
blanketswithsmallpox, to comics in Origin story
blanketswithsmallpox avatar

I enjoyed her comics on reddit so figure I'd shill them here since she isn't around. I also no longer have Facebook or Twitter so I have no idea what the titles are lol.



I feel like she'll be here eventually. I do enjoy her humor.


If you could post the funny versions that people make of her comics that would be much more appreciated.


I think people might be saying "funny" to mean "relatable" because this comic is for sure not funny.


It’s like observation comedy without the comedy.


Please don't. No need to have spammed here too

Gutotito avatar

She's funny, but she's a bitch. Please don't summon her here.


How so?

Gutotito avatar

She has zero ethical hangups about mobilizing her fans to shout-down and destroy anyone she has an issue with. Her behavior on Reddit was abhorrent, and we don't need her here.

stevecrox avatar

Can you provide an example, the few threads I saw her participate in she seemed nice.

If she mobilised her fans to shout down people who sent her dick pics, nazi's, trump/nigel farage/bojo, pro russian fans I would view that as a positive

Gutotito avatar

Well, I couldn't speak to what she's gotten in DMs, but she shut me down and got all pissy when I was agreeing with her, so I can only imagine that at least half of what's said about her publicly is true. This is the same name I used on Reddit, so you're welcome to look at the history -- I even pinned a post with all the vitriol she sent me -- though you'll probably have to use the wayback machine, since Reddit permabanned me for the eighth time.

Edit: And, to be fair, she edits her posts and threads religiously. As you'll see if you find the post I'm talking about, I had to publish screenshots of her toxicity because she edited threads down to portray a completely different narrative.



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  • Gutotito,
    Gutotito avatar

    As far as the post goes, I can't find it because of Reddit -- when they "permaban" you, you can't even search your own profile. I could probably dig up the screenshots and re-up them, but I'm honestly too lazy and not nearly invested enough in this situation.



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  • Gutotito, (edited )
    Gutotito avatar

    And so could literally anyone else. With the up-side being that I can't be accused of manipulating the results.

    Edit: Thanks for the slew of downvotes. Have some for yourself. Sharing is caring! Also... ya know... blocked.

    Ferk, (edited )
    Ferk avatar

    The guy you're talking with went into a downvote rampage in kbin and downvoted my whole history and that of several other people (who deserve an upvote in return, like @KbinItTogether @IHeartBadCode @TheOlympian @blanketswithsmallpox @Satelllliiiiiiiteeee & probably more), just because they downvoted the comment where he said Pizzacake "is a b**ch".

    So I would take with a fistful of salt whatever problems he might have had with anyone, specially if he was banned for it. He must be a very caustic person with self-confidence issues if he's so easily hurt as to need to go on childish vindictive crusades against people who happen to disagree with something he said.... I'd say if anything, this behavior is proof that what he's claiming about Pizzacake is likely distorted/magnified by the sad bitterness he must feel for having been banned for it.

    IHeartBadCode avatar

    You know in all fairness. Some people have difficulty with criticism. It is what it is. You know I tried pointing out to the person, "you are saying things and doing things that make it difficult to believe your story." One of the things the person said to me:

    If this bothers you, you should try not starting shit to begin with

    And the thing is, if being critical of your story is starting shit, well that's going to be a problem on social media and it starts to lend credence towards why someone would not be friendly with you. And you know, some people who have really bad issues with criticism go into a victim mentality, and that's what this person comes off as having an issue with. They perpetually put themselves into positions to confirm their bias towards being a victim.

    You know, it takes all kinds in this world. Person just really needs to work on being able to take criticism a bit better. I mean we all could, but obviously that person a bit more-so than the rest. But I will say, the person has indicated that they are blocking us. Which, I mean, begs the question who does that person think is benefiting from that block? I know, I'll enjoy the silence and likely a bit more than they will. But doing that, all that really does is reinforce a particular echo in what eventually makes it back to you in comments.

    I think that's the great part about people being critical, constructively obviously, you get to see things from different perspectives. I think person came here hoping to see only a single perspective rather than multiple ones and ones that may very well be critical of their narrative. But you know, maybe that is something people "want"? I've not really ever understood the surrounding yourself with a homogenize group's opinion. So maybe I don't understand that mentality. But I can see that the person is very hypersensitive to things outside their homogenized viewpoint and that kind of stuff can cloud one's ability to clearly see events as they are. And that makes it difficult to believe what the person was originally saying.

    blanketswithsmallpox avatar


    She's funny, but she's a bitch. Please don't summon her here.

