nrennie, to random avatar

A fantastic day at London conference today!

My slides on "Typst or LaTeX? Styling PDF documents with Quarto extensions" are available online 👀

Link to slides:


robinlovelace, (edited ) to foss avatar

Request for help from anyone with #rstats package development experience or knowledge of time data, especially if you've worked with .ical files before: checks failing in the {calendar} package preventing updated on CRAN and I'm not sure why 🤷 . Thanks to new contributors for reviving this package after ~5 years dev hiatus! Please spread the word @rOpenSci and anyone in this #foss for #DataScience (or at least dates) space! Details:

ramikrispin, to python avatar

(1/3) I am excited to share that my course - Data Pipeline Automation with GitHub Actions Using R and Python 🚀, is now available on LinkedIn Learning!

The course provides an introduction to setting up automation with GitHub Actions with both R and Python. Throughout the course, we will use a real-life example by working with the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) API for data automation. 🧵👇🏼

necrosis, to science German avatar

Leute. Ich hab sooooooooooo was geiles entdeckt.

Kennt ihr schon ?

Damit kann man Tools eine verpassen. 😍

Ok, das würde sich auch mit von umsetzen lassen. Aber dennoch.

Für unsere Beschäftigten, die eher Windows gewohnt sind kann ich so Shell Tools leichter zugänglich machen. Das ist so toll. 😍

Für sicher auch einen Blick wert. :3

brodriguesco, to random avatar

why are there two versions of MASS on src/contrib of CRAN?

A11yAwareness, to random avatar

Color can be a great way to distinguish data points in charts. But don't rely on color alone to convey information, as that can make things difficult for colorblind users. Using different shapes or patterns can help. Make sure patterns or textures are simple and not distracting.

Mehrad, avatar

In some cases like heatmaps which using patterns and shapes are not possible, we can use colorblind-compatible color palettes to make them more accessible:

#RStats #DataViz #colorblindness

rOpenSci, to rstats Spanish avatar

📦 [A package a day - Computing Infrastructure 30]

Today's Computing Infrastructure package is assertr

Assertive Programming for R Analysis Pipelines
🙏 Maintained by Tony Fischetti

Do you use this package? Tell us about it!


coolbutuseless, to random avatar

Help needed!

I want to email R-devel & get clarification on "Can we create custom connections in packages?"

I find the situation confusing because using the "Connections.h" is mentioned in R-exts manual - and so formally(?) part of the API

But this conflicts with the NOTE generated if you try to use "R_new_custom_connection()" which says it is "non-API"

Am I tilting at windmills? Poking the bear? HELP!

Edits/suggestions welcomed in the gist below.

stevensanderson, to programming avatar

I have published version 1.4.0 of my TidyDensity #R

I’ll share the updates all next week

eddelbuettel, to random avatar

RcppSpdlog 0.0.17 on CRAN: New Upstream
Modern C++ logging for R extension packages

aphalo, to books avatar

The second edition of my book "Learn R: As a Langauge" has been published today in the R Series. The publisher is offering a 20% discount until 31 July. More information at the supporting R package will be in CRAN next week.

PipingHotData, to random avatar

I am delighted to present a talk at posit::conf() for the first time! 🙌 You can find me in the session "Beautiful And Effective Tables" presenting on "Context is King" - a talk about variable labels. 🎉

✨ Session:

✨ Register:

stevensanderson, to datascience avatar

Discover efficient string splitting in R using strsplit()!

Learn practical examples and unleash the power of regular expressions.

Enhance your data cleaning skills and level up your R programming.

Experiment with strsplit() today!




coolbutuseless, to random avatar


(Last meme for the week - I promise!)

brodriguesco, to random avatar

Sad day for users everywhere. Thoughts and prayers to the family!

gaborcsardi, to random avatar

If you see warnings/errors on GitHub Actions related to Matrix incompatibilities for your R package, see this issue for possible workarounds:

robinlovelace, to rust avatar

Excited to announce the release of {stplanr} v1.2.0, on CRAN and beyond 🎉
Key feature: new implementation of rnet_join(), allowing fast+flexible merging of route network datasets, leveraging {rsgeo} which has a fast (~1000x faster than {lwgeom}) backend 🔥

robinlovelace, avatar

In fact, {stplanr} is the first package to build on {rsgeo} of packages in the main package repository. Won't be the last I suspect (and nudge re releasing a new version Josiah ; )

zeileis, to random avatar

Very sad news: Our friend and colleague Fritz Leisch passed away this week.

Among his many contributions:

  • Original R Core Team member
  • Co-founder of CRAN
  • Sweave author for reproducible documents

R Core Team announcement:

BOKU obituary (in German):

hfrick, avatar

@zeileis Fritz's classes in Munich were what got me interested in . His teaching made it a thing that I could not only use but also peek under the hood of. His usage of ICA to separate a very gobbled recording into the national anthems of Germany and Austria, live in the lecture, was a big aha moment of being able to use stats and machine learning on more than just tabular data!

tim_salabim, to random avatar

rig add next
rig switch next

😍 :rstats:

coolbutuseless, to random avatar

Eye-watering stats on packages with unit tests on CRAN

60+% of packages had no tests

From data in 2017 by @juliasilge :

terence, to random avatar

Had a request for Rocky Mountain National Park, so here it is.

adventures, an tale

rmflight, to bioinformatics avatar

What RNA-Seq datasets are everyone using for RNA-Seq differential analysis workshops, using {DESeq2} or {limma} #RStats?

Two or three categories, and ideally a good (4 or 5+) number of replicates, human or mouse?

We have some new methods in ontology enrichment, and we really could use some more datasets to try them on.

I've found the {airways} dataset, and lung adenocarcinoma from {recount3} (as an easy pull). Looking for others. TIA.

#bioinformatics #RnaSeq

stevensanderson, to programming avatar

My #R has been submitted to CRAN for version 1.4.0

Lots of good stuff in this one!


rOpenSci, to rstats Spanish avatar

rOpenSci is proud to welcome a new package to our software suite!🎉

fellingdater: Estimate, report and combine felling dates of historical tree-ring series by @KristofHaneca

Peer review:

🙏 Thank you to reviewers @njtierney and @ajpelu!


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