
This past week I started to see a new icon beside usernames that I haven’t seen before. It’s a little person with a 🚫. I searched online to find out what it means, and was not able to find any documentation about it. I assumed that it means this person has blocked me.

I came here to beehaw after having several negative experiences on other social media platforms. There’s another website that uses a similar (incomplete) method of blocking. Someone used it to bully me by blocking me and making sure to post everywhere so that I would see the block symbol everywhere I go.

Sure I could just block them right back, and I have been doing so. But in realizing that people I have blocked are aware of me doing so, I feel that blocking ppl on lemmy is not so much a safety feature as I had previously thought.

I’m aware that creating and maintaining a social media platform is a huge undertaking, but I am also annoyed that so many of these devs creating the tools do not seem to care at all about their users’ safety and wellbeing.


Oh, I never considered this before. I haven’t had any reason so far to block anyone, but would definitely like to know if the other party will be notified or not if it ever comes to it. I’d hate for bullies to find out if I blocked them or not, it would just encourage them to keep harassing me.
I would like to try an experiment, I’m going to block you (temporarily). Can you see if that symbol will pop up next to my name? I’ll unblock again in 24 hours or so.


Hi Thelsim, sure I’m happy to experiment with you. BTW I am using the Sync for Lemmy app for browsing. I haven’t checked if things work differently on the Beehaw PWA.

On one of the previous social media sites I was using, there were a number of users who would chase and hunt down other users across various social media platforms to harass and bully. They mainly seem to target queer or trans women.


Doesn’t that mean they have been banned? I usually use Jerboa to browse and people that have been banned have a 🚫 icon


i’m not sure. if someone’s been banned from my instance, would i still be seeing them around? doesn’t really make sense to me.


They can’t post anymore but the old posts still hang around unless deleted by mods I believe. You can confirm by visiting their profile, it usually says there if they have been banned or not


ahh okay, i think this is different then, because i saw it on new comments and i didn’t see anything in their profiles. it’s possible that the different apps display different information, which is a whole other thing i don’t have time to deal with 😅


I made it to see Postal Service. I tend to have a lot of anxiety and went alone. It’s the small things to keep going.

roblarky, avatar

My week has been one of growth.

Over the past couple of months, my wife and I have been having lots of drama because she’s polyamorous, but I’m innately monogamous (at least thus far).

She has a boyfriend now and it’s been a struggle, but I’ve finally accepted/realized that there’s no actual threat of her leaving (which was the core source of my anxiety and jealousy).

So we’re doing awesome now! We still have sex, snuggle, and generally carry on as normal, just that she also has someone who is satisfying that need to experience new relationships.

So overall, my week is going great

BioDriver, avatar

Honestly not great. Depression has been getting the better of me, along with little sleep and what sleep I go have being plagued by nightmares. It’s affecting my work and physical health, so I hope taking tomorrow off for a long weekend will help.


Last week I mentioned I was busy with some identity issues… Well… turns out I’m a girl. Or… at least part of me is. I have no idea anymore and I’m currently too burned out to explore this any further.
I suppose it’s not really a big surprise, considering my online activity here on Lemmy. But still, accepting a truth like this is still… Let’s just say I’m seeing a lot of my 40+ years alive through a new lens and a lot of things fall in place and with it some sad realizations of how I wish I knew these things then.
Oh and you guys are the first to know, so… yay? :)
Sorry if I’m unloading like this, it’s going to be the only coming out I will be doing for a long while. I just felt the urge to say/write it out loud once.


Thanks for sharing 🙂. Sounds like your future’s going to be brighter than ever! (even if it will take a little time to adjust)

Thelsim, (edited )

I love your optimism, thanks :)
Just to make sure, I mean this sincerely. I appreciate the positive vibes :)


I think I need to start reading books again.

I’m okay. I’m depressed, still but I’m doing my best to overcome it.

I started writing a book myself. Well, my fourth one. Another poetry memoir of my life because I seem to have so many stories to tell. It’s about the five stages of grief. In my case, that grief was from a long-term relationship that lasted almost 9 years.

It was inspired by a series of poems I wrote under the same name (it’s on Hello Poetry – it’s named like this: 'the five stages of grief: depression).

When I wrote the other 3 books, which revolved around my fall from meth addiction, it helped me heal in a way.

So that’s why I begun work on my fourth book, in hopes of healing again, and writing it so others can heal, too.