    Ahhh so the indignant self righteous not-an-incels are already here lol. You're all over this thread spewing hate and negativity why?

    I can see why she didn't want to post somewhere without lots of moderating abilities.

    Gutotito avatar

    You're all over this thread spewing hate and negativity why?

    And you went through my profile downvoting everything why?

    TheOlympian avatar


    You did the same thing to me after I reduced some of your citation less nonsense here.

    Every accusation is a confession.

    Gutotito avatar

    It's not like it's hard to tell, dude.

    blanketswithsmallpox avatar

    You realize you're in my thread right? I am reading what you are spewing into the void. Lmfao.

    Gutotito avatar

    Clearly reason enough to be a jerk. Go back to Reddit.

    blanketswithsmallpox avatar

    Yeah, people who are complete assholes, talk shit about others, and spew a bunch of incel buzz words should be scorned and treated with ridicule. That's you my dude. Look at your ludicrous spamming on a COMIC post of all things lol.

    A comic!

    It'd be pitiable if people like you weren't ruining people's lives through toxicity. Let alone the general good vibes. Particularly in 'new' places like the Fediverse where establishing that early culture is so key.

    But no, you had to go and be you lol.

    Gutotito avatar

    TIL: Answering questions directed at me is "spamming," and "bitch" is a buzzword.

    Reported and blocked. Have a nice life.

    IHeartBadCode avatar

    Dude you went though my profile and I just downvoted you, on the comments that I felt were completely out of line for this post. So I mean, you're free to do what you want, but it's going to be a massively uphill battle to convince people that you weren't the toxic one to Pizzacake when you're being vidictive in a very puclic way.

    By all means downvote away, but it's something EVERYONE can see. As @TheOlympian indicated, "it's projection". And it's a bit sad that you sat there and went though a whole bunch of people's timelines to downvote their comments, not because you disagree with what that comment said, but because you got angry.

    Calling them out by name got me "unbanned" every single time, but I'm done at this point...

    So just to use something that you've indicated from your own timeline and I'm doing it as well. I'm calling you out. But on an old comment because I don't group ganging up on you to downvote. And I really wouldn't say anything until I saw that you indicated:

    I had to publish screenshots of her toxicity because she edited threads down to portray a completely different narrative

    You should downvote based on content, not just because you wanted to be vindicitive. I say should, doesn't mean you HAVE TO, but it really hurts your argument that you spent a ton of comments on this post trying to make, when your actions show otherwise. But your actions are pretty toxic and there's a very visible way for people to confirm those actions on this platform.

    Ultimately you do you, but man did you become your own worse enemy on this post. So it's difficult to believe that you were the victim of Pizzacake, just running off of the evidence in front of me here.

    Gutotito avatar

    Yes, I'm vindictive. I return the downvote favor when I see somebody else doing it. If this bothers you, you should try not starting shit to begin with.

    As for the shit with Pizzacake, I again highly recommend you engage her yourself and see how things go. Nothing like experiencing it first-hand IMO.

    Edit: And just so I don't have to experience your stream-of-consciousness bullshit anymore, consider yourself blocked. Bye.

    IHeartBadCode avatar

    If this bothers you, you should try not starting shit to begin with

    It doesn't bug me what I'm indicating is that things you do leave evidence to the contrary of what your indicating in being a "harmless victim of Pizzacake's hate". This is your making, it can be completely your unmaking. So very few people are going to sympathize with your plight that you yourself made.

    I again highly recommend you engage her yourself and see how things go

    I have, have never had a problem. Thank you.

    consider yourself blocked

    I have thusly considered it. And while you might believe that you are the one being spared, I assure you, it is I who is being spared a reply to this message I leave you.

    mozz, (edited ) to leftymemes in "We must send in the national guard to stop these violent extremist protests"
    @mozz@mbin.grits.dev avatar

    Fun fact: During BLM, a lot of the national guard said that they felt like their job, being sent in to “keep order,” was to protect the protestors from the police.

