br00t4c, to ai avatar

I Tried These AI-Based Productivity Tools. Here's What Happened

cathitza, to ai avatar

Looking for some help with the novel. Not sure about these ...

br00t4c, to ai avatar
ianRobinson, to Podcast avatar

The podcast episode is bloody marvellous. A must listen in my view.

Link in quoted post.

remixtures, to apple Portuguese avatar

: "Apple has removed a number of AI image generation apps from the App Store after 404 Media found these apps advertised the ability to create nonconsensual nude images, a sign that app store operators are starting to take more action against these types of apps.

Overall, Apple removed three apps from the App Store, but only after we provided the company with links to the specific apps and their related ads, indicating the company was not able to find the apps that violated its policy itself.

Apple’s action comes after we reported on Monday that Instagram advertises nonconsensual AI nude apps. By browsing Meta’s Ad Library, which archives ads on its platform, when they ran, on what platforms, and who paid for them, we were able to find ads for five different apps, each with dozens of ads. Two of the ads were for web-based services, and three were for apps on the Apple App Store. Meta deleted the ads when we flagged them. Apple did not initially respond to a request for comment on that story, but reached out to me after it was published asking for more information. On Tuesday, Apple told us it removed the three apps on its App Store."

remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

: "There seem to be clear indications of a novelty factor at work. And while novelty in and of itself is not a bad thing, if it isn’t followed with a consistent behavior change, we can’t really call it a trend.

Take the above numbers for instance. If we credit the inclusion of AI search tools on the platform as the cause of the unique user bump, it would seemingly serve to solidify the predicted 25% drop. Yet when we consulted our panel data further, we found that only between 4% and 9% of users used Bing Chat (their AI agent) in any given month during 2023. What’s more, of those that did use it, only two to four searches were conducted over the ensuing month.

Which brings up an even more surprising finding.

While all of the traditional search engines had repeated searches from each user over the course of a month, the AI chatbots all displayed initial enthusiasm, followed by a steep decline in usage."

kaffeeringe, to llm German avatar

"Internetplattformen müssen erkennen, dass kreative menschliche Gemeinschaften äußerst wertvolle Ressourcen sind, die es zu kultivieren gilt, und nicht nur Quellen von verwertbarem Rohmaterial für LLMs." -- Bruce Schneier

br00t4c, to ai avatar
veronica, to ai avatar

A quick reminder that humans have not yet invented AI. It's an imitation puffed up by marketing. They've dressed up a parrot as Agent Smith.

harmag, to Facebook Polish avatar

Nie wiem czy zaglądacie czasami na #facebook’a, ale to co się tam ostatnio wyprawia to jest jakaś masakra.

Sieć jest zalewana wygenerowanymi przez #AI obrazkami które generują dziesiątki tysięcy interakcji przez biednych, nieświadomych niczego użytkowników.

Jedyny powód dla którego nadal zaglądam na FB to tematyczne grupy modelarskie, ale jeżeli mój timeline będzie tak wyglądał, to chyba się poddam.

Poniżej kilka przykładowych screenów 😬


darnell, to Amazon avatar

This lawsuit is a minor headache for . Allegedly a woman was fired for doing her job which was keeping Amazon’s from using content illegally (probably copyrighted material).

Her boss reportedly did not like that “do-gooder attitude” & demoted her, before firing her during maternity leave. This case could open up lawsuits against Amazon’s in the future.

👉🏾 Ex-Amazon Was Told to Ignore Law to Develop AI Faster: Lawsuit (subscription)

thejapantimes, to business avatar

Tesla CEO Elon Musk was on a flight heading to Beijing on Sunday to kick off a surprise trip in the electric vehicle maker's second-biggest market, according to two people with knowledge of the matter. #business #companies #elonmusk #tesla #china #ai

kev, to DuckDuckGo avatar

I just searched for something on #DuckDuckGo and got a “DuckAssist” at the top of the results, right below the ads (of course).

It was basically a ChatGPT like message as if I’d typed the question there.

Stop 👏 putting 👏 #AI 👏 in 👏 every 👏 fucking 👏 thing!

thejapantimes, to business avatar

Investors looking for a unique way into the stock market’s artificial intelligence boom are finding an intriguing bank shot in what’s traditionally the most boring corner of the equities universe: utilities.

zdl, to ai avatar

Encyclopaedia Metallum¹ just put out an interesting statement² on AI. Despite being in text, I have to make it an image because of character counts. One of the ironies of living in my SF future apparently.


strypey, to til avatar

about Free Code video software called ;

"Self-hosted, local only NVR and AI Computer Vision software.

With features such as:
Object Detection
Motion Detection
Face Recognition
Image Classification
License Plate Recognition
Hardware Acceleration"

look997, to ArtificialIntelligence Polish avatar

Było ujęcie, że inteligencja to jest zdolność rozwiązywania problemów.
Ale można też po prostu znać gotowe rozwiązania problemów, po prostu wyuczone, wtedy wystarczy podążać ścieżką według gotowego rozwiązania, wyciągniętą z pamięci.

Jest ujęcie, że inteligencja, to jest dobra kompresja danych, że sztuczna inteligencja to też na tym polega, tak powstaje model. A kompresja, to po prostu odnalezienie analogii, żeby móc coś upakować w mniejszym rozmiarze.
W mózgu też tak to działa.

Jakby to pociągnąć, to wyobraź sobie rozpakowane dane, z bardzo inteligentnego mózgu/modelu. To by była masa gotowych rozwiązań problemów, do każdej możliwej sytuacji.
Po tym rozwiązanie problemu, to już nie inteligentne myślenie, tylko przelecenie po (tych rozpakowanych) w pamięci gotowych rozwiązań, i zastosowanie ich.

Czyli ostatecznie wszystko sprowadziłoby się do zastosowania gotowych rozwiązań problemów, trzeba tylko zestawić problem z rozwiązaniem, i gotowe.

Inteligencja teoretycznie tworzy coś na poczekaniu, ale można spojrzeć na inteligencję w ten sposób, że to i tak jest lecenie sobie gotowymi rozwiązaniami, gotowymi ścieżkami.

syntaxseed, to ai avatar

Big Farm announces chicken coop safety board with members: Wolf, Coyote, Fox & Weasel. 😆

psoul, to random avatar

Ok maybe don’t try to do that? Have you seen any sci fi movie?!

Stoneycase, to CA avatar

AAA roadside assistance is a chat bot now.

TechDesk, to tech avatar

EyeEm, a photo-sharing community once thought to be a potential challenger to Instagram, is now licensing its users’ photos to train AI models, Tech Crunch reports. The company gave users 30 days to opt out. As you can imagine, many of them are upset. Read more:
#Tech #Technology #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Photography

rhys, to llm avatar

My first troublesome hallucination with a in a while: (200k context) insisting that I can configure my existing keys to work with PKINIT with and helping me for a couple of hours to try to do so — before realising that GPG keys aren't supported for this use case. Whoops.

No real bother other than some wasted time, but a bit painful and disappointing.

Now to start looking at PIV instead.

gimulnautti, to ai avatar

Humanity will always strive to create god.

We do it because lets us not accept responsibility of our own actions ourselves.

Any kind will do, as long as we don’t have to look in the hard mirror of ourselves directly.

Today, technology is the canvas we’re painting our need of a god on.

Proud atheists happily building a god for themselves. What a sight to behold!

br00t4c, to ai avatar

Athletic director used AI to frame principal with racist remarks in fake audio clip, police say

AAKL, to ai avatar

This is how should be applied, not to harvest data and hound internet users with nonsense.

AI just helped us find out where Plato is buried

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