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Cyberpunk dreamer


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I can't stand it, honestly. I recently moved from a samsung phone after like a decade of using nothing but samsung to a pixel phone and I really dislike how fat random ui elements are. The volume control is confusing to look at because it's gigantic, there's less quick settings tiles because the ones you do get are giant, and I dont really like the colour tint across the entire OS. Just because my wallpaper has grass in it, my whole phone shouldn't be baby shit green.

Velveteen avatar

Watch dogs 2. I've been leaving it alone for a week here and there and then coming back to it. I feel like the watch dogs series gets way more hate than it deserves, none of what I've played of 1 and 2 have lined up with what I had heard about it online.

How did you get into anime?

Although my first anime was back during early childhood (back when anime programme block was a regular thing in Indonesian television). Vulcan just really started following anime seriously during junior high school back in 2012 (classmates are into Attack on Titan and Sword Art Online during that time, and we often chatted about...

Velveteen avatar

My friend bought me the live action death note film on dvd one day, and the rest is history.

OC How did you end up finding kbin? Did you migrate here from Reddit?

I was initially introduced to Mastodon a few years ago by a close friend and picked up on it quickly given the benefits of not having to deal with advertising, or being shown what a mega-corporation thought I should have to see through algorithms. I have since found a great instance over on that promotes quality...

Velveteen avatar

I found kbin from the feditips post that was trashing Lemmy, lol. I didn't migrate here from Reddit because I had deleted my Reddit account a couple of years ago, but I have never made the move over to Lemmy because I had some personal bad experience with the devs (nothing major or worth going into but enough to put me off). I was really happy to find kbin, and even happier to find that even in the prototype stage it is so functional and the developer is friendly and responsive when reporting bugs.

Velveteen avatar

Threads upon threads of comments with people trying to one-up each other with like lyrics, film quotes, just the least funny shit you've read a thousand times on every popular post.

Velveteen avatar

All the inti-creates games besides Gal-Gun. I really love pixely action platformers like the Mega Man Zero, Blaster Master Zero series.

Velveteen avatar

I don't even want to wear clothes half the time never mind a giant computer that's tracking my eyeballs.

Velveteen avatar

A single MacBook Pro with a Core 2 Duo in, for now.

Velveteen avatar

I've always had a good experience with Porkbun.

Velveteen avatar

I've had two flip phones and I have loved them both, but both of them have had minor splintering appear on the screen at the hinge and it seems like once that starts your warranty is void because they refuse to cover their own manufacturing defect, and for that reason I wouldn't buy another folding phone for a while, until the technology has matured. I do love my flip phone, it's the most fun I've had with a smartphone and it's a great conversation starter. Being able to take selfies with the outer camera and outer screen as a viewfinder is very nice too.

Velveteen avatar

I recently switched from DDG to Ecosia. It gets results from the same dataset (Bing) and they plant trees when you search a certain number of times (the number fluctuates based on your frequency of searches I think). They're also supposedly carbon negative and have a decent privacy policy from what I can tell.

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