    National guard is different from city police. Most of their time is spent in training, or on things where they’re helping (disasters being a big one). I don’t really know where they shake down on the “going to Kent State and killing protestors” versus “being the only government agency to rescue people with any level of competence and humanity after Hurricane Katrina” scale, in the present day, but I wouldn’t automatically assume they’re the enemy.


    I had a former colleague called up to Minneapolis during that uprising. That seems to be what their understanding generally was. At one point, they were shot at. Returning fire was very much not on their minds, it was more making sure people were OK (no one was hurt).

    Keep order was the idea.

    Seemed the person shooting was basically trying to provoke them. It failed.

    Alto avatar

    Shit like this is why we need to stop allowing our cops to feel like they're soldiers when they have absolute jack shit in the way of training. *

    Acorn hits a cops car and he thinks he needs to kill a man. National Guard actually gets shot at and they don't give a fuck.

    • or yknow, stop letting them play army full stop

    The National Guard has discipline. Police have qualified immunity.


    Correct. Trump also dispatched 750 militarized federal officers through DHS in Portland, sending Secret Service, PFS, CPB, and ICE to shut down protests.


    Biden has not dispatched any forces to dispel protests. Criticism of police conduct should go directly to the mayor of the respective city. Write them and make sure they hear your concerns.

    PCChipsM922U, to piracy in HowTo: Download Video Content from ANY website
    @PCChipsM922U@sh.itjust.works avatar

    There is also yt-dlg, one of the frontends for youtube-dl or yt-dlp.


    KingGordon, to cassettefuturism in 1986 Volkswagen Orbit - Desiged by Italdesign

    You can fit so much beige in this baby.

    guyrocket, to comicstrips in "Good Boy" by Sarah's Scribbles
    guyrocket avatar

    I feel like this witch should say "Foiled!" more often.

    guyrocket, to mildlyinteresting in I got a misprinted fortune cookie fortune
    guyrocket avatar

    One of my best typos: relationshit

    Rhynoplaz, to mildlyinteresting in I got a misprinted fortune cookie fortune

    …in bed.

    @Rinna@lemm.ee avatar

    That’s a tablecloth.


    No, at the end of the fortune you say “in bed”

    It makes it middle school funny.

    @Rinna@lemm.ee avatar

    I forgot about that lol

    southbayrideshare, to comicstrips in Gaston - Chris Hallbeck

    I want a Samuel L Tracksun robot pet bed with an adjustable attitude dial following the sunlight around the room and yelling:

    Oh, I’m sorry. Did I break your concentration? I didn’t mean to do that. Please, continue. You were shining… something about ultraviolet rays? Oh, y-you were finished? Oh, well, allow me to retort. What does the animal on my back look like? [angrily rolls back into the sunlight] What solar system are you from!? Silence ain’t no country I ever heard of! They send photons in “Silence”!? [rolls up on the sunlight again] PHOTONS, MOTHERFUCKER! DO YOU SEND THEM!? MOVE AGAIN! I DARE YOU! I DOUBLE-DARE YOU, MOTHERFUCKER!! MOVE YOUR HELIOCENTRIC ASS ONE MORE GODDAMN TIME!

    DontTreadOnBigfoot, to comicstrips in "neighbor" by they can talk
    @DontTreadOnBigfoot@lemmy.world avatar

    Or in my bonehead dog’s case:

    “A terrible murderer disguised as my owner is breaking into my house with a key, just like he does at 5:30 every day!”

    @DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

    My mom’s dog:

    A vicious psycho killer has entered the room, pretending to be u/DharmaCurious! He’s even mimicked his scent perfectly! Mama, Mama wake up, you’re in danger! … now feed me, imposter!

    m_r_butts, to webcomics in Capitalist Pigs


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  • PP_BOY_,
    @PP_BOY_@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah. I subscribed once just because and it was just lewds and then I started to feel really guilty for taking advantage of a struggling independent artist just to get off. Whole thing just felt dirty to me.


    Lol I was going to suggest that as a fifth panel. But comedy isn’t usually permitted in her comics.



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  • Klear,

    I thought it was fine as far as webcomics go. Precious few maintain both constant quality and regular schedule.

    I don’t miss seeing it in /r/all what felt like every single day, though.

