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The2b, in Stretching the definition of an antique "meme", but here's an image from 2016 about a message board gag in 2006.

People would click God damn anything two decades ago


“It said nude pictures of Anna Kournikova…”

TheGreenGolem, avatar

I’m listening


It is actually a sasser worm virus. Don’t do it!


I still couldn’t resist to be honest. It can be done safely. Well, mostly. Some things may decide to overwrite the BIOS with Nyan cat, for example.


So nothing’s changed?


Yep, back in the very early 2000s, this was something we did at school to jokke around.

The cupholder joke was neat, it had a nice official looking UI with the Coca Cola logo, and a corporate style promotion text, there was a button to click to accept the “gift”, and only then did the CD drive open.

Then I remember running a joke program that would make the startbutton jump around on the screen.


Now they’ll install any random fucking app a company tells them to install. Oh, you want to see a menu at the restaurant? Just install this app. How about fuck you?

kogasa, avatar

Modern mobile OS’ and apps are quite strictly sandboxed so, with reasonable vetting like Google Play Store and Apple Store, you can reasonably safely install random crap and uninstall it later. It’s a different realm from running random binary executables.


Blot is blot. My phone barely handles what I want on it. I don’t need a menu app.

kogasa, avatar

You don’t need it, I’m just saying it’s not in the same realm of security hazard compared to running random executables on the internet 20 years ago.


That depends on your definition of safe. Everyone wants to be a data broker these days, and the amount of data that can be gleaned from basic app permissions is startling. Not to mention that it’s just annoying. We already solved this “an app for everything” problem 40 years ago with the HTML/CSS/W3C standards and a regular old web browser. 90% of the apps out there could be websites, and the world would be better if they were. But having an app gives the publisher a lot more control over what they can do, how they can spam you, and what they can scrape, and that’s why everyone has their own stupid apps now.

sxan, avatar

We already solved this “an app for everything” problem 40 years ago with the HTML/CSS/W3C standards and a regular old web browser.

God, please, no. There’s a really good reason WebOS experiments all, universally, failed, and it isn’t because Big Brother wants your data. They can get it through web apps just fine, anyway. No, the reason is because web apps suck.


Isn’t Discord and Microsoft Teams just a webapp in Electron? My main grievance is that Chrome on Android doesn’t hide that URL bar no matter what


You are very wrong about them not wanting your data, and the tracking/snooping capabilities of an app vs a browser.

sxan, avatar

Did I say they don’t want your data? I said they can get it through web apps too.

Doveryay, no proveryay, except it should be don’t trust, and verify. Web app or native.


with reasonable vetting like Google Play Store

Seemingly innocuous Play store apps get found to be viruses all the time, most recent in my memory being a few barcode scanner apps, farthest back in my memory being flashlight apps back before android did it natively, but there’s been more over the years. Trusting apps “because play store” is horrible practice.

kogasa, avatar

It’s reasonably safe. That’s not the same as “harmless.”


Because play store and OS permissions. Nothing is 100% safe but that’s two layers of defense these apps have that a random exe designed for an OS that gives root perms to every process does not have


Here’s an unsigned APK that’s just our website in a container plus all of the tracking and data mining we could shove in there. Why dont you go ahead and oauth us to all of your social media accounts too? Don’t worry, we only need post permissions so that we can bring you these sweet customized bargains.

ns1, in A question from Stoner Dog

One of its legs is both the same, duh.

ForestOrca avatar

The best answer!

SamuraiBeandog, avatar

This is my dad’s favourite joke.

Jiberish, in This fine young gentleman came in, he would like his dance moves appraised please.

Woah woah woah. Be careful posting this. The [REDACTED] doesn't like people violating his personality rights. He will find you. And you really don't want the [REDACTED] to find you.

sagrotan, avatar

I know somebody who knew him, the “viking”. The German term “Arschloch” or maybe “bully” describes that person best, as I have heard it, but this is after all hear-say and take it -like me- with a grain of salt. But the description, time and place was absolutely spot-on, so make of it what you want. Btw im telling this to the internet for years, nobody believes me & I don’t care. I can just tell what’s told me.


… I would simply walk away if directed to by such an imposing finger. But until then, the legend lives on.

MyTurtleSwimsUpsideDown, in in thine base

All thine base art belong to us


Thou must construct additional pylons

SubArcticTundra, avatar



Technically, it would still be are, the plural indicative of (to be)

Doth is third person singular indicative of (to do), a different verb entirely, as in: he doth protest too much.

So we were both wrong.

