
a_mac_and_con, in Using my kbin.social account to login into other fediverse apps
a_mac_and_con avatar

Consider it like your email. You can use yours to communicate with people using any service, but you can’t sign into a gmail account with outlook.

YMS avatar

That's a poor example, as Outlook basically is a mail client and you actually can use it to access your Gmail mails.

HeartyBeast avatar

Perhaps they were talking about Outlook.com

Romdeau4 avatar

Outlook.com is a free, personal email service from Microsoft.

From Microsoft’s website. Depending on context, Outlook can be their email service similar to Gmail or a Desktop email client similar to Thunderbird.

0xtero avatar

I think they meant Outlook.com, the e-mail service, not Outlook the software.


And this ambiguity is the exact reason why it's a poor example ;)

YMS avatar

I was thinking whether I should add a remark that you can add your Gmail account to outlook.com as well, but I didn't want to over-complicate it. In the end, both Outlook (the program) and outlook.com are mail clients of a sort, the latter being a webmail client.


I also sign into Outlook.com with my Gmail account. It has its own inbox, which is weird, but hey.

j4yc33 avatar

"cn, email, uid" was such a choice of Web 2.0 that confused the hell out of so many people.

ChemicalRascal avatar

That's using your Google account, with Google's OAuth, to get into an Outlook account — which is still weird and confusing, and IMO something Microsoft shouldn't have done because it'll confuse people, but hey.


Do you actually sign into Outlook.com with your gmail account, or are you just reusing credentials to sign into a separate account on Outlook.com? I'm not sure that the two systems federate, but I've got an Outlook.com account that uses my gmail email address as the username, but the account is completely separate.


Nah, like the other guy said, it's just OAuth. It's silly that they even let you do it, but hey, it is what it is.

adonis avatar

leaving out the technical aspects of what's possible and what's not... I get your point, and you're right.

I can't use the gmail android app to login with outlook credentials.

quark42, in Using my kbin.social account to login into other fediverse apps
@quark42@startrek.website avatar

You can only use your account to log in to your instance. And the mastodon app only supports mastodon instances and jerboa is only for lemmy.

You can use the fediverse to interact with content from mastodon and lemmy from your home instance on kbin. For example I am writing this comment from lemmy.

adonis, (edited )
adonis avatar

also i just tried kbin.social/u/@phoronix and it gave me a 404, knowing phoronix being a reliable tech source.

Edit: but @sometestuser works as intended


Ok, how do I interact with my Mastodon and Lemmy accounts?

adonis avatar

sure, but I thought ActivityPub is a common protocol they all use to allow interoperability.

Like an API, where there are users, posts, images that can be created, liked and boosted.

I.e logging in to a mastodon app would allow me to create /browse madtodon-specific posts (microblogs), and logging in to pixelfed app, would allow me to only upload/browse images, etc...

0xtero avatar

sure, but I thought ActivityPub is a common protocol they all use to allow interoperability.

It does, but it deals only with content, not with identity federation.

You can access and interact with content from other services that implement ActivityPub (but not all, not every service implements the whole stack).

You can access Kbin posts/communities from your Mastodon account. You can also send messages and see Mastodon content from your Kbin account.

0x1C3B00DA avatar

ActivityPub has 2 parts: The Server to Server API (S2S), which is how instances communicate and is the backbone of federation. and the Client to Server (C2S) API, which is a way for instances to communicate with an app/website. Unfortunately, mastodon made the decision early on to go the proprietary API route instead of using the C2S for app development. The rest of the microblogging fediverse had to implement the mastoapi so that they could share app support. Lemmy and kbin don't use the mastoapi, which is why they aren't compatible with mastodon apps and they don't even implement the same API so their apps won't be compatible either.

Ideally, lemmy and kbin will migrate to a common API so their apps can be compatible. Even more ideally (and the original goal of the protocol), lemmy and kbin would use the C2S so that they could work with standard AP apps that also work with any compliant AP service.

asteroidrainfall avatar

That’s interesting. I’m not a huge supporter of it, but wasn’t account portability one of the reasons that Bluesky created their own AT protocol?

0x1C3B00DA avatar

I don't know anything about Bluesky, but this has nothing to do with account portability. ActivityPub doesn't easily support account portability; your account is always on a single server. There are mechanisms to move your account to another server, but they're incomplete (you can't migrate your existing posts, etc).

