
Turning Japanese by The Vapors is something else. Love it but I feel weird about it 😂😭

Thornburywitch, avatar

Just had a look at Big mob of rain coming in from Western Vic. I reckon it’ll be here by morning. So much for doing a perfect two weeks of biking to/from work every day. Now to find my myki … Sorry studspud, won’t be going to Night of Power if it’s raining.


Fair enough! I dont want anyone out in the rain!!

Bottom_racer, avatar

How else are we supposed to jump in puddles?


I’ll be there, dancing my silly little heart out. Jump in puddles on the way home heheh

Duenan, avatar

Bleh. I know I’m just going to be rained on tomorrow when I have to do my outside duties.


Hey guys, sorry it took so long to get over here. I’ve been very tired and was a bit intimidated by the learning curve of the site.

Melbcat is here with me, happy and spoilt.

Edit: I’ve been resting a lot, learning to draw in an app on my phone and debating whether I’ll maintain a vegie window box

Thornburywitch, avatar

Good to see you!







CEOofmyhouse56, avatar

Glad you’ve found your way. Much nicer over here. 👍


Lol I keep getting signed out. Sick of me already?

CEOofmyhouse56, avatar



Yeah I keep getting signed out too. Don’t know why, it just happens to some users.

baconmash, avatar

same for me. Reload the sub instead of the thread and you will probably be back in. And welcome!


Thanks bacon!


Very happy to see your username!! 💜 💜



Seagoon_, avatar

yay , so happy to see you here 🤗 sadly, we have no awards so emojis will have to do



Duenan, avatar

Woo hoo! Good to see you here and with Melbcat too.


She’s going to try and comment on here (stand on phone)


Glad to see you!




Yaaaay! Welcome welcome welcome!


It took me long enough 😅


The interface is doodoo though, especially on the mobile site. I think you mentioned that in the r/DT.

There are apps for it though, I prefer Connect.


Knowing me I’ll probably just deal with it


Welcome home




Lol so there’s a weird situation going on in my fridge. There’s a basin of red and yellow capsicums swimming in water because I don’t really know what to do with them. I’ve had them for a couple weeks but they feel firm but I’ve got this fear that I don’t know what I’ll find if I slice them open.

Seagoon_, avatar

slice them in the sink


What will come out though 😭

Thornburywitch, avatar

Seeds will come out.
You could possibly roast the caps whole, slice and store them in oil until needed. Or freeze the roasted strips. Fresh caps don’t freeze well cos they collapse into mush, but cooked ones are just fine.
Or if there are manky bits inside, cut them out, then blitz the good bits to a puree and freeze in useful quantities. Add to soups, stews and stir fries or even tray bakes in lieu of tomato sauce.


Fresh caps don’t freeze well cos they collapse into mush

Whyyyyyyy are vegies so fussssss

Thank you…I will get the courage to slice them when in broad daylight


A note saying ‘we are prisoners please send help’ put in there by workers at the capsicum factory. If a capsicum has gone bad it will usually show as soft spots on the outside, so if the outside seems fine it’s unlikely it will be bad in the middle.


Oh no I wasn’t thinking of that but that would be even more frightening.

I had a couple that I had to throw away because they went mushy and mouldy on the outside. I hope the rest hadn’t been infected.

Duenan, avatar

Mystery capsicums 🫑

What’s inside? No one will know……


Not a small toy in a capsule I know

Bottom_racer, avatar


That ended up being very decent salt and pepper (and chilli) squid at Anh Anh kew. I really rate that place :)

just_kitten, avatar

very good, I have driven past that umpteen times but never actually checked it out. Now I know where to take people when they come visit!

Force_majeure122, avatar

My department at work is collapsing. Our budget was dramatically cut, and my direct team in Melbourne has dropped from 8 or 9, down to 3 (farewell drinks for one tonight), and they aren’t being replaced. Other big changes coming… Interesting times. Mood and motivation is down in the team. It will continue because it must, and will be profitable in some form, but I don’t know what that form will be at the moment, it’s all still up in the air. My job is safe I believe, I’m too expensive to make redundant and can be moved elsewhere. I’m just kind of a fly on the wall of my first major shift like this in a business. Just venting a bit I guess.

Duenan, avatar

I’m sorry to hear that. What will it mean for you in the future and for your team?

Losing more than half the people is devastating if the remaining needs to shoulder the burden of those who left.

