lavender avatar


Helping out with ARTEMIS!
Find more of my stuff [HERE].

I have created a few magazines to get settled here - if you want to contribute or take over as moderator, do let me know!

lavender avatar

Might not be your cup of tea, but I feel like there’s overlap with puzzle games: roguelike deckbuilding games. I got hooked on Slay the Spire on PC a few years ago, and they had it on Playstation Plus recently so I’m hooked again. In similar genre I can recommend Monster Train. They’re mostly pick up and play, there’s no timer counting down… and they’re often on sale.

melroy, to kbin avatar

@minnieo @lavender @fearout Would you like to take a look at this ticket, if you feel inspired to work on it? Any help or ideas are welcome. Thanks in advance!

lavender avatar

@melroy Done and done! Love being a part of this, so if there are posts of similar nature I might miss in the tracker, do ping me!

lavender avatar

Not to forget, mentioning @fearout for his great suggestions and critical eye!

OC I’m back with several more community icons: check out Artemis (future kbin app), Urban Details, 3D Modeling and some other stuff

Honestly, I’ve been really enjoying making these, probably the most I’ve been excited to model something for months. So I exchanged some sleep for a faster turnaround :) Previous post here...

lavender avatar

Oh the ping didn't come through for this posts! Love seeing the new stuff now on my desktop, great work. I'm going to implement the @3dmodeling icon immediately.

lavender avatar

Us vs. them is as bad as ever. Just use emoji if you want, but don’t overuse them? Live and let live I say.

lavender avatar

This whole 'we need a name and a mascot' deal has big 'Stop trying to make Fetch happen' vibes.

lavender avatar

We have a new icon! Thank you for this tasty render, really nice job on the colors.
Gonna have to agree on the ortho view... It's a stylistic choice but realism matters, too.

OC I designed and rendered a couple of icons for the magazines I started. This magazine's creator suggested I share them here as well

So I 3D modelled two icons (well, illustrations rather) for the communities that I created on kbin: Industrial Design and Jewelry Design. These icons are meant to reimagine kbin’s logo in a way that's relevant to each community....

lavender avatar

I'll repeat myself here - these renders just look so tasty and tangible. Really great job on the texture details, and I love your explanations for your design choices.

OC I designed and rendered a couple of icons for the magazines I started, and I’d like to share some behind the scenes images with y'all. I’m also open to doing a few more of these in future.

So I 3D modelled two icons (well, illustrations rather) for the communities that I created on kbin: Industrial Design and Jewelry Design. These icons are meant to reimagine kbin’s logo in a way that's relevant to each community....

lavender, (edited )
lavender avatar

These look great! Just the right amount of detail.
I have created @3dmodeling and @zbrush here, so if you’re interested in sharing these there too I’d personally love that!

lavender avatar

was replying from mobile - so I'd like to add here... Great work on the texturing! The materials really look like their real life counterparts, perhaps even a bit more edible than supposed to. Which is a good thing.

lavender avatar

I knew I made a mistake somewhere 😂 I’ll get to it - I’ve been focused on the past weeks, so slowly catching up on my magazines!

lavender avatar

Absolutely amazing, love your contribution here!

lavender avatar

@SnowboardBum @kjr

I am presuming @PabloDiscobar means that in general, online spaces gravitate towards American-focused content posted by Americans, for Americans, moderated by Americans. The web is a different place when you're about 6 hours ahead of the main content generators. Other kinds of views and experiences get posed, but get washed away the moment the East Coast wakes up.

An example is Reddit's 'WorldNews' sub mainly focusing on American issues. As a Dutch person, I would not consider some Texan individual's issues with city council world news.

lavender avatar

QRD on Calckey and Misskey? I'm afraid I missed that whole conversation.

Tribalism is a big issue in the social media space, and I hoped the whole 'connected platforms' thing would kind of alleviate that. Still, everyone wants to be part of the 'winning' team, and folks are less likely to socially invest in a platform without good reason.

As stated, I am glad kbin denotes instance origins. Some folks are just too set in the 'my team has to win' mindset, and will dismiss or disrupt any other information received from elsewhere.

lavender avatar

If you build it, they will come. I fear the same regarding corporate, but money does make the world go round. We're in the wild west!

lavender avatar

I mean, they are using Linux for the Steam Deck, right? Shows they're open to supporting non-standard platforms, and seeing their potential.

lavender avatar

If I recall correctly, the name /kbin originates from linux development, where /sbin relates to essential system binaries. When developing this platform, the term /kbin came from a joke between @ernest and friends. I believe it also refers to a Karabin, a Polish rifle. Ernest is Polish.

lavender avatar

Glad to read I was somewhat correct in my assumption.
It's one of the main reasons I don't really watch the Dutch news broadcasts anymore, 50% of the content is American drama not relevant to me.

lavender avatar

Fair points! Glad to have a choice, at least. Even though some people like to think otherwise and astroturf a lot.

lavender avatar

They behaved as if discussions of other Fedivese microblogs themselves were some sort of existential threat to the Fediverse.

The web keeps evolving, and honestly in the end usability and accessibility will be key. We're waiting for a project that can lower the bar for the 'common' user who wants to click a button and yell into the void. Probably Meta's intended audience. I expect that this future project will in turn become more of a containment zone than an actual place for discussion, but hey at least the folks who want more than Twitter/Reddit 2.0 will have an entry point to the rest of the fediverse without having to deal with the semantics of it.

Incidentally, where in kbin does it show what type of service other users are using?

Ah, I meant the hostname, not the specific type/kind of instance. Still, to at least be able to differentiate on source rather than claiming everything as its own content, is something I do appreciate. It would either teach me to ignore or value certain contributions more or less, given their origins - i.e. an instance ran by propaganda machines or big business.

lavender avatar

I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.

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