@MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar



Ehemalige Twitter exile, aber inzwischen hier zu Hause - schön hier!
Ich interessiere mich für soziale Themen/Schieflagen und die #Klimakrise, bin für ein #BGE und dafür, dass wir die Welt für alle Lebewesen - nicht nur die Menschen - zu einem lebenswerten Ort machen. Es ist möglich, sogar einfach. Laßt es uns angehen.
Ach, habe sonst aber auch sonst noch viele Interessen. Kunst. Habe ich Kunst schon erwähnt? Und die Verbreitung interessanter neuer Wörter durch #Autokorrektur.

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GrimmReality, to random
@GrimmReality@beige.party avatar

There is a Chumbawumba song that gets played a lot in movies or tv shows to indicate festive things happening but I have never actually heard it all the way through or outside that specific context and don't know the lyrics so in my head the opening lyrics to that song are now and forever will be "I get knocked out/by a lava lamp/because the lava lamp knocked me out."

@MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

Now I will forever hear just that 😄😄

hakan_geijer, to random
@hakan_geijer@kolektiva.social avatar

Assange shouldn't go to prison because no one should. Him being extradited and sent to prison will be bad for journalists.

Deifying him and holding up his work as honest investigative journalism is, however, bullshit. He is a hack propagandist, a rapist, and certainly not a leftist nor someone anarchists should celebrate.

@MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

Can you please stop spreading those lies? Just read about the whole case and inform yourself before propagating the lies that were meant to vilify him -to this day successfully, too, as you so aptly proved.
What is happening with is one of the biggest scandals of our times.

@MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

@hakan_geijer @pkw @HeavenlyPossum @lumpentrashbandit
No, he is not. Phew, hard to read that amount of ignorance.
Maybe it would be good for you to get to the truth behind the case?
You are probably a good person and would never support what has been done to him if your really knew the whole story.
Read Nils Melzers account, who certainly was no "fan boy" and is a highly intelligent person, as well as truly good one and then form an informed opinion, that would be much more becoming..

@MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

@hakan_geijer @pkw @HeavenlyPossum @lumpentrashbandit

For everybody not already stuck with an opinion for lack of facts a good article, if a bit older, it's also just the tip of the iceberg:

ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs, (edited ) to random
@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar


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  • MaryMarasKittenBakery,
    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

    And don't forget: people who think " they are so cute when they are so tiny " which is the main reason they want the little one.

    hope_n_beauty, to random German
    @hope_n_beauty@mastodon.world avatar

    Mich macht es grad so fuchsig. Alles redet nur noch über Diesel/Kfz-Steuer, über die rechte Unterwanderung. Empörung überall, es kursieren Grafiken wieviel DIE Bauern an Subventionen kassieren, wie hoch die Durchschnittsgewinne sind, usw usw.
    im Sinne des klimagerechten ökologischen Umbaus der ist kein Thema. Nirgends.
    Dabei sind es diese vernünftigen Landwirt*innen die unter der unfairen Verteilung massiv leiden u. kein Gehör finden😖

    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

    @hope_n_beauty @juma_asterisco
    Ich habe leider in einer anderen Arbeitsgruppe schon Erfahrung mit Özdemir sammeln dürfen und: der klingt gut, sieht engagiert aus, aber er tut nix. Bei keinem Thema, er tut engagiert, ist es bestimmt auch, aber er ist niemand der etwas durchsetzen kann, schon gar nicht gegen eine Lobby.
    Das ist bei vielen Politikern so, gar nicht ungewöhnlich, aber doch immer wieder enttäuschend.
    Lieber wirklich an Herrn Habeck wenden, wenn möglich, der hebt sich da angenehm ab

    AmiW, to berlin German
    @AmiW@mastodon.online avatar

    🐈‍⬛ Artist: / in City: Germany 🇩🇪 2024 - Title: untitled - ! ☕🥐🥐

    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

    Beautiful 💕💕

    evan, (edited ) to random
    @evan@cosocial.ca avatar

    It's better for the users of siloed social networks if those networks federate.

    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

    What about the users of the Fediverse?
    Everybody in a siloed network chose to be there and can always chose to be here, too.

    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

    Exactly. That's what I am irritated about.
    It's like saying: is colonisation of other countries good or not for people living in the first world.

    NeuKelte, to random German
    @NeuKelte@todon.eu avatar
    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar


    Happy new year to you!

    Lizette603_23, to random
    @Lizette603_23@mastodon.social avatar

    I'm a huge fan of solar lights in my front yard. Almost all of them are flowers of some kind, to twinkle and sparkle in the winter. Today I received one that is a watering can on a small shepherd's hook and it has tiny filament wires shooting out of the spout sprayed out toward the ground....which twinkle like water in the sunlight. I'm a simple human and this delights me.

    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

    @Jon_Kramer @Lizette603_23
    Yeah, but it just adds to the trash pile of wasted resources, takes the pleasure out of out for me.
    I like things that last

    MaryMarasKittenBakery, to mecfs
    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

    Hilferuf: weiß jemand im Gebiet Rheinland-Pfalz eine Spezialklink für ME/CFS? Oder eine Praxis, die sich damit auskennt?
    Gesucht wird eine Anlaufstelle, die die Diagnostik und Betreuung übernimmt, leider ist die Betroffene sehr krank und nicht dazu in der Lage, von Facharzt zu Facharzt zu tingeln, daher braucht sie unbedingt eine (einzige) kompetente Anlaufstelle.
    Vielleicht hat ja jemand Tipps, gerne boost!

