@Fleur__@lemmy.world avatar

Man we as a society should all pool our resources together so that things like this can be done on a much larger scale wouldn’t that be cool


I like that idea. We build a community social system of shared resources - maybe even owned by the people working the jobs. Why has no one ever thought of it? I’m sure everyone in the world would get on board.

@agamemnonymous@sh.itjust.works avatar

No that’s stupid. If we used the natural wealth of the planet to ensure a comfortable life for everyone, how would a small proportion of people live extravagantly without actually contributing anything? Don’t you understand economics?


Instead of “gofundme” we should call it “taxes”


Bbbbbbbut but but but taxes could go to people other than me and gasp even other races!


Ah, but what about the economy rich peoples yacht money


So how many of those days did he prepare food sick? This orphan crushing machine isn’t even hygenic.


He got $440,000 from the GoFundMe.

And approximately $407,000 from working at Burger King for 27 years, if he worked at an average of the current minimum wage.


I wouldn’t say the orphan crushing machine was stopped so much as one person was pulled off the conveyor.


Pushed back a few yards on the conveyor, you mean?


If he bought it outright, he might be ok. Once you own, you get to ride the wave of housing inflation instead of watch it carry the ability to own farther and farther away.

Though if it only gave him a down payment, then he’s still just as much a wage slave dependent on not having a manager that dislikes him, though if he is able to make the payments, the above will still apply. I hope the housing crisis isn’t going to be as bad on the inflation side, but if it continues previous trends, even with a mortgage, he’ll be gaining equity faster than his payments.

Retirement is another story, though.


I’ve opened the link thinking I would read an onion article.

How is the Onion supposed to survive when reality give us things like that ?



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  • Knoxvomica,

    I’ll bite, so say he does have learning disabilities, would that make him undeserving of fair pay?


    I cannot wait for the sweet release of death to overtake me


    -Work 27 years without a day off, following every advice to “stop being lazy and work”

    -Still not being able to afford housing without generous donations


    That Burger King should be ashamed of himself. He such a benevolent king.



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  • Rodeo,

    Don’t seen any of the white breads who control the company giving him a goddamn raise either, do you


    “In our magnanimity, we let this worker drone pretend to belong to the real people who get to own stuff. Isn’t it cute? Look at its widdle smile.”


    I never missed a healthy day of work in the past 22 years, i have called in sick a handful of times to prevent others from getting sick.

    I worked 84h weeks, but mainly 40/45h weeks.

    If i hadn’t had my savings taken away at 17 i could have bought a house at 18, nowadays my labour isn’t valuable enough to afford me a house.

    So if anyone has a spare 500k laying around so i can buy a small house…i’d gladly receive it.

    We could wait the extra 5 years but i’m afraid a small home will cost closer to a million then.

    Gotta love this economy and all these fancy modern things we get to enjoy…if we can afford them.


    Can you elaborate about the savings taken away at 17?


    It’s a parents thing, same happened to my sister.


    Damn that’s a ball ache. I didn’t get any savings when I left home, but at least I didn’t expect any. Just imagining the feeling of having that pulled away… ouch.

    Did have parents spot my rent a couple of time; don’t make me out to be ungrateful.


    Lots of shitty parents out there. It’s so bad that before you get your first paycheck in boot camp, they march the entire division over to the Navy Federal Credit Union, and whatever Bank was on base, and made you open an account with one of them, your choice. I went with the Credit Union.

    @Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

    Getting the soldiers to open an account seems like a smart move. Much better to get direct deposit and a debit card/checks than to have them cash a check somewhere.


    Sailors in my case. I assume they do something similar in the Army and Air Force, as it was a policy the Navy adopted sometime in the Vietnam War era, because too many parents opened bank accounts for their kids with the parents name as well, and cleaned out their pay.

    Anticorp, (edited )

    House prices have been falling for the last year now. Maybe… Nah. But maybe…

    @troyunrau@lemmy.ca avatar

    In your market maybe


    Nationwide. They’re not plummeting or anything, but they’ve been steadily decreasing.

    Edit: looks like they started going back up again a couple months ago. You can move the sliders to narrow down the chart.


    @troyunrau@lemmy.ca avatar

    I can’t find my market there. Must be because the world is bigger than the US ;)

    @AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

    Despite having health insurance I’ve lost my life savings three times now to medically necessary surgery that my insurance only covered a portion of. Insurance that cost a quarter of my income.

    When I was in my twenties, I got a hernia. 16k out of pocket.

