
TheLurker, to reddit in Reddit Admins hand /r/SnackExchange over to a moderator with no experience. Other subreddit moderators fight in comments.

Incoming revolving door of Mods who get burnt.

The line of people who want the authority but whom cannot handle the responsibility extends around the block.

Mod turnover will go through the roof. Make no mistake, this is not an untried strategy from Reddit. You get rid off those who can do the job well but are not on-board, you replace them with sycophants who cannot do the job but will toe the line. When shit goes south you hang them out to dry and get in the new batch. Very well known corporate strategy.

@dylanTheDeveloper@lemmy.world avatar

If you elect me as head mod I promise to only ban people who I don't like (I hate everyone)


I'm afraid to say I'm a mod on FB lol, but it's a UK US based weather group that I'm very passionate about with 92k members.

Basically as a mod, never argue with a member, never show a member up to the rest of the group, there are better ways to deal with things other than flat out banning someone. Being a mod should be keeping things under control so the group remains a good place to go. That's all.

Our main problem is the fake accounts from the Military pilots wanting to speak to the lovely ladies or make you a killing with bitcoin lol.

BuddhaBeettle avatar

Yep, I have experience with volunteer work (not on reddit, in an actual organization with good intended objectives).
The organization is great, we are ALL volunteers, from the directives to the everyday volunteers. ALL money made goes back into making the project reach wider, don't want to give many details but money goes into giving out free or very accesible education and health-related services to those in need. We have access to the numbers, its all transparent.

The coworkers are nice, its a very niche area of work and we all know one another (so you also make connections with some important people in the field). Some of us have long lasting friendships. The directives of the organization are a mix of founders and the longer lasting volunteers that want to take on those roles. All positions are decided by vote of the community, anyone from the community can apply to any role and pitch in their ideas to make it better. We do that every six months.
It opens many many doors for you, can't begin to count the amount of stuff I learned, the amount of opportunities that stemed from that (internships, jobs, grants... etc) and volunteers get to use all services the organization provides for free (so I got free education, very discounted health-related services for my family, etc.)

All this to say this is a nice place with a nice working environment (all things reddit is not), that actually gives voice and opportunities to everyone involved.
All that, and we still can't make most of our volunteers stay longer than a few months, because when any other compromise comes up, volunteer work is the first thing to go (which is logical, that's life). So good luck to reddit, getting anyone to stay without the proper tools and right in the middle of the IPO dumpster fire

magnetosphere avatar

I have zero modding experience, but I know that doing the job well would be harder (and more time consuming) than it looks.

I’m guessing that most new mods that reddit will end up with just want the “power” but will fall on their faces when it comes to performance. I’m grateful to the good mods on every site/sub/instance who do it for free. Thanks, everyone!


You are exactly right. Those signing up don't know what they are signing up for. They just want the perceived power that comes with the title.

Hence my comment about seeing a revolving door of mods in the near future.

@Dark_Blade@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve modded a fair few subs. It’s difficult, boring and thankless work for no reward beyond the satisfaction of smoothly running a community you’re passionate about…or power tripping, for those who’re into that.

Most people who end up becoming mods will burn out pretty fucking quick. Not to mention, there’ll be cases where a sub requires a certain subject matter expert for mod work and…well, those ain’t easy to find.

GroggyKon, to reddit in Reddit Admins hand /r/SnackExchange over to a moderator with no experience. Other subreddit moderators fight in comments.
@GroggyKon@lemmy.world avatar

Sounds exactly like the behaviour of a company headed towards an IPO. Keep that dumpster fire burning!

!deleted162668, to reddit in Reddit Admins hand /r/SnackExchange over to a moderator with no experience. Other subreddit moderators fight in comments.


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  • SuperNintendoChalmers,

    It's real simple, see, just hold your passport up to your face..


    And next, give me each of your fingers. We want to sure its really you! We can’t have you scamming for snacks now, can we?


    Exactly my response too. Like this inexperienced mod takes the sub by playing nice with the admins and the first thing they want to implement is identity verification? Dafaq

    Does he know he is a 'Reddit' mod?

