CEOofmyhouse56, avatar

I made a turtle coaster. I think he needs eyes.


make it biblically accurate

CEOofmyhouse56, avatar



Needs the world on its back. I quote John 13:6 - “it’s turtles all the way down”.




Catfish, avatar



Eyes as far as the eyes can see?


So anyone with a wood heater, advice on getting a roaring fire going because I am terrible at it and always have been.


All good advice from the others. I’ll add that having some scrunched up paper under the kindling teepee helps to get things going. And depending on what kind of kindling you have, you may want to split it even further, long ways. Don’t do it neatly. The little bits of splinters sticking out will catch easier. Once it’s properly lit, add some smaller logs, cut side towards the fire. (Bark generally doesn’t light as easily) and then maintain the fire by adding more logs as needed to increase heat and not let it burn out as the initial logs get depleted.


Will cut mine down a bit more. Thanks!


Dry wood, never freshly cut down, and stored out of the rain. Good kindling base, don’t hesitate to use fire starters. Feed slowly, your goal is glowing hot coals. keep the flue open till you get close. Dont shut it all the way till its roaring.


Thank you!

calhoon2005, avatar

On the firestarter thing, the natural ones work great. Avoid the foil encased ones, all sorts of bad going on there

CEOofmyhouse56, avatar

Set up the kindling like a tee pee then just keep adding bigger pieces as you go.


I’ll give it a shot next cold day. Thank you!

dumblederp, avatar

My tip is to roll newspaper lengthways then tie a knot in it as a fire lighter.


I saw a video using that method. Seems to work well. I’ll try it next time. Thanks!

ReadEverything, avatar

Pine cones are great to start a fire with along with cardboard like toilet rolls, I use a bit of everything, newspaper, cardboard, small twigs and pine cones then bigger kindling and then when that’s going, really dry wood.

kudra, avatar

@danwritesbooks @CEOofmyhouse56 my tip is: clothes dryer lint! Save it and you guarantee a fast start.


A mastodonian! Lemmy daily threads must look pretty funky from mastodon, right?

kudra, avatar

@Baku comments/replies just come through like regular posts in my feed, so yeah it's a bit janky but I like not having to look at different places, and if stuff comes up that I can comment on, it's quite easy to do =) I love social network interoperability, even if it is imperfect!

Thornburywitch, avatar

Airflow. I mean it.
Open the dampers (top and bottom) before you light the fire. Then when it’s roaring, close the bottom damper 3/4 of the way and the top one 1/2 way. When the flames settle down a bit, close the top damper almost all the way and the bottom damper likewise. Then put on wood ONLY when there’s a bed of coals gently glowing. When you do, open the bottom damper a bit to let in some oxygen and close it again after 10 mins when the new wood has caught.
The heater does not need to be roaring to heat the house. A bed of coals is much more efficient and cheaper in wood.
If you want chapter & verse on setting up the initial fire, just let me know. There’s a hundred tricks to it depending on what wood you use and the set up of the heater. Or consult youtube.


Also clean all the old ash out including from the baffles, if it has a fan check that as well, may need to clean filters etc.

underwatermagpies, avatar

Product review: Lime Mojito in a cask, from Aldi.

I got carded buying this for the first time in many years. This is classy stuff. Not sure I’ve ever actually purchased a cask before?

First sip: is this just lime cordial?

Several gulps later: oh there’s the kick, this is really quite strong isn’t it.

Verdict: goes ok. Pretty tasty. Would be better in a fancy glass with some mint and fruit and shit but I couldn’t be bothered. 3.5/5 🍸🍸🍸, a solid almost-holiday in a cask.

dumblederp, avatar

Does it say what alcohol they use? I don’t like Aldi-Baileys because its based offa white goon.

underwatermagpies, avatar

It’s vodka and white rum. Tastes reasonably legit.


I appear to have taken on too much at work.

Llabyrinthine, avatar

Still going through papers?


oh yes. many papers.

Seagoon_, avatar

I think every movie with Tom Cruise could be improved by replacing Tom Cruise.

I just watched Edge of Tomorrow. Sort of a bug movie and a computer game . Good movie that made me dislike Tom Cruise even more. What a waste, some other actor could have made that better.

3.5 hobbits but minus .5 for Tom Cruise.

Catfish, avatar

Cocktail & Top Gun got into my brain before I could properly see the problems with them or him. Don’t think I’ve liked him since. Creepy midget 😝

Seagoon_, avatar

I haven’t watched either.

I used to enjoy his movies, but then he just became a bigger and bigger arsehole irl,

and I also started to see how he often just wasn’t good

one positive thing is that he’s a very conscientious and hard worker

I grant he was good in Tropic Thunder, I think he was playing himself


That tropic thunder cameo was by far his best work

useless_modern_god, avatar

Good call. I would rank A Few Good Men as his best and my fave.

Catfish, avatar

Ah yes. That one is solid. And Nicholson being revolting, he’s very good at that.


I usually don’t like Tom Cruise but I would not want anyone else in Top Gun. I think that’s also because he was playing himself.

useless_modern_god, avatar

Just read “All You Need is Kill” by Hiroshi Sakurazaka and you can replace Tom with whoever you like.

CEOofmyhouse56, avatar

I’m not a fan but I watched American Made and he was really good in it. Great movie too.

Seagoon_, avatar

That *was *a good movie. Tom seems very well cast playing people with little moral compass.


I loved edge of tomorrow! I reckon like 4.2 hobbits from me


I don’t mind him in action stuff like the Mission Impossibles or Top Gun. Not every movie has to be intellectual or every actor be Oscar worthy. Some movies I watch for easy fun, others I watch for more depth. Tom Cruise is in the first category.

dumblederp, avatar

Having read the books, Cruise was a terrible choice for Jack Reacher. I think he’s a twat of a man and a passionate actor suited to action, but he’s no Jack Reacher.


And Jack Reacher is supposed to be like 7 feet tall!

dumblederp, avatar

6’5" in the books, and thick, and can’t run for shit. In one book he gets shot with a small calibre gun and he’s described as having too big pecs for the bullet to really hurt him.


Can we go back to the golden age of appliances where they sung a song when finished and then shut up pretty please

We have a washing machine from 2009 and it’s very nice and respectful. It does its job, then it sings a lovely little song and then you won’t hear from it again until you start pushing buttons. The dryer is much newer because the last one conked out. This one will make a long beeeeep that ascends in tone 3 times every 5 second until you go and open the door AND turn it off (just doing one of those isn’t enough)

The air fryer makes an annoying sound, but isn’t obnoxious about it like the dryer

dumblederp, avatar

Everything should have a “mute” and “lights on/off” button.

CEOofmyhouse56, avatar

My microwave beeps at me every minute when it’s finished to let me know to open it and yell “Are you happy now?”.


Those beeps are useful for things that you’re supposed to microwave and then ‘rest’ for x minutes

CEOofmyhouse56, avatar

True but if you’re only cooking peas then it’s a bloody nuisance when you’re trying to organise the other parts of the meal.

RustyRaven, avatar

If I want it to time my resting period I just set the timer to run after the main cooking time.


How else do you know to rescue the potato inside?

CEOofmyhouse56, avatar

The potato can wait. I’m busy.


I actually unplug the microwave if I don’t stop it before it beeps. Every beep feels like an audible knife penetrating my brain. And for the dryer I just firmly tell it like an annoyed parent to stop being disrespectful and to show some respect to its elders. If I’m feeling particularly annoyed, I’ll give it a lecture about how dryers should be seen and not heard


Agreed. How dare a machine beep at me. Impatience is not a good look on a machine.

My washing machine makes 3 too many beeps for my liking.

underwatermagpies, avatar

Oooh, NGV’s bringing out a heap of cool Ancient Egyptian stuff for their winter exhibition. That’ll be fun.

Seagoon_, avatar

oooh, kinda like the MMA or BMC stuff. Nice. 😃

Gibsonisafluffybutt, (edited )

How is it fair that I eat healthy for a week and feel like utter shit? Tempted to buy a cheesy crust pepperoni pizza from dominos…

Also another 35 applications done today.


Just reminded me, many years ago (around 2010 maybe), I ordered a pizza from dominos. It was awful, tasted weird and tangy.

A few years afterwards, I swear I saw a TV ad for dominos saying “now with real cheese”. Turns out they were using cream cheese or something beforehand. Never ordered from them again lol.

Not saying they’re bad now ofc lol

Seagoon_, avatar

processed cheese product, it’s a common thing in the US. Aged “real” cheese is very expensive there.

Catfish, avatar


Seagoon_, avatar

It’s good healthy cheap food that has good shelf and fridge stability. It’s an excellent choice for people with not much money to spend. It’s also very high in protein. iow, it’s good food.

I used to buy processed pepper jack cheese to make nachos, it was so yummy and melted very well. I grew up on kraft too. Walnut cheese from Germany is also processed.

Catfish, avatar

I can’t agree. The brief period I was in the US was food hell and their weird orange plastic ‘cheese’ was part of that.

Seagoon_, avatar

The US has wonderful food, you just have to know where to shop for it. :)

Catfish, avatar

Being 15 at the time I didn’t get much choice in the matter


I bought one last week as a sort of “last hurrah”. Not gonna lie, I inhaled it in one go lol.

I read something that said the longer you e been eating like crap, the longer it takes to start feeling better.

I haven’t been eating well since lockdown…

Seagoon_, avatar

my good diet motivation kinda got crushed when miss seagoon said I wasn’t eating well

i was doing calorie reduction, she’s more into “health food”

I should get back into it, set up my food cupboard with good food, get out of the habit of snacking


I do the whole gaining and cutting thing during the year. Hardest part for me was making meals that I would eat even when I wasn’t trying to eat healthy.

It’s such a change.

Seagoon_, avatar

it’s the snacks

my meals are very good, always fresh vegetables, I eat fresh fruit everyday, lean meat, not much cheese at all

( tho I’ve been having frozen meals when my back is very bad )

it’s candy and cookies that get me


Oh no, hopefully that’s not discouraging. Maybe there’s an adjustment period? Sugar withdrawal? (is that a thing?). I know that guts can go through some adjustment if diet changes to include more veg and fibre, but it will settle down fairly quickly. It’s just a bit of a shock to the microbiome.


Definitely going to stick to it. The positive mental health impacts have been unbelievable. Once the physical subsides, all will be well hopefully


I had the beginning of a root canal today and it was the first time I was in pain even with anaesthetic. Poor dentist had to squirt the stuff straight onto my tooth.

So afraid to bite anything using that tooth…

RustyRaven, avatar

Close resemblance, but definitely not Miss Meow. Based on the positioning of the back legs I believe this particular feline may be a ballerina.


Oof I didn’t even notice that. I hope kitty is alright :(

It looks like he’s had his adoption fee waived, but he’s only 4, so it seems likely there’s some issues. The site also mentioned he’d been with the RSPCA for a while.

We got an older border collie who reached the end of his working life and got dumped on the side of a road out in Gippsland for free. He was a good boy

Catfish, avatar

Black cats have a statistically poor adoption rate. Because…. People are dumb.

He looks like a sweet smoochy boy. I can’t have a 3rd cat!

Bottom_racer, avatar

At the p’s clearing out their rain tank filters from on top about 2.5m up.

Reminded me when I was a teen scaling them (wasted) at night without a ladder full ninja to sneak in when I forgot my keys as the laundry window which was never locked is directly above one. Used to get in so much shit for doing that.

Now it’s sanctioned, with a ladder, sober and far less exciting.

CEOofmyhouse56, avatar

Twice I’ve locked myself out of my house. Had to take the glass slats out of the toilet window, scale up the down pipe, perch on the window sill and decide whether I wanted to take a giant leap missing the toilet or risk sliding off the lid and slamming into the closed door. We now have a spare key hidden in the yard.

Duenan, avatar

In those instances it’s better to see if you can hold on to the ledge and scale or drop down instead of jumping or making a leap.

It would significantly reduce the height from which you come down if you did that or had room to do that.

Learnt this from if we ever had to escape a fire from out of a window.

CEOofmyhouse56, avatar

I think I did that the second time around.

Catfish, avatar

Spare keys somewhere useful, memorable, and not one of those dumb fake rocks is an art.

CEOofmyhouse56, avatar

Don’t worry it’s safe under the mat.

Catfish, avatar

Totally. Number 32 wasn’t it…

CEOofmyhouse56, avatar

Ooo close. Number 13. Lucky for some.


I really wish they’d let us have spare keys. So far I haven’t locked myself out when nobody’s home, but if I do I’m probably fucked. I would just take the keys to Bunnings and get a spare one cut and hide in myself, but they’re those stupid security ones no locksmith will duplicate. I guess that’s good since they don’t change the locks when people move out, but it’s also a PITA because they refuse to authorise a spare key

They gave some half arsed excuse about how people could break in by smashing a lockbox with a brick or a rock. They don’t seem to realise that windows can also be broken with bricks and rocks

Catfish, avatar

Truthfully, locks only stop honest or lazy people. If they really want in, things are getting broken. Get windows that look really noisy to smash 🤷🏻‍♀️

anotherspringchicken, avatar

I remember being accidentally locked out as a kid, and having no trouble breaking in through the aluminium-framed bathroom window. Bit of a worry in hindsight, and lucky there weren’t more crims around at the time.


Israel doesn’t care what Australia thinks about Palestine. This is taking up way too much space in newspaper headlines.

Seagoon_, avatar

takes people’s minds off their low wages


You’re right, a bit of bread and circuses

Seagoon_, avatar

That what Australian press has been doing since the 1890s when jingoism and a fake image as a rural pioneer country was started to distract city folks from the nascent industrial city based workers rights movements in Europe


Like the joke that was the voice campaign. They could have just done it instead of diverting attention from the of living and housing crisis


Bloody mental how up in arms the media are now that an aussie is dead. Lets just ignore the tons of dead Palestinians.


I’m bored with fluffy statements from Australian politicians and diplomats. You have no power, Israel doesn’t care about you so shut the fuck up until you have something useful to say.


People keep expecting good behavior from AFL players. Why? Young men that have been put up on a pedestal for probably most of their lives, then given a lot of money, plus the celebrity status they now have.

Money and power doesn’t usually equate to good behavior and yet people are shocked when they don’t play nice. What do you honestly expect? They are just football players and perhaps if folks stop giving the game more importance than it warrants them maybe you won’t create such big egos.


Very true. These 18 year olds aren’t selected because they are into politics, social issues, emotional intelligence. They are good at kicking balls and that’s great, let’s cheer them for their athleticism. But nah, I wouldn’t be looking to them for any kind of advanced social awareness. And they are at an age where they want to be doing all the stuff regular young adults do. Bit unrealistic to think they won’t.


You nailed it.


Cause for some stupid reason, we put them on a pedestal. Society glorifies sporting success rather than academic achievement or anything actually beneficial to society. Just cause kids look up to them doesn’t make them role models. They are barely more than teenagers who are either thinking about their next root or their next bag. And you know what? Thats perfectly fine so long as no ones getting hurt.


100% correct.

Duenan, avatar

Unfortunately it’s how things are. Kids idolise their heroes but as young adults barely of legal age they are sometimes very uneducated and I’ll prepared for it all.

I love my afl and love my team and whole recent saga with drug testing wasn’t something that I thought about but I was equally surprised because my mind never went there.


It’s also not newsworthy. Sports isn’t that important that I need to hear about some football guy every hour (radio on for the dog)


Definitely time to reinstall the electric blanket…

Watching the cat snoozing under the heater while I force myself to go outside for an hour of lunch break exercise in the cold.

SituationCake, (edited )

I am in a love hate relationship with my electric blanket. Love the warmth in winter, but it’s a bit lumpy and stiff. The warmth wins out though. Can someone invent a soft breathable electric blanket please. Agree it’s almost time to put it back on, nights are getting chilly!


Same and the control thingy is always too close to where I lie on the bed.

Duenan, avatar

I wonder if I should buy one of those electric throws from K-mart when I can afford one.

I haven’t owned any soert of electric blanket before but I figure it’d be nice to be on the couch with one.


the electric throw on the couch is good as! I brought the mrs one from kmart for mothers day last year and it got a fair workout all winter.

Duenan, avatar

I’m definitely thinking about it next week.

Do they work well and get really warm? Or anything that might be worth taking note of?


Really don’t feel like gym tonight but it’s my second last training session before I’m on holidays for a couple of weeks so I’m telling myself to STFU and stop complaining.

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