Evolone, avatar

I’m stressed. Burnt out. I’m not sleeping well, feel exhausted all the time, probably am drinking too much and just constantly feel like a failure.

Evolone, avatar

Thanks for sharing that book! The premise is intriguing and I’m picking up a copy soon. I love Montana but had no idea about the prevalence of communism there.

alyaza, avatar

not to give the game away but in that corner of the state it’s genuinely down to a handful of personalities that came and went, and it’s very interesting to see the circumstances that allowed them to have such an influence in the area.


I’m finally beginning to escape a 6 month long depressive episode. I’m beginning to feel happy again, and I can finally find joy in my hobbies. Not everything is going great right now and I’m still struggling to get by, but things are beginning to look up. Hopefully, I can harness this newfound energy to finally begin to deal with everything looming over me.

I’m also beginning to read some leftist books. I’ve picked up “Black Metal Rainbows” by Daniel Lukes, et. al, and I’ve grabbed a copy of “Debt: The First 5,000 Years” by David Graeber. I’m hoping to read some other titles when I get the chance. Hopefully, I can get back into reading again, it’s a great break from staring at a screen all day.

I’ve read half of Black Metal Rainbows so far, and I think it’s pretty good, even as someone who isn’t in very deep the black metal scene. The book is a collection of essays, art, stories, and interviews, and so far I’ve read about topics ranging from anti-fascism and removing fascist and nazi bands from metal, queer artists and their experiences in the scene, feminism, sex work, men’s mental health and DSBM, and an interview with Dødheimsgard (my beloved). I’d highly recommend it if you are interested in black metal or leftist communities in metal.



I got the date!!! Officially confirmed!!! Bottom surgery October 18th!!! 🥳


Congrats :)


Wooo!! Congrats! I wish you an uneventful recovery.

wildeaboutoskar, avatar

It’s ok mostly. Having a new choir on a Monday is taking some getting used to as I’m more tired than I used to be on a Tuesday (and that’s without the insomnia). Saw my mum and the dog earlier which was nice and spent the weekend looking after my sister’s animals for her.

Having a one on one meeting with my director tomorrow about the future of part of my role as it’s all changing (again), she’s lovely but I’m still nervous. It feels like I can’t go a month without some change at work and for someone who doesn’t generally cope well with change/has a tough time mentally this time of year it’s definitely testing me. Doing some tough music in both choirs too which is great but it’s not as relaxing when you have to think about it.


I managed to study 2 hours yesterday. It seems that atomoxetine works. But it doesn’t feel very effective, because I planned to study 8 hours, and a wild YouTube video appeared during my break. And today I’m doing nothing productive at all.

Medication works, but it doesn’t work in the way I want, like methylphenidate did.

wildeaboutoskar, avatar

Is part of the problem the nature of the goal maybe? 8 hours is a long timeframe even for neurotypical folk. Maybe work your way up to it, especially while you’re adjusting to new meds?

Feel free to ignore me though, I know you weren’t looking for advice.


It’s OK, I won’t complain (yet :P ). The problem was more the time when I take medications. Both Concerta and atomoxetine, I took them at breakfast, let’s say between 7 and 8. Concerta wore off at 18, 19 or 20, it depended on the day, but sometimes I needed more time to do my stuff, until 22, and I felt upset because of that.

Atomoxetine starts fully working after weeks or months. But it works for 24 hours, so I can control when I start and when I stop doing my stuff.

Besides, I didn’t take Concerta during weekends, which was good at that moment, but not always. Being a student has some circumstances. I stopped taking that pill in March, when I started atomoxetine.

BuxtonWater, avatar

Yeah I’m having a similar experierence with it. Though I am thinking I will be moved to methylphenidate sooner rather than later because the UK currently has an INSANE shortage of Atomoxetine for some reason and it is nearly impossible to get for unknown reasons.


You’re very lucky you can change to an stimulant. I’m not so lucky because I was diagnosed as an adult, so I’m not allowed to take stimulants in Spain. Besides, stimulants work for half a day, more or less, and can’t be taken every day.


Anyone else have the problem of having too many games they want to play but can’t settle on one so you play nothing? Facing that a lot lately the last week and need some advice. My backlog gets bigger but nothing gets played.


Ignore the backlog. Backlogs are a mental hangup, they are not a moral imperative.

