, yet stops people getting on.

quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

Feels wrong to throw away a perfectly functional axe and leave myself unarmed...

quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

At a team building event with a group of Pentesters. We have to put names into the scoring system. It's a selection of different injections, and cross site scripting attacks...

@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

@NatalyaD alas they removed all the special characters leaving drop table drivers to finish in 7th :(

sinituulia, to Cats
@sinituulia@eldritch.cafe avatar

That thing where you're holding a cat and suddenly the cat loses structural integrity and becomes a vaguely cat-shaped floppy bag of relaxation and purrs. It's pretty good.

@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

@sinituulia on the rheology of cats...

quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

Railgeeks of Europe. What's the most picturesque and interesting way to get from Basel to Barcelona? Happy to do it over maybe 5 days.

quixoticgeek, to random
@quixoticgeek@v.st avatar

I forgot breakfast.

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