
In the words of Knuckles the Echidna: “The communists are censoring you? Damn, I wish it worked. Shut the fuck up.”


I don’t know what tankies are, and at this point I’m too afraid to ask.


it’s ok no one does


Me too, although in my minds eye, it’s people who like tanks.


Mine too.


Authoritarian communists, please see the second paragraph of this wiki article

tracyspcy, avatar

one thing amazes me for sure: there is still bunch of people loudly protecting their masters’ right to exploit and rob them.

And they are doing this while are already living in the world destroyed and robbed by capital, where COVID showed how vulnerable and under-financed our healthcare system is, where due to the global competition and sinking profits of corporations countries are building alliances, and preparing a new big imperialistic war for us, where crisis goes after crisis together with high inflation globally, and where quality of life is sinking monthly.


It’s amazing the number of tankies and overall left-nuts I’ve found on here. Figures considering the kind of people that frequent FOSS spaces


problem? meow-floppy

jackmarxist, avatar

You’re using a platform built by communists, no surprise there are leftists here.


Lol. So right. These nerds hate everyone who makes everything and doesn’t give them free stuff.


Except that many of us, including myself, live reasonably comfortable lives under capitalism? It’s an extremely selfish position to be satisfied with a system that has done good things for you personally, but has ravaged the lives of countless others.

It’s not about free stuff. It has never been about free stuff. It’s about the fact that a society is bad if it allows a minority population to get richer, without first ensuring that everyone’s basic human needs are satisfied.


No one is stopping you from supporting whoever you want. There is nothing moral about spending other people’s money to do charitable things. Millions have died under tyrannical bureaucracies that were built on the sentimate you’ve expressed here. Society has no business holding people down or propping others up. Live your life. Mind your business.


Socialism isn’t welfare.

Hundreds of Millions have died under tyrannical Capitalism built on the sentiment you’re expressing here. No Communist wants to hold people down, they want to build people up. It’s Capitalists that want to hold people down, as without doing so the bourgeoisie would not exist.


The very system you defend is everything but a neutral experience where everyone can live their lives. You don’t think capitalism actively holds people down? Look around.


Good riddance.



Soon to be


I got banned from one of the communities for simply saying I thought both socialism and capitalism won’t work without more nuance and blending.

I always figured the snowflakes were really the far right… But no, it’s both extremes, apparently.


It’s more that blending doesn’t actually fix the issues with Capitalism. That’s a take by someone who doesn’t actually know why Socialists are Socialists and Communists and just heard about Social Democrscy.

zbyte64, avatar

I think people confuse “liberal society” with “liberal capitalism” and think if you have 100% socialism then you don’t even own a toothbrush or something

o_d, avatar

Communism is when no iphonevuvuzellaonehundredbajillion


The extremes of each ideology are surprisingly similar my friend


I honestly had no idea before I came to Lemmy.

I actually really enjoy a lot of the facets of socialism and communism… Most people would easily mistake my independent political position as “left”, especially since I strongly oppose the current GOP.

But here in Lemmygrad, I am apparently quite the villain for suggesting some extremist, far-left policies are toxic.


What policies?


The political spectrum is a circle. Extremists might latch on to different BS but personality types of extremists on all ends are essentially the same. Loud hateful aggressive assholes lacking the intelligence to understand nuance.

o_d, avatar

Hurrdurr horseshoe theory. Even the wikipedia article on it is critical of this nonsense.


It appears the leftists would like you to stop saying unkind things about them. I guess it’s good we’re not in one of their specific communities, eh?

Way to prove the meme right, extremists.


Yea, that’s more of a self-report on your end if you can’t comprehend nuance and think absolute rejection of classist hierarchy and absolute adherence to classist hierarchy are the same positions.


Perfect example above of not being able to read or understand nuance.

Yea, that’s more of a self-report on your end if you can’t comprehend nuance and think absolute rejection of classist hierarchy and absolute adherence to classist hierarchy** are the same positions**.

Extremists might latch on to different BS but personality types of extremists on all ends are essentially the same.

If you tried actually reading, you would have noticed how I in fact said the exact opposite. I never claimed they were the same, I specifically mentioned they may latch on to different things/positions. What I said instead was that they had the same personality type.


I read what you said. The personality types that people with these views hold are completely different. You’re just wrong, that’s all.


