kevinmoerman, to random avatar
kevinmoerman, to Batman avatar

Coming soon to : constrained triangulations. Which I decided needs parameterized curves too for testing purposes 🦇

kevinmoerman, avatar

Getting there. These images show tests of a triangulation algorithm I've developed that uses Delaunay triangulation. It features mostly equilateral triangles except for at the boundaries.

Same as previous image but now the boundary is the Batman logo. This shape features sharp transitions which is good for testing how the algorithm copes with these.

jonthegeek, to javascript avatar

I'm extremely saddened to read that Women Who Code is closing ( My heart goes out to everyone impacted by this situation, and everyone who would have been impacted by their initiatives.

We can't replace them, but we welcome anyone looking for a friendly, inclusive community to join us at the Data Science Learning Community (@DSLC)

#RStats #PyData #JuliaLang #javascript #WomenInSTEM #WomenInTech

matvil, to random avatar

Just a reminder how beautiful is.
Albert-Chib Gibbs sampler for binary probit regression.

kevinmoerman, to opensource avatar
kevinmoerman, to random avatar

My university dropped the campus wide MATLAB license around August last year. It is amusing to see the effect on my GitHub contribution chart. But then I picked up and now there is more than a recovery :)

ayo, to random avatar

I kept my twtr account for a while because brands I occasionally reach out to were still exclusively there. It’s now no longer the case so I put the account down for real :)

hasnep, avatar

@ayo Thanks for building this @anze3db, I've already found some great accounts to follow! A couple of things that would make it even better, the Nix language uses a regex that matches people mentioning Unix or *nix, so it has a lot of false positives. Secondly, I'd love to see added to the list of languages, and to add to the index :)

ramikrispin, (edited ) to datascience avatar

(1/3) Data Visualization with Makie - Julia 🚀👇🏼

Makie is a data visualization ecosystem for the Julia programming language, with high performance and extensibility. It supports various data visualization applications like 2D, 3D, and geospatial plots.

Image credit: Beautiful Makie by Lazaro Alonso

R4DSCommunity, to datascience avatar

The R4DS Online Learning Community has thousands of members, hundreds of which are active on our Slack every week. You might be wondering: Why not charge those learners? Why is the Community funded through donations?


Sevoris, to scifi

One of my favorite hard topics that I love to work within (even if I am terrifically starved for time to do much about this at the moment) are wormhole networks.

They have interesting geometry constraints once you add real star maps, challenges when it becomes time to figure out how many connections you need to connect what places while observing construction and shape constraints…

it is the kind of computer science that tickles my brain extra being scifi nerdy


In particular, simulating n-agent circumstances with improving technologies (wormhole projection speeds and ranges in a single connection creation) would be interesting, both to study optimal networks that satisfy the most constraints from all the parties, and just letting some organically emerge with quirks and bad choices that play off of each other.

Maybe something to use for, though I have to say, when it comes to really optimizing the configuration, I lack know-how

franco_vazza, (edited ) to Julia avatar

I have a question:
I am using HDF5.jl to open an hdf5 file; the file is organised in >100 datasets, written by the creator in a rather unpredictable way.
How do I automatically open all
datasets in the sequence, without knowing their name beforehand? (with the final goal of recreating a single long array, by appending the content of each dataset - this I know how to do).
thanks in advance

👍 found, easy

djnavarro, to random avatar

My weekend side-project: at long last I set some time aside to learn the basics of #julialang. The learning process was a tonne of fun. The thing where it somehow sprawled into a three-part series of blog posts... not so much fun. Anyway here they are... first one is me wrestling with some basic features in language

djnavarro, avatar

Second one is a bit more practical, and looks at how to do basic data wrangling using the DataFrames package. Not surprisingly as an #rstats person learning #julialang, a big part of this was me trying to find a pipe-centric workflow that I like. In the end I decided I kind of like the combination of the Julia base pipe and anonymous functions as a workflow

djnavarro, avatar

By the time I hit the third post I was kind of exhausted, so it's a bit, um, telegraphic in places. But nevertheless it was sort of nice to get a sense of (one tool for) data visualisation in #julialang

hyde, to linux avatar
pjacock, to random avatar

I'm sitting in remotely on a introduction - currently the room are talking about plotting backends and the advantages of a common API - as long as you don't use options specific to a backend, it ought to work longterm as the backends evolve

mhsatman, to random avatar

I'm looking for suitable reviewers for the JOSS submission

MarSwitching.jl: A Julia package for Markov switching dynamic models

Anybody able to review this submission for JOSS?


R4DSCommunity, to datascience avatar

Upcoming book clubs:



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mo8it, to rust avatar

I wonder how can get away with lies regarding its latest benchmark.

Fake news in tech are actually a threat?

Tech entertainers like only make things worse by promoting these fake news without validation.
Then he is quoted in a later Mojo blog post spreading bullshit about and ignoring . But debunking posts like this are ignored:


Maybe tech shouldn't be an entertainment for Twitch…

terence, to random avatar

Haleakalā National Park, Maui, Hawaiʻi.

- joint adventures

kevinmoerman, to random avatar

Implementing "Dijkstra's algorithm" or "mesh distance marching". Computes the on-surface dist from one point to all others (i.e. like a heat spreading across the mesh).
From a seed point, we could add the furthest point to the list and reiterate, compute dist, find furthest point, add this point to list, repeat... This will produce an (approximately) equidistant or geodesic set of points. Handy for remeshing, but it does look like David's got the measles.'s_algorithm

The animation shows a 3D model (bust of Michelangelo's David), with a sparse set of 100 black dots on the surface of the mesh. These were found using distance marching via Dijkstra's algorithm. The mesh is colored towards the distance to these points. Hence David looks rather speckled/sick.

gregorni, to Julia avatar

Any Nim or Julia people out there that also do app development? Can I get some ✋?

_wurli, to meta avatar

syntax idea: f(unction)-strings.

One could define a function to operate on a single string like so:

g" <- function(x) {
glue::glue(x, .envir = parent.frame())

This would basically give you something very similar to Python's f-strings:

g"1 + 1 = {1 + 1}"
#> [1] "1 + 1 = 2"

This idea comes from , which lets you define non-standard string literals in the same way:

For me, this actually feels in keeping with R's stripped back, functional vibe.

terence, to random avatar

In any case, I'll keep doing what helps me to stay at this job so here's a visualisation of the forest cover of Japan in triangles.

- joint adventures

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