The C2S is about allowing native apps that can work with any ActivityPub implementation. So in an ideal world, you could use a single app to access lemmy, kbin, calckey, pleroma, hubzilla, mastodon, wordpress, etc.

adonis avatar

aah, thx for the detailed explanation... So everyone doing their own thing, kinda defeats the purpose, or at least makes it harder for app developers to take care of all the different apis

0x1C3B00DA avatar

Yes exactly. If we want universal apps, we need to convince implementers to use the C2S. I also think the huge push to get native apps for kbin/lemmy was way too premature. I'm worried that's gonna lock in their current APIs and make transitioning to the C2S even harder.

adonis avatar

I think we could start with an api alongside the existing one, and have it downward-compatible until everything is migrated, bit by bit.

asteroidrainfall avatar

Identity federation isn’t the main point of the Fediverse, though. Federation is just meant to distribute content and facilitate communication. So you can have a book blogger manage their reviews and bookshelf on BookWyrm, a vloger can upload a video on PeerTube, and a city government can share water outage updates on Mastodon, and someone can interact with that content from a single interface and account of their choice.

ChemicalRascal, in Lemmy.ml is blocking all requests from /kbin Instances
ChemicalRascal avatar

Well that's a bit fucked. I figured that maybe they'd just tried to block bots, but no, "testBot" goes through just fine. They specifically seem to be rejecting "kbinbot", though, not just anything with "kbin" in it.

mysza, in Should the Fediverse welcome its new surveillance-capitalism overlords? Opinions differ!

block every corporations, they will destroy the fediverse if we'll let them join

ElectroVagrant, (edited ) in The fediverse isn't going to work if top pages consist of the same link 10x reposted.

I understand the sentiment, but as others have noted in similar threads...Threads like this tend to become a part of the mess being criticized.

To counteract this trend, posting just about anything else would go towards addressing the expressed criticism.

0xtero, in Why did the #TwitterMigration fail?
0xtero avatar

I'm not sure it failed.
I joined Mastodon in Apr 03, 2017 - but was never really very active because - well, there wasn't really much to be active with. It was ghost town. But it grew slowly and organically. Which was OK.

Then the big Twitter meltdown happened in Nov 22 and all of a sudden we got couple of million new users. There was a lot of adjustment, from new people and the old inhabitants. It wasn't very pretty (the whole CW debacle).

Many of those millions left and (presumably) went back to Twitter. But many stayed. The twitter InfoSec community is (mostly) on Mastodon now. Quite a lot of science-twitter is as well. We're far bigger place now than we were before 22.

Twitter didn't crash and burn (yet). People went back. But I don't think the migration failed. Some stayed and we're richer place for it.

But I agree with lot of the things in the post. Dealing with federation, quirky UI's, prototype services (hi kbin!) and other linuxesque peculiarities isn't what mainstream is looking for. The whole "just spin up your own fedi-server" might not be very sustainable/environmentally friendly compared to centralized well maintained datacenter. There are lot of problems to solve before fediverse is "mainstream ready".

But to be quite honest. I'm not sure it needs to be. Yes, I get that it's hard to "build following" without mainstream, but to be honest, I actually prefer more signal and less noise. And lot of the "mainstream" is just noise who follow popular accounts because they're popular.

FixedFun avatar

I still don't get why people wanna stay, all the toxic users get now top priority (a.k.a. people who pay for Twitter Blue) and they promote toxic tweets

Ignacio avatar

Because their favourite politician is there, because their favourite singer is there, because their favourite football player is there...

ZILtoid1991 avatar

Not for long. Some started to go to Mastodon, and I'm begging my favorite indie VTubers to make accounts on Mastodon even if they will still use Twitter.

bipolarmario avatar

I was just telling my wife this over coffee this morning. She had seen an article about reddit on BBC news and asked what the difference was between this move and twitter. And my response was exactly this.

princessofcute avatar

I think a lot of it too is people don't want to lean a new system. I've seen multiple big influencers on Twitter basically day they had no interest in using Mastodon because they didn't want to learn a new platform and so instead the begrudgingly keep using Twitter. People don't like change and will sometimes torture themselves to avoid it

Bloonface avatar

To an extent, influencers wouldn't get on with Mastodon anyway.

Looking at it charitably from their point of view, the discovery is so poor that actually building a following there is a huge amount of work they probably won't see a return on. It's a much smaller audience that in no small part resents even the idea of an "influencer" - someone who has that as their line of work is going to struggle and consider it not worth their time.

