arinbasu avatar


I am based in New Zealand. I write about language, , , , ,

atomicpoet, to fediversenews avatar

I've been a part of many social media efforts. For example, I helped build and grow Hootsuite.

But nothing compares to what's happening with (and ) right now.

Right now, the growth is entirely word of mouth.

No advertising, press releases, Silicon Valley-style hype.

But last November, I told @kainoa that this could be a project that changes their life.

I'm honoured to help in whatever way that I can!



@Extra_Special_Carbon @djohngo Short version: #CalcKey is similar to #Mastodon, somewhat like Mastodon is similar to Twitter, but CalcKey is closer to Mastodon than Mastodon is to Twitter.

Like Mastodon and Twitter, CalcKey specialises in micro-blogging.

However, CalcKey has features on top. It doesn't have a 500-character limit; you can write posts with thousands of characters.

Also, it supports text formatting via Markdown, bold type, italics, underline, code blocks etc.

And CalcKey supports quotes already now. Mastodon is working on introducing them. Unlike Mastodon, nobody is protesting against quotes on CalcKey.

Next: Like Mastodon and unlike Twitter, CalcKey is decentralised. This means it isn't one monolithic website like, it's many websites, also called instances, running the same project. Basically, all these instances are connected each other and can communicate with each other, much like e-mail providers. Just in case you weren't aware of that yet.

Okay, now comes the kicker: CalcKey instances are connected to Mastodon instances just the same. You can be on CalcKey and still communicate with people on Mastodon as if you were on Mastodon itself.

This, by the way, means that #MastodonIsNotTheFediverse. Not all of the Fediverse, at least. There's more in the Fediverse than just Mastodon. And pretty much all of it can communicate with all of it.

Speaking of which, CalcKey is one of only two Fediverse projects known to me with an interesting feature: It shows you which project a post came from.

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