Emacs Org-Mode - Your life in plain text

@birv2@pkm.social avatar

So excited that I was able to write a blog post in #orgmode #emacs and publish it to my #classicpress blog from within orgmode! The new post ain't much to look at, and there's no content to speak of. Just a proof of concept. And it proofed!

Thanks, #org2blog!

@publicvoit@graz.social avatar

@birv2 Looking good! 👍

@harish@hachyderm.io avatar

@birv2 It works!


So, I think I start to understand why I always fail to use Org-mode, or any other software made for the same goal.

Until now, I wanted to use it to track and plan all my tasks. Including tasks I don't want to do but have to. So, every time I used it, it remind me of all the boring stuff I don't want to do. It result as my brain prefer to avoid using it and be focus on something else.

When I was using Org-mode, I finished by being freeze: I don't do the tasks I don't want to, and because of that, I was feeling that I didn't deserve to do what I wanted to. In the end, I was doing nothing because of that.

And I also tried to use Org-mode during period of time where I have a lot of work to do, where mistake was not possible for me. In these times, I can't experiment new things. I need to rely on thing that I have already used and have proven it worked for me, even if it's less efficient than Org-mode.

So, what to do now ?

I start to use Org-mode to track only, no planing. I mark only the tasks I want to do. Like that, I will be very happy to use it.

When I took the habit to use Org-mode, I will start to time my tasks. It will help me with my inability to represent time in my head.

Then I will start to introduce task I don't want to. Maybe with a counter. If I have more than 3 tasks per week, I have the right to push the rest of them to next week.

And finally, I will maybe introduce planing.

But for each step, I will wait to take some habits.



@fox That's an no interesting aspect: unlinking Org from things you don't like to do (dish washing, tax statement, visiting mother in law ... err, just joking).

I also used Org a lot for documentation: In my company, I was the only one on Emacs. And I liked to have docs in the git repository, not in some directory with Word documents. So I wrote the doc in Org and expected (usually) to HTML and (sometimes) to PDF.

I'm a weird guy: I like documenting to some degree.

I happened to program a lot on the embedded devices. There you have lots of ICs attached via i2c, SPI or what not. You have to manage from the bootloader and/or Linux kernel. So you need detection code, driver implementation, tests for all this. And sometimes user facing docs ("how to get the board temperature"). For the first part I used Org's checklist. Already when reading the schematics I made lots of entries of what I needed to implement. And the last part was done org-babel blocks (begin/end example, begin/end shell).

In one larger project (special device made for a mining supplier) I had perhaps 400 check marks. And hundred org-babel blocks. But for my brain this was no chore. Instead I drawed satisfaction out of closing them one after the other.

So this is how I tricked my Neandertal brain :-)

However, I see suck at org-agenda line tasks. I have too few of them to get into any routine.

@jfdm@discuss.systems avatar

It always annoys me that both and do not appear to have a 'clean'/plain flag for generating output.

I want 'plain' LaTeX and HTML with no additions or custom elements...no \tightlist in list environments, nor <div> around sections. Just plain unadulterated markup, that is all...

@jfdm@discuss.systems avatar

@pandoc thanks, for giving context! I really like the tooling as I’ve had to use to them both take a single source and convert to n-ary formats. (CommonMark to HTML, DocX, LaTeX) but I would love to do more academic writing in it, sadly the extra built in markup needs to be removed for publishers AFAICT.

Hopefully things can change. I equally love and hate pandoc and orgmode with the same amount of passion!

@pandoc@fosstodon.org avatar

@jfdm One option for academic writing could be #Quarto. It uses pandoc under the hood, but has scientific publishing set as one of the goals. See, e.g., https://quarto.org/docs/extensions/listing-journals.html
Any LaTeX acceptance problems would be treated as a bug there, I'd assume.

@birv2@pkm.social avatar

I'm a noob to and loving it. Just wondering how many other "platforms" accept or translate .org files? Or will I usually have to change formats if using a file elsewhere?

@greg@gregnewman.io avatar
@publicvoit@graz.social avatar

@greg @birv2 In particular: https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/doc/Tool-Support.org

And learn to use pandoc which converts orgdown (= orgmode syntax) to almost any relevant format.