Force_majeure122, avatar

Not sure what it means yet. A whole other team is being dissolved and others are picking up their work. Big restructure underway. I think most of the lay-offs are done with, but still remains to be seen where things will end up. Our advertising budget was cut too, so in theory less work coming in, and less for us to do, but it’s still very new and developing.


I feel like this is happening quite a bit across the board. Companies have made cuts before the EOFY and either there will be no replacement or any roles not filled will be challenged and made difficult to approve. Other than people who may have got a promotion out of the latest restructure, everyone else is confused, pissed off, or both. Weird, uncertain, and crazy times.


Can be rattling when most of a department is set loose. I ended up leaving my last long-term job (in 2019) when a new GM came in and fired half of our billing and customer service teams. Told her to suck my dick on the way out and now can’t use her as a ref lol.

If you do end up leaving, because the culture and attitudes have changed, do not burn bridges 😅

Force_majeure122, avatar

Do not tell GM to suck my dick. Noted, thank you.


Take the advice I could not take myself.

Duenan, avatar

Yeah. Good advice. Try not to burn the bridges on the way out unless you absolutely don’t need their reference or don’t think you’ll get work from them.

Also if networking is close, it’s better to keep your reputation.


Did they reply with “present it”?


No, but HR did ask me to resign. I told them I had already sent them my resignation two weeks earlier and that this was actually my last day, did they not get my email, or read it? I had also printed it and gave to the GM at the same time, so I asked her if she did not remember me handing her the unfolded, un-enclosed letter that I watched her read and acknowledge.

I could see they felt awkward, so I told them to pay me for the rest of that day and I left early.


Hi DTers! I’m here from Reddit (same username). Good to see people from the OG DT here.

Kicking things off with a super random question, as I always do on the DT: I’d like to make oven baked tandoori chicken with basmati rice, but I’m not sure what to do for veggies. Chutney isn’t really a replacement for veggies, but more of a dipping sauce, right? Can I put chutney over veggies like broccoli, cauli, carrots, etc? That probably doesn’t sound right, but can anyone please recommend an easy Indian-style veggie side dish?

Hopefully it’s something easy and basic, because I’m a lazy and terrible cook :-(

CEOofmyhouse56, avatar

I’d go with some green beans or sauteed spinach. Chutney is a condiment so a generous dollop on the side of a plate is all you need.

Seagoon_, avatar

cauliflower , potato with curry powder and coconut milk


vegetable medley!! broccolini chopped into half or thirds, spinach, cherry tomatoes, sesame seeds, and any sauces/oils. Put the broccolini into a pan first, then tomates, then spinach last. Add/remove other veggies as wanted (i like adding sliced capsicum) and it goes with most dishes. Sauces/oils can be changed up depending on the main dish it is being served with.

Force_majeure122, avatar

Zucchini with this 👍👍👍 I like to add a little water in the frying pan to start it, pop the lid on, cook like that for maybe 5 mins until it cooks some of the veg a bit without burning the oil and stuff. Once water evaporates, add oil (or in my case, butter, which is way better), some garlic paste and chilli. Finish the cooking for another 5m. Beautiful


Zucchini!! Brother in Frypan, thank you. Will add this next time!

dumblederp, avatar

Make a few Indian veg dishes to go on the side. Eg Saag. Welcome to the other place.


Spinach and pumpkin curry is a simple Indian vegetable dish. Or maybe an eggplant curry?

just_kitten, (edited ) avatar

Hello!!! Welcome!

Normally I might suggest a light dal with tomatoes, carrot, and cauliflower - the moisture would nicely round out the dryness of the chicken and rice while still being hearty and filling for a winters night. But that is perhaps a bit overkill.

Stir fried green beans and onions with a pinch of turmeric would go nicely. If you have any whole spices, a small amount of black mustard seed and cumin or fennel seed quickly tempered in the oil at the start really adds that Indian flavour without being overpowering. I add chilli flakes to the oil as well when I add the onions. Here is an example using powdered spices and no onion but it’s a very versatile and simple dish - as the link suggests, use frozen sliced green beans to make it much faster.

Or, quite honestly, a plain raw salad - tomatoes, shredded carrot, lettuce - with a very light dressing lemon or vinaigrette would do the trick, lots of south Asians will have it that way at home - again for the freshness and moisture, and acidity from the tomatoes, but without the intense flavour of a chutney.

whatisthislifeilead, avatar

Watching Dune (2021) - I fell asleep watching this once and also fell asleep watching the original version…maybe third time will be the charm?!