    Tami, to random German
    @Tami@troet.cafe avatar

    Grenzen setzen um das letzte bisschen Energie beisammen zu halten. Auch wenn es weh tut

    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

    Es ist einfach etwas, was man lernen muss, würde vielen Menschen gut tun

    peterjelinek, to random German
    @peterjelinek@mastodon.social avatar

    Künstliche Intelligenz?
    Kapital vs. Einkommen?

    Egal, arbeite!

    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

    @prefec2 @peterjelinek
    Der Zwang ist im System angelegt..
    Ich applaudiere allen jungen Menschen, die sich widersetzen

    _L1vY_, to random
    @_L1vY_@mstdn.social avatar

    Seeing this come up again, so: "Immunity debt" is a myth.

    Getting Covid damages the immune system (similar to measles virus and HIV virus.)

    The more times you have Covid, the more damaged your immune system. We don't know yet how much it can be healed.

    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

    It seems to recover in most people in the time range of between 6 months and a year, provided thete are no new infections with COVID which can reset the process.

    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

    @NilaJones @_L1vY_
    You are mixing up two different things - the toot and my answer was about the immune system which is compromised in most people who had COVID.
    My answer had nothing to do with Long COVID, which is a different cup of tea.
    Still, even bad cases of LC can recover, which is good news.
    We still know little about it and since there seem to be different "forms" it's hard to make general statements.
    We need to learn much more about the causes and possible therapy

    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

    @_L1vY_ @VeroniqueB99 @NilaJones @geistweg
    We have had this discussion too and I am still not sure what to think.
    Even if it sounds paranoid it's almost as if they are glad to get rid of people?
    Already our "workforce" (hate the word) is suffering from a lack of experienced/skilled people but they are willing to ruin so many more.
    But hey, it can all be done by AI now, right?
    Very strange behaviour.. Long COVID is already costing the economy billions... And no one cares?

    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

    @_L1vY_ @VeroniqueB99 @NilaJones @geistweg
    But these are all jobs that do not affect the rich. And I have the steering feeling that as long as they are not inconvenienced, this will not change.
    It's quite obvious by now that nobody cares about "ordinary" people

    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

    @_L1vY_ @VeroniqueB99 @NilaJones
    You are of course right, I was just too lazy to specify the "no one in power" bit.
    But in our current situation we do depend on their decisions (unless the people decide to take care of important things themselves again).

    Also, remember: eating just one billionaire does more against the than not driving a car or flying for the rest of our life

    DerNarkotiseur, to random German

    Sind die Regierung UND die Opposition in der Weihnachtspause und haben die Menschen vergessen?! Oder warum gibt’s keine Statements zur ?

    Ist wohl nur Wetter oder was? 🤷🏻‍♂️


    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

    @Chaotica @Fischblog @CGdoppelpunkt @rostundrad @DerNarkotiseur
    Naja, Versicherungen wollen dir ja nicht helfen, die wollen Geld verdienen.

    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

    @energisch_ @Fischblog @Chaotica @DerNarkotiseur
    Und diese Programme sind auch so eine Sache - die werden zwar oft groß verkündet, aber ob dann auch was passiert? In Passau und Umgebung hatten nach der schweren Überschwemmung dort auch zwei Jahre später viele Leute nicht einen Cent Unterstützung bekommen, obgleich sie zugesagt wurde.

    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

    @energisch_ @Fischblog @Chaotica @DerNarkotiseur
    Das ist dann aber egal, denn in Köpfen bleibt hängen: "denen wurde ja geholfen, alles gut" und das Thema und die Probleme der Betroffenen sind längst aus den Nachrichten und damit "egal".

    GrimmReality, to random
    @GrimmReality@beige.party avatar

    In a simpler, less neo-Nazi-infested time when I didn't refuse to set a solitary foot in the woman-subjugating, Klan-empowering garbagescape of Texas, I stumbled on an EP called Live Texas Radio by a band called The Highwaymen, and who were, to be clear, a DIFFERENT Highwaymen from the all-star aging-legend ensemble. I bought it on cassette, to give you an idea of the epoch, and it was, as its title suggests, recorded in a live-for-broadcast session on some station down there. It's an astounding record, both ass-kicking and eviscerating in places, and in the latter category was this song of which I have just done a respectful cover (attached). It was a good song then, but now, 30ish years later, it jumped into my brain out of the blue as I was trying to come up with a song for some dear friends' anniversary, and the lyrics now resonate so deeply that they having me rolling over things in my head that I'd thought long-buried. If you've got four minutes where you've got nothing better to do, might be worth your time, might not. Only one way to find out, I suppose.


    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

    Love the song, love your voice, thanks for sharing 😍

    etherdiver, (edited ) to random
    @etherdiver@ravenation.club avatar

    LAST TWO free DL codes for Psychedelic Ghost Stories, my 2023 album. Weird, spooky and deeply psychedelic, and now, for ~30 of you, free! Have a listen, then grab a code.

    EDIT: Updated again! Final 2! Get 'em!


    Redeem code @ https://etherdiver.bandcamp.com/yum


    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

    Thank you very much! That was excellent and a kind gift
    I believe so far The Inscrutable Oracle of the Night Cafe is my favourite 💕

    AmiW, to sweden
    @AmiW@mastodon.online avatar

    The ArTist - Erik JOHANSSON is a surreal photographer from , based in , but working all around the world. He tests the boundaries between what is real and fiction. - Titles: Land fall / Arms break... Go your own road/ A place like home / The cover up/ - https://www.erikjo.com/ -


    @MaryMarasKittenBakery@troet.cafe avatar

    Wow! Amazing 😍

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