@sqrtminusone@emacs.ch avatar

I've got an question.

I have an org file for a long-running project. It's getting hard to manage because there are lots of different tasks, events, etc.

I think I want to create an "archive version" of that file, which would have the same structure but store items, say, with a timestamp older than 2 months. That would require two basic steps:

  • extracting a subtree from the original file;
  • merging the extracted subtree into the archived version.

I could implement that, but I wonder if there is any existing way for that? Or some other approach that would address the same issue?

@publicvoit@graz.social avatar

@sqrtminusone Well, there is the archive function org-archive-subtree-default.

By default, the archive file has a flat hierarchy (or no hierarchy at all).

In my config, you'll find "org-archive-subtree-hierarchically" which fixes that: https://github.com/novoid/dot-emacs/blob/master/config.org

This function is rather old and therefore, its functionality might be part of Org-mode in the meantime. I don't know.

Archiving sub-trees is till manual work to me and I like that.

@sqrtminusone@emacs.ch avatar

Thanks Amy @grinn for pointing me to the necessary pieces of org-refile! It would have taken much longer to figure out otherwise.

I've made a function that org-refiles the entry at point into "archive/<file-name>.org", preserving the header structure. I only had to implement creating nonexistent headers because `org-refile' can create just one level out-of-the-box.

And another function that performs that operation on all entries found by `org-ql'.

The code is here: https://sqrtminusone.xyz/configs/emacs/#archiving-records

mdk, French
@mdk@mamot.fr avatar

Haha :

| mdk.fr | 6.763/6.763/6.763/0.000 ms |
| afpy.org | 7.165/7.165/7.165/0.000 ms |
| reflets.info | 3.920/3.920/3.920/0.000 ms |
#+TBLFM: $2='(shell-command-to-string (concat "ping -c 1 " $1 " | tail -n 1 | cut -d= -f2 | tr -d '\n'"))

Oui c'est un tableau #orgmode qui ping des noms de domaines, #emacs


#kagi.el 0.5 was released yesterday and is now available on MELPA Stable. Most of the highlights have already been mentioned on my timeline:

• Define your own prompts with define-kagi-fastgpt-prompt' • Embed prompts and responses inside #orgmode • A no-cache' parameter for some summarizer commands (so your text flows through Kagi's infrastructure without retention)

You can find the full changelog in the README.




Now it's possible to access FastGPT from :

#+begin_src kagi-fastgpt
A prompt inside an Org Babel block.

Check the README how to configure.



With an Org-mode code block, is it possible to define a caption to be added on top of the result ?



Like a PlantUML block. I want to add a CAPTION on the result image, and also some LATEX_ATTR and HTML_ATTR.


@fox @ericsfraga

on the result image

That is currently not possible, as org-mode has no feature to modify an image generated by some other program (plantuml, graphviz etc)

Also, originally you asked about captions generally. A code block can also run e.g. Python code and use the output of it in a result block. The minority of code blocks generate images.

@aRubes@sloth.run avatar

@publicvoit do you know of a good process to quickly produce a daily like page using ?

publicvoit, (edited )
@publicvoit@graz.social avatar

@aRubes I'm using a plain A4 sheet, folded twice (EDIT: three times!) with a handwritten date on the upper left corner: https://karl-voit.at/2015/07/19/Capturing-via-Hipster-PDA/

There are plenty of templates online but I prefer an empty sheet.

@greg@gregnewman.io avatar

In my "play time" with as an user I haven't felt like I trust this app for many reasons. One is that I have installed too many plugins and now it’s overly complicated/bloated - I don't even want to open it. Time to dumb it back down and if it still doesn't stick then keep using . The only reason I've been testing it out is a desire for a better iOS experience with my notes.

@plaugg@hessen.social avatar

@greg @Vorinstanz ah. That depends on how you sync. You can point both apps to a synced folder (I am in aplle ecosystem, so there both would point to an iCloud folder). Also logseq is offering a (paid) sync option. I have not explored that.