‘I mean,’ she said, ‘that one can’t help growing older.’

‘One can’t, perhaps,’ said Humpty Dumpty; ‘but two can. With proper assistance, you might have left off at seven.’

if only, one can dream

Seagoon_, avatar

I think some people just have an old mindset. Not open to fun or play or new experience. Two people with a fun, playful and adventurous mindset will help keep each other young at heart. but sadly the body doesn’t follow

StudChud, (edited )

TW I supposeI am not entirely sure why or how I survived being 7, or 12, 13, 15, 16 or 18 to 26, to be completely honest. If it wasn’t for a random night in Oct 2018, I wouldn’t be here. Probably explains why I am an actual fucking weirdo who cannot keep friends hahah ugh If it wasn’t for mein liebe giving me the confidence and freedom to discover who I am. Two people and one friend can make all the difference between a headstone and a beer, ranting on the PC lol.


I have just always loved that quote from Through The Looking Glass, it’s quite dark yet humourous haha

ReadEverything, avatar

One of my favourite books, don’t think I would have stopped at seven though, maybe about ten? I could do without the adult responsibilities for a while.

Seagoon_, avatar

It’s nice not get spam from uni studies, recruiters or have stories stolen . Just sayin’. 😊

Seagoon_, avatar

I found a really good way to think of fat/weight control.

Everyday there are three possible outcomes. We get fatter, we stay the same, we get thinner. Mark each day on the calendar. The trick is to slowly move from “get fatter” to “stay the same”, then from “stay the same” to “get thinner”. Then it’s stay the same thereafter.

It probably means No Junkfood. Diet. Stay on diet.


Look, I’ll be brutally honest. If you have excess fat, it will scream at you to feed it. You need to simply not listen to it. Skip the rice with dinner. Just have fruit and yoghurt for breakfast. Don’t eat until you’re full. Stay active, do aerobics. It will get pretty bad after a week or so, but once you start to starve the fat off, you can start noticeably losing fat every day.


I lost ~30kgs (went from 100kgs to hovering around 70kgs) because I got poor, couldn’t afford takeaway, and had to start living super frugal. Starved the fat right off. I don’t have a car, so I forced myself to walk around for good deals, markets, etc. It does get easier, but the first few weeks of reducing food intake was pretty brutal.

I look good now tho (i think 😬😬😬) so win-win haha

I am sad I went down a bra size or two, bc I liked my titties, but now I can walk around without a bra, so again, win-win lol

Seagoon_, avatar

I have gone down two bra sizes the past 2 months and my clothes one size . I just gotta keep eating properly, having many more good food days than bad


It’s a big confidence boost when you realise the clothes are now too big. I’m glad you are seeing results! Losing weight (fat) can be difficult; I hope you feel good and accomplished about it!! <3 <3 you ought to!

Seagoon_, avatar

It doesn’t help Melbourne is such a foodie city.

( when did that happen, when did people think about eating food more than personally playing sports )

Seagoon_, avatar

also, many kudos on losing 30k, a lot of people would have just bought really cheap food that is unhealthy, it took skill and knowledge and determination to eat cheap and healthy 🤗

landsharkkidd, avatar

Inflation is bloody real. Coles shredded Mozzarella cheese is $11, I remember it being like $7.00 whereas the 250gram shredded is $6.00.


I always buy that kind of cheese from Aldi if I can because Colesworth is an absolute rip off.


Shredded cheese is crap anyway. They add all sorts of nasties like anti caking agents to stop the cheese clumping.



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    I watched 5 minutes more. You have to seriously try to be worse than Halloween shop bad. Fucking hell!

    RustyRaven, avatar

    Miss Meow thought playing with the clothes hanging on the drying rack looked like fun. She successfully subdued the lingerie bag, but got stuck in my bra. I had to rescue her (and the bra) but she looks completely unrepentant.


    I have a pic of a prior cat with some black frilly kit around his waist. Walked through the air rack 😺


    Mein Liebe made a beef bowl. Rice, sliced beef, sliced onion, cooking sake and mirin. Roasted sesame seeds and fresh sping onion.

    ID: pic is of the above meal in a blue bowl

    Seagoon_, avatar


    CEOofmyhouse56, avatar


    useless_modern_god, avatar


    Seagoon_, avatar

    So jelly you have someone who is a great cook.

    Force_majeure122, avatar


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