    @Evono@lemmy.world avatar

    Probs first time in his life he got some Power over something and instantly power trips.

    !deleted121404, to reddit in Reddit Admins hand /r/SnackExchange over to a moderator with no experience. Other subreddit moderators fight in comments.


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  • athos77,


    SnackExchange is a pretty light-touch subreddit. "Problem people" are a rarity here; the anti-scammer bot does an incredibly good job of keeping would-be scammers out, and you'll find that cases of fraud/scam, while they do ever happen, are extremely rare. As such, I genuinely envision myself needing to do very little. I'm always nervous to use the "nah this community just runs itself!" phrasing, but.... it really does come pretty close.


    Oh, sweet summer child


    It's like he's trying to get more scammers on the sub...


    I don't think they truly realize why "problem people" are so rare

    HarkMahlberg avatar

    I can't see any problems, therefore there must not be any problems!

    Stupid bastard.


    I genuinely envision myself needing to do very little

    Seems like a great choice for head mod.

    @Dark_Blade@lemmy.world avatar

    I really hope they leave with their bots, just to spite him. Too bad they won’t though, some mods are fools who care far too much about communities that couldn’t care less about them.

    Dark_Blade, (edited ) to reddit in Reddit Admins hand /r/SnackExchange over to a moderator with no experience. Other subreddit moderators fight in comments.
    @Dark_Blade@lemmy.world avatar

    lol Reddit’s death has finally started. Can’t wait to see spez’s asswipe shills bring the whole thing down with their incompetence.

    EDIT: I went through the subredditdrama post, and looking at some of the comments made me glad I’m leaving that place.

    @zeppo@lemmy.world avatar

    Now that I have some distance from daily reddit, and time in what is really a much better community here, going back there makes me realize how poor quality so much of the content is, both posts and comments.

    @Dark_Blade@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah, much of Reddit is absolute trash. It’s really hard to find dedicated communities for anything, but most of ‘em are much better than Reddit for everything ‘cept reach.

    Really, the only communities I’ll miss are niche hobby communities. The rest of the website could crash and burn for all I care.

    @zeppo@lemmy.world avatar

    The reposts and site culture clichés were already driving me batty. I did get a lot of good info from a couple rather niche communities about chronic illnesses, but they turned into answering the same questions and having the same discussions over and over. I can definitely live without telling another 5,000 people how to get tested for Celiac disease.

    @Dark_Blade@lemmy.world avatar

    And for that stuff, you can still just use ‘(insert query here) Reddit’, and just use an adblocker. That, or find dedicated forums.

    Honestly, just not having Reddit on my phone will be enough to break the compulsion to fire it up.


    Should we start our own subredditdrama? Or is there one? I foresee lots of this kind stuff on the way.

    @Dark_Blade@lemmy.world avatar

    You mean for Reddit drama, or Lemmy drama?


    I vote for both!

    Deltharien, to reddit in Reddit Admins hand /r/SnackExchange over to a moderator with no experience. Other subreddit moderators fight in comments.

    I think those are called death throes.

    death throes noun : the violent movements and noises that are sometimes made during passing.

    zombuey, (edited ) to reddit in Reddit Admins hand /r/SnackExchange over to a moderator with no experience. Other subreddit moderators fight in comments.

    I've deleted all my content I can across 3 accounts and a decade of posts and comments one thing though I have thousands of coins. I've never bought any before they are all rewards from posts. I kinda want to spend them on something.

    Rhaedas avatar

    Can you buy popcorn with it?

    athos77, (edited )

    I went through and gilded a bunch of posts telling people how to move to tildes/fediverse/etc, or who pointed out major flaws in reddit's positions.

    Oh, I also unsubbed from all the subreddits I was in, didn't want me included as part of an inflated subscriber count.


    I didn't think of that! The inflated subscriber count!

    Reddit seems so clunky compared to Lemmy now. I used the official ap anyway so the whole 3rd party thing didn't actually affect my direct experience. But obviously their actions affect us all.