Looking at it less charitably, Mastodon does not reward activity on its own but instead things only get attention if they're actually worth attention, so carpet-bombing fedi with posts most people don't actually value is a waste of their time, and it's a lot more effort than such people would typically be willing to expend.

princessofcute avatar

That's understandable but I was more referring to influencers whose main profitability is elsewhere such as YouTube and they are using Twitter as a means of communicating with their audience/just post random life updates.

That being said are there influencers that actually make money from Twitter? I feel like Twitter has always been more of an engagement platform for influencers rather than a platform they actually make money off of

Bloonface avatar

Because all of the users they like and want to talk to stayed there too.

Network effects are a powerful driver. They can be overcome, but not easily.

Calcharger avatar

I can say why I didn’t stay: I was never a twitter user to begin with, and I tried to use mastodon when everyone tried to shift and I just didn’t like the format. Felt like work.


Indeed - I think people seem to have this ill-conceived notion that Twitter has to fail for Mastodon to succeed.

From my perspective, both are doing just fine. Mastodon has developed a community with, in my opinion, much higher quality discussion, and well, Twitter can keep being twitter.

That said, what I do think helps here is that Kbin has a much lower barrier to entry. I find it much easier to sign up on here than trying to determine which Mastodon instance to use and I think that helps tremendously.

Bloonface avatar

The thing that's interesting to me is this:

That said, what I do think helps here is that Kbin has a much lower barrier to entry. I find it much easier to sign up on here than trying to determine which Mastodon instance to use and I think that helps tremendously.

Kbin is technically federated and Kbin.social is technically just an instance on a federated network, the federation is just broken right now. But the simple fact of that not being a consideration, and everyone signing up on Kbin.social, has led to comments like this where "it's so much easier".

It rather proves my point; putting decentralised whatever front and centre makes things pointlessly complex and offputting to end users. They don't want to think about this shit, they just want to read stuff and post. The less they have to think about this shit, and/or the less this shit has an impact on their experience, the better for them.

SustainedChaos, in Realistically how does the fediverse make money and remain sustainable? only donations?
StaticBoredom, in Take a bow, developers of kbin.social
StaticBoredom avatar

Early adoption of new tech usually requires a couple things from users, in my experience. Patience, and a willingness to contribute in whatever way you can. If Kbin, Lemmy et al can get an influx of users that bring at least one of these two things, we’ll go far.

That, and @ernest will need some kind of support from many of us.

lixus98 avatar

You can already contribute here! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kbin

StaticBoredom avatar

I most certainly did. Thx for spreading that link.

StaticBoredom avatar

….and the fact that you’re even showing appreciation is a huge step in the right direction.

cavalleto, in What is Kbin - Join the Fediverse
cavalleto avatar

@ernest I've been exploring alternatives to Reddit for a week now, and I'm loving Kbin. I miss more presence from the Spanish-speaking community, but there will be time for them to discover the advantages of the Fediverse. Congratulations on the initiative, and long live the project.

Cocoa6790 avatar

There are a few servers on mastodon (choose Spanish as language) and a post on lemmy (not sure if that's a good instance). Currently, I'm learning Spanish, so I follow from a few places and my feed is interesting…. Some English, some Spanish, a bit of German.

cavalleto avatar

Yes, I've been on Mastodon for quite some time now. There's a significant presence of Spanish speakers there (masto.es). But I was looking for content on Lemmy or Kbin. Nevertheless, I have no problem with English. Thank you.

fr0g, in On Reddit and it’s federated rivals, Lemmy and kbin

However, Kbin maps upvotes to boosts, and displays “favourites” (which include Lemmy upvotes) separately.

Does anyone know if that applies for both threads and replies? I think it make some sense for threads. Would get a bit annoying though if you followed some kbin account on mastodon or similar and every single upvote for every single reply gets boosted.


I think it's both. The dev says it's something he's experimenting with - kbin is very early in development - and who knows if that will stick or not.


Where can I get help with kbin? Is there a magazine for support?

tojikomori avatar

It applies to both for now. I opened a thread about this yesterday and as Kichae said, it's something the dev is experimenting with and is open to discussing. They also helpfully shared a roundup of links to past discussions on this topic.

For now I've created a separate Fediverse account for my Kbin activity (this one!) which seems to be what most people are doing on Lemmy anyway, but I agree it'll be nice to change Kbin's behavior so it's a less jarring experience for followers on other Fediverse apps.

Ada, in Popular Reddit App Apollo Would Need to Pay $20 Million Per Year Under New API Pricing
Ada avatar

I don't think they're even close to ready, but, somehow, we'll muddle through

Kara, (edited ) in BBC Launches A Mastodon Instance
Kara avatar

Honestly, this is really good to hear! More mainstream accounts will definitely get the fediverse a bit more credibility.