Unless… the original meme’s grammar was so bad that it used are in the second person singular sense. In which case, art is correct.

SubArcticTundra, avatar

Ahh thank you

ivanafterall, in I believe even this recreation* of the meme is old now. (*it's her mom)
ivanafterall avatar
JohnDClay, in Who could forget this classic with the guy and his guilty dog?

The dogs face really makes it. Incredibly funny expression.

ubermeisters, (edited ) in This CSI classic

i bet this poor meme can’t even sleep well in the bed. I’m tall, but this boi, he’s really tall. NO way he fits in a bed. Its’ really sad. we shouldn’t make fun of it.

And that is with him all curled up like an orphan in the winter smh

Edit: omg you guys, so much love

Edit 2: This is fun. I made !tallboi, come play along!


A rare out loud laugh, such beautiful effort

killeronthecorner, avatar

Actually brilliant. I applaud you


I have saved this. It is 100% the best comment I have ever seen on a meme.


Omg I’m going to blush


I made !tallboi If you wanna follow/play along


From the thumbnail I though this was a really long cat with a little green hat lying down as if it had a fever.

Then I thought you added the post images onto the cat’s body.

Then at last I zoomed in and turns out there’s no cat.


I can see it too, now that you say that!


I’m still laughing at this hours later, and am documenting this all to share with friends. Without a doubt in my top 5 comments of all time, I love you

oce, avatar

We’ll need follow ups on the life of this tall boy.


Lol! Nice!
Giving me some Photoshopbattles vibes.

ubermeisters, (edited )

Thanks! i really miss PsBattles. I started my own !imageedits but nobody knows it exists, and I don’t use my account anymore now that .world is stable again.

ConfusedPossum, in Dusting off this meme with an old format and what's practically an ancient song reference now

Yes can we do this

Can we bring back old memes from back when I was in the loop

The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

Come join the antiquememesroadshow here!


For great justice!

RHOPKINS13, in This old guide for how to listen to music in class.

This explains why so many of y'all didn't learn anything in school.


And we wonder why teachers want to ban phones in classrooms


Dunno why people keep saying this like it’s a new thing lmao, since phones have become popular even in the flip phone days teachers and schools have or tried to ban them.

It doesn’t work, it never works, kids will always find a way to sneak them in lmaooo


Doesn’t mean one should give up and do nothing.


I guess they could collect them at the start of the class. I’m sure some people would bring in “decoy phones” but whatever, it would still cut down on interruptions.


As someone with next to zero attention span it baffled me when I learned other actual make the choice not too.


I’m learning more put of school than I did in school

Right now I’m learning japanese and how to draw


I just had sucky teachers. Most classes consisted of walking in, and the teacher making us copy some overheads, then do work in the textbook, then homework. The teacher didn’t really engage or teach us anything, just sat there on his phone


In all reality the books should be enough for people to learn. Teachers don’t actually ‘teach’. They all just regurgitate info.

Neato avatar

I'm surprised you can even read.

Pyroglyph, avatar

That just tells us that you had bad teachers. Sorry about that.

Good teachers will deliver knowledge in an interesting way. Take any good edutainment YouTube channel: Vsauce, CGP Grey, or Kurzgesagt for example. More specific ones are arguably better, like Captain Disillusion for VFX or 3Blue1Brown for Math(s).

Good teachers will make you excited about learning something. Yes, they regurgitate info, but they should be doing so in an engaging way.

And I haven’t even mentioned the value you can get from simply asking a question. That’s where I think the true value of a teacher lies. We can all read books or watch YouTube videos, but if we’re not quite there then a simple question answered can often be enough to help us grasp a concept.


Maybe theoretically, but for whatever reason that doesn’t work for a lot of people.


That might be how you learn, but it certainly isn’t how everyone learns. Also, that’s just a shitty take on teachers.


Tbf it isn’t entirely wrong with many of the teachers I had. It’s sort of a problem, at least in some areas.


I mean, teachers vary significantly in quality and approach. Straight book readers are rare, but especially at lower levels maybe most of them don’t care about anything besides checking off whatever curriculum is handed down.


Hm, we must know very different circles of teachers.


We must. I mostly know elementary school teachers at this point, although looking back I see evidence of it all the way through my own K-12 experience. While it’s kind of sad in some ways, I think it’s pretty much necessary.

Professors are of course a different beast.