    Anyway, I like using lemmy straight on the mobile browser, just looks so much nicer among other things


    I deleted my 11 year old account history yesterday. And will be deleting my account on Friday. I’m gonna delete my other accounts today, save for my porn account, which I’ll keep until they pull a tumblr. I don’t feel so bad about it since they don’t get any advertising dollars from those subs.



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  • june,

    I used power delete suite and I’m reasonably sure it got everything. What do I have to do to confirm?


    I spent all mine on spez AMA. All of it was free.


    I kinda want to spend them on something.

    How about comments promoting the Fediverse?

    BioDriver, to reddit in Reddit Admins hand /r/SnackExchange over to a moderator with no experience. Other subreddit moderators fight in comments.

    Just let it burn down at this point. Shorting this stock is going to be easy easy money

    Neato avatar

    Can you short an IPO?


    If you’re a mere mortal you have to wait for your broker to have a sufficient number of shares available for shorting. If you’re a giant hedge fund or other financial entity with a blatant disregard for the rules, then sure. You just short the stocks naked and issue a failure to deliver if you can’t locate enough shares to cover.


    I am not a broker, this is not financial advice, don’t sue me if this doesn’t work, etc


    Was thinking the same thing earlier.


    But basically, you're guaranteed to double your money. You literally can't lose.


    Yeah, no it literally can't go tits up can it?

    cacheson avatar

    Remember kids, "the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent".

    ivanafterall avatar

    Counter-point: just do it, pussy, you'll be fiiiiine!

    cacheson avatar

    r/wallstreetbets has entered the fediverse

    TheRealBob, to reddit in Reddit Admins hand /r/SnackExchange over to a moderator with no experience. Other subreddit moderators fight in comments.
    @TheRealBob@lemmy.world avatar

    This is hilarious tbh. Please don’t get me wrong, I really feel for the mods who put so much time and energy into the sub (all subs for that matter). It sucks.

    But god, watching reddit implode feels so fucking good. Spez is an abrasive asshole and, it turns out, also a moron, and it’s nice to see his web site fall from grace so publicly.


    I can't wait to see their IPO fail dismally, at least I hope so.


    at least I hope so.

    I don't think it will.

    Sorry for refusing to participate in this extremely gay "fuck u/spez!" circlejerk, but at this point it seems clear that they won.

    Oh, well. Lemmy works just fine. Can we move on now?


    Downvoted only for your shitty use of the term "gay". Everything else I agree with.


    AOL and Yahoo still exists and their CEO didn't make a sobbing tiktok video inside their car, which means they won!

    @L3s@lemmy.world avatar

    sobbing tiktok video inside their car

    So... what is this about exactly?


    They're shooting themselves in the face, but the gun won't go off until Friday. They're kicking out everyone who is addicted to the site enough to install a third party app for it. I really hope that RIF and Apollo redirect people to Lemmy after this weekend.

    @Dark_Blade@lemmy.world avatar

    Oh man, the real Armageddon’s gonna start when the 3PAs die. No more Reddit for me afterwards.

    Christian announcing Reddit for Lemmy/Kbin would be icing on the cake, but I just don’t see that happening.


    Mlem is the spiritual successor to Apollo. In the beta and it’s been wonderful to use.

    @Dark_Blade@lemmy.world avatar

    I’ve used it, and it’s certainly not bad. It’s missing some of the basics that made Apollo great though, like the rich text editor.


    Hey, I hope it dies too. Reddit sucks.

    It really could go either way at this point though.


    I don't think it will. They will go with the "single greatest resource for AI data" angle and make bank. They aren't ignoring this backlash just to kill some apps.


    Yeah, which is precisely why it's important to ruin the product with random spam, racism, overly sexual comments, lorem ipsum and for good measure some fetish porn and gore images.

    Wasn't Microsoft training an AI from Twitter and it basically turned into the aforementioned garbage?

    I doubt that companies would enjoy to train their models on a foul dataset filled with nonsense, hatred, porn and gore.

    graphite, (edited )

    Spez is an abrasive asshole and, it turns out, also a moron

    Is he really abrasive? I haven't seen him say anything outside of what I'd expect an exec of a company to say.

