@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar




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Admin of lemmy.cloudhub.social

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jax, (edited )
@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

That seems really resource heavy. 4 Gb of RAM for an SMTP relay?

Other than that it looks pretty great.

@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

I think I’m going to end up using docker-mailserver for this.

@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

This is an awesome guide on how to install Lemmy on Docker!

@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

I think for me it’s going to be hit or miss. Right now I’m on this more, but it doesn’t have a lot of the content I’m interested in currently.

@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

Oh, I've been creating a lot of tech content, like my old days on Reddit. These days I mostly lurk on LGTQ subreddits though and idk how the Lemmy community feels about that (not that I have much to post in that regards anyways, link/forum wise)

@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

Mostly just general content and discussion lol. I know, I'm not being part of the solution of adding more content/discussion lol.

@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

Agreed, but I think all instances linked there are going to see high load over the next while. We shall see how the network stands up...

@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

Yeah, I've started just posting anything that seems interesting while trying not to flood the place. I'm pretty deep into the tech world so it's been mostly tech, but I'd highly recommend posting content that interests you and I'm sure it'll interest others.

If you're using a lemmy web interface (as opposed to an app), there is a cross-post button you can use to post in other communities that are tanginately related (if you decide to create a community for your topics).

@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

Nice list! I'm curious, why are you running 2 pi-hole and an adguard instance?

(I also run 2 pi-hole instances for redundancy)

@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

draw.io is one, I've started using LucidChart (personally) and https://d2lang.com at work for process diagrams.

@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

Talos is a great OS! I just wish there was some way to get the IPs from DHCP via Proxmox so I could automate it with terraform.

@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

This sounds a lot like my old cluster config (I stepped away from the lab for a few months and forgot how it works, so started over lmao), but basically it would spin up a talos cluster on proxmox using terraform, and then bootstrap FluxCD and the rest of the software would be setup using that. It was a pretty slick system.

@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

That's true! Those do add up over time.

I'd love to go full cloud-native with a kubernetes cluster, but I can't justify the $100+ a month for a reasonable cluster :(

@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

For sure, then you just have to worry about deploying apps. Seems a lot easier for testing.

@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

I’m thinking about moving my single-user instance onto my lab from DO. Either that or moving to a managed Kubernetes cluster in the cloud (that is prohibitively expensive though)

@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

Lemmy? Had to patch the docker config (pushed a patch to the main and docs repos already!)

@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

You might have to check those repos, I don’t know if the site has been updated.

@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

I love this for you - let me just make sure my instance is set to not allow sign-ups lol

@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

Glad it's working for you!

@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

I mostly didn't touch that part, it seemed to be outside the scope of the article and suggesting a config for each person's exact setup isn't going to be possible.

This would be for putting in front of the nginx proxy built into the compose file. In theory you could do SSL offloading here or whatever you want, as long as you don't change the headers needed by the nginx.conf file further up the page.

@jax@lemmy.cloudhub.social avatar

Some people are reporting outbound networking issues/DNS resolution in the lemmy matrix chat, I wonder if you're hitting the same thing. Do you see anything about DNS resolution errors in the logs when trying to search for other communities?

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