@greg@gregnewman.io avatar

@plaugg @Vorinstanz yes, it expects it to be in an icloud folder - something like iCloud~com~logseq~logseq/Documents on mobile. I can put it anywhere for the desktop app and don't want to do the symlink dance for mobile.

@al3x@hachyderm.io avatar

After losing some edits of files in between and , tonight I have added a save-on-focus-lost to Emacs:

(add-hook 'focus-out-hook ‘org-save-all-org-buffers)

The simplicity to accomplish this result is incredible. Similar things can be accomplished in too.

Modern editors have to expose configuration flags for such features. Which are indeed easier to use if present, but less configurable and less composable.

@hajovonta@mastodon.online avatar

@al3x BuT mOdErN eDiToRs ArE mAgIc, WhY wOuLd YoU uSe EmAcS ?!


@hajovonta @al3x I could program Emacs to fix your flaky shift key behavior ...

@BigEatie@fosstodon.org avatar

I'm trying to use as a replacement for . I'm wondering if others use Org that way, and what their solutions are for getting inline plots/images. Ideally I'd like to be able to get regular stdout output and plot output from the same code block as you can in jupyter, and then have the image show up inline at a reasonable size without having to manually mess with filenames, image sizes or adjust headers every time I want to do that.

@BigEatie@fosstodon.org avatar


This was a fantastic presentation, thanks Sacha!

@sachac@emacs.ch avatar

@BigEatie also possibly of interest/inspiration, although of course the LLM part is extra and totally optional: https://emacsconf.org/2023/talks/matplotllm/

RogerBW, (edited )
@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

Help me . I want to insert something into my documents that will resolve to the current date (ISO8601) when I call org-latex-export-to-pdf—i.e. it will give the PDF document a visible last-edited date. I have some LaTeX that does this in LyX, but I haven't got Org to pass it through…

@geoff@emacs.ch avatar

@RogerBW {{{date}}} requires that a #+DATE: header be set, but the time one should work and gives the exact time the file was exported for me.

@RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

@geoff Aha yes that's what was going on - I hadn't realised I needed to set DATE explicitly to use {{{date}}} (which of course isn't what I want to do anyway). {{{time(%Y-%m-%d)}}} gets the job done. Thanks!

@bigeatie@emacs.ch avatar

I love , but there is an idiosyncrasy in org-capture's that seems atrocious to me. Whenever I go to capture a note, the capture buffer deletes all windows that are open except one, and splits it so only that window and the org-capture window are visible. As far as I can tell this is the behavior regardless of what your settings for display-buffer are.

This seems to be because instead of respecting display-buffer settings it uses delete-other-windows to ignore them instead. I can advise it to ignore delete-other-windows, which is better, but it still undoes any changes I make to my window layout while the org-capture buffer is open. Secondly, it also doesn't restore windows properly. I cannot fathom why the maintainers would ignore a user's display-buffer preferences.

This is bad enough that I'm thinking about abandoning org-roam, (and probably any other org-capture based workflows). I carefully curate my window layout so that I have the information needed available to me. Org-capture decides that it knows better, and leaves me with a highly inefficient workflow for accessing the information I need to make my note. I just don't understand the rationale here.

If anyone knows a workaround to this insanity, please let me know.


@bigeatie Emacs winner-mode has a winner-undo command that should fix your issue.

@bigeatie@emacs.ch avatar

@holgerschurig Unfortunately winner-undo doesn't seem to work well with EXWM windows.

@lucasvreis@mathstodon.xyz avatar
@ctietze@mastodon.social avatar

@lucasvreis ugh, sorry for not checking the link!

That's the second time in a week that I interact with the media attachment but do not even notice the link above it. My bad, trained myself to read images/video below links as preview.

@ctietze@mastodon.social avatar

@lucasvreis I've never heard of ADB, that's interesting. So you have the Boox device as a development device?

@klaatu@mastodon.xyz avatar

I'm using Orgzly Revived to view docs on mobile.