    Is he really a moron? Dude is walking away with a lot of zeros in his bank account. From what I can tell, it sounds like he's pretty happy with the outcome.

    I'm not supporting him, but assuming he makes money from it, it would be childish to call him "dumb".


    So one individual's bank account is more valuable than a community for millions world wide?

    Death of the Commons in deed indeed.


    So one individual's bank account is more valuable than a community for millions world wide?

    Lol, no. Where did I even insinuate that?


    By justifing Spez's actions as smart.

    They are smart for his bank account.

    They are not smart for the future of reddit and its users. Not to mention the effect of destroying the knowledge transfer and denying people the curated resources to improve their lives.


    God I’m so tired of seeing people equate being rich with not being a fucking moron.


    God, I'm so tired of seeing people deduce false conclusions from statements they don't want to hear.


    Fuck off, Steve


    Lol. I'm literally on your side bro.

    • Known liar, Steve

    Ok, I understand. You're dim.

    Fair enough.

    @samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

    One word: Trump.


    Right-wing brainrot, the rich have to be successful, otherwise why were they licking those boots?


    They successfully navigated a system that was more likely than not highly stacked in their favor thanks to their rich family and the other people like them that they know. They then horde all the wealth while other people who can't get their teeth fixed or decent medical treatment applaud them from the slums. It's pretty depressing how this is all considered normal thanks to right-wing influence on social media.



    People aren't smart because they stumbled into a handful of zeros. Everyone blows Musk but he was just born into blood diamond money. He didn't actually do anything. Neither did Spez, he just makes money off other people's content.

    Strip all these CEOs of their extra zeros, strip them of their user generated content, then ask them to rebuild their wealth by actually providing a good or service and watch them flop.

    graphite, (edited )

    See, that's the thing. I'm not a fan of Musk or Spez, and I never claimed to be.

    Ultimately I think Elon Musk gets a ludicrous amount of attention.

    My whole point was that (a) it seems like Spez doesn't care, which really begs the question of how much energy this is worth investing in and (b) people in his position often get what they want (money) because they have to deal with this exact kind of situation.

    If Reddit dies, it dies, and I'll consider myself wrong. If Spez totally gets owned and loses, great!

    Either way, I think it's ok to move on.

    I also wouldn't be surprised if they expected this reaction.

    Anyway, Lemmy is fine; it's a nice alternative. I'd rather just let Reddit go in whatever direction it ends up going in than keep getting angry about it.

    I'm glad that there is an alternative. Maybe we can try and learn from Reddit and do what we can to prevent Lemmy from going in that direction, yeah?

    @Dark_Blade@lemmy.world avatar

    is he really abrasive?

    Spez is a liar, a cheat and a habitual editor of comments that insult him. He’s also incredibly petty and rude.

    is he really a moron?

    He hired 2,000 employees to run a site like Reddit, has effectively destroyed the website’s image and the ongoing protests have revealed to people why it’s such a shitty investment.

    His riches are all luck, not brains; he can’t even sell one of the most visited sites in the world without gutting it first.


    Let's not forget that Daddy Elon is his biggest hero and Reddit could become a shit show like Twitter.

    @Dark_Blade@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah, let’s not forget that he’s a Musk fanboy and probably believes all the shit he said about Twitter.

    He’s also a doomsday prepper who believes he’ll be some sort of ‘leader’


    Gotta make money for when the world ends.

    Can we find his bunker and take turns shitting in it?

    567PrimeMover avatar

    "Sure, we may have killed the planet but for a beautiful moment in time, we created a lot of value for our shareholders"

    VoxAdActa avatar

    I haven't seen him say anything outside of what I'd expect an exec of a company to say.

    Then you really haven't been paying any attention whatsoever.

    For example, do you honestly expect a company exec, on the eve of an IPO, to tell a news reporter "We've never made any profit" on the site that's been billed as "the front page of the internet" for at least a decade, with hundreds of millions of users? That's a smart executive business move to you?

