datasciencejobs, to datascience avatar
robinlovelace, (edited ) to foss avatar

Request for help from anyone with #rstats package development experience or knowledge of time data, especially if you've worked with .ical files before: checks failing in the {calendar} package preventing updated on CRAN and I'm not sure why 🤷 . Thanks to new contributors for reviving this package after ~5 years dev hiatus! Please spread the word @rOpenSci and anyone in this #foss for #DataScience (or at least dates) space! Details:

ramikrispin, to python avatar

(1/3) I am excited to share that my course - Data Pipeline Automation with GitHub Actions Using R and Python 🚀, is now available on LinkedIn Learning!

The course provides an introduction to setting up automation with GitHub Actions with both R and Python. Throughout the course, we will use a real-life example by working with the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) API for data automation. 🧵👇🏼

stevensanderson, to datascience avatar

Discover efficient string splitting in R using strsplit()!

Learn practical examples and unleash the power of regular expressions.

Enhance your data cleaning skills and level up your R programming.

Experiment with strsplit() today!




robinlovelace, to rust avatar

Excited to announce the release of {stplanr} v1.2.0, on CRAN and beyond 🎉
Key feature: new implementation of rnet_join(), allowing fast+flexible merging of route network datasets, leveraging {rsgeo} which has a fast (~1000x faster than {lwgeom}) backend 🔥

robinlovelace, avatar

Many people to thank for this release 🙏
It's been almost 8 years since {stplanr} v0.01 was released to support #DataScience tools for #Transportation planning. The first major use case was the Propensity to Cycle Tool 🚲 now publicly available at

ramikrispin, to llm avatar

It was a pleasure to present this morning at the ODSC East about data automation with LMM.

Code examples and a tutorial are available on this repo:
The slides are available on this repo:

Thanks to the conference organizers for the invite and the folks attending the session! 🙏

#llm #data #DataScience #python #ollama #openai

datasciencejobs, to datascience avatar

🏢 LV= General Insurance is hiring a Senior Data Scientist
Location: 🇬🇧 London, United Kingdom

jumpingrivers, to datascience avatar

📣 Exciting news, everyone! 🌟 Make sure to head over to this weeks blog "What's new in R 4.4.0?" by Russ Hyde, and dive into the world of the latest R release📊🔬💻

Discover some of the amazing new features that this version has to offer! 🔍 🔭 🚀

ramikrispin, to llm avatar

In case you are wondering, the new Microsoft mini LLM - phi3, can handle code generation, in this case, SQL.

I compared the runtime (locally on CPU) with respect to codellama:7B using Ollama, and surprisingly the Phi3 runtime was significantly slower.

#llm #DataScience #python #phi #machinelearning #ollama

leanpub, to datascience avatar

The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book (PDF + EPUB + extra PDF formats) by Andriy Burkov is on sale on Leanpub! Its suggested price is $40.00; get it for $14.00 with this coupon:

datasciencejobs, to datascience avatar

🏢 Quintessential AI is hiring a Senior Data Scientist
Location: 🇬🇧 Remote, United Kingdom

#DataScience #DataScientist #tech #JobSearch #GetFediHired #HashyJobs #UK

ramikrispin, to python avatar

Thanks to @medium Staff for selecting my recent article - Introduction to Multi-Stage Image Build for Python 🐍, for a boost ❤️!

This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide for converting a regular Python Dockerfile into a multi-stage build 🚀.


#python #docker #mlops #medium #datascience

news, to ai avatar

AI-Weekly for Tuesday, April 23, 2024 - Volume 109

The Week's News in Artificial Intelligence
A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication

Subscribers: 17,060 Opt-In Subscribers were sent this issue via email.

datasciencejobs, to datascience avatar
infobeautiful, to datascience avatar

Now this is #datascience. Which is the best Mario Kart Deluxe kart combo out of 703,560 possible customisations?

ramikrispin, to python avatar

(1/4) 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢-𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝 🐳 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐧 🐍

The size of the Docker image could quickly increase during the build time. I became more mindful of the image size when I started to deploy on Github Actions. The bigger the image size, the longer the run time and the higher the runtime cost.