For $reasons, I want two "documents" in one file. I want a section zero before a list, and then ANOTHER section zero before ANOTHER list:

Blah blah  
* Foo  
** Bar

Blargh blargh  
* Baz  
** Quux  

How do I make it so my 2nd Section Zero ("blargh blargh" in my sample) is not seen as a subsection of the list above it (** Bar, in my sample) ?

I have a feeling I'm doing it right but that Orgzly is just parsing it wrong.

@ctietze@mastodon.social avatar

@klaatu Yeah the org syntax makes this impossible.

Headings look like lists, but they actually aren't -- so anything you write after any heading is subsumed as a paragraph under that section.

Depending on the actual content, maybe you do want lists instead? The ones with the dash - for example?

@publicvoit@graz.social avatar

If you would conduct a presentation or a demo for an #engineeringdiary and #knowledgebase, what topic(s) would you mention in any case that might not be one of the obvious candidates?

#orgmode #PIM

@jfdm@discuss.systems avatar

I find very useful, but getting org-super-agenda and custom agenda commands to work is almost impossible for me. :-(

@dliden@emacs.ch avatar

@jfdm I have always really wanted to make the agenda a useful part of my workflow but I've just never managed to get there. The amount of work to get it to display what I want has always outweighed the benefits I've gotten from it. :-(

@dekkzz76@emacs.ch avatar

@dliden @jfdm

i've found stock agenda views worked for a long time & only have made minor changes along the way.

plus i don't just install all the org packages, i need a specific need to do that.

@Sdowney@mastodon.social avatar

Whenever I break the rule of "work on a branch and all improvement is a commit", I suffer. I get out over my skis and tumble down the mountain.

But I got to a spot where I can use bikeshed css for the nav sidebar from an export, with some custom export.

Including the actually terrible "hide sidebar" UI.

Web standards infrastructure authors have typical developer UI skills.


@bbatsov@hachyderm.io avatar

Are you surprised by those results? It seems that and are (way) less popular than I thought, and that is way more popular than I expected.

Of course, we should take those results with a grain of salt, as I assume many of my followers are users. 😀

postroutine, French
@postroutine@framapiaf.org avatar

What is your workflow for your Org-mode notes ? In which context do you take these notes ?

I'm curious.

@publicvoit@graz.social avatar

There no single workflow related to notes and Org-mode to me.

Here's a selection: https://karl-voit.at/2019/09/25/using-orgmode/

I use notes in all digital contexts.

(Your language setting was french.)

@whistlewright@liberdon.com avatar

What does this mean?

The error comes up when I run the build.sh script for my created blog

"No match for fuzzy expression: *posts for /home/whistlewright/git/ragamuffinjim.github.io/my-org-site/content/posts/sitemap.org::*posts"


@whistlewright Run (toggle-debug-on-error) before you actually run the export command.

That way you can see the backtrace.

@darth@emacs.ch avatar

This dude Carsten Domin is a freaking wizard. I love ! :blobfoxemacspeek:​

@publicvoit@graz.social avatar

@darth I really don't want to contradict but it's been a while since Carsten actively worked on Org-mode. There are many, many contributions from other people but him.

It's a fairly large and active community.

However, I agree, that Carsten did design a hell of a markup language especially compared to the popular ones: https://karl-voit.at/2017/09/23/orgmode-as-markup-only/


#6 [[bbb:OrgMeetup]] on Wed, Feb 14, 19:00 UTC+3,Europe/Istanbul

Another OrgMeetup will be scheduled on the second Wednesday of February,
in the coming week.

Previous meetup notes:

URL: https://bbb.emacsverse.org/b/iho-h7r-qg8-led
Time & Date: <2024-02-14 Wed 19:00-21:00 @+03,Europe/Istanbul>
The room will be open half an hour before the official start.

During the meetup, we can:

  • Give advice to new users
  • Showcase Org configs or workflows
  • Demo/discuss interesting packages
  • Troubleshoot each-other's issues
  • Discuss Org mode development
  • Discuss "Org mode" section of Emacs news (https://sachachua.com/blog/)
  • Discuss anything else Org-related

Everyone is free to join the discussion/chat or lurk around silently,

We will not do any recording by default.

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