    AToM_exe, to webcomics in Picnic

    Is it possible to block comics from this artist?

    blanketswithsmallpox avatar

    I post them regularly, AToM_exe. I'm unsure how KBin works but I'll just block you in the hopes that you won't have to see them anymore then. Otherwise just block me lol.


    Oh god pleas yes. Haven't seen one in a long time and they somehow got worse


    You can block a user, but if she doesn’t post it herself, like this was not, you just ignore it and move on. What don’t you like about pizzacake she’s funny more than fifty percent of the time. Others are better more are worse.

    Tetra avatar

    I personally never ever ever find her comics funny, I genuinely can't understand what people like about them. The art is bad, the jokes (when I can even find them) are bad, the execution is bad. Even the few times there's a funny idea in there, I find that it just never lands. It's just really bad IMO.

    I know she gets a lot of actual hate, and I want to make it clear I'm not of that crowd, but it does annoy me how much they pop up everywhere despite them being (IMO) of really low quality. Every day there was a new one on the front page of Reddit, and now they're showing up on Kbin too, and they really haven't gotten better lol

    I guess it's also my fault for always clicking on them, thinking "surely, EVENTUALLY there's gonna be at least ONE funny one", and always being disappointed.


    I feel the same way about Ziggy…

    Sir_Osis_of_Liver avatar

    "I don't care for chocolate. I keep trying and trying, but I just don't like it. I see people liking it, but it's just gross. I ask them to explain why they like it, but they can't. I go into every baking shop and complain about all the chocolate, but they keep serving it. I guess my palate is just too sophisticated to be duped like all these other people."

    If you don't like the strip, move on. Let people like the things they like. It's completely unnecessary for you to like them.

    Rocketpoweredgorilla, (edited ) to comics in "Adopting" by Sarah C. Andersen (Sarah's Scribbles)
    @Rocketpoweredgorilla@lemmy.ca avatar

    This hits home. I have a kitten on my lap right now that my daughter found on the side of the road yesterday… we think she’s about 6-8 weeks old. ( We don’t know for sure but we think she got dumped on the side of the road.)

    I haven’t slept much because she cries a lot if left alone at all, but she’s so friggen cute that’s ok. She’s even black like the one in the comic.

    Edit: i.imgur.com/puiPnVs.jpg and another one i.imgur.com/9hxuJk1.jpg

    Kerrigor, to comics in "time to get cozy" by Liz Climo
    Kerrigor avatar

    Ah, the ol' snorkel leg

    @b000urns@lemmy.world avatar

    Why does this work tho? 😂


    The only thing I can provide is that heat dissipates faster through extremities so the feet out would help not overheat… I guess… And a way to regulate your temperature under the sheets. Apart from that no idea.

    Kecessa, (edited )


    From table 5 it looks like legs are very bad at heat dissipation in proportion to their surface area, the head and neck are where it’s at, then torso, then arms, then legs.

    @b000urns@lemmy.world avatar

    Sounds reasonable. Although surely more is getting dissipated through your head, given the amount of blood flow. But maybe that little extra from a foot helps get that perfect temp without getting too cold!

    Lor, to lgbtq_plus in Reject labels! Or embrace labels! Do as you wish as long as you respect others!

    [Image description: A six panel comic.
    First panel: A person is looking at a paper. Their text bubble reads: "Ugh why do we need a label for EVERYTHING?"
    Second panel: The person crumples the paper.
    Third panel: The person throws the paper. A purple haired onlooker sees this. Purple haired person has a question mark over their head.
    Fourth panel: Purple haired person picks up paper.
    Fifth panel: Purple haired person reads paper. Their text bubble reads: "Wow there's a word for this? I'm not ALONE? It's OK to be who i really am?"
    Sixth panel: Purple haired person cradles paper. A heart is drawn beside them. Their text bubble reads: "I'm so happy that I found this "]

    @Evkob@lemmy.ca avatar

    Appreciate the transcription! I'll try to remember to add these to my posts from now on :)

    Laneus, to lgbtq_plus in Reject labels! Or embrace labels! Do as you wish as long as you respect others!

    Labels should be used like sign posts, they just help make sure we don't get lost when we talk about complicated stuff.


    It's all about balance. A few sign posts help people not to get lost, but too much sign posts would make people become disoriented.

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