

It changes once a year, how stupid are some people that this is an issue?


There's been about a billion SFF PCs show up in my google news feed over the last 2-3 weeks, so I don't think it'll be a particularly huge loss.


The first game I played was Space Invaders in my dad's local pub, he took me specifically to see and experience it.

The first to play at home was a variant of the grandstand 5000.

Then I played an atari 2600 at a cousin's house, and I fell in love with centipede.


H J Lu's boot/root, followed by MCC Interim, followed by Yggrasil on CD


Bezos has a plan to do the same, but I think his calls for 100,000. Those two will be the destruction of this planet with their stupid one-upmanship.


beehaw isn't down, just very slow, which is it's normal state of being if we're being honest


identi.ca now thats a url i haven't heard in a long time


When did 'darcula' in the context of the theme become 'dracula' ? The punnyness of 'darcula' always entertained me, but the rename is just sad.


Ah, 'dracula' appears to be a very similar looking theme (although less orange) from about 6 months (oct vs mar 2013) after the creation of the original 'darcula' theme that IntelliJ adopted and every other editor has copied since.



Another pair with interesting Section 230 ramifications

how do you use your screen space?

i've been thinking of what the most efficient way to use your monitor or screen space is? do you usually just use windows that cover the whole screen? or how do you divide your windows and apps on the screen? do you leave for example firefox window cover the whole screen? and just alt + tab to other programs or apps?


The other aspect is that virtual desktops aka 'workspaces' become more important, and you tend to compartmentalize your work into related chunks. Almost all tiling managers work with 10 virtual desktops, which often feels like not enough, bizarrely.


I absolutely hate that we get Midges, Gnats and Mosquitos in the UK these days, it was mostly judge Midges when I was a kid, although you'd see a rare Gnat and Mosquitos were unheard of.


Yeah, we get a lot of the black/white legged ones, which are the ones that carry Dengue and Malaria AIUI


That wiki install method is really terrible, 20 years ago I was using LFS as a daily driver, but still I look at the Arch wiki and go 'you want me to do WHAT to install?'


I stopped when he went on a transphobic rant about 3 years ago.

ElectronSoup, (edited )

It was a couple of years ago, just after he had hooked up with a gf, and he was doing weird AMA videos while wearing a smoking jacket. The general gist of the rant was his political beliefs on racism, wokeism, and 'there are only two sexes', it wasn't a full on hate-speech-apoluza, and probably not enough of a red flag for him to continue gaining in popularity.

For me, it coming a little while after Cody going a bit too RWNJ after Kanyon left him, it was enough for me to nope-out of his channel, but I have a very slim tolerance of youtube celebs anyway, I find most of them unbearable.

edit: given the 'My Girlfriend owns a macbook, F my life' video that was posted a week or two after his rants, I'm going to say it must have been 2019.


Notice how almost all social media sites are now offering, or considering offering, paid 'blue checkmark' options? Yeah, seems that us plebians didn't factor into the 'OMG, that's awesome' reaction from the CEOs.


You get about 0.25v from a potato battery, so 400 or so potatoes and you'd be home, maybe.


Probably not, most power supplies go straight to a bridge rectifier - you can supply a bridge rectifier with DC and it will output DC just the same. But it's possible to design a power supply that does it differently, in which case the designer - presumably also the user - would likely know what it needed.

If it internally runs on 5v stepped down, for example, you could just feed it from a handful of proto-potatoes and bypass the whole 110v AC section

Oh god, we're overthinking a 'shitty' larson-esque comic now


America doesn't 'give away' weapons, Ukraine will pay for them eventually, just like Israel, SK, Taiwan, and the rest always do.

/kbin contribution and information for instance owners

The search form has been fixed (if you were experiencing this issue). This time, the Docker recreate may take a bit longer. Moving forward, when making changes, I will create pull requests like everyone else and ask for your review. Sorry for the inconvenience. Soon, the first tagged release will also be available. It's time to...

ElectronSoup, (edited )

I suspect /m/FuckingFascists is probably going to get kbin defederated from everywhere, which is clearly their intent :(

eta: Ugh, there's a whole slew of magazines they're using under the pretense of being roleplay kink, horrible, and definitely going to end up causing friction IMO.

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