    Zuberi, to reddit in Reddit Admins hand /r/SnackExchange over to a moderator with no experience. Other subreddit moderators fight in comments.

    It would be a shame if people posted about them on linkedin

    Nindelofocho, to reddit in Reddit Admins hand /r/SnackExchange over to a moderator with no experience. Other subreddit moderators fight in comments.

    I'd like to see about implementing some sort of identity verification service for the sub. I'm an IT engineer/developer, so coding is absolutely my forte... Services like Stripe allow people in over 100 countries to match face to government-issued-ID to prove their identity (at a cost of about $1.50 per verification).


    @lanolinoil@lemmy.world avatar

    Honestly though .... with the disinformation campaigns at State scale, the botnets, the AI content, and whatever comes next, how do we not have to have a verified human user internet in the next 20 years?


    That is the among the last things on earth I would ever want jesus christ

    @lanolinoil@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah I didn't ask how would you not want it -- I said how will the current functions of the internet operate without it given the new forces we already see ruining everything,


    Thats a really good question. The only options I can think of is better captchas or to straight up consider any output from a machine as inadmissible/unverifiable

    BrianTheeBiscuiteer, to reddit in Reddit Admins hand /r/SnackExchange over to a moderator with no experience. Other subreddit moderators fight in comments.

    Pretty much the same thing happened to /r/assholedesign. They made someone that's been inactive for two years the lead mod and they reopened the sub. There's like no chance ppl aren't getting paid to backstab the other mods.

    lypticdna, to reddit in Reddit Admins hand /r/SnackExchange over to a moderator with no experience. Other subreddit moderators fight in comments.

    It frustrated me when Reddit made the initial decision to screw over app developers. Having done dev work in the past, I know the time that goes in to them so someone asking for a little money in return is the least we can do. But no, Reddit just say "Screw you guys"!

    As if that was not enough, they are now showing that they really don't care about the many moderators that have painstakingly put years of 'free' time in to building these communities, the same communities that are the foundation of Reddit!

    I am sure we are going to see a lot more of these admin takeovers in the coming weeks and it is the very reason I am over here and why Lemmy is seeing the incredible growth curve. Long may that continue.


    Spez went to Musk for advice so the plan now is chasing off anyone who wants the site to work worth a shit then run a barebones network monetizing the leftovers whose only feature request is not getting banned for organizing violence or screeching the N word.

    anthimatter, to reddit in Reddit Admins hand /r/SnackExchange over to a moderator with no experience. Other subreddit moderators fight in comments.

    I just deleted my account. Welp that's 15 years gone. Feels good. Tastes like chicken.


    14 years here. Ran it through https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite first, without deleting the account, in case they restore the comments: https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite/issues/43

    PS: I know about the implications of potentially removing contributions to the internet. But, I'm not about to go through a decade+ plus of comments and posts in order to find the tiny amount of things that could actually be useful for others.


    PS: I know about the implications of potentially removing contributions to the internet.

    Reddit does not get to continue to profit off of any contributions I've made to the internet, one way or another. Anyone convincing you not to delete comments on reddit is a scab more concerned with maintaining the status quo so they don't get inconvenienced.


    It will be back, I have tried deleting my account about 6 times now and it always gets undeleted along with all the content.


    Ditto. I've been on Reddit since before the big Digg exodus. Cancelled my premium sub and deleted my account on Sunday.


    It's like dumping that leech of a friend that only takes and never gives or pays for anything. Good riddance I say.

    RedSquadCampFollower, to reddit in Reddit Admins hand /r/SnackExchange over to a moderator with no experience. Other subreddit moderators fight in comments.

    never heard of this sub and it sounds kind of gross just from the name tbh.

    i find it hilarious that the new mod wants to implement an elaborate ID system and ??Escrow??. wow. he^1^ sounds like he would like to implement the stories told by all the conspiracy people on the sub. maybe he plans to put this on his job application for the gates foundation lololol Sounds like a deeeeeelicious time.


    1 - do not think it is too far out on a limb to assume male gender in this case.

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