HarkMahlberg avatar



Programmer and Airplane Enthusiast.

"You just don't know how AI works" earns you a block.

HarkMahlberg, to random
HarkMahlberg avatar

I saw a lady watering her mailbox today.

HarkMahlberg avatar

Oh no... Those emails... I can smell the desperation from here. You can maybe get away with one customer-relations-type email "hey, sorry to hear you didn't like the experience, let me know if there's anything we can do to improve!" And then you just gotta leave it alone. You can't make friends with everyone, and you certainly can't argue your way into being friends with everyone.

HarkMahlberg, (edited )
HarkMahlberg avatar

At the end of the day, when the sun sets on their careers, when the last of any paltry consequences cease to apply, conservatives would still rather salt the earth to spite their peers than water a tomato plant to help their rivals.

They don't know how to make friends. They only know how to ruin. Today they happen to be ruining each other, but don't forget they ruined the rest of us first.

HarkMahlberg avatar

It's an ecosystem that's hard to break away from because, despite all the bloat and clunk, developing on Windows is a lot nicer than developing on other operating systems. Even now I find it so much easier to write C# in Visual Studio than C++ anywhere, even Visual Studio. I have so much less to worry about when MSDocs are organized, versioned, readable, and provide examples. Then I look at cmake docs...

I'm biased because I'm working on a C++ app right now and not having a good time lol

HarkMahlberg avatar

You're not even going to tell him which line number? You monster.

HarkMahlberg, to random
HarkMahlberg avatar

#C++ is a fucking nightmare, cmv

HarkMahlberg avatar

Soon enough there won't be any roofs left in Florida so that problem may just take care of itself.

HarkMahlberg avatar

The Apple filing criticized what it called an attempt by Epic to make Apple's "tools and technologies available to developers for free."

Wouldn't that be fucking great. Man, if only.

HarkMahlberg avatar

To the corporate egomaniacs building them, who always need one more subordinate to push around, that's a feature not a bug.

HarkMahlberg avatar

I know it sounds dangerously close to "alternative facts" but factuality always need to be given context to be meaningful. It's a "fact" to some people that immigrants are ruining America. Gab AI's chatbot prompt of full of such nonsense. But those are it's "facts." And it will spout them as fact to anyone who talks to it.

It's obviously not true, CoPilot will tell you it's not true, and not just because CoPilot is trying to be politically correct. But both Gab and Microsoft have incentives and politics and organizations that get baked into their products. Their AI models are no exceptions. For Gab, its to push partisan conservative narratives (and sometimes accelerationist politics). For Microsoft, it's to increase labor productivity (without increasing fair wages), and to please shareholders.

To treat what they spit out as "fact" without independent verification, without seeking out context, is as blind a faith as Biblical literalism.

HarkMahlberg avatar

Gonna steal "goofling"

HarkMahlberg avatar

I mean, I get that this is basically the last standing GOP policy, but to read those verses correctly, you have to remember that "to suffer" is another way to say "to put up with," and he's talking to his disciples, not the children. He's just saying "Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!"

HarkMahlberg avatar

it costs nothing to keep your bigoted opinions to yourself

I used to not understand the concept of opportunity costs but now I'm beginning to believe that there is such a thing even when spouting disgusting, obnoxious, dogshit opinions. Like, some people in the world are losing out if they don't take an opportunity to slander and disparage someone else.

They're lower than dirt.

HarkMahlberg avatar

I gotcha. :)

HarkMahlberg avatar

If anyone's looking for a good VPN, I've had good success with Mullvad.

HarkMahlberg avatar

A majority of my time is spent modelling the problem, gathering requirements, researching others’ solutions online (likely this step could be better AI-assisted?), not actually implementing a solution in code.

Perfectly said. The most difficult part of software engineering is all the things outside the code. Did I find all the stakeholders? Did they state all their requirements? Did I interpret those requirements properly? Do they like my UI mockup in paint? Can I convince them to take a "version 1" without some bells and whistles so that they can get it on time, and I can give them the bells and whistles in "version 2" later? Is my current design consistent with other products/tools in the organization? Do any requirements actually violate regulations (spoiler: the client is an asshole and violating regulations is the whole point)? Can I convince them to drop that requirement? How can I improve my organizations' SDLC so that the product is quicker and easier to deliver?

And the most pressing question of all: do the clients and stakeholders actually need me to write this product in the first place? Is there an existing solution that would be cheaper and quicker to just buy?

Even given all the things AI can do right now, I doubt it can handle even a fraction of all those tasks above. Let alone writing code that compiles...

HarkMahlberg avatar

I've literally never seen one of these in southern New England. Even brand new 7-11's and Cumberland Farms' don't have ads on the pumps, nor any mounted TV's.

shoq, to random
@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

There is still no way to permanently save chrome’s tab groups. It’s amazing. What do all those “engineers” at that company do all day? The most basically needed features have languished for YEARS.


HarkMahlberg avatar

@shoq The engineers are all long gone. The marketers have been running that asylum for nigh on a decade at this point.

HarkMahlberg avatar

I mean... they didn't specify it had to be random (or even uniform)? But yeah, it's a good showcase of how GPT acquired the same biases as people, from people..

HarkMahlberg, to random
HarkMahlberg avatar

Ace Combat is a war game masquerading as an anti-war game masquerading as a war game.

HarkMahlberg avatar

But I don't love it any less.

HarkMahlberg avatar

It's not the boeh.org link, but here is a similar timeline of events: https://research.swtch.com/xz-timeline

HarkMahlberg avatar

When I started to read breakdowns about the social engineering behind the xz backdoor I was like, "Waaaaitaminute, I've seen that sort of talk before." I found it notable to point out the similarity and maybe poke around at it.

People decided to use the thread (to my excessive chagrin) to talk shit about kbin and rehash the exact same pressures I was attempting to analyze.

It's a shame, because I noticed similar patterns was looking forward to some good discussion about it here. Alas...

HarkMahlberg, (edited ) to citiesskylines
HarkMahlberg avatar

I think I figured out how to satisfy low density residential demand in the game. It basically operates on the concept of Induced Demand. Just like adding a lane to a highway incentivizes people to use the highway more, leading to the same congestion problems. If you constantly zone low density residential in an attempt to "chase the demand bar," what you're doing is increasing the supply of houses. Meaning, driving down the COST of housing. Meaning more citizens can afford a house, meaning they buy up that supply, so they demand more... it's a feedback loop, like acquiescing to a child who only ever wants to eat chocolate.

So, counterintuitively, you need to IGNORE their demand. By keeping the supply constant, and with demand increasing, the cost of the housing goes up. This prices out some of your citizens, and so they will begin demanding lower-cost options. Enter, medium density housing. You start with row housing, then medium density, then mixed-use. This doesn't happen fast, let alone instantly, so you kind of have to plan this strategy from the founding of your city. At one point I had a 15k pop with almost exclusive demand for medium density housing.

As your citizens get more educated through college and university levels, they'll be able to afford those suburbs again, and the demand will return. But they'll also be young enough that living "in the big city" will be desirable and they'll start demanding high density apartments close to shops and offices. Beware the Low Rent zoning type! Despite being high density, if your citizens are too well educated and make too much money, they'll abandon these buildings the moment they can afford nicer places. But I guess they're a good stopgap measure between medium density and regular high density.

So Induced Demand is a double edged sword: you want to avoid inducing demand for low density suburbs, and purposely induce demand for higher densities.

HarkMahlberg avatar

@qnsinternational Suck my dick

HarkMahlberg avatar

@deltaroot Go fuck yourself

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