    A bit later, a chair at work collapsed and I broke my wrist, workers comp paid for everything treatment wise including physical therapy, my wrist is still messed up, but workers comp showed me that actual medical care IS possible.

    In my thirties, I broke both my ankles when I was knocked down some stairs on the way to catch a bus to work. I went to work, worked 6 hours on broken ankles and then took a bus to the hospital that decided my insurance would only cover one, and the other one was going to be mostly out of pocket. 12k out of pocket.

    and then had a polyp on my vocal cord. Health insurance covered about 2000 of that leaving me with an 8k bill. My supplemental Aflac insurance covered the cost of a taxi (up to 40 dollars one way!) to the doctor for follow up appointments.

    Now I can’t walk right, can’t lift shit, and can barely afford insurance, I need a follow up surgery for my hernia and I’m better off losing my job and going on medicaid than trying to keep a job and pay for it myself.

    I’ll be renting forever


    What would have happened if you didn’t have the cash for the treatment?

    @AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

    I didn’t.

    Crippling medical debt that builds interests rapidly and can’t be discharged through bankruptcy. It helped fill out my plate alongside the student loan debt that builds interest rapidly and can’t be discharged through bankruptcy.


    That’s basically debt slavery isn’t it?! Sounds like a benefit gig for bankers if you ask me. Here in the UK our free health care system is a national treasure. It’s not perfect but it works.

    AutistoMephisto, (edited )
    @AutistoMephisto@lemmy.world avatar


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  • Soulg,

    Yeah and because it was unionized he has access to fantastic health insurance for him and his family. What’s your point

    RememberTheApollo_, (edited )

    TF kind of comment is this?

    Can’t be “stressed enough” that this is a union shop?

    Just come on out and post a couple links to anti-union propaganda while you’re at it.

    Typical because one union isn’t great they all suck comment or something? How is the title misleading if this is actually what happened: “guy misses no work and gets a house thanks to donations”

    What is misleading about that?

    Wanna know what the real thing that should be stressed is? The part where he calls it the “American Dream”. What is the dream exactly…? Slave your ass away and hope someone buys you a house?

    Edit: I looked through 7 different articles. Not one mentioned that this was a union shop. Post proof of him being a union member for the duration of his employment, post proof of when the union was voted in.


    From the OP article

    “Then as our family grew and he remarried, he continued to work there because of the amazing health insurance that was provided through this employer because it was unionized. This got all four of his daughters through high school and college with full healthcare coverage.”


    Bro, get a different job


    Any job that can’t pay a living wage doesn’t need to exist.


    Bro, Did you stop to think that maybe this is all he knows how to do? Did you stop to think that maybe he tried other things before being stuck at burger king?

    halferect, (edited )

    OK I choose rich playboy billionaire as my next job since it’s so easy to just get a new job… or maybe he should just learn programming…


    I mean duhhhh, it’s super easy to go to school while taking care of a family on a budget that’s too low as it is for the hope that maybe you’ll get hired as a junior developer in the completely, insanely, oversaturated market. All you need to do is skip unessential things like food and sleep, leave your kids outside while you work so no daycare costs (freezing builds character) and go to school at night! Then it’s just a breeze of sending 100s of applications and maybe hearing back from one of them in a years time.



    “Guy who works in food service admits that he went to work sick and likely spread it to hundreds of people because it’s the only way he could make ends meet, and now he can afford a house but not because of his hard work, but because it went viral on the internet.”

    What a heart warming story.


    Another reason why everyone should stay clear of places that exploit workers, it could be you who orders food when someone had to come work sick.


    It kind of mirrors the story of Typhoid Mary in a way, where it’s thought that one of the reasons why she kept going back to work as a cook, spreading Typhoid fever, was because she was homeless and on the verge of poverty.

    Presumably, if she had been offered an out that wasn’t being institutionalised, and locked up on an island for indefinite quarantine, or risky surgery, she might have taken it, and the story would have never panned out.


    You’re not “on the verge of poverty” if you’re homeless. You’re living in poverty.


    I don’t think that’s exactly true depending on the time period.

    @TheKingBee@lemmy.world avatar

    I don’t know if I like this interpretation, I mean it’s true and i don’t like it, but it puts blame on him for the fucked up system… With the shitty pay and hours of fast food we don’t know if missing even one day of work means he couldn’t pay bills.

    Even in an ideal fully automated luxury gay space communist society, nothing is ever truly completely automated, you’ll need some people you can count on to be there to push the buttons every day. This is one of those people, our society just wastes him.