No actually I am most definitely correct. You are either just too biased to accept it or can’t separate viewpoints from personality types and behaviours.


Nah, you’re just a centrist who’s too privileged to actually care about politics, and thinks making blanket statements from a high horse makes you look good.

News flash: it makes you look even more privileged and ignorant.


There we go, perfect example of extremists making discriminatory statements and unable to engage in discussion. I care about politics plenty, I just don’t subscribe to one dimensional propaganda not supported by data.

Protip: attacking everyone who doesn’t share your extremist and hateful views doesn’t really make you look any better or change their mind. But I do get it gives you an outlet to be channel all your hate and blame others when you are just too dumb to understand nuance.


There you go, a high horse and pretending people far on both sides must have one dimensional propaganda. That’s an outright fallacy.

Also, I’m not hateful. I’m just calling out another self-important centrist.


Again you should try learning to read. I never said people on both sides. Most people on either the right or the left aren’t extremist commies or fascists. The extremists minorities on the other hand, one and the same. Intolerant of any other views or criticism. Your comments are a perfect example demonstrating.


Most people on the left are Communists. You using Communist as an analog with Fascism is blatant proof that you have in fact not touched grass nor actually engaged with leftists. Most people on the right are liberals.


I am not sure what kind of strange bubble you live in but that is objectively not true. Most people on the left are most definitely not communists. You either do not understand what the word communist means, or you live in a very strange bubble or country where everyone on the left is described as a communist.

Communism (from Latin communis, ‘common, universal’)[1][2] is a left-wing to far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology within the socialist movement,[1] whose goal is the creation of a communist society, a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products to everyone in the society based on need.

Most people on the left are NOT pushign for common ownership of the means of production and distribution and are most definitely not in support of a centrally planned economy.

This is also the danger of extremist views, they think anyone who does not subscribe to their extremist viewpoint is against them and the enemy when in reality, 90% of the people on the left would not agree with communist ideology which has failed in reality time and again.


It doesn’t matter where I live, Communism is the standard for the left in a global scale. Marxism is the foundation of the left, and Communism is the ideology of Marxists. Unless you’re horribly confused and mean to refer to the Overton Window, left and right don’t change based on location.

All in all I think you’re confusing left and right with the Overton Window.


They took the time to specifically explain to you multiple times that they are in no way saying both sides are the same. You simply aren’t listening.

I have a family member that does this. They refuse to speak ill of Donald Trump. They are extremely right leaning, and they are always making assumptions about others.


They are saying the personalities on both sides are the same, which is blatantly false for anyone who has touched grass in their life.


Just because you can’t differentiate between what a personality type is and what beliefs and positions are doesn’t mean that statement isn’t true. You just seem to conflate political positions with behaviour itself.


I absolutely can, that’s a horribly bad-faith interpretation of my point. Personalities among Communists and fascists are completely different, and if you have touched grass you would know that. Unless you’re so privileged you’ve never had to care, of course.


That is absolutely not a bad faith interpretation but rather a clear reading of what you have said so far. If you cannot see the similarities in communist and fascist methodologies and execution, both historically and looking at the current climate, you are not assessing it objectively. Both communists and fascists have utilized repression, non democratic governance, torture, and killed millions of civilians who have the audacity to challenge their extremist views. Similarly with this discussion thread being a perfect example, both communists and fascists react negatively to any and all criticism and works hard to brigade and shutdown any discussion that might be contrary to their views.


Yea, that’s not at all what has happened historically. Democratic, Capitalist countries have killed millions of civilians with the audacity to challenge their extremist views too, does that mean they are as bad as fascism? Fuck no. Equating Communism to fascism is fascist apologia, because historically Communists have not been nearly as bad as fascists.


I didn’t even say right and left are the same, I specifically mentioned extremists who are a minority on both sides.


Socialism is just democracy extended into the workplace. Saying pure socialism won’t work is arguing against democracy.


Socialism is authoritarian. There’s no democracy in socialism.


The definition of socialism is workers owning the means of production. That means democracy in the workplace. Worker’s councils. Equal representation. Majoritarian politics.


Workers can own anything they wish under liberal capitalism. But your definition of socialism is actually wrong.


You mean that socialism is an authoritarian regime.


You should read the other comments below mine where another guy said the same thing.