About a year ago I just gave myself permission to start and stop games at will. 10 seconds. 10 minutes. 10 hours. Didn’t matter. If i moved on, I moved on. Let me tell you it has been a treat. I have discovered more games and I’ve played plenty of games 40 or 50% through and felt like I got what I needed out of it. Gamepass has been fantastic for this as well. I just view it as demos almost.

We don’t force ourselves to finish bad seasons of shows (unless we’re REALLY committed to the show). Why should we force ourselves to burn 20-40hrs on a campaign or whatever we just don’t care about? You’re not getting your money back, and you’re certainly not getting your money’s worth.


This is some great advice. I need to try and remember that I don’t need to complete every game. I bought them for entertainment and there’s no point continuing if I’m burnt out!


I had someone say the same thing to me and dude I cannot express how much better things are.

Hell the other night I “wanted” to play BG3 - put over 100hrs in. After an hour I was like “I haven’t paid attention to ANYTHING this past hour and I’m bored as hell.” Taking a few days off. Maybe I’ll go back, maybe I won’t.

wildeaboutoskar, avatar

I have that problem with most things- too many books I want to read, too many games I want to play, too many shows/films I want to watch. And no energy to do any of it so it’s back to watching the same thing I’ve seen dozens of times before.


Don’t get me started on books and watching things. I feel like it’s been years since I’ve sat down and focused on a book.

There’s just so much content out there and I feel like you’re nearly afraid to try reading new books or shows in case you waste your time by not liking them. That always ends with me watching my favourites over and over like you.

Ethereal87, avatar

To add on to starting and stopping games at will, take some time to just organize your library of games too! I have mine sorted into several categories…

  • Forever games that I’ll come back to over time
  • Loved games that I may come back to should the mood strike
  • "Next Up" games that I want to play soon
  • Games I want to play eventually
  • Games I’m done with, either I played it for 10m and I wasn’t interested or I finished it and got a resounding "meh"
  • Zero interest games or duplicated games (ex: the original version of a game when the remastered version was given for free and is in one of those other categories, free VR versions, etc…).

It takes a lot of focus and work at first, and a LOT of flipping between the page in your library and the store page to see if you want to play a certain game. I axed stuff pretty liberally and at different points in my life, I’ve gone back and pruned that list of what I want to play and see if I realllllllly still wanted to play it. I also found organizing my library a bit of that kind of “mindless enjoyable” that you can just get into a flow state to go through.

Once it’s done though, when a new game gets added to my Steam Library, I can immediately “triage” it into one of those categories because it’s the only thing not categorized. It’s taken my library of what is now almost 1300 games acquired over 15 years and given it some more structure. Of that list, today I have ~250 in some version of “want to play”, ~400 in some version of played, and ALL the rest in that zero interest/duplicate category.


That’s a great idea actually. I do something similar for the Anime I watch using MyAnimeList.

I’ve actually started doing this after reading this and Steam makes it super easy to sort through the categories. They even carry over to the Steam Deck as well which is nice. Thanks for the suggestion!

Ethereal87, avatar

Of course! One thing I’ll mention since you said you have a Steam Deck: I split my “want to plays” into a Steam Deck and PC category (some games may be Verified/Playable but I’d rather play them on the PC, others may be unsupported but ProtonDB says they’re fine). When I got my Deck, I did a pass through my Want To Play list on the Deck itself with DeckyLoader and the ProtonDB Badges plugin to determine if a game I wanted to play was better there or the PC.


Yeah I have a “nextlist” that I maintain in a Todoist project, that just lists the next book, game, movie, show, podcast, etc.

I add to it and rearrange priorities occasionally, but it’s super nice to have when I get into that analysis paralysis you describe.


Lot of work drama and silliness. I’m not getting enough exercise. It’s making me feel sad


So I am leaving my job and this is my last week. I am 2nd in charge, but my manager has taken this week off. So I am acting manager for this last week and did not get a handover for the work. So I am spending my last week trying to manage it all and catch up of the work that was left hanging as well as my own. I also catch 3 trains to get to work over an hour away (one of the reasons for leaving) and today my train was delayed mid way for an hour because the police needed to remove a passenger. I also had to submit a 32 page report to exit a staff member who has literally been getting paid to do criminally negligent work. I’m tired. But my staff are great. I am at a train station now and I miss my dog.

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