And here's a bit more from BBC:

The team at BBC Research & Development are researching social technologies and exploring possibilities for the BBC. One part of our work is to establish a BBC presence in the Fediverse.

This is an experiment - we will run it for 6 months, and then look at how much value it has provided, how much work it requires to maintain and then decide whether and how to continue. We're learning as we go, and we'll write about what we discover in the hope that it might be useful for others. The BBC will continue its normal social media activity in the usual places.

We're starting off small with just a handful of accounts from R&D and our colleagues at BBC Radio, but we hope to be adding more accounts from other areas of the BBC soon:

  • @BBCRD@social.bbc
  • @BBC5Live@social.bbc
  • @BBCRadio4@social.bbc
  • @BBC_News_Labs@social.bbc
  • @BBCTaster@social.bbc
  • @Connected_Studio@social.bbc


somas avatar


FYI to anyone who doesn’t realize, you can follow each of those @names individually or just use the url https://kbin.social/d/social.bbc to subscribe to all social.bbc posts in kbin



AnonymousLlama avatar

Cheers for the link. Easy follow

@Plaid_Kaleidoscope@lemmy.world avatar

Sorry, I’m a little new. I tried to sub but it brings up a login for Kbin. I created my account on .world. Will I be able to access this community w/o making a new account?

somas avatar


Sorry, I don’t think Lemmy accounts can follow an entire domain (yet)

That’s a kbin feature for now

brainfreeze avatar

You can through kbin! There's a nice discussion of it here.

You can add their name to your kbin url like this: https://kbin.social/d/social.bbc. It should open the page as if it were a kbin magazine and have a subscribe button. After that, you should see it when you browse your subscribed threads (although it seems like it won't appear in your list of magazines).

TokyoMonsterTrucker, in Six reasons Mastodon won't survive

checks date

Yeah, that tracks

livus, in Lemmy and Kbin: The Best Reddit Alternatives?
livus avatar

Good article, this person federates.

I don't get why the author seems to be saying we can't see lists of lemmy communities from kbin, though.

czech, (edited )

From kbin- how do you see a list of communities on lemmy.world? I've been navigating to https://lemmy.world/communities in a separate browser window to discover communities to individually search/subscribe to from kbin.

livus avatar

Go to https://kbin.social/magazines and turn on local and federated, then hit the search button. For some reason all the top "hot" are kbin but the "new" and "active" are various.

Then if you specifically want, say, lemmy.world, type that into the search field and hit search again. It will all show.


This shows the lemmy.world communities that are already federated to my instance. Its not a full list.

Teppic avatar

True, but searching from a Lemmy instance will still only show you the ones which that one instance knows about. (I think?)


Yea, a lemmy instance will show the same kinds of results for federated communities but there is no substitute for viewing the local communities from that instance.

@dan@upvote.au avatar

Right. I usually use lemmyverse.net to search for communities.


Click on the tab Magazines at the top, select local and federate, put lemmy.world in the search box to see all lemmy.world communities. If you want to check for community with certain keywords you can try putting [keyword]@lemmy.world. It can search for the keyword in both the name and description, but not extensive as if you'd search on lemmy.world.

This can use some improvement, but it's not a Kbin problem though, since Lemmy is even worse when it comes to searching for communities outside each instance.


Edit: this just shows me the lemmy.world magazines that are federated to my instance


Ah, I see what you mean now. In that case I don't think you can do it on Kbin natively rn. There is this website though, which might help a bit. At least imo it's easier to use. https://lemmyverse.net/communities

You can just filter for only lemmy.world. When you find a community you want to join you'll have to type the handle of the community in the search icon to the right rather than in the Magazine tab for communities that doesn't already have a copy on your instance.

Teppic avatar

The article specifically says you can't search federated communities from kbin, but you can from Lemmy. This is just incorrect, both allow you to search local or local and federated.


Oh, right on then.

trynn, in Could popular forums implement ActivityPub and connect to the Fediverse?
trynn avatar

Sure. Just look at Wordpress... it's a blogging platform rather than a forum, but it has an ActivityPub plugin available that allows federation of blog posts and comments. ActivityPub is a standard published by the W3C (the same organization that oversees the HTML standard, among many others). Anyone can implement the standard in their software if they want to.


Small point of fact, but HTML is actually overseen by WHATWG primarily, not W3C. W3C agreed back in 2019 to just follow WHATWG's process.

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