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Please read the FAQ before messaging this account.

Post bugs and suggestion on the codeberg issues page.

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I've never had this problem. You can use the task manager to monitor your tabs and extensions.

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You use boosts as a thread to as a save function. You can view your boosts in your profile. As for hiding, you can block a magazine to hide that specific magazine in your feed, or you can block a user to hide their posts.

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There currently isn't any way to DM someone privately. You could chat with them in the microblog, then delete it when your done. Otherwise, ask then to chat in another chat platform, like discord.

Artemis private beta rollouts have begun!

Hi there, the Artemis private beta rollout has just started! @hariette will be emailing 50 signup sheet users, while @lilkev will be adding 50 users from Artemis Discord. The order will be based on the submissions to the private beta signup form, as well as general activity within the Artemis community....

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bravo ✧⁺⸜(●′▾‵●)⸝⁺✧

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This issue has already been posted on the issues page. Idk why it was made like that, but it might be changed in the future.

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Ernest is trying to automate the process of replacing inactive mods. It's unclear to what will happen next after he's done. Keep in mind that other instances are also having this problem too.

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Probably because most people don't know how to use CSS and there isn't much resources for beginners.

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The best thing you can do it to keep posting content. When people see an active magazine, people would want to post there more.

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You can't directly upload videos to kbin yet.

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Currently no. You can review the codeberg page to see what's new.

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See . You can access it by enabling top bar in the settings.

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Thank you for your work. Make sure you have suggested your feature on the issues page so the developers can add it in the future.

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You can view someone's profile to see what magazines they are subscribed too, unless they turned off public viewing for their account.

admin, (edited )
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There's already a discussion of this on the codeberg issues page.

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Unless your encouraging users to harass other users, you can add any rule you want. It might be hard to do that idea you mentioned since you can't prevent users from posting content, even if it's a part of your rules.

OC A quick guide to creating and moderating magazines

Hello kbin! Since there’s a lot of new users migrating to this platform, I decided to make a short guide to creating and moderating a magazine. This will be a quick and short guide since there will be a lot of new features coming soon. I might make a new guide when a few major tools come, but in the meantime, I will...

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As for when you add someone as mod? I'm not sure if it's planned or not.

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Yes, it will be added later down the road. For now you can message the original poster the reason before you delete their post.

barnyard_noise, to AskKbin
barnyard_noise avatar

Getting error message while trying to create a magazine? Any ideas why? Or where I could get a step-by-step tutorial?

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@barnyard_noise I'll be releasing a full guide on creating and moderating your magazine soon. Be sure to look for it on /m/kbinMeta and /m/ModHelp.

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When you turn on Federation status, you are able to see posts from every other instance. When you turn it off, you only see posts from kbin and other closely federated instances.

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The instances are currently not listed, but you can see them when you view /m/all or /m/newest. It will be updated in the future.

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Your sub is searchable through . It probably took a second for the database to update.

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I see. The search function is for searching specific terms over every thread. But I agree that there should be more options to filter your search. Feel free to make a suggestion here.

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