    I’m not trying to put the blame on him. I’m more trying to say that maybe he should be paid enough to afford housing and his job should provide sick days and maybe even Healthcare. This guy was grinding himself to death while putting others at risk just so he could get by. That’s not his fault. He was doing what he needed to do to get by. It’s messed up that he had to do that.

    @TheKingBee@lemmy.world avatar

    Despite what I said, I got that.

    IDK, it was tone policing I should have phrased it better.


    Sensationalist bullshit. Nobody works 27 years in Burger King unless there is something fucked up in his life. If it was really that bad, there would be a link to the actual article.

    @Ep1cFac3pa1m@lemmy.world avatar

    From what details they shared, his life sounds fairly unremarkable. Feel free to stay mad, though.



    It doesn’t matter what kind of “fucked up” it is. The pay is too low.


    Some people do have something fucked up in there lives. Especially people that get stuck there. Still should be able to afford a place to live

    @SpezCanLigmaBalls@lemmy.world avatar

    Lmao bro it isn’t hard to Google dumbass. You could type all this out, get angry, yet couldn’t Google. You’re useless people.com/burger-king-employee-who-never-missed-…

    @Sheeple@lemmy.world avatar

    Shh the person you’ve replied to is a made in abyss fan. They aren’t known for their intelligence.


    Ayo what’s wrong with made in abyss

    @Sheeple@lemmy.world avatar

    Have you seen the show? The writer can’t stop forcing his weird kinks and pedo stuff for two god damn episodes.

    Oh what’s this? Bondage scene with a naked kid! Let’s focus way too much on Regs child penis! Oh look now Riku is peeing herself! Now get ready to see a child disciplined in a suspiciously sexual way! Oh you thought you were out of the piss zone after the second peeing incident? Here’s more piss and to add to that, Riku is now shitting with weirdly much focus on that! And now for good measure let’s strap Reg to a BDSM chair and shove a ruler up his ass for good measure! Did I mention a main trait of a prominent Narehate’s is that he has a filthy smelly butt?

    I wanted to like the show but the constant fetish and pedo crap is unbearable.


    I’m so confused. Searching online just gets me positive reviews. Why tf isn’t there a controversy tab on Wikipedia.

    @Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    It really is a great Manga but it does also have child nudity and other sus stuff. Unfortunately the weeb community as a whole has a pretty lax feeling toward that sort of stuff because of decades of normalizing that sort of stuff in anime and Manga.


    Also the toilet with a autonomous bidet feature

    …it’s a tongue. The toilet the little girls used has a giant tongue inside it

    @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

    I have no idea what you people are talking about and I’m scared of finding out.

    @Sheeple@lemmy.world avatar

    I somehow repressed that


    What. The. Fuck.

    I haven’t watched anime since my weeaboo ex and I split and this makes me feel like that was the right choice.


    Lmao as if every single anime is the same as this one weird outlier

    Of course the rest of the show is actually really good but I’m not going to fault anyone for being grossed out by the absolutely gross shit that’s also there


    Looks like western weebs are still causing the entire anime fanbase to be labeled as creepy pedos, lovely.


    I dont care about the link. My issue is with sensationalist non-linked pictures being normal and unmoderated.


    Oh wow someone had their blood boiling. Have fun with the mods. I hope you have fun with them because I have had a good track record of not using offensive language towards others up until now. :3 It would be a shame if that was a waste.

    @SpezCanLigmaBalls@lemmy.world avatar

    Did you even care to read why he did what he did? No you didn’t so your comment is in fact useless


    There are more ways to be a jerk than using “offensive language”. Also, it’s never a waste to be civil, and you shouldn’t need a reward for doing so.


    You’re useless lol

    BaroqueInMind avatar

    I would like to sincerely apologize on behalf of people here that offensive language by people trigger you, please accept that there are many people out there who are dumb and trying to troll you.

    You are stronger than that, you are smarter than them, you are better than them and you should elevate yourself by simply ignoring them; otherwise you are a pearl-clutching cupcake-eating obese limp-wrist bitch and should not read naughty words that make you feel bad on the internet.


    Let’s suppose what you are saying is true. Burger King job is only for those people with fucked up lives, and provides no option for them to unfuck their lives. Even if they work there for 27 years, their lives will still be fucked.

    Supposing all that is true, then why do we allow them to do business at all? If a company exists only through the exploitation of desperate, “fucked up” workers, without any expectation of them “un-fucking” their lives, why do we allow them to remain in business, competing with responsible companies that actively improve society and the economy?

    If Burger King actually operates the way you imply, they should be ejected from the market, so that non-exploitative businesses are not forced to compete with them.

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