That’s actually not how I learn at all, or at least prefer not too but I’m more than capable of doing x on my own to produce y. Research is a skill that isn’t taught to anyone and they need hand curated material. It’s no wonder we have to cater to the lowest


…if that’s the case, why do professors exist in this day and age with so many books? Why don’t we have a scholar system in reality if books should be enough for people to learn?

Like, if you’ve ever had a good teacher before, they’re not JUST regurgitating info, they’re connecting it to the wider context that currently surrounds you, aka your daily lived life (at least in a lot of cases, I’m sure there are many flavors of what makes a teacher better than an info regurgitator, but this is a solid one that I personally know of)

Teachers, while they may suck or not have the ability to be good for whatever reason, are not supposed to be just information spewing robots.

Donebrach, avatar

This is the reality of using standardized testing to evaluate school efficacy and funding—teach the test content, don’t teach how to learn.


Honestly which teacher you have genuinely has an impact on what fields you have an interest in. Going into grade 11 I had neither an interest in English nor Biology. But my bio teacher was genuinely amazing and did everything she could to help us with the subject, including explain hard to understand topics over and over again in different ways to help get through to us.

Meanwhile my grade 11 English teacher was was very much the old timey type of teacher, the kind where you just know the only reason no one in class is getting flogged is because that’s illegal in the 21st century. Super strict and super patronizing when you don’t understand the material instead of actually helping you understand it. It got to the point where our class (along with her other classes in the same grade) literally started an online group so we could help each other through her bullshit, silver lining being that her class was a bonding experience for us. Combined with the fact that I was already struggling a bit because English is not my first language (I was still fluent and was in the normal English classes in Canada) basically made me despise English and literature in general. I learned more about fiction writing from writing and roleplay forums than I did in that class.

I ended up almost failing English while acing high school bio which led to me majoring in ecology in uni (though to be fair I was already very much inclined more toward science than any other field). Luckily my first year uni English prof was great and that class helped restore my interest in literature enough to start writing fiction on my own. All my hobby writing projects were from University onwards.

FireTower, in Another predictive post about the future. How did this one hold up? avatar

Wojacks > Rage faces

Rage faces were even kind of cringe at the time.


Wojaks are a billion times cringier to me. At least rage faces have the nostalgia factor.

loaExMachina, (edited )

First off, Wojacks ⊂ Rage faces. Rage faces are a wider and more diverse set, that includes the original wojack (and all the wojacks by extension) so they offer more possibilities; both cringe and non-cringe. Beside, they were more often than wojacks used in comics with several pannels and characters. More wojacks are used in single pannels constituting reaction pics or criticisms of a type of people.

In a way, wojacks are the heirs to Rage Comics, but they’ve adapted to a web in which we consume memes more quickly and in greater amounts, hence why they’re suited to smaller templates.

clearleaf, in Another predictive post about the future. How did this one hold up?

There definitely is nostalgia for rage comics but it’s more in a “I miss being that retarded” kind of way.

Clithzby, in Foamy the Squirrel- Small, Medium Large (Circa 2001)
Clithzby avatar

Core memory unlocked.

ThankYouVeryMuch, in A rage comic poking fun at the Aussies. Does it still hold up?
ThankYouVeryMuch avatar

No Brit would refer to those as chips, they are fries in Britain too

SubArcticTundra, avatar

Only in McDonalds though. Chips are chunkier, right?

snooggums avatar

Needs a third column for chips/steak fries?

ThankYouVeryMuch avatar

Yes, chips are thick and fries are thinner

JokeDeity, in An old year-based meme, which has now doubled from the original timeframe. Has the humor doubled in value too? You decide.

I legitimately feel like my mind stopped updating time when I graduated high school. The PS3 and Xbox 360 will always feel fairly recent to me, lol.


From birth to 18 feels like such a long time. The next 18 years felt like they went by in a flash. 


My dad said to me when I was a kid that when I was ten a year was a whole tenth of my life, and when I’m 50 it will only be one 50th of my life. So every year feels shorter. Not sure how much sense that makes, but it’s always stuck in my head.

The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

I still consider them “modern” consoles.

southbayrideshare, in This golden oldie has some dust on it. Looking for an appraisal.

The meme leaves out the part where the progress bar starts over again, completes, starts over, completes, repeating ad nauseam, rendering the progress bar element completely devoid of meaningful information.

lanolinoil, avatar

But that model is filled with exactly the information the comic guy is looking for. Things are still running


Or worse yet, a spinner like windows updates


And the spinning diamond ring of death

H2207, avatar

Microsoft are so bad at showing progress.

You know after saying it out loud Windows 11 makes sense now.

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