This is when you should consider using a multi-stage build 🚀.


ramikrispin, avatar

(4/4) I created the following tutorial for setting up a dockerized Python environment using a multi-stage approach 👇🏼

Happy Build! 🐳🏗️

eddelbuettel, to datascience avatar

STAT 447 -- aka Methods -- is coming to a close for this term, and I am quite pleased with how we ended with a story arc: from shell via other key tools, a lot of to ... Github Actions using shell again to tie it all together (with the Spotify example I had posted about earlier). Slides are at (while other material is for Illinois students only),

ramikrispin, to datascience avatar

Forecasting Time Series with Gradient Boosting ❤️

The skforecast Python 🐍 library provides ML applications for time series forecasting using different regression models from the scikit-learn library. Here is a tutorial by Joaquín Amat Rodrigo and Javier Escobar Ortiz for time series forecasting with the skforecast using XGBoost, LightGBM, Scikit-learn, and CatBoost models 🚀.



wolfensteijn, to grafana avatar

Changed the hardware that does the actual recording from a Raspberry pi to a Lenovo tiny. Running PVE with Debian as a virtual machine.

That got rid of a ground loop noise in the recordings.

Now to figure out a way to build these Obirdability dashboards for my data. and

Skunk, to python

Aller il est temps de respecter la coutume et de faire mon

Je suis Skunk car j'aime bien les moufettes 🦨. Homme franco-suisse de 40 ans. Pas vraiment français ni vraiment suisse mais je m'en fout j'aime mon petit bout de pays bizarre.

Contrôleur aérien et pilote privé. Je baigne dans l'aéronautique depuis mon adolescence donc forcément j'ai basculé du coté obscur de la force et bosse dans le secteur.
Je vole de moins en moins car tout coûte cher dans la vie et ayant grandi avec un IBM PS/1 à la maison je suis forcément devenu geek et gamer. Je peux donc assouvir ma soif de vol aux instruments grâce à Flight Sim et Xplane (et pas du tout car il est impossible de louer un ).

A 20 j'ai décidé réaliser mon rêve; être artiste et devenir écrivain. A 30 ans j'ai pris la décision de me sortir les doigts du fondement pour quitter mon job. A 40 ans je suis toujours dans l'aérien et n'ai que des manuscrits non réécrit ou corrigés...

Du coup, nouveau plan ! Je vais apprendre le et le #c++, et . Perfectionner mes , faire du et écrire des pour devenir un gros profiteur qui paie son loyer en faisant du . Mais surtout pour reprendre le contrôle sur mon emploi du temps et utiliser ce temps libre pour l'écriture mais aussi devenir expert , monter une entreprise dédiée à ça qui finira par faire des jeux vidéos car le c'est la vie ❤️

La suite est simple: Succès, domination du monde, fêtes, abus, mst, alcoolisme, mort.

Mais bon pour l'instant je soigne ma procrastination en traînant sur le Fediverse donc ça n'avance pas beaucoup cette histoire...

datasciencejobs, to datascience avatar
datasciencejobs, to datascience avatar

🏢 BenevolentAI is hiring a Senior Principal Cheminformatics Data Scientist
Location: 🇬🇧 London, United Kingdom

ZHAW_Digital_Discourse_Lab, to datascience avatar

🏆 Our #SwissAL-CHORD team won second place in the Open Research Data Poster Prize at the Data Science for the Sciences (DS4S) conference held on April 11-12, 2024, in Bern. 🏆

Congratulations to all the winners and participants, and a huge thank you to the organizers of the DS4S conference, Swiss Data Science Center and Universität Bern! #DS4S #DataScience


ramikrispin, to llm avatar

I am excited to present at the OSDC East conference next week about using LLM to create language to SQL code generator.

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