Do you have any actual points or do you just mald online without adding any substance?

ghost_of_faso2, avatar

really, cause last time I checked housing was completely unaffordable to even rent in my country, nevermind buy…/nurses-quitting-as-pay-leaves…


I will always argue against pure democracies. People are not invested enough to provide a coherent opinion on 100% of the solutions our societies require for survive and thrive.

A vote over the use of chemicals for water treatment could easily end in their permanent ban. Hell, with the right malicious intent, someone could easily get dihydrogen monoxide banned from crop fields.

A pure democracy is how Idiocracy becomes a reality. Now, a mix, such as a republic electing the careful use of democratic socialism… Sure!


That isn’t how it works. It’s like if you’re a part of a cooperatively run business, then you get equal say in workplace practices. There isn’t a ‘boss’ dictating the rules to you.


If you can’t examine real world examples of your philosophy critically, you’ve no business in the debate. Tankies aren’t willing to hear about the flaws apparent in the system any more than your average thin blue bootlicker will.

I say this as someone who makes guillotine “jokes.” Definitely jokes.


What is tankie?

Washburn, avatar

A welder who works on metal storage vessels, sometimes called tanks.


nobody really knows


:dracula: Just anyone that is to the left of you on foreign policy.


a far-left nazi


A nerd/geek who compulsively collects miniature model tanks, often obsessed especially with the famous Soviet medium tank known as T-34


Those who support authoritative regime. I think it’s the new commies. Tend to be used on those who are sympathetic to Russia and China.


and neither are communists… makes sense.


No, I am a tankie but I don’t support any authoritarian regime. I don’t support America or the EU for example. I like Cuba. They have laws mandating queer rights, women’s right, health care, strong democratic participation.


How do you identify as a tankie?

I only see the word used on other people, but never see some one use it on themselves


Around here it is pretty common. Easily. Most of the people who actually ever worked to improve society have been labeled tankies so it is a badge of honor.


So people who support Ukraine are tankies?


I’d argue they’re not commies - they don’t give a shit about worker enfranchisement. They’re just red-coded fascists.


True that.


It’s a term to distinguish between anarcho-communists and authoritarian communists (bolshevists)

Freeanotherday, avatar

Russia is as not a communist state. No one on the left is supporting Puttin lead Russia.


Ambivalent KPRF noises


putin-wink [wearing Zyuganov’s skin]

Freeanotherday, avatar

What if I am fully sympathetic towards China out of those two?

I am sympathetic towards Russian fear of nato expansion but believe Vlad bungled so fucking bad he made things worse then ever at breakneck speeds.

Am I a tankie.


Theoriticaly yes. I mean ignoring the russian thing completely. China still has some serious large scale privacy and human rights violations. Alghtough arguably as with ‘woke’ in reality tankie is a meaningless term used to divide pepole between us and them instead of actually just discussing the actual issues.


And what are you doing with privacy? We have none here in the US and our lives are not really any worse for it is there? If anything the only time we see any privacy rights is when some one wants to hide how they are hurting us. Corrupt politicians and the like.


There is definietly more privacy than in china( Not that the issue doesnt exist in Us ,Europe or the rest of the world,but its not as bad ,you can get vpns or messaging apps that will tell the goverment to f* off or simply beacuse they dont collect any relevant data like signal ). Also you still left out massive human rights violations, arguably much more important thing .


Something like half of Chinese people use a VPN and the state censoring western sites Facebook and Twitter is a good thing

UnicodeHamSic, (edited )

What rights? To my knowledge all of those claims are made up by our state department to cover our genocide in the middle east and our funding and training far right extremeists.

BurgerPunk, avatar

Yes there’s no privacy in the US, and the US has numerous human rights violations, but China is obvioudly worse cus no freedom, inscrutable asiatics, tank man. Checkmate tankie smuglord

machiabelly, avatar

The USA has explicit foreign policy doctrine stating that using strongmen dictators is important for anticommunism. The USA supports over 70% of the world’s dictators.

The USA also has the worlds largest prison population and uses them for slave labour.

The USA has been involved in many genocides over the years.

Are people who support the USA tankies?


No cause the US would have to even pretend to give a shit about its own populace and pretend be a social serving government, for anyone that supports the US in it’s current form to not just be an authoritarian pro-capitalist dick sucker.

No tankies like all that stuff but with the words “for the greater good” slapped on their ass while gargling authoritarian balls.

Civility, (edited )

What is a Tankie?


A miserable little pile of secrets.

But enough talk …

Have at you!



I asked this question a little while ago because I’ve heard the term but it’s not always clear what it is referring to. I think that similarly to ‘woke’ it is used in the context of ideological or political battles, so the definition is variable depending on the context. Opponents will likely have the widest definition since that way they can insult the largest group of people whose beliefs they disagree with, eg. “If you support Ukraine you’re a tankie”.

Words like ‘progressive’, ‘socialist’, ‘authoritarian’ are more appropriately descriptive if that’s what you’re going for. If you want to have an argument then ‘woke’, ‘tankie’, ‘SJW’, ‘karen/keith’, ‘snowflake’, ‘bootlicker’, ‘edgelord’, ‘redditor’ are good choices.


The term originated in a British socialist political party, I can’t remember which, as a term for other socialists that supported the Soviet Union’s invasion of I think Hungary. The tank parts originates from the fact tanks were used. Like you say though, the term has become very watered down now and people kind of just throw it around without much discernment.


Basically communists who defend Mao and Stalin. (And sometimes, oddly enough, the current governments of Russia and China.)

Relevant Wikipedia.

SpookyGenderCommunist, avatar

I’m gonna try and give an actual brief history. The word “Tankie” originated from a split in the Communist party of Great Britain in the 1950s, over the Soviet invasion of Hungary. Those who supported the invasion were called “Tankies” by those who opposed it.

That would’ve been it, and it would have faded into history as an obscure piece of British leftist slang, if it weren’t for the word’s rediscovery decades later, where more modern leftists used the term in a half joking way among each other.

At some point over… Really just the past couple of years or so, tankie breached containment, and has been worming its way into non-leftist people’s vocabularies, where it’s lost any and all connection to its original meaning.

So when, say, OP of this thread uses it, it’s unclear what they mean. Do they mean communists in general? Leftists in general? Supporters of China? What does it mean for a white, Western, leftist to ‘support’ China anyway? Is it just a general term for someone they deem Authoritarian? Or do they mean a specific kind of “Patriotic Socialist” who LARPs as a communist but actually holds deeply reactionary ideas?

It’s all very unclear. So I wouldn’t take “Tankie discourse” too seriously tbh. It’s just a thought terminating cliche at this point. If you want to talk about any of those groups mentioned above… Just be specific and dunk on who you want to dunk on. There’s legitimate, good faith, critiques to be made of all of them. Just make them, and be thoughtful about it.

But running around and calling anyone you don’t like a Tankie doesn’t foster good discussion. Especially when I have to sit down and decipher which one of 6 different possible definitions of “Tankie” someone might be referring to.


It’s the liberal equivalent of “woke”


this is fine marxists can handle a little roasting as a treat (ima marxist)

edite: lmao hexbear even has an emoji of this

purge-1 purge-2

kogasa, avatar

Yeah. What they can’t handle is anyone seriously disagreeing with them.


I have only seen silly disagreement which I never bother reading or responding to.


How would you know? So far the only disagreement we’ve seen has been profoundly unserious.

kogasa, avatar

Every time I try, they find me and


Try what lol

commiewithoutorgans, avatar

You replied to someone from hexbear at the top of this chain. Find them then claim they found you. Be serious or PPB

kogasa, avatar

I take it back, you morons can’t handle jokes either.

commiewithoutorgans, avatar
nat_turner_overdrive, avatar

real bad comedian who can’t get laughs lamenting “i’m being cancelled” energy

kogasa, avatar


nat_turner_overdrive, avatar

No matter your opinion, it WAS a good joke, in line with the post. Noice.


purge-2 :prigozhin:



You should be ashamed. Marxism has cost millions of lives. You weak-brains are a blight on humanity.


1462 points 3 years ago

reddit will delete this comment cuz they’re controlled by China but fuck the CCP!!!

same energy

facow, avatar

Great username ypg-brace

QuietCupcake, avatar

What Trueanon episode do I need to listen to to understand this reference?

facow, avatar
QuietCupcake, avatar

what to be scared of

Freeanotherday, avatar

I am so close to hitting the ppb button.

Allah give me strength.



Recently found an anti-tankie instance you might like more:




Reporting you to allah


Khrushchev sending the tanks into Hungary was the one objectively correct thing he did during his tenure joker-troll


Tankies are always right…


Smh, anti-tankies supporting anglo backed mass anti-semitic violence

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