KissAnne, avatar

Pictures from this with my . 🤗 We went to the , ate Christmassy rice porridge with cinnamon and sugar. My Sanni and Siiri came home to me and we took them out for a walk, but they didn't want to stay in the cold weather for long. They liked the new toys and all the attention they got. 🤗

Rice porridge with sugar and cinnamon
Rowing machine at the gym
My cats Sanni and Siiri love the attention. Siiri is a brown Siberian cat and Sanni a while Neva Masquerade cat.

Rasta, avatar

@KissAnne I don't know what it is, but the first one looks yummy, like lasagna based

KissAnne, avatar

@Rasta it's enchiladas. Something like this.

Rasta, avatar

@KissAnne I love Enchiladas, chicken or Beef. Decades ago, we had some good Mexican food places in Halifax. Mostly gone now, there may be new ones, I won't go downtown, it's horrible there, but I miss the spicy Mexican food.
They also had Cinnamon Coffee, where I first tried it. Everything they served, had some SPICE to it

KissAnne, avatar

@Rasta I like my coffee plain. No extra flavours. I have had the best Mexican food ever in New York. 😍😍

Rasta, avatar

@KissAnne When I met my wife, My coffee was triple-triple, 3 sugar, 3 milk. My wife drank black. She hated the amount of sugar I used, so when she made me coffee, she would only put two sugar, then one. I knew, but I pretended to like them anyway, you know, Happy Wife, Happy LIfe. 😎​
But, while on a long trip, 3+months, I began reducing, until it was black, no sugar. Before that (there were no coffee shops then) we took 2 thermos, his & hers. I changed.
"Once you go black, you never go back"😂​

Rasta, avatar

@KissAnne But, later, I found an expensive Mocha coffee blend. We were poor like now, and could not afford luxuries. It was rare to buy it, but I loved it. The vendor told me what it was, cheap coffee with hot chocolate powder. That's it.
I never bought it again. Now, when I want Mocha Chocolate Coffee (most days) I add a teaspoon of Hot Chocolate mix to my black coffee. When they falsely inflated the cans in price, I went to black coffee again. I don't like EGGNOG. I buy Salt Carmel Hot Choco

KissAnne, avatar

@Rasta I have never even tasted eggnog.

Rasta, avatar

Home Made Eggnog @KissAnne
It's sold in cartons like milk, in most grocery stores around Christmas. Other times in the year, you have to make your own

jeanettepizzurro, avatar

Going to make it for Vin, he loves eggnog.

Rasta, avatar

@jeanettepizzurro I've never liked it but during that period I was trying to bulk up and get up to my proper weight, I'd run 10 miles in the morning before work (essential as I became senior and sat next to 4 bar commanders) to wear down my ADHD. I'd drink a half dozen eggs, but not eggnog. I hated raw eggs and eggnog. But I did what I had to do. I gained 17 pounds that year, still underweight, but much closer. It's also my high energy that made it hard to keep weight. Mom too, but not now.

jeanettepizzurro, avatar

I don’t like it, so I think I’ll make 1/2 recipe. I have many eggs and all the ingredients. It’s kind of expensive to buy it.

Rasta, avatar

@jeanettepizzurro It is. My wife likes it, so if/when I go near a store, I'll get her some for the seasonal treats. before we got pummeled with snow, I was going to do curbside pickup, but we have no curbs yet. Maybe tomorrow I can pickup groceries and I'll throw eggnog on the list for her. It's pricey but she deserves it. I don't like dark chocolate, but I get chocolate cravings and break down and eat her dark chocolate. Then feel guilty for doing it and order here a few bars with each order 😂​

jeanettepizzurro, avatar

You don’t like dark chocolate? Vin likes milk chocolate and he keeps his mitts off of mine. 😁

Rasta, avatar

@jeanettepizzurro Vinny an I will get along just fine. I once ate a shopping bag of milk chocolate in about 2 days. It was gifted me by a lady from Connecticut who was flying here and had limited time to say hello before taking an expensive cab ride to the other end of the province. To get more TalkTime and show off the real province (not just the promoted 6 parts that Tourism NS does) My wife and I decided to drive her. Every cove and sight, She knew I was a chocoholic and brought me a bag.

jeanettepizzurro, avatar

Good deeds bring nice perks.
You two are very similar. I was talking to him about audiobooks because he can’t read books (undiagnosed ADHD) but he likes to listen to NPR while he’s outside working all the time or on the tractor. He put the snow blade on the tractor today. Very heavy for one person.

Rasta, avatar

@jeanettepizzurro Really hard for one person. I bet he doesn't like to ask for help, even if it is available? I don't. The only dependable person I know is me. Until Covid, I was always taken advantage of, for my computer skills and free labour and repairs, for helping neighbours lifting, and anytime someone wanted something. When I was in need, they would scatter. I had a lot of time to think, when isolated. And I started trimming my friends and their real motives. Some aren't coming back

Rasta, avatar

@jeanettepizzurro They say, you can tell a lot about a person by how they treat animals, if kind to them, probably a good person too. Select waste-of-skin friends have abused our relationship & 1 didn't care if he killed someone by spreading Covid around. WOW, that''s a new kinda callous! I don't know anyone like that? Well, not anymore 😉​. Another, 1-time-felon, found inner peace. He's a flake. I slammed a phone down (I can still do that) I said You're full of shit! He fears me now 😂​

Rasta, avatar

@jeanettepizzurro So, one by one, with my critical thinking mind, and my (then) isolated observations, I adjusted who was of value in my life, and who was toxic. Everyone else gets one chance only now, to make a good first impression. Life is too short for RWNJ or Friends when they need something. The guy I slammed the phone down on, would take me from my work to help hm split his winter firewood. Promised to slip mine (Machine rental) but never did. Yet, when he needed me, I still went to help

jeanettepizzurro, avatar

No will never ask for help.
Covid was a time for introspection. Relationship’s changed for many people.

Rasta, avatar

@jeanettepizzurro That's the word I wanted. Introspection. I'm a deep thinker. Both creative solutions and painful thoughts. I've begun weeding out the painful thoughts, that were mostly caused by toxic people I was around. When we mingled in large crowds and one got too much, I'd just move to the next person and let it go. When we weren't mingling anymore, I had more time to examine why I gave them the time of day to begin with. I accept everyone, but I don't have to be a victim of theirs.

KissAnne, avatar

@Rasta I'm glad you found out how to make it. I like only filter coffee. I'm odd that way. 🤷🤭

Rasta, avatar

@KissAnne That's all we make, Filtered in a big Brewstation. In the afternoon, I make little Demitasses of Espresso, I have a secondary coffee maker. Basically, It's all centered around coffee


@Rasta @KissAnne I used to go on retreats and I turned everyone on to the hot chocolate/coffee hack. It became so popular, everyone took to calling it a Cormaria Cocktail, named after the retreat house.

Rasta, avatar

@LesterHammerer @KissAnne Good morning Les, Annie, I am on my third large mug of coffee. I put a teaspoon of Salted Caramel flavor hot chocolate in each. It's like going to Starbucks and paying $10 for a whipped mocha coffee with an $8 name 😂​ It's not Hot Chocolate in Coffee to them, it's frothed coco infused caffeine enriched caramel delight 😎​

KissAnne, avatar

@Rasta @LesterHammerer Good evening! "frothed coco infused caffeine enriched caramel delight" 🤭🤭 what a name

Rasta, avatar

@KissAnne @LesterHammerer
I made that up, but the expensive coffee shops here, are Starbucks. I avoid them. Fancy names draw top dollar. The Tim Horton's drive through has fancy coffee too. Black and Double Double LOL

KissAnne, avatar

@Rasta I have my coffee with fatfree milk. I used to have sugar too but I haven't used it in my coffee for 30 years.


@KissAnne @Rasta Oat milk, no sugar for me. The only coffee I drink black is espresso.

Rasta, avatar

@LesterHammerer @KissAnne Actually, I used to add sugar to Espresso when I first started drinking it in Portugal. They steam it into a thick tar you could stand your spoon in, and small one-mouthful demitasses. So, I watched locals add a little sugar to take the bite off. My espresso maker at home, I don't put anything in, it's much more palatable than the Portuguese type, at least in the past it was. They probably use Brewstations now with an Espresso setting. I also like AMERICANO blend

KissAnne, avatar

@Rasta I tried to drink black coffee for a while but I didn't learn to like it. And my stomach didn't like it.

Rasta, avatar

@KissAnne I found, it wasn't the taste of milk that made me do 3 shots in a coffee. I can't drink hot coffee meaning, so hot I can't swallow it. I don't want it to cool down or be lukewarm, But I want to sip it without burning my lip. It could be boiling in a mug and my wife would drink it.


@Rasta @KissAnne Apparently there is an optimum temperature at which the true full flavour of coffee comes out...water that's too hot (ie boiling) destroys this and renders it 'bitter'. I learnt this whilst living in France.

Rasta, avatar

@Rasta Aha! Thanks for that...I let the water boil then wait for a minute before using, as I don't have a thermometer to actually check the water temp!

KissAnne, avatar

@Judeet88 @Rasta I use Moccamaster coffee maker

Rasta, avatar

@KissAnne That sound interesting. My son never had money. We didn't get gifts from kids (good) but we gave money to them every year. One year, my son had an insurance settlement from a car accident. And had a few bucks. Feeling bad he was never able to give his parents any gifts (we didn't want anything) be bought a coffee pot that I couldn't afford, for us. It was amazing> Brewstation, hot or cold coffee. We like good coffee. It lasted 20 years! When it broke, I looked for another.

KissAnne, avatar

@Rasta That was a nice gift from him. A quality product! I hope you get a new one some day. Moccamaster is a basic coffee maker but it makes hot coffee. @That_One_Guy has it too if I remember correctly.

Rasta, avatar

@KissAnne Oh, we did get another. it will probably last 5 years. We have different coffee makers for each house.

KissAnne, avatar

@Rasta oh you looked for another means you found it too. Great!

Rasta, avatar

@KissAnne When something as important as your daily coffee stops, you'll pay top dollar to buy another. It's that important to us

KissAnne, avatar

@Rasta I agree.

That_One_Guy, avatar

I do have a Moccamaster, it's the best coffee maker I've ever owned.

Rasta, avatar

@That_One_Guy @KissAnne Looking forward to dropping in for coffee with you one day LOL

That_One_Guy, avatar

Any time you're in my area you are welcome to stop for coffee. It's like a cat cafe now. We also like good coffee and grind beans fresh for every pot.

KissAnne, avatar

@That_One_Guy @Rasta You are also welcome to Finland for a cup of coffee. 🙃🫶

Rasta, avatar

@That_One_Guy @KissAnne I don't remember if it was Annie? We talked about how my cats got in my life, and I said, I think you're a bit of a softie too? Look at all the animals in your house? And cats galore. We love cats, and coffee.

That_One_Guy, avatar

I'm a huge softie, Penguin proves that point. Nothing better than drinking coffee on a weekend morning with a cat in my lap and a dog by my feet.

Rasta, avatar

@That_One_Guy @KissAnne It was my fault we got Maya, we already had an old male cat, 25 pounds and he was happy as a single child of ours. But this feral cat and the kittens (I think someone destroyed them and missed one) were gone,and one tiny rat-like object was under my deck. Eyes barely open, full of ear mites, worms, expensive to start. But Jasper was my wife's fault, heartbroken we lost Buddy, and I was trying to locate the home of Teddy but he didn't have one. Difficult to handle too

Rasta, avatar

@That_One_Guy @KissAnne But he jumped on the bed and like Penguin (It might be a Tux trait) he curled up with my wife and won't leave our bed. So, no taking him to a shelter now, he's a keeper LOL

KissAnne, avatar

@Rasta @That_One_Guy you have a soft heart ♥️

KissAnne, avatar

@That_One_Guy @Rasta It's good to have a soft heart in the cruel world. 🫶🫶

Rasta, avatar

@Judeet88 That's right, and the big revelation was how poor PERK coffee is. For decades, that's all we had. In the Navy (♪ where you can set your mind at ease, ♪ in the Navy 😉​) they had 80 cup percolators. Bitter always, the worst coffee known to man. Probably my first 10-15 years in the Navy, that was all there was. After that, the machines had filter cones and still weren't good coffee but not burnt or bitter and easy to make a new pot

sortius, avatar

@KissAnne @Rasta it's good to see RTE getting some love. Her recipe book is sublime 😁

KissAnne, avatar

@sortius @Rasta